Being able to see people’s auras is probably one of the most exciting things to think about when you start hearing about the abilities you could unlock when awakening to higher levels.
The process is simple from one perspective and yet many people struggle with it and very often give up. Here I will give some simple practices you can incorporate into your daily routine to start being able to see auras with your physical eyes.
I I currently making a YouTube video on my channel to accompany this article. I will paste the link on this page once it is done so you can refer to it.
Inner versus outer vision
The first thing to clear up is the difference between what you could call inner vision and outer vision.
When people talk about opening up the 6th chakra to be able to see things beyond the physical, there are two different forms of vision they may be talking about.
The first type of vision is simply that which you sense through your physical eyes and which your brain interprets into what you see. You could call this “outer vision” when comparing it to inner vision, as you are viewing what we perceive as the outer world. This is the type of vision this particular blog article will focus on.
The second is the type of vision that you see through your pineal gland, rather than your physical eyes. I often like to refer to this sort of vision as the “mind’s eye” and it is what you are using when you are picturing a memory, creating an image in your mind as well as being able to see into other realities for example.
The pineal gland is very much like a physical eye. It is a fluid filled sac and has rod and cone cells within it just like your other eyes do. The main difference is that it does not have a pupil nor iris to control how much light comes in. It also has I am told, the highest blood supply per cell of any organ in the body – this is how important inner vision or if you like imagination and forming pictures in our mind is to us humans. This is why the pineal gland is often referred to as the “3rd eye”.
I will do another article on opening the 3rd eye or inner vision in another article if there is demand for it. I already have a couple of youtube videos about this with regards to learning how to heal, if you are interested here: Using your 3rd eye & “imagination” to heal the aura Healing chakras using 3rd eye / internal vision and imagination
Hopefully this has cleared up any confusion between the two types of vision improvements that can be gained from opening up the 6th chakra.
Some key things that can help
Some of the following points should be obvious but you’d be surprised at how many people don’t work on underlying factors that could help them have more ease with awakening abilities!
- Look after your physical body! For example, make sure you are eating enough of the right nutrients to give your body enough energy to activate more genes, to get more out of your vision and to be able to build the rod and cone cells of eyes eyes needed. Vegetarians and especially vegans will often struggle to have enough retinol as a building block for example. Getting enough sleep, stretching, exercising, resting, getting enough natural light through the eyes etc can all have an impact on your physical body’s ability to repair and activate more of the eye and brain functions necessary to be able to see more than people typically do.
- Learning to sense you eyes and whether they are relaxed or not is very useful. I recommend using the “body scanning technique” I have mentioned in earlier blog articles. Also know as the Goenka style of vipassana which I covered in this youtube video: Goenka’s vipassana meditation – a body-scanning meditation. Using this technique you can gain greater awareness of the inner and outer surfaces of the eye ball, the iris, pupil, the muscles around the eye, the eye socket, the optic and oculomotor nerves, the brain stem, the higher centres of the brain related to vision and many other organs that affect your ability to see and interpret vision. Most obviously it can help in providing consciousness to and thus healing and awakening to those areas you pay attention to. It will also help in noticing and being able to relax the eyes more during the exercises I will give later in this article. Having an anatomy picture of the eyes and the nerves that supply them can give you fantastic guidance on what you can and cannot sense and thus what to work on.
Some of the internal structures of the eye you can learn to sense into. I would also recommend using anatomy pictures of the muscles around the eye and the eye socket so that you can sense into them and relax them better during the exercises in this article. - Have ease and patience with your progression. We very much live is a quick-fix world and often people expect changes to happen quickly, especially when people read about sudden awakenings that others have had around the world. These sudden awakenings are the minority. Most people have to put in the time and effort to gain a new skill and this is especially the case for awakening spiritual abilities. The vipassana technique above will help you with patience and being able to relax into the thoughts and emotions that will very much come to the surface when you see that you appear to have not made any progress. It will also help you let your higher senses come to you rather than you forcing it to happen too much. Too much force will create strain and stresses that lower your vibration and thus make things take longer. Learning to put time in without stressing about it is important.
- Setting out a plan of action. This is perhaps the most important part. Writing out an action plan and sticking to it will make you far more likely to achieve being able to see auras with your eyes. Like learning any new skill in life it takes consistency and regularity. Just like you will not notice any muscle gain and fitness improvement after only a few sessions nor over numerous sessions that are sporadically done over the year rather than done every week, the same is true for gaining spiritual abilities. I would recommend that you put aside 10 to 20 minutes every day for practicing the exercises below if you want to see results. Again don’t expect that changes will happen within this or that time-frame. Everyone is different and will progress at their own speed. The odd day off each month is not a problem but the more often you practice and the more years you practice it, the better the results.
- Don’t expect to see the aura the same way as other people do. Everyone will see things in their own way. There will be some things that will be similar but some things will not be and of course this can change over time as you keep practicing and challenging your beliefs. You may simply be tuning into a different density of the aura than someone else without realising.
- You will start to see the aura more easily at first with you peripheral vision. Your central vision is habitually used to focus in the way it has learnt so far and to see the colours it usually sees. Because we don’t really use our peripheral vision so much in modern life, we don’t have so much habit limiting what we may see there yet and so we tend to find it easier to see the aura there first. Some people talk about rod cells that are used in our peripheral vision being part of the reason but I don’t feel that is the main reason personally. So with this in mind focusing you eyes directly on the aura, such as an inch to the side of the head of someone you are looking at, may hinder your progress. Looking at the center of their face whilst being aware of what is to the side of their face in your peripheral vision is a far better starting place.
How the aura might start to appear initially
For most people, what is typically referred to as the “etheric” density of the aura (layer is not a good word when describing parts of the aura- density is more accurate!) in the Barabara Brennan model of the aura for example, is the density that is seen first.
This etheric density is the closet in vibration to the physical body and it is the density that is considered to be that which does not continue far from the body too. Typically, depending on the health and vibrancy of the individual, it can be about 1 to 2 inches away from the body. If you are looking at a large tree however, the etheric density can be much larger and extend meters away from the physical part of the tree.
To start with, most people start to see this etheric density a bit like it is when looking through glass. You can see through the glass but you can tell that the glass is there. The etheric density looks “energetic” however and could be described as plasma.

To get an idea of what plasma looks like, look at a candle flame. The oranges and reds of the flame you see are plasma too which your eyes can obviously pick up very easily, as those are colours that the eye is used to seeing. However, look a little bit above the visible flame and you might start to see part of the flame that is see-through, like glass. This is plasma too but at a wavelength of light that we are not used to seeing. This can give you an idea of how you might start to see the etheric density of the aura close to the physical body.
The aura pulses
The other key thing when starting to look at the aura is that that aura is in a constant state of flux. i.e. it is continually changing according to what is happening in the physical body – especially the case for the etheric density, as well as what a person is thinking, feeling and experiencing in all densities.
I have observed that the cranio-sacral pulse that our physical bodies have in response to how they make and absorb cranio-sacral fluid, seems to have quite an impact on the vibrancy of the etheric density of the aura.
This means that especially as you are starting out, it may appear that the etheric density appears or is more easily seen for a number of seconds then it disappears or fades for a number of seconds before repeating again. For a healthier person it will be easier to see the aura, especially as it brightens with the pulse, because they have more energy flowing through them and thus it becomes easier to see.
Being aware of this pulse may help you have more ease if you get confused as to why the aura seems easier to see one moment compared to another.
With practice more of the aura becomes visible
As time goes by and you get quicker at seeing the etheric density and more detail become apparent, you may start to see colours.

In the Barbara Brennan model of the aura, the etheric density has a blue-ish colour. A lot of people do start to see the etheric density in this way as time goes by with continued practice.
However, many people, including those that I have met who have done the Barbara Brennan course see the etheric density as red rather than blue. This is a good example of how people can view the spiritual realms in different ways. Neither of them are wrong – perception based on underlying beliefs as you will learn in your awakening journey have a huge impact on what you sense, but that is a story for another day!
As you continue to practice, many other colours will become apparent and you will start to see energies further away from the body than what the etheric density typical reaches. The next density up is called the emotional density or emotional body and there are much more colours here than in the etheric density. They are much more changeable depending on thoughts, actions and how the person is responding to them, as emotional energies a quick to change in humans!
With time further densities of energy become visible of course, such as mental energies, astral energies and so on.
Generally people say that the effort put into seeing these higher densities of the aura appears to be less that the amount of effort they put into starting to see the etheric density because they have built up so much momentum in their practice.
ok, lets get stuck into the exercises you can do!
Exercise no.1 – Using trees

I thought I’d start with using trees as this is one of the easiest exercises to start with (unless you live somewhere like Iceland where there are no trees!) and does not require another person.
Trees also typically have a huge energy field around them that especially under certain lighting conditions, makes the etheric density of the aura easier to see than in people and other plants etc
If the exercise below doesn’t work too well on a particular day, try another time of the day or when the weather changes to different lighting conditions. Obviously a clear sky rather than a cloudy one will make things easier for you as you’ll have a more uniform background to see the aura against.
Just like the exercise above of looking at a candle flame try to look at the top of the tree. I find conifers are some of the easiest trees to start with as they have more of a uniform shape at the top all year round compared to irregular shapes of deciduous trees.
The most important thing to do to start with is to have the centre of you vision on the physical part of the tree, whilst paying attention to what is around the tree with your peripheral vision.
As explained earlier in this article, you are far more likely to pick up the aura in your peripheral vision than your central vision when starting out. You will notice that when you do start to see the aura, that if you bring the centre of your focus directly on the aura around the tree that you loose your vision of the aura.
So, each time you feel your eyes being drawn to looking directly at the aura around the tree, catch yourself and come back to looking directly at the physical tree and pay attention to what your peripheral vision senses around the tree.
Be patient and remember than there will be a pulse to the aura making it easier to see for a number of seconds then harder for a number of seconds.
Exercise no.2 – Using a mirror to look at yourself
This can be another very powerful technique if you have no one else to work with. It has one major advantage over looking at trees – you can more easily control the lighting conditions and thus can use this technique any time of the day, by using curtains to block outside light if needed and light bulbs to create and direct light in the direction you wish.
The main disadvantage of this technique can be not having a mirror in the right location or a suitable background to view yourself against.
Ideally you should have a plain white background behind you and opposite the mirror. The more of your body you can see in the mirror against this white background the better.
If you don’t have a white background, then light coloured backgrounds can still work. I don’t recommend a patterned background such as what you get with decorative wall-papers, nor dark coloured backgrounds.
If you don’t have the ideal set-up you can always paint a section of wall white, use white curtains or a large white-board etc to give you that ideal background opposite your mirror. Obviously the larger the mirror and the clearer and cleaner it is the better. Playing around with these elements is worthwhile to get a comfortable setup before practicing.
To start, stand/sit in front of the mirror so that you can see yourself clearly in the mirror as well as the white back ground behind you. The background should be able to be visible to at least a couple of feet all around your image in the mirror. This makes sure it is easy to see the etheric density around you plus a foot or so of space further than that. This extra space makes it easier to contrast what you might be seeing within an inch or so from you body.
Just like with the tree exercise, try to bring your central vision focus to the middle of your face or body (depending on how much of yourself you can see in the mirror) and pay attention to what your peripheral vision may sense around your body.
Exercise no.2 – Using a friend/partner to look at
This method ideally needs a plain white background for the same reasons in the last exercise. However it may be easier to get going as you don’t need to worry about using a mirror.
The main disadvantage of this method is it may be difficult to find someone who is willing to do this with you and/or being able to do it regularly. “What weird stuff do you want me to do now?!” might be a typical response!
However, if you do find someone that is willing to do this and can fit into your schedule easily, that other person can really help you to keep motivation going over time and it may be a lot of fun too.
Essentially you do the same as what I said in the last exercise, except this time you will be looking at your friend/partner against a white background rather than yourself in a mirror. Again use your peripheral vision until you can consistently see the aura before trying to see their aura with your central vision.
Exercise n0.3 – Looking at your hand

This is probably the easiest method for most people in most situations, especially when you’re on the move a lot.
The hands can be a very useful part of the body to train with. You don’t have to rely on mirrors or other people and all it takes is for you to move you hand around so that there is a nice plain, ideally white background behind it.
Then it is simply a case of following the steps in the above exercises, again firstly trying to see the aura around the hand using your peripheral vision.
I also recommend putting both hands up in front of you and as you slowly bring two fingers from each hand closer to each other, the energy transfer from one finger to the next might make it easier to see the aura there.
Exercise no.4 – Using “aura glasses”
All of the above exercises can be done whilst using what people refer to as “Aura glasses”.
Please don’t spend too much money when buying aura glasses. They are simply purple-blue lenses and can be bought very cheaply rather than pay the extra money people charge charge for them!.
Essentially the purple-blue lens can make it easier to start to see colours your eyes are not used to perceiving by helping you contrast those colours. The disadvantage could be that you are programming yourself to see certain colours more than others when using these sorts of glasses but I feel that it can be of use anyway. And of course they are very cheap to buy and try out anyway.
When trying these out myself, I found that these glasses worked better in some lighting conditions than others. They are certainly not needed but it might be of help on days that are different to the lighting conditions you usually perceive the aura with.
I gave a fuller review of aura glasses in this video here: “Aura Glasses” review – are they worth it?
Just a quick note about artifacts. Not historical artifacts but images left in your visual field after staring at something for a while.
You may notice this if you are looking at a computer or phone screen for some time and when you look at something else, or even more obviously when you close your eyes, you may still see a bright rectangle shape in the middle of your vision even though the screen isn’t there anymore. This is an example of an artifact.
Your eyes are moving very quickly in several directions all the time. This is how we get a lot of our peripheral vision and how we can almost see in a range of 180 degrees in front of us despite our eyes not being capable of that range on their own.
This quick and almost inperceptible movement can create faint images around what you are looking at and sometimes be confused for the aura. You may notice this by looking at the edges of the screen you are using to read this.
How do you tell the difference between these artifacts and the aura? Practice will make it obvious over time. The most obvious difference is that the aura will pulse in and out of vision. The other obvious difference is that that aura behaves like fluid around objects which means that you can play with it and change its shape. This also means that the aura doesn’t always have the same shape as the physical object/body it is emanating from.
Practice makes perfect. Be regular and consistent with your training and be patient.
Anyone can do this with enough practice as long as they look after their physical body well enough.
As mentioned earlier in this article, I am making an accompanying video to go with this article in my “Learn Energy Healing” series of videos. I will put in the link here once that video is done.