This is a subject I wanted to cover again seeing as the UFO reports from the world’s media are increasing, religions groups are suggesting more and more about the “possibility” of ETs and that there are projects such as Steven Greer’s (fake) disclosure going on. Also because a previous blog I wrote in the past about this subject, was one of the few that didn’t survive the recent hack of my website.
ETs do exist!
I want to clarify this because I’m not saying ETs don’t exist.
It doesn’t take long to realise that they do exist. Just start asking questions and you’ll start going down all sorts of trails that provide evidence of their existence, whether it be evidence of high technology in our past due to unexplainable skill in ancient building constructions, ancient and recent writings about them, videos of craft, confessions of people from secret projects, abductions etc.
Even the terrible quality “flying saucer” videos and other phenomena that the media are happy to put out (because they don’t really show much detail nor what people/beings may be in them) can be a useful path to go down to start with. Think about it, even if only 0.000001% of those stories, videos and documents are true about them being ET craft, then ETs exist.
Personally I believe, in fact would say that I know ETs exist. They have always been there because we came from them originally – the “Lyran race”. They have been following, watching and even helping us at different times in our history. There are many thousands of ships at any one time in orbit of Earth from many different species.
The reasons why we generally don’t know about them are many but basically the cabal who control this planet don’t want us to know about them. It would highlight how corrupt they are, all the lies about our history, our place in the galaxy and how much advanced technology they hide from us.
The galactic federation already knows about Earth’s issues and allow it to happen!
The story goes much deeper and more complicated than that simple explanation above, because the cabal answer to factions that operate in the galactic federation itself! Many ETs agree and many don’t agree with the allowance of the cabal continuing to control Earth.
Mainly it is allowed because a great many souls WANT to experience a human life of suppression, suffering and lies for their spiritual growth. The federation thus cannot interfere as that would be against the free will of those souls coming here.
This is a very complex subject that our 3D minds find hard to comprehend. If you would like to know more about this, I recommend watching Cosmic Agency on youtube that have produced many videos covering this subject.
“UFOs” in the media could be from many different sources
This is an important point to make… A lot of people assume that anything unidentified in our skies and in orbit around Earth are from one group of people or beings. That is not the case!
Objects/craft we cannot identify in our skies can be:
- From one of many ET races that exist out there.
- From one of many intra-terrestrial races that exist inside of the Earth (some of which pretend to be ET when meeting people so that people don’t go looking for them and interfere!).
- Probes rather than piloted craft, from any number of races.
- Objects/beings from other densities of reality such as the astral realm, that humans can sometimes glimpse into when their frequency becomes a closer match to that other realm.
- From secret cabal organisations that have had advanced technology for a long time, partly from reverse engineering crashed or more likely shot-down ET or intra-terrestrial craft.
- From covert military groups on Earth that have had anti-gravity craft since WWII
- Hologram technology i.e “project bluebeam”. If you’ve not come across hologram technology before, the twin tower disaster in the USA is a good example of how real hologram projected aircraft can look!
- Civilian objects of various kinds mistaken for ET craft – yes that can include weather balloons!
So as you can see, there are many possible sources. Of course the governments and cabal groups around the world don’t want us to know about how much advanced technology they have and have had for a long time. Otherwise they would have to explain a lot of their lies and people would demand those technologies to benefit the people of the world, leading to their power being diminished. So it suits the cabal either having people not believe in advanced craft at all or that they come from elsewhere and of course they play both stories.
All sources of info about objects in our skies is twisted into the same story
Instead of acknowledging all the possible sources as mentioned above, all objects in our skies whether ET, human or not, can and definitely are manipulated into the story the cabal would like us to believe.
Seeing as the cabal have an agenda to tighten their grip on humanity (a lot in response to there being more and more “star-seeds” incarnating here, by the way!), they have plans to use all information people provide to create a story in the media (both mainstream and mainstream-alternative media) about ETs invading earth, in an effort to create excuses to “unite” humanity and give away yet more of our powers and freedom to them.
They might alternatively choose a friendly ET encounter instead
It IS possible that they may choose a fake friendly ET encounter and introduce what at first seems to be better societal rules, but are actually more restrictive in the long-run, based on what the fake ETs advise.
If you have come across information about the “Galactic Federation of Light” and other such similar stories that talk about the reincarnation of Jesus, now named Sunanda, this is fake information coming from cabal groups associated with the Vatican. This is not information about the true galactic federation.
Whether a fake invasion or fake friendly landing, holographic technology and some the cabal’s and military’s own craft would be used along with CGI to convince people via the media.
If you nor anyone you know get to meet an ET yet others, especially celebrities, scientists and governments seem to be meeting them plenty of times, then that is a clear indication that it is a staged event.
True ETs in the past have chosen to meet with governments purely because they understand how our pyramidal system works but because they have holographic/holistic societies that don’t consider one person to be more important than another, they have met with plenty of people our society wouldn’t deem important.
The cabal plan far ahead and with plenty of “plan B’s”
The cabal plan very far ahead. Those at the top that we never get to hear about or see, live longer than us and have a great advantage over humans that live such a short life. They have plans within plans and alternate plans in case one plan doesn’t work out. This is why they are quite happy if either country/group wins a conflict because they back both sides and “win” either way.
Their plans are also cumulative. For example, they would not have gotten away with the con-vid scenario in the 1800’s because people would have not believed the information among other reasons. They first had to get science (their science rather than true science) more respected, then develop germ theory, then develop virus theory (viruses are conveniently hard to distinguish from exosomes aren’t they!), then gradually over the years increase the amount of and severity of virus outbreaks to get people worried about them and more compliant to take vaccines and follow outbreak rules etc
The same goes for control of the population. There has been a gradual introduction of films, books, media broadcasts, scientists talking about the possibilities of ETs etc, to warm people up and build on the story they wish.
Notice too how they have plenty of people saying the opposite – that ETs do not exist for various reasons. The cabal will always keep several options open at the same time until they see that one or the other would work better or that neither is feasible, in which case they would have a plan for that too.
One world government
I consider it important to cover this subject because the cabal could very much use a fake alien invasion or possibly even a fake friendly landing of ETs as yet another stimulus to force the world into a one-world government.
While it sounds nice to have the people of the world united under one banner, having a single government formed from the same people that all current governments around the world are typically like, would be disastrous for the people. Not only would you have the same scenario where you have the illusion of choice in choosing who rules because all opposing parties work for the same shadow controllers, but you won’t get to vote on matters or even be told about matters that affect you and everyone else.
If you think this is nonsense, look at how many politicians around the world have mentioned something along the lines of “Imagine how unified the world would be and how we would drop our issues with each other if humanity faced an extraterrestrial threat.”
There is no set date!
They might have dates in mind behind the scenes for when it appears a plan might work. Bill Gates for example “predicted” a viral outbreak in presentations that he said would be in about 10 years time – that would coincide with the whole con-vid scenario.
Generally though, I would suggest that you ignore anyone how gives dates about any sort of event helping or hindering humanity, whether mainstream or alternative media. Like military generals would say, you never give you enemy the date or time of a planned attack. They would also not give clear signs of how they would attack!
It might happen soon or not at all dependent on how the general public chooses to live their lives. If enough people wake up then they cannot get away with it and may shelve these plans. This is one of the reasons I am choosing to write about this subject yet again!
Knowing their plans can help us to not choose that reality
It’s a bit like knowing about how products are placed in a film to subconsciously get you to buy those products. Once you know about it, the spell on you doesn’t work anymore. You know that a thought that comes up during or after the film about that product is in your mind because of the product placement, rather than be a thought of your own. Thus you can more easily choose whether to agree with and act on that thought or not.
Similarly, I am highlighting their plans here so that more people can be more aware of the spell being cast on them through their Tell-a-vision sets that are being broad-casted as a program-me to the people. The English language is very interesting as it has many double meanings that become more obvious if you break the words down into smaller words – maybe a blog article for another time!
The more you know about this plan of theirs, the easier it will be to not give your creative powers to it. If you have trouble with not giving your creative powers away, or wonder if or how you might be, I can explain that one-to-one in an appointment and/or I can write about it in future.
In short, you get out what you put in. So, treating the thoughts that come up much like thoughts that come up in meditation, as something to let pass, as well as not acting against nor with them is the key here. This is not the same as ignorance – you are choosing to think and act to create an alternative to their plans!