Originally published 12th August 2021

It is quite common these days to hear people saying “I resonate with that” or “That doesn’t resonate with me” but I sometimes wonder whether people comprehend what they are saying.
Resonance is when something is the same, or in the same set of frequencies as another thing. So for example when several musical instruments are all tuned so that the A note is 432Hz (and all other notes are tuned in line with that of course) then the instruments will be in harmony and there will be a pleasant sound when they are played together – so the instruments are resonating with each other.
Dissonance is where something is not at the same frequency or set of frequencies with another thing. So in our musical instrument example, if one of the instruments was tuned to another frequency such as A 440Hz, then it would not be in tune with the other instruments and when they are played together there will not be such a pleasant sound – the instruments are dissonant to each other.
All particles have different frequencies. Matter and frequency are interrelated – the matter is determined by it’s frequency. Ice is a lower vibration than water which is a lower vibration than steam.
This is the same for emotions, thoughts, astral energy, beliefs and beyond. Guilt is a lower vibration than anger which is a lower vibration than kindness. Similarly a thought about killing someone is a lower vibration than blaming someone, which in turn is lower than thinking of gratitude for someone.
There are many examples I can give, but I’m sure you get the idea. Understand also that whilst experiencing being human that we have a huge mixture of different frequencies within us. Most of which we are not fully aware of and what we would often say is stored in our sub-consciousness or un-consciousness.
If you watch your thoughts for a day, you may notice lots of different, often contradictory thoughts and emotions based on the different beliefs we hold within us. You may have a lot of hope for the future of humanity at one point of the day based on the beliefs that humanity learns from its mistakes or that we have love for each other (or a great many other possible beliefs) yet at another part of the day you may feel that humanity is doomed based on the beliefs that there are limited resources, that we are destroying the planet and that we are always at war with each other etc etc. The same goes for beliefs, thoughts and emotions about our health, money, love life, spiritual progress and so on.
Because we have so many different frequencies of energy within us, it is very possible to resonate with a great many things. That includes things that do not serve us in helping us go in the direction of life we wish.
As an example, say you have been smoking for many years and you want to give up smoking. Your body is used to you smoking and so is vibrating at a different frequency to someone who doesn’t smoke. You still have part of you that resonates with not smoking (that’s what your body wants afterall) but the thoughts, emotions, habits etc of smoking dominate over those that don’t.
So what happens when you try to give up smoking? Your body, emotions, thoughts, habits etc have to change. The old frequency has to give way to a newer frequency. That means the old comes up to be cleared in the form of emotions that are uncomfortable and thoughts that are also uncomfortable not to mention body habits that are hard to break.
After giving up smoking for a number of days your vibration is changing but you are still mostly vibrating at the frequency of a smoker. You still resonate you could say with being a smoker. So what happens when someone offers you a cigarette and you light up that cigarette and breathe in that smoke? Relief! Because you have now stopped the process of change from one frequency of body, emotion, thought etc to that of a non-smoker.
I have personally seen this many times with my diet when trying to apply spiritual concepts to my food choices. When I kept seeing that my body wanted processed chocolate, sweets, cakes etc when pointing at different foods and tuning into what “resonated” with me, I started to see that maybe choosing things that resonate with me all the time wasn’t actually a good thing.
This was the same with spiritual teachings over the years. Many things I came across felt good and I would say that I resonated with them, only to realise that ultimately those teachings didn’t help me grow spiritually. Or I would feel into history or science and believe in what I felt gave a resonant feeling inside, only to discover that some of it was not true or not useful to me.
So try to be conscious of what you are saying to yourself and what choices you make based on that, when you say you “resonate” with something. Know that often there is discomfort, a dissonant feeling, when the old frequencies start to clear as you make way for the new. Acts of kindness, gratitude and love for yourself and for others may not feel very good inside to start with, but as you keep doing them and you start to resonate more with it, it will!