Is some of the advice in the new-age movement about specific frequencies wrong?!

The “Guitar Tuner” app that I personally use. Note how you can change the tuning standards from the A=440Hz shown in the picture to another standard such as the A=432Hz standard I use.

Like many, I have written a lot about the effects of certain frequencies on us. Afterall, we consist from a human point-of-view, of energy the vibrates at a certain rate or frequency, and can be influenced by frequencies around us.

Always remember though that we are from source itself, and as such, we have the ability to define our vibration irrespective of what is going on around us, no matter the density. However, whilst experiencing being human, we often find it difficult to not be influenced by the energies around us and that is why myself and others have written so much about choosing to listen to and surround ourselves with energies that are beneficial to us in many ways.

Another key point, again based on us being source itself, is that no matter what people say and indeed what is said in this article, if you feel moved by a piece of music, get joy from it, feel motivated by it etc then it is beneficial to you in that moment. This is irrespective of whether the musical instruments were tuned in a way that is harmonious with nature and health , whether the words were positive or not nor whether the musicians have their own spiritual issues, drug issues, personal life issues etc or not.

Going by how you feel rather than what is said in this article or others is more important than any one theory. Who knows, maybe these theories will be dis-proven yet again at some point in the future!

With that said, let’s get into some of my recent discoveries in terms of frequencies:

528Hz – often claimed to be the “love frequency”

If you go onto You Tube and look at all the channels that play various frequencies for various different benefits, 528Hz is a common frequency you come across.

It is often claimed to be the frequency of love and as such is beneficial for DNA healing, healing in general and helping with enlightenment.

If you look into my previous articles, I too have mentioned about this frequency with these effects. At the time I didn’t realise how complex the subject of specific frequencies were and how deep the manipulation of our beliefs about those frequencies were either.

Some people may have asked the simple question “If You Tube is so keen on censoring information that is beneficial to spiritual awakening and/or exposing the lies the cabal tells us, why are certain frequencies that are supposed to enlighten us so freely available via You Tube?”

I don’t really have a clear-cut answer for that question but some of you might benefit from asking that question ;-).

I first came across alternative beliefs to the mainstream new-age media when one of my customers shared a video she was listening to on You Tube to help her feel better – thank you Kristine by the way! After reading a series of comments by that music maker claiming that certain frequencies are not what they are claimed to be, I came across various articles that highlighted my lack of knowledge on a variety of frequencies.

To summarise, it appears that the 528Hz frequency was simply made up as a healing frequency! Interestingly in music, it is the C note when you tune your musical instruments to A=440Hz (i.e. when the A note is 440Hz).

It was supposedly the Nazis that started trying to get the musical standard changed from more harmonious standards to the A=440Hz standard, which after the second world war was then pushed by the Americans and British to be the musical standard we have today. I have no way of verifying this story but this is what is commonly said in the alternative communities and it appears from research to not be a standard that is harmonious with healing, nature and healing. The information I wrote about this in a previous post is still relevant it seems: “making-your-music-more-harmonious-with-the-planet-by-using-a432-hertz-tuning”

Due to modern ways of tuning musical instruments, it gets a bit more complex. Prior to computers, tuning notes on instruments was done by ear – Pythagorean tuning, where the difference in frequencies between notes wasn’t exactly equal. Because computers always want to divide up the notes equally, if you start with the A note being 440Hz you actually end up with a C note of 523.25Hz and not 528Hz. So even if you believe that 528Hz is good for you, using digital/app-based tuners won’t give you the frequency you thought you were getting anyway.

Similarly when using the more harmonious A=432Hz standard, as I explained appears o be more harmonious with life in the article link above, you will get different frequencies of the other notes depending on whether you use an app or not. With traditional tuning the C note would be 518.4Hz whereas with a typical tuning app the C note would be 513.74Hz.

So as you can see, it appears that the 528Hz frequency was based on the non-harmonious A=440Hz standard and thus is a frequency that simply was made up, likely by 3-letter organisations of the world, to mislead people.

If you really want to go down the rabbit hole, even if you correct the frequency of the C note in music to 518.4 Hz, it is actually more akin to the frequencies related to the base chakra, not the heart chakra according to music researchers. The same people appear to use instead 728Hz for the heart chakra and love frequencies, which I have not researched myself yet – so please use your own discernment on that.

The best article I have come across explaining this 528Hz misconception in more detail is here:

The solfeggio frequencies don’t appear to be what they are claimed

Yet another set of frequencies I have mistakenly written about in the past, like many others.

The history of how these frequencies came to be is very much in question. Guido d’Arezzo, was the man who supposedly came up with the solfeggio tones and was said to have come up with them after being guided to find a hidden scale in the bible supposedly using the bible numbering system. The trouble is that the bible numbering system didn’t come to be until 500ish years after Guido d’Arezzo!

The other obvious problem is that the solfeggio frequencies, which are said to be 396, 417, 528, 693, 741, and 852Hz make up a different scale to the scale we have used apparently since 500BC where the distance between notes is more equal.

Considering that Guido d’Arezz was said to have used solfeggio frequencies in the song “Hymn to St. John the Baptist”, actually singing that song with the solfeggio frequencies sounds awful. Moreover, only string and keyboard type instruments can make the necessary adjustments to play all the solfeggio notes. Brass and woodwind instruments no matter how much you adjust them cannot play all the notes, so a concert using solfeggio frequencies would sound even more awful!

I have no idea whether he really did come up with these frequencies or not or whether it is a manipulation of history like so much of our history unfortunately is. What is clear though, is that the solfeggio notes and the scale that actually was used by Guido d’Arezz to sing “Hymn to St. John the Baptist” are not the same scale.

It appears more likely that these solfeggio notes are a more recent invention, likely to yet again throw off awakened people from truly beneficial frequencies and of course, get them arguing amongst themselves over what is true/correct/best or not.

If you want to go deeper into this subject then this article is a good starting point:


While this article doesn’t go into all the different frequencies suggested by the new-age movement, it highlights how much has been manipulated over time by those organisations we all know well enough about by now!

Try not to let this put you off music however. There are some lovely pieces of music online, even those using the 528Hz and solfeggio frequencies. If you feel better in some way after listening to them, then that is the most important thing by far – your perception can be more powerful than any logical information presented here and elsewhere.

Author: admin

Healer, climber, traveler. Explorer of consciousness & reality. Former biochemist, personal trainer and osteopath. Now a full-time energy, consciousness & spiritual healer and teacher.