Originally published 6th August 2021
Following on from my last post, talking about how the alternative media is controlled just as much as the main-stream media, hence the phrase “Mainstream-Alternative Media”, I thought I’d talk about a common fear that is prevalent in the spiritual community. This fear is that there is some sort of trap after death, that keeps you tied to the 3rd density reality, Earth and/or its rulers, whoever you may believe them to be.
I find it interesting that many people who believe this also believe that they are creator beings. If you believe that you are a creator being or at least that you are a co-creator of this reality we live in, then you must also know that you can un-create what you have created!
Whilst experiencing being human with the typical beliefs that humans have, we live in a reality where things take time to change. The denser the reality, the slower we perceive change and that often leads to the belief that we often cannot change certain things. Furthermore, this often means that most people believe there to be only one answer to any question. When there are differences in people’s experiences that often leads to arguments about who is right and who is wrong.
This one-answer mentality is taken too into people’s experiences beyond the 3rd density such as when astral travelling, using drugs or near-death experiences. In higher vibrational realities, the energy moves much faster and so you can change things much more easily and it is easier to have a different experience to someone else. Yet at the same time people often limit themselves to what they could experience by bringing with them the beliefs they hold onto from the 3D or what is being held (most often completely unknown to them) in their sub/un-consciousness.
As an example, if you study what people experienced when having a near-death-experience (NDE) you will notice that it very much reflects their beliefs system. In Christian countries there is often talk about a tunnel of light, angels or guides as well as family members who had died in the past. When you look at NDEs of people of different religions, they may too have figures from their religious texts or teachings but not the same as the Christians, such as all the different Hindu gods for example. Those that are interested in ETs may meet up with ET looking beings instead. Those that are not religious or who are atheist may have a whole host of different experiences based on their varied beliefs, that may include simply floating above their body and being able to see their body being operated on.
You can find similar observations when talking to people who astral travel, or practice lucid dreaming. Those who practice regularly notice eventually if not straight away, that they can change things around them rather than be controlled by their surroundings. In other words, they truly realise that they are creator beings from experience. A demon can be transformed into a beautiful flower. A terrible scene can be transformed into a loving one, or they can simply teleport instantly to another place in the infinite realms of the astral reality that is more comfortable for them.
So there are three main points I’d like to bring up here:
- No one (including me!) can say what is true for you or not, especially outside of the physical reality where so much is possible.
- Your human beliefs whether conscious or sub/un-conscious are often taken with you into other realities affecting your experience, BUT…
- Especially when you don’t have the momentum of energy frequencies (including beliefs) of a physical body, it is much much easier to change your frequency and therefore your experiences.
So be careful with who and what you listen to about life after leaving your human life. KNOW that there isn’t just one answer and be SELECTIVE about what you choose to resonate with – I’m using resonate in the true sense here – maybe an article to write about in future!
Every one of you is important. So much so that I consider each person to be their own timeline on their own unique path of exploration/learning/enlightenment, or whatever you believe your purpose is. In that respect it is fine if you wish to believe and therefore experiencing being trapped by supposed Earth controllers, but you don’t have to experience that if you don’t wish to!
In short, there is no cleverly constructed trap, such as “the false light”, fake heavenly gates or other scenarios that cheat you into reincarnating as a human again, unless you CHOOSE to believe that to be true. Believing there is a trap after dying IS the trap!
If you truly wish to be more free, more enlightened, then part of that is learning to be able to MAKE UP YOUR OWN DAMN MIND, rather than listen to others who give the impression they know more than you! Yes, that does include me again and everything I have ever written, including paradoxically this article 😉
There are many ways of dissolving the belief of an after-life trap, such as cancelling contracts if you believe there is one, opening up a dialogue with your mind so as to logically understand the concepts I have briefly written about above etc etc. The main way as always is to just watch your thoughts as they come up and simply not invest your energy into those you don’t wish to and invest your energy instead into thoughts about what you would like to experience after death.
What other planets would you like to incarnate on? What other races would you like to experience being? Would you like to stay in an energetic form rather than take on a physical body? Would you like to be an animal rather than and humanoid? What about being a positive dragon?!
There are many possibilities, so keep being curious so that you resonate more and more with what you’d like to experience next, rather than become more resonant with what you fear and thus experience more of what you don’t wish to.
At the very least you can understand that your experiences after death are your own creations (whether co-created or not) and so knowing that you can expose traps and knowing that you can avoid, dissolve or even completely uncreate them before death or during the death process is enough.
Learning to astral travel or lucid dream can give you a lot of experience beyond the physical body and greatly help reassure you of your abilities to create what you wish when you pass. Very useful too if you have any doubts or fears about death in general.
I personally do not fear “the other side” and I am generally happy when family or friends pass over knowing that it is not the end but a new beginning, from my experiences of astral travelling.