Originally published 1st September 2014

The Etheric Implants or as I have described them, Scalar / Archonic Implants as described by Cobra, in both frontal lobes and solar plexus regions (see my last blog) can be removed.

After asking them to say out loud or in their head to cancel contracts with low vibrational beings regarding implants, I have observed many client’s implants dissolve or slowly (sometimes instantly) be removed from the body.

It appears to depend on the confidence of the person as to how effective it is. If they know it can be done and have strong will, the implants fly out after declaring their contracts cancelled just the once! Others who believe in the rule of three obviously have to say it three times, whilst others who are not so confident say it multiple times over multiple days. Either way it works!

Say in your head or out loud the following (or words to that effect if you don’t like these ;-)) and KNOW that it works:

“By the power of God that I am, I command that all contracts that allow implants to be placed and maintained within in me, be cancelled permanently now and forever. So be it”

For other benefits and other possible contracts you may still have, please visit ‘cancelling soul contracts‘ for more. If you have any problems with this, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Author: admin

Healer, climber, traveler. Explorer of consciousness & reality. Former biochemist, personal trainer and osteopath. Now a full-time energy, consciousness & spiritual healer and teacher.