Originally published sometime early 2022

Nearly got used to not writing after the holidays. Not to worry I’m back!
What I find interesting about writing blog articles is that it goes to a wider audience and so it not tailored to just one individual. That means that for some of you, the information is useful and for some not. As you may well know from my website, I do encourage people to question and to discard what is not useful to them, rather than have them believe everything that they read. That includes my website and articles too!
So with that in mind, some of you may have felt that the last few articles I have written, especially about nano-technology, was a bit dark and going in a direction that you don’t really want to focus on. Some of you may have asked yourself whether you wanted to read such things and worried about co-creating such nasty things. Remember that it is very possible to be aware of things you don’t resonate with, whilst not giving your creative energy to them… with practice ๐
In short, the reason I wrote these articles, was to highlight things that may have been unknown to some of you, and mostly because the advice I gave (i.e. don’t take the vax or tests!) is the path of least resistance for the vast majority of you.
We know we are creator beings but how many of you can turn water into wine? And thus how many of you can destroy/uncreate the ingredients in these tests and vaccinations? So it is much easier to not take them in the first place, than all the effort it would take to figure out and spend money and time on removing such things from you body, if indeed it is possible for you.
Though not everyone has the same circumstances, this is one example of the path of least resistance. There is often a lot of confusion about this topic and so I will go through some of the ins and outs of “the path of least resistance” – the phrase that I believe originated from Abraham Hicks’ teachings.
What is the path of least resistance?
Simply put, the path of least resistance is making choices in your daily life that take you to your goals in the quickest and/or easiest way possible.
Even if you share the same goals as someone else, the choices you make may be very different than that other person because of your circumstances, culture, beliefs, resources, confidence, country’s laws etc. Some are able to make big leaps whilst others need to make lots of smaller steps. Everyone is different and so the path of least resistance will be unique to each person.
It is best to use the path of least resistance in relation to your true desires or if you like your purpose for incarnating here. If you listen to what we call the “negative ego” instead, then you’ll likely always choose what seems like the easiest/nicest choice and you’ll wonder why you are not truly happy and have not grown in life. Which brings me to the next point…
The path of least resistance doesn’t always mean choosing what you want to do straight away
In this regard, the path of least resistance ties-in with more commonly know advice for creating change in your life. In other words, it means coming out of your comfort zone. It might be more comfortable sitting on the sofa eating chocolate and watching TV shows every evening (though that is very much a nice thing to do on occasion!) but using that time and energy to do something that takes you towards who/where/what you wish will help you with your goals much quicker.
Likewise, if you don’t like your job, you will have to come out of your comfort zone to change that. It can seem comfortable staying where you are, even if you don’t really wish to stay there can’t it?
In this scenario, you may not have the money/resources to change jobs straight away, or you may need to retrain/gain the skills to do what you wish to do. For some people with lots of money and confidence changing jobs may be an easier leap. For many of us, the path of least resistance may mean applying for a higher paid position in the employment we don’t really enjoy, or getting a second job so we can fund a change of career. For others it might mean facing the fear of going to college before we can make that move. It might mean spending time going to job centre, looking through adverts, learning a new language, asking for help or any number of things that our ego/mind tells us it does not really want to do at that time.
These are examples of choices that your ego/mind might not want to do, and may not enjoy doing in the moment BUT those choices take you closer to the goal/desire you truly wish.
Baby steps
I love this piece of advice. As you may feel, there is a lot of momentum when we live life a certain way and so it can feel hard to change that. Or if you like when you resonate with certain vibrations it can take time and effort to change how you vibrate and what you resonate with.
Baby steps are simply small steps you can take every day to help you slowly move closer to the goals you wish. They might include looking for and researching about what you might be interested in doing with your life next, applying for a course, joining a group of people with the same interests, teaching yourself a new skill at home each night, meditating about your desires each night, being mindful about your spending and choosing to save your money for your goals rather than getting things you don’t really need.
It could be any number of things that you could do. These smaller steps help you create a new momentum, a new vibration in life that slowly helps take you in a new direction in life and helps you make those bigger steps more easily. Even just 30 minutes each day can have a huge impact over time. Even if there is no practical thing you can do on any given day, just thinking about your goals desires for 30 minutes can help you come up with things you can choose at another time.
Sometimes we don’t create change in life because we are not really thinking about that change even if deep down we want it.
Ask yourself in each moment “does this choice help take me in the direction of life I wish?”
Simple but powerful. To really make the most of using this question, you will have to be more mindful about what you are choosing to do each day. If you are not aware of the choices you are making then it makes it difficult to choose differently.
As we live in a society that relies on money, being aware of our choices on what we are spending our money on is important for a lot of us. So one application of this advice is to ask yourself ” do I really need to buy this/spend money on this” and “does spending money on this take me in the direction I wish”. Similarly, asking yourself whether you could be using your time to do something else, rather than do what you habitually do can greatly benefit you. We very often give our energy and resources to things that maintain the life we don’t really wish to keep.
The same goes for our thoughts and emotions. How much time do you spend thinking about things that don’t help you feel happy or help with creating what you wish? How often do you observe your thoughts? Anything that helps you with mastery of mind can greatly help with following the path of least resistance as you will spot the thoughts that don’t serve you much quicker and be able to choose/create thoughts that do and therefore help you with real-life choices.
For those of you unsure of what desires/goals you have for life
Especially if you have been living the life others have encouraged you to believe you should live for a long period, it can often be that you don’t really know what your true desires or goals in life are because you have disconnected from yourself.
I won’t go into why, as that is a topic for another day, but this obviously makes it hard to follow the path of least resistance because you feel directionless.
It is quite common in new age/spiritual teachings to “feel into” what you would like to do. However, if you don’t really feel anything or the information you get from trying to tune into what you feel is inconsistent or confusing, that advice doesn’t help. I found this to be the case when I went through years of depression and chronic fatigue. Doing hours every day of meditation into the depression helped dissolve the depressive feelings away but I still felt directionless.
As I’ve mentioned many times before, your human/lower self side of you is important, otherwise why would it exist? So getting out there and doing human things is part of why we incarnated here, for the vast majority of us at least.
So what can you do to help you reconnect with yourself and start to know what you desire for this life? Many spiritual practices and practitioners can help a lot but the main thing I would like to state here that helped me a lot was simply to practically try lots of new and different things.
Trying new things helps us to see what we truly like or not. It gives us more and more contrast to more easily see what makes us tick. One thing we try might make us think “no definitely not that” whilst another may be a bit closer and another thing may help us think “Yes, yes, yes, that!” So as we try out more and more things in life we can gradually see more clearly where we wish to go with our lives, and of course, that path will continue to change as we evolve and grow.

Making mistakes is normal
Mistakes are part of what help us to find our true path. A mistake simply means, ok not that way, let’s find another way. They give us the contrast to see what works for us and what doesn’t.
So in our changing job scenario, we might end up in a job that seemed better but actually wasn’t. It might be that the course you did highlighted that actually you don’t like that sort of job afterall. It could be that moving jobs made you realise that actually you really liked the area you lived in before.
All these things we call mistakes actually give us more contrast to be able to refine what we wish in life and to be able to spot “bad” decisions earlier and so be able to select better choices in life.
So if you fear about making mistakes or even fear going towards your goals fullstop, then know this and make a choice anyway. The fear of failure is often worse than actually making a mistake and if you allow that fear to dictate your life and you don’t make any new choices, you won’t grow and fulfill your desires.
Putting time into a certain choice rather than giving up too soon
Sensitivity to know what path suits us takes time to develop, thus starting something and continuing it for a time rather than giving up too soon is important.
I found this an especially important point when I was coming out of depression. I found that most things I chose to do were not enjoyable for me. Even recreational activities that I had always enjoyed in the past.
When you are in an habitual vibrational state, it can be so overpowering that you cannot see the new state of being yet, even when you try something new. So if you are following my advice and you are not happy with your life and you try something new, you might not feel any better straight away.
For example, if you decide to start playing tennis. At first you keep missing the ball, you get out of breath because you haven’t exercised for some time, you are nervous about others looking at you and meeting new people and to make things worse you get muscles aches for several days afterwards and feel tired as you recover.
These are examples of the discomfort of the change from an old vibrational state to a new one and you might get put off from playing tennis if you focus on these. If you keep going back however, you get better at hitting the ball. You might win some points or play a fantastic shot that feels good, your muscles strengthen and gain more endurance and you don’t feel as out-of-breath, you get to know the people and feel more comfortable there and you don’t ache or feel so tired after the session as you once did. This are examples of you resonating more with the new vibrational state now.
It might be that at this stage you find out that you like playing tennis and you wish to continue, or you might still not like it all and go and try something else or maybe it’s partially what you like but maybe not quite the right fit and you also try something that isn’t quite so different.
The same goes for our changing job scenario. It is often uncomfortable in a new work place but we need to try it out for a longer period before we often see what fits us for the shorter or longer term. Each try of a new work experience helps us refine what choice we make next and as we gain more contrast experiences in what we like and don’t like it gets easier to choose.
The human experience of path of least resistance
Whilst we are experiencing being human in this seemingly slow changing reality, the path of least resistance often means doing the practical thing. This is why I have given practical examples in this article.
While I know that we can and in fact I encourage people to experiment with their own consciousness to change things energetically/mentally/spiritually, often the quickest path is practical. I have lost count of the number of people who want to change their health condition energetically only, rather than approach it also from the physical side by changing their habit of eating rubbish for example.
As the being Bashar channeled by Daryl Anka once said, isn’t it easier to go the dentist rather than strain yourself trying to go way, way beyond your current ability and try and grow a new tooth? I don’t doubt that there are people out there that can do this but for most that is not the path of least resistance. If anyone has managed to grow a completely new tooth as an adult, I’d love to hear from you!
I also love what Eckart Tolle said in the past. You can train yourself to live in the moment so completely that you do not have a problem with the things happening around you but he said that if someone forced him to work in a nightclub he would still be looking for the exit!
Why we choose to follow the path of least resistance towards our true desires
Because of love! If you really love yourself you will always choose to do baby steps every day to take you towards your true desires for yourself. As the cup of love for yourself fills up and eventually starts pouring over the sides, you’ll start to find that your desires often benefit others and that others will factor more and more into your choices as ultimately we are all connected.
Ask yourself each day if you like “What would I do today if I truly loved myself?”
If you want to know more about the path of least resistance, I highly recommend the huge back catalogue of Abraham Hicks videos all over youtube, odysee, bitchute or similar. Have fun!