Recognising your own truth

Originally published on 22nd July 2015

This has been an interesting article to write as it has brought up lots of seemingly contradictory subjects up for me. For example how can you teach someone else that ‘higher truth’ can be accessed when less in a mental state, by using words that stimulate mind!? I try to encourage people to live in the question, yet many are still in the paradigm that they need to seek answers. Thus I provide models/ideas/tools as stepping stones such that they eventually no longer need answers.

As such, this article is like many others of mine. Use the ideas, models and concepts within, if you find they resonate and are useful to you. Then adapt, change and even discard these as you find your own ‘higher understandings’.

What is Truth?

Truth is a point of view of what is ‘right’ or ‘correct’ based on the perspective of the individual.

Some of the more ‘switched-on’ people here may realise, after reading the sections below, that being outside of mind is also being outside of duality. Hence there are no such things as right & wrong, good & bad etc. So you would not call the information available in the awakened state ‘truth’ at all. Thus I am using the words ‘higher truth’ in this article from the perspective of an individual still within duality 😉

In the unawakened state where people believe that they are mind rather than existing outside of it, each individual has their own perspectives of truth due to the different information available to them. Hence why I never encourage people to take anything I have written to be conclusive for them, but rather as suggestions to help free themselves.

At the end of this article you will find some examples of how you may get a different truth to someone else when using the tools. It may be useful to recognize that you may have different access to information than others; although to what extent your access differs may not be obvious or apparent to yourself or to others. However, following your own awareness is more important for finding ‘higher truth’.

Answer Versus Awareness

I have used the word ‘answer’ many times in this article. To clarify, I do not want you to think that the ‘answers’ you get from asking questions are permanent. By concluding that an answer will always be so, brings you into judgement that limits you and the choices available to you in the future. Rather, think of them more as awarenesses – the perception/observation of what is best/right/true for you in the moment, for creating future.

Limitations of Mind and Ego

Logic has been seen by humanity in recent years as a useful tool for creating and interacting within this dimension. However you exist beyond mind. It is when you stop thinking, that information from higher dimensions can come through more easily. These are the “Ah ha!” or “Eureka!” moments that happen when you are in a more relaxed/dreamy state.

The logical mind, is limited to understanding everything up until the ‘veil’, the edge of this dimension so to speak, but not beyond it. The mind can have us believing that the parameters of all that exists and can be discovered, begins and ends with itself. This is why people often use meditative techniques to quieten the mind such that higher senses can be used to explore beyond. This is also why people often speak about awakening happening when they realise that they exist beyond mind. Combined with the falsified information available to the population of the world, the mind often keeps people from being aware of their true Self and hence keeps them in the illusion of this Earthly dimension being the only reality.

By having access to information beyond mind, more possibilities can be seen and so there is more choice available.

As you explore the tools below, you may start to notice that due to the limited information available to the logical mind, what may seem true, may not be so for the rest of your Self!

The Body as a Brain

Even in science, it is now well known that there is a huge amount of neurological tissues within the heart and that it actually generates more electromagnetic energy than the brain ever does. There is even a lot of neurological tissue around the intestines. This is what the common English phrases of ‘Follow your heart’ and ‘Gut instinct’ are based on. People who listen to these areas are literally tuning into their other ‘brains’.

There have been some very interesting scientific studies that have shown that the brain and heart hold very different frequencies to each other in states of hate, anger and judgement. In states of peace, gratitude and kindness however, they actually start to vibrate at closer frequencies and even start to vibrate much closer to the vibration of the ‘Golden Mean’, a number found in the teachings of sacred geometry, that is involved in the creation of particles!

If we consider that the basic make-up of a brain is simply a set of connections between cells, once we realise that actually all cells of the body are connected via electromagnetic signals between their cell membranes and at larger distances by signalling molecules, then you can start to appreciate that the whole body is actually a brain!

You may notice for example, that thoughts can have quite an impact on the body. If you are thinking limiting thoughts about yourself or others (regardless of whether you logically believe they are limiting or not!), you may notice that your body tends to tense up, shrink, contract and even recoil. It may feel denser too. These bodily symptoms tend to correspond with ‘negative’ experience states of anger, hate and pity for example. Conversely when you have thoughts that are to your benefit your body tends to feel lighter, freer, tingly and more expansive such as when you are in a state of love, gratitude and peace. These responses are a result of your thoughts altering the signals of your nervous, endocrine and other communication systems in your body and this forms the basis of the tools below for recognizing your own truth.

Thoughts and Health (Briefly!)

‘Negative’ thoughts tend to take your body towards the survival or if you like the ‘fight, fright and flight’ responses whereas ‘positive’ thoughts have a tendency to aid the thriving states of relaxation, healing, resting and digesting which are more beneficial for health. While survival states may benefit from saving your life from incidents, prolonged time in the survival state is not beneficial to health. Obviously by having greater awareness or if you like access to more information, you would not need to utilize the survival state at all, as you would be able to make choices to change circumstances, avoid them or maintain a calmness to deal with them more effectively – much like experienced martial artists maintaining an almost zen-like state no matter how serious their surroundings may appear to others.

As you can start to appreciate, your thoughts can have a huge impact on your health and thus changing them (and ultimately awakening to a state of no thoughts) can greatly benefit you and your body. There is a wealth of information out there covering what mental and emotional states cause certain diseases and conditions, which is beyond the scope of this article. Suffice to say that using the tools below can help you keep in harmony with your body (as well as energy bodies) and improve your wellness.

The ‘Light & Heavy’ Tool

This tool is based on how your physical (and/or energy bodies if you are in tune with these also) has access to different and larger amounts of information than your logical mind does. Hence you can use it to recognize higher truths than logic could try to work out alone.

To use, you simply tune into your body and sense how it changes in response to your thoughts, actions, other people’s conversations, questions and so on. Anything that makes your body feel more expansive, tingly, freer, lighter etc is your body telling you that it is more in agreement with what you are saying in your head or out loud, with what you are doing and with what you are listening to from others for example. Anything that makes your body feel tenser, contracted, shrunken or heavier is your body telling you that it is less in agreement. People will often experience the light/heavy feeling in different parts of the body and in different ways – see ‘Calibrating the Tool’ below.

Put simply, what is light/expansive/freeing for you is true for you. What is heavy/contracted/tenser for you is a lie for you.

As you improve you will start to notice that you can perceive degrees of lightness and heaviness. In this way you can start to perceive for example what is the lightest of the choices you have, if there are multiple that feel light, so that you can select the very best choice. On occasion you may notice a light and heavy feeling simultaneously. In other words you are feeling a truth with a lie attached or vice versa. This is a good example of when to refine or ask alternate questions to get a better understanding of the situation. See Being Specific With Questions below:

Muscle Testing Tools

This is not something that I want to spend too long talking about as muscle testing is comparatively widely practiced and well-know. Put simply, the physical body is stronger when you are are being more true to yourself or feeling more truth from your surroundings. Thus you can apply pressure to any part of the body and see if if feels stronger or weaker in response to asking a question for example. Often therapists will lift a client’s arm up to the side and apply downwards pressure on the arm whilst asking the client to resist them doing so. A increase in strength indicates that the therapist’s techniques have improved the client in some way such as removing a block to energy flow.

To use alone, one of the most widely used techniques is that of applying pressure between the thumb and first finger – if the finger holds strong against the thumb it indicates truth, if the thumb and finger flick past each other then that indicates false.

The ‘Zero to Ten’ Tool

This is a tool that works much like the light & heavy and muscle testing tools above but is more for those that are visual and/or would prefer to have a visual scale to give an idea of how true something might be. All it takes is for you to create an image in your mind to represent your truth.

The zero to ten tool simply requires you to imagine a scale from 0 to the left in your mind’s eye through the numbers up till 10 to your right. Every time you wish to get an awareness of your truth, simply ask to see a marker and allow it to settle along this scale. If the marker lands on 0, then this represents a no/false/lie etc whereas landing on 10, represents truth/yes/correct. A marker landing on any other number represents how true something might be i.e. landing on 3 might indicate that something is 30% true or is 30% beneficial for you etc. You may also find that the marker might keep moving to represent that no answer can be given or that you need to change the question you are asking etc. You may also get several markers such that you get an awareness that you are actually tuning into several things at once. Like the other tools above it takes time for people to calibrate and for it to be accurate without mind influences.

Some people like to imagine a green tick to represent truth and a red cross for lie with degrees of brightness of the green colour representing how true something may be but the scale version presented above allows for digitisation so that logic can interpret it more easily.

Uses of the Tools

The above tools can be used in a variety of situations to improve your living experience such as:

  • Finding out if you or others you are listening to are telling a lie – a heaviness is your body telling you that you are lying to yourself

  • Making decisions – such as ‘Truth, what would my life be like if I chose to go out with this person?’ or ‘Truth, how would I feel if I chose this course of action?’ again just tune into the lightness/heaviness when asking a question

  • Working out what food is best for your body – you’ll be surprised that often asking the question ‘Truth body, are you hungry?’ that it often isn’t when you think it is. By asking your body if it would like a particular food you will gain an awareness of what it would like to eat. You’ll be surprised at what it does desire to eat – things that are supposedly unhealthy are often what your body requires and sometimes things that are supposedly healthy your body really doesn’t want to know about!

  • Finding out if what you are feeling and thinking etc is actually yours – One of the first and most useful questions you can ask is ‘Truth, is this mine?’ Often people pick up on other people’s diseases, thoughts, judgements, feelings and so on, and mistake them for their own. If left for a prolonged period, people can often manifest the same in their own being as that of others!

Calibrating the Tools

With the light & heavy tool, the first thing to do is pay attention to your body and notice what part or parts of your body change and how they change when you tell yourself an obvious lie. You could saying something such as “My name is [insert a false name here]”. By also asking “My name is [insert your real name here]” you can get an awareness of the difference between truth and falsehood.

You might find that you can feel a change all over your body or that maybe you can only feel it in your heart or even at the tip of your nose – everyone is different. Personally as a ‘sensitive’ I feel a change in sensations all over my body but it is more obvious around the heart and hands as these I use often in healing work. The same goes for the zero to ten tool. Simply apply questions that you know to be true or false and see that they land on 10 and 0 respectively.

For those who cannot straight away trust their awareness with these techniques, the next step is to ask questions to things you do not know but can easily find out the answer. This can enable you to gain trust in what you perceive. The only word of warning here is that there are many lies circulating around the planet so you may end up thinking you were incorrect when you actually weren’t! It would be better to ask questions therefore that circumvent this such as “Are the angles on the side of the largest pyramid of the Giza plateau more than 50 degrees?” This is an example of something about which you could easily find the true answer in written literature, and would be a better choice of question than “Were the pyramids built before 4000 BC?” – something you are not going to find the truth if you search in established writings about history!

After calibrating your tools you can then start using them in everyday life to gain greater awareness and hence make better choices. Please do pay attention to the advice below however in order that you keep from doubting the process, and so that you may refine your practice with these tools. In time, your logical mind and any influences external to Self will be less likely to have a bearing on your answers.

Ask the Opposite Question

This is one of the simplest pieces of advice to follow when starting out. When you are unsure of what you are feeling after asking a question, simply ask the opposite question and get a feel of the difference between the two. e.g. if at first you ask “Truth, what would my life be like in 5 years if I choose this?” then the opposite question would be “Truth, what would my life be like in 5 years if I don’t choose this?”

The Mind Often Tries to Influence the Outcome

Sometimes your logical mind will come to the same conclusion as your body. Often it will not. Sometimes what feels light does not make sense logically but with experience you will find that following your more intuitive side will create much more ease and joy in your life.

In this reality, because we allow our logical mind to believe that it is ‘the boss’, it will often try to sway the answers of the techniques above, especially when you are starting to learn and when you are asking questions that may give awareness outside the paradigm your logic understands. To gain more success, you can ask a question multiple times making sure you use the word ‘truth’ before you ask. Ultimately it is simply a case of practice and learning to feel into the outcome more deeply to detect any lies, especially with answers that present truth with a lie attached.

Outside Influences On Your Awareness

In addition to your own habits and ‘boss mentality’, there are a great number of entities that could try to influence your mind and feelings in order to dissuade you from recognizing what is true for you. Examples of entities include: beliefs that you have allowed to become so strong that they develop their own consciousness (what I describe as thought-forms), parasites, implants (including those described on this website), un-embodied beings such as ghosts, elementals etc and of course all the other people around you.

Using the word ‘truth’ at the beginning of every question and/or repeating the question 3 or more times are ways of getting around this influence – if you find that the answer you are getting changes when you do this, then there is a good chance you are being influenced by an entity. If you still get an inkling that you are being influenced especially by SPEs for example that try to convince you that they are a part of you, then you may like to state that “Only that which is truly me may answer this question.” before continuing. Again the main thing above all is to practice such that you can pick up influences more easily. If you do find that you are being influenced, then please use the entity and demon clearing tools on this website or contact me for assistance

Be Specific with Questions

This is really important. Firstly it really helps if your calm your mind such that you are clear that you are asking only one question and getting an answer for that question only. This also serves to assist you with distinguishing the ‘answer’ from all the other senses within and around you.

The fundamental thing is that the answers you get are only as good as the questions you are asking! This may seem obvious to state, but it is amazing how many people make mistakes this way. If for example you have to make a decision between accepting one job over another job, you may get very different answers to the questions “Will this job be better for me than that job?” and “What would my life be like in 5 years time if I choose this job over that job now?”. I could give you many examples of question specificity but I’m sure you all get the idea 😉

Questions About the Future

If we take the common human view-point that linear time exists in this reality, there are many possible futures based on the choices you and every other individual in this shared reality may make. We could get into very long discussions about whether it is possible or not to know the future but lets just say for the moment that questions about the future generally give multiple answers or only one of an infinite number of possible answers, that may or may not actually come ‘true’.

Therefore it is best to ask for an awareness of how a decision now will likely affect your future rather than searching for an exact logical answer. The best question to ask is “What would my life be like in 5 years time if I choose this?” then tune into whether it feels beneficial or not.

Choices are being made by you and those around you all the time and as such, the answer to the above question may change with time, even just 10 seconds afterwards. Just because you know that the answer could change later on, don’t stop yourself from taking action, otherwise you’ll never do anything! Just be aware that the reality around you is always changing and that by being aware of this, you can start to live in the moment rather than based on the solidity of the answers you came to in the past.

Your Truth is not Necessarily the Same as Another’s

When using the tools, there are many reasons why you may not get the same awareness as another person. One of the most obvious reasons is because you are not asking the exact same question.

As detailed above, being specific with your questions is another source of disagreement. If you ask “Would it be kind to ….” and the other person asks “Would it be nice to….” you may get a different answer as the words kind and nice do not always mean the same thing. It gets further complicated when you consider how many different definitions each word can have in different countries, dialects, religions etc. Even in the same ethnic group there can be completely different interpretations. Just take a look at the word ‘love’ – how many hundreds of definitions do different people have about what love means to them and how the definition changes according to the situation?

There are examples of seemingly asking the same question but actually it not being so. For example I was at one point thinking of doing a class. I asked the question “Would it be beneficial for me to do this course?” and the course leader asked the question “Would it be beneficial for Grant to do this course?”. I got a ‘no’ and the course leader got a ‘yes’ to those questions and both being very aware people we were initially confused that we got different answers. However once we started asking further questions we became aware of why our answers were different. Can you see how they seem to be the same question but actually are not? You could interpret it that I was asking whether the course would benefit me and my ability to treat other people more effectively and whether that was good timing for me etc whereas his interpretation could be, would it benefit him that I come to his course, whether I would be a good contribution to the group and bring him more money etc. Suddenly you can see how different the questions actually were according to our perceptions of what they meant.

In some cases, even if you really are asking the exact same question as another, you will still get a different answer. It could be that one or both of you are being influenced by your logical mind and other influences (see above). It could be that you are accessing different aspects and/or different amounts of information that means you come to a different conclusion (this is usually due to beliefs/judgements that limit to what you allow yourself access). It could be that your set of beliefs of what is true/best/good for you is different to theirs – one of the main reasons to follow your own truth :-).

One of the more interesting aspects of getting a different answer, is that of your ‘higher awareness’ knowing how the answer that is given to you – the perceived ‘Lower Self’, can affect your future. In other words, your ‘higher Self’ may sway an answer such that it helps you gain awareness of something else, and which it knows will not reach your awareness by the way of the kind of questions you will ask!

For example, when I asked the question “What would my life be like in 5 years time if I moved to Australia?” I initially got a very beneficial awareness about it. It stayed this way for a long period as I started investigating what to do to get there etc. Then after some time the awareness to move there changed drastically and I wondered what had happened. I realised that it had changed straight after I had booked a course in Australia. I realised that my awareness had given me a ‘yes’ about moving to Australia so that I would investigate it enough to find this course to attend. The course I took turned out to be hugely beneficial for me and my business and I thanked my awareness for seemingly telling me a ‘lie’!

I’m sure that there are many other reasons for your truth being different to another’s. Again the link to the interview with Andrew Bartzis at the start of this article, covers some of the deeper reasons. Hopefully this and the example’s above, illustrate why it is very important to stick to your own truth. Be careful however that you are not limiting yourself by allowing judgements/beliefs/conclusions etc to sway your awareness of what is true for you. By following the advice above and allowing an answer to come to you without manipulation from mind (i.e. your beliefs/judgements/conclusions/projections/expectations etc) and those that are outside of yourself, you should avoid this pitfall.

Author: admin

Healer, climber, traveler. Explorer of consciousness & reality. Former biochemist, personal trainer and osteopath. Now a full-time energy, consciousness & spiritual healer and teacher.