Originally published sometime in mid 2022

This is an argument that some skeptics often use to debunk ghosts existing.
They will say something along the lines of “If ghosts truly exist, why is it that they are in some random pub in the countryside, rather than throughout London, where a far bigger number of people would have died over many hundreds of years?”.
When you think about it, it is actually a good question to ask, even for us who believe in or have experienced ghosts.
What is a ghost?
Firstly, we’ll have to define what a ghost is. Like many spiritual and religious words, they can mean something very different according to each person or perspective.
The word ghost does have several meanings in dictionaries. Generally it is defined as a person or animal’s spirit/soul, or that of a dead person or animal. However many also view a ghost not necessarily as a spirit related to someone alive or has lived in this reality. As such, they could represent an angel, entity, ET or possibly someone astral traveling. Many people often say that some ghosts are simply the echo of a person that has died and actually their spirit has moved on to a new life elsewhere.
For most though, a ghost is a spirit of someone who has died in this physical realm and now exists in the spirit world. I would clarify that as the astral world.
The astral plane
It can get a bit tricky explaining the astral to people who cannot sense it but I hope I can give enough of a starting point.
The astral, according to Barbara Brennan and many other writers on this subject, is the density of existence above that of the mental plane. As humans, we mostly experience physical things (physical plane), feel emotions (emotional plane) and hear thoughts (mental plane). This is why we refer to most people as existing in 3D – 3 densities that they are aware of.
If you have ever hear, see, feel or sense in any way something beyond what humans generally accept as “real”, then congratulations, you have tapped into the 4th density (the astral) or beyond. If it happens often, especially on a daily basis, then you can call yourself a 4D person. However a 4th or 5th density person paradoxically senses that the densities are a gradient of frequencies and that 2D, 3D, 4D etc are just human markers for something that is not well understood! ๐
The astral plane is vast, from mine and many other psychics perspectives. It is not just where ghosts live. It contains many many places and beings, of different vibrations. There are astral copies of Earth both of lower vibration and higher vibration forms. There are also many “heavens” and “hells” because of how many people and different cultures (not just ours) believe in them and how different each imagines they can be. There are so many different places and beings in the astral, that they go beyond your wildest imaginations.
What we call ghosts, are generally spirits that inhabit an astral realm that is close in vibration to this physical reality, and because time is not so linear in the astral as it is here (it depends on the agreements of those living in it), you may often tap into what we consider the past. It is not just humans or animals that we know of that have passed over either. There are a great number of animals, insects, plants and other species that have never existed in our realm.
So for me, the astral or the “afterlife” as many people refer to it, is an absolute zoo!

Why do people only see ghosts in certain locations
With the above in mind, why then do people only see ghosts in certain locations rather than everywhere? London has existed since the Roman times and thus an untold number of people have died there over the years, yet only the odd ghost here or there is reported. There is not one answer to this question but I will give a couple of possibilities.
The first thing is that spirits do move on to new lives. A person’s beliefs of the afterlife, very much affect what they experience and where they go. If you’ve ever looked into near-death experiences, you’ll note that people tend to only see the what they believe in. Those that aren’t sure get a more varied experience. Generally, those that die go to wherever they resonate with, but that does not mean that they stay there. Just like we grow and evolve here, spirits do so to, and thus they move into new/different realities or of course may decide to be incarnated again here.
The above however, does not explain fully why we don’t see ghosts and other inhabitants of the astral in our daily lives. Most people are fully invested in the 3D and simply don’t tune into anything beyond that. Which is why it is generally believed by many that ghost either don’t exist or are a mystery. Only those that open themselves to sensing beyond the typical range of perception of humans start to see them.
Meditative techniques are a good way of training yourself to open yourself to sensing higher vibrational realities but they are not the only way. People very often go into an aware state when they are curious for example.
Many of the “haunted” locations around the globe very often make people go into a more aware state. Knowing that others have seen a ghost in a certain location or that a particular room was where someone was murdered or tortured for example, can very often quieten the mind and make people tune more into themselves and their surroundings and sometimes briefly they can “pierce the veil” and see into vibrational realities they have not tuned into before.
It’s at this point I believe that people are able to see or sense in some other way a ghost.
Not everyone will see ghosts in these circumstances however, as their reaction to a location may be instead to ground themselves more into the 3D, or distract themselves with mind chatter or imagining the past or asking themselves what is on TV that night. Skeptics of course don’t realise that they are limiting themselves to being able to sense more, because they have already decided what their answer is and thus stay anchored in the 3D.
We could also talk about areas where there is naturally a higher vibrational state, such as where lines of energy in the earth’s crust intersect. Not just ley lines – there are many different types. This can lessen the veil somewhat and make it easier to sense beyond the 5 senses. Many of the churches in Europe for example whilst being old and having quite a history about them, are also build on top of energy lines. So for me churches are quite entertaining, with all sorts of characters wandering about them!
I am happy to help people explore how to start sensing into other realities/densities if they wish. Also to help people have more ease with other realities, because let’s face it, there is far far too much emphasis on “negativity” coming from these realities (as encouraged by religion, books, films etc over the years) and you get out what you put in ;-).
Just book in for an appointment if you wish to explore this.