Most of you who have had a session with me in the past may already know what advice I will give as to what to do with disruptive, disturbing, erroneous and any other form of unwanted thought, including voices. Afterall, it doesn’t really matter where they come from unless you really believe that one type of thought or where that thought comes from is more serious than another.
Before I get to that, let’s talk a little about where unwanted thoughts might come from. From a higher perspective all thoughts are yours because you are everyone and everything. Or if you like, everything outside of you is a reflection of you. For some people, seeing things from this higher perspective may give them more ease because they understand that if everything outside of the Self is a creation of the Self, then all they need is to change their Self.
For others, the higher perspective might seem overwhelming when you’re experiencing being a human and you take on the belief that you are separate from that outside of the Self. So let’s look at where unwanted thoughts may come from, from a human perspective.
To simplify things, when I use the word thought, I am also referring to images, sounds, voices, videos etc that appear in the mind. Just so I don’t have to type out all types of thought-forms every time in every sentence!
The ego
An obvious one for some but what exactly comprises the ego? Though there are various ideas out there, we can basically divide it into 3 parts: the negative ego (what most people are actually referring to when they simply say “ego”), the positive ego and the super ego.
The negative ego is the part of our mind that will always try to cause separation with others and even separation within you. It is always the voice that tries to create resistance/fight/judgement/contrast/friction etc between you and others and even between your thoughts. It will play so many tricks in the mind that it will even pretend to be the good guy too. However it is easy enough to spot whether a thought is the negative ego once you sense whether that thought is trying to create some sort of separation. The negative ego isn’t inherently bad – you wouldn’t exist as an individuated consciousness without it and in fact it can be very useful for sensing dangers, but if you allow it to dominate rather than be in balance with the other parts of ego then it results in conflict with yourself and others.
The positive ego is all about reconnecting, remembering, growing, learning and as such is the counterpart to the negative ego as it ultimately takes you on the path back to source/all-that-is/god/oneness. Any thought that helps with this, you can consider as coming from the positive ego. Because of its positive and connective qualities, these thoughts promote love.
The super ego is like our internalised parent. It can be supportive or condescending depending on our beliefs and experiences of parents, teachers, leaders and any other supportive character in this and other lives. Words like should, should’ve, ought, ought not etc are indicative of an unsupportive super ego, whereas “well done” “you can do it” “you may not have triumphed but you learn’t from it” and “you’ll be better next time” are examples of a more positive super ego.
Learning to recognise the different parts of the ego and learning to be in allowance of them such they are in better balance can greatly boost your spiritual growth, especially when it comes to mastery of mind but that is a subject for another day.
All three are what we identify as part of our Selves. As part of our individuated points of consciousnesses or souls you could say. However, while some of the ego we are aware of, much of it lies in that part of our Selves that we aren’t fully aware of – the subconscious, and another large part of it, we are not at all aware of yet – the unconscious.
When we become more aware of our Selves and as a result our ego, it moves from the unconscious into the subconscious. When something is in our subconsciousness, we aren’t yet fully aware of it and as such, it can be hard to tell whether a thought or a feeling is truly coming from us or from somewhere else.
You can say that what we call our own individuated consciousnesses, actually merge with the collective consciousness of humanity which in turn merges with other collective consciousnesses, which ultimately is part of source/all-that-is/god/oneness.
Before I get too complex and start going into subjects that are paradoxical and too difficult for our minds to comprehend, taking into account the last two paragraphs, what parts of the ego are ours or not, relies both on our level of awareness but also on what we choose to be ours or not. Something for you to ponder on when you are ready for it sometime in the future if you wish.
From a more human point-of-view, it can be difficult to know whether a thought that is trying to cause separation is coming from your own negative ego or from a demon, broadcasted 5G signal or even a being who is telepathically trying to help you get stronger in dealing with negative thoughts!
Likewise, is a positive thought may be coming from your positive ego/super ego or from a spirit guide, the ghost of someone dear to you, another human having a positive thought or a direct telepathic message.
Let’s look at some of these possible sources outside of ourselves and later see why it doesn’t really matter what the source is if you practice mindfulness:
The human collective consciousness
Although we are experiencing an existence where we believe we are separate from other humans and only able to sense via the “5 senses” that science tells us we can use, many of us are realising that we can sense more than that. For example, many of us are starting to realise that we are able to pick up on the mental energies of other humans.
In other words, we are telepathic!
The only real difference between a telepath and someone who believes they are not telepathic is that the first realises that some of their thoughts are not theirs and are coming from others, whereas the second believes that all the thoughts in their mind are theirs alone.
The more you practice paying attention to thoughts and learning to step back from them to observe them, the easier it is to get a sense of where they are coming from. Especially if you practice with another person, you can better get a sense of what might be coming from another.
Many people who have a close friend, partner, family member or colleague have had the experience of “thinking the same thought a the same time” or speaking the same thing at the same time. This is because people who are close to you vibrate at a much similar frequency than those who you don’t spend time with.
Telepathy between people requires that each person “tunes their radio” to the same frequency in order for them to send and receive to each other.
Often this is simply done by setting an intention to speak to a specific person in their mind whilst the other person reciprocates the same.
Most often however, many of the thoughts that go through our minds come to the surface because we are not taking control of our radio’s frequency dial and so, all sorts of thoughts come up in our minds as the radio is allowed to jump from one frequency to another, or to whatever is the dominant broadcasted information coming from those around you.
If there is a lot of people thinking about terrible weather, you may well also have thoughts that come up about not liking the weather too. People often mistaken those thoughts as their own, not realising that they weren’t the original one who started to think that.
It takes great practice to maintain the frequency of thoughts you truly wish to allow through and/or generate yourself, rather than be influenced by whatever is in the mental field of the other humans around you or other places if you are tuning into another country for example. This is especially the case when the vast majority of humans simply allow their radios to continually jump from one station to another, be dominated by the most common thoughts which of course can be stimulated by what they watched on TV, heard in a song, learnt at school, read in a book etc etc
Some thoughts may of course come from other people going through experiences where thoughts are coming from the sources outlined below. So for example if you have a thought/feeling/voice of being attacked by a demon, you might actually be picking up on someone else thinking or experiencing that.
It is always good to ask therefore “Is this thought truly mine?” and of course no matter whether a though is yours or not “Is this thought useful to me?” If not, let it pass and get on with your life!
ETs channeling/using telepathy

Just like we can be telepathic with other humans, consciously or not, willingly or not, the same can be said of tuning into other beings.
The majority, if not all, ETs out there are much better at telepathy than we are. Simply because telepathy is not a hidden & ridiculed subject like it is here on Earth. So it is taught, practiced and is common place among ET races.
There are a huge variety of ETs, so vast in fact that it would be impossible to go through them all as even ET races I’m sure, have yet to meet every other race. Thus the possible information that can come from ETs is also very vast.
There is one problem, especially when we are experiencing being human. That is, us humans, even those who are well practiced, act like a filter to the information other beings may send. The filter of course being based on our beliefs, whether we are conscious of those beliefs or not. I remember that the being called Abraham Hicks chose to speak through Esther simply because she was a simple person with very few beliefs compared to other humans that could distort the information coming through!
This is why positive ETs don’t often like to use telepathy with humans as we very easily get the wrong message. Even to the point of mixing up “this is true” with “this is not true”. Many humans will therefore believe they are speaking in their mind with a negative ET when the opposite is true and vice versa.
Positive ETs still do choose to channel/use telepathy with humans but I am told fewer than what people think. Generally they find it easier to get messages through by meeting in person or by using our technology such as common-place chat software over the internet, as fewer misinterpretations can happen that way. This is what Gosia does with her contacts on the “Cosmic Agency” youtube/odysse channels by the way.
Of course there is always the possibility that you can connect with a negative ET instead, some of which may pretend to be a positive ET. These can include the reptilians within and outside of earth for example, which have a vested interest in controlling this planet.
Paying attention to your vibration and having a clear intention of who you wish to communicate with is the key here to knowing who you are communicating with. Again, asking yourself if the information you are being given is helping you or others etc can also be a useful clue.
Astral entities including ghosts

There is a bit of an overlap here because many ETs can also be classed as being astral entities too. The astral is very often misunderstood because the astral realm is so vast. We could even class this earthly reality as being in the astral if we were to look at it from yet another reality!
Everything you could possibly think of exists in the astral. There are lower vibrational AND higher vibrational realities compared to Earth existing there. There are an infinite number of worlds, heavens, hells, galaxies etc with a huge variety of beings inhabiting those places too. This is why it is possible to connect telepathically to a great many different beings with many different agendas.
There are realities that are also very similar to Earth there too with varying amounts of differences to each other. This is where we find beings that we call ghosts, that sometimes appear to us in this reality when our vibration shifts enough to start seeing those other realities.
Connecting with those that have passed from this realm into other realms is commonly sought after and can randomly happen when we choose to think about and therefore tune our radio to their vibration. Again you have to be careful what your intention is and watch your vibration when connecting this way lest you actually be picking up on a being pretending to be a relative or pick up on an echo of a lost one for example.
My definition of a demon is anything that intends to influence, control, manipulate or otherwise do harm. They are not just the horned, forked tail creatures that most people typically think of. They can include other people, ETs, ghosts and even businesses, laws, governments, computer programs etc
The beings we typically label as demons are creatures that exist in the astral and are ultimately a creation of our minds. Many of them would love to exist in our reality and will do anything to get us to manifest them here. Of course because they are creations rather than creators themselves, they also have to keep playing tricks to even continue to exist, let alone manifest as physical – notice all the horror books, movies, computer games, music themes etc happening these days that attempt us to keep thinking about and therefore creating them?!
The more you realise that you are a creator being and that demons cannot exist without you creating them, then they no longer have power over you.
You will start to realise that all you have to do is to change your vibration, especially by mastering your mind, thus, dictating what you wish to tune your radio to and also therefore what you manifest and experience. Once your vibration starts to shift your sub and un-consciousness, not just what you are aware of thinking, that is when they start to dissolve away from your reality or at the very least stop being able to interfere with or approach you.
5G and other broaodcasted EMFs

One source of thoughts and voices that people don’t often think of!
EMFs (electro-magnetic frequency or electro-motive force depending on what subjects you look into) are made of energy, just like anything else.
Your emotions and of course your thoughts are also made of energy. Telepathy involves receiving that energy and different frequencies, or if you like, different vibrations or waveforms of energy will be interpreted as different words, images, sounds or other types of thought.
What might interest you is that many modern EMFs, the most commonly know one being 5G, overlap with the frequencies that the human brain operates at.
Yes that’s right, images, voices and other thoughts can literally be transmitted directly into our minds from modern technologies!
I always questioned as to why we needed such a huge bandwidth of energy that 5G uses to transmit data, especially when 4G is already quick enough for the sort of information we typically send to each other. Sure, films, files and other media are getting more complex and bigger, and a bigger bandwidth helps transmit all that much quicker, but did they really need to use a bandwidth that overlapped with the human brain?!
It’s no wonder why (along with the chemicals in our food and environment , false information, poor education and other distractions etc of course) that people are finding it harder to concentrate for any length of time… Maybe my articles are too long for most people to keep reading after a few paragraphs haha!
5G and other EMFs can still potentially be used to benefit our health and our minds but there is a lot of potential for subliminal as well as direct and clear thoughts to be projected into our minds this way.
What to do with unwanted thoughts & voices
There are two main approaches. Either removing the source of the thoughts or simply being mindful of thoughts and learning to “tune your radio” to only receive what you wish to or at the very least not allow those thoughts to control your actions and beliefs.
Most people in this “quick fix” world will want the source to be removed and in the shortest time, the most comfortable way and very often without any of their own effort too! And if a articular practitioner isn’t able to do that for them within one session, then they are deemed useless and they go onto yet more and more practitioners without putting in any effort on their part. It is just a reflection of this world being negative ego dominant and as a result every problem being outside of them, rather than seeing their part in it.
Lets have a look at what can be removed or not before going into why learning to master the mind is often the better solution long-term.
Removing the sources of unwanted thoughts
Removing the source of the issue can be easily done in some cases and in others not.
For example, you are not going to be able to teach all other humans how to master their minds such that they stop creating useless or harmful mental energies for you to pick up! Even if that were possible, some people may simply choose to create harmful mental energies just for the experience anyway and you’d still have their thoughts to contend with.
Your own ego and the vast amount of mental energies stored in your sub and unconsciousness cannot simply be taken away either. You can however program it and slowly change it over time through mindfulness and choice as I’ll talk about later.
You cannot also remove all the telecommunication and other technological infrastructures so that you stop thoughts that emanating from them. Too many people and businesses have a vested interest in propagating this technology. What you can do however is move to an area without telecommunications towers and/or use EMF resistant paints, blinds, faraday cages etc (as I have talked about in previous blog articles) so that at least your home is a haven from these signals. You will still have to contend with EMFs when you visit other areas of course.
Some sources can easily be removed however, so long as you are willing to let go of any underlying beliefs that may make it harder than it should be to remove.
Anything in the astral such as any demons that reside there are generally easy to remove. The only people that struggle with them are those that believe that they are more significant than they really are and as such need some education, multiple healing sessions and/or “homework” to challenge and dissolve those beliefs.
Essentially however, the astral from our perspective is made of lighter energy than this reality and as such, things manifest or un-manifest far far quicker than here. Here you can think of an elephant for hours and an elephant still won’t appear in your living room! In the astral our thoughts are much more powerful and once we realise this, we can literally delete a demon or another entity of some kind by snapping our fingers!
Some people may need to convince their ego, get around it or trick it however because they hold onto some limiting beliefs about entities. As such contract cancellations such as on my demon clearing statement blog article, using purple flames, opening doors to the light to throw them in, healing traumas with entities or traumas from this or other lives and so on may be needed before someone can fully dissolve the reality of a particular demon or entity.
Of course if you would like help in removing entities of any kind then you are welcome to book an appointment with me where I can directly help as well as provide lessons and homework too.
Again, none of the above is needed once you realise you are a creator being and that they cannot exist without you maintaining their existence. This is why mastering your mind such that you don’t think of and thus create what you don’t wish, is the ultimate solution.
Any truly positive beings such as ETs, angels etc will obviously stop simply by you asking them to stop communicating telepathically with you. Just remember that just by thinking of someone or a particular being, even if it seems at random, is a bit like ringing someone on a telephone. Just like telephones, they may not choose to answer but don’t be surprised if they do!
Learning to master your mind i.e. “tune your radio”

This is ultimately what is needed so solve the issue of unwanted thoughts and once you understand that everything around you is a creation, mastering mind will solve all sorts of other issues you have too.
It is not an easy task, especially on this planet where there is a dominance of people letting their minds wander endlessly, lots of limiting beliefs even in the spiritual communities about demons and other dark things that is often said can harm us and in addition technologies making it harder to think clearly. BUT even if you only catch your thoughts a few times a day and question whether they serve you or not, you will have much more ease than the vast majority of people on this planet.
Formal meditation essentially helps you to learn to not allow thoughts, emotions and other forms of information control your life. And of course it helps you to tune into whatever information you truly wish to tune into rather than allowing the mind to wander all over the place at the whim of whatever frequencies are around you.
If you practice meditation and especially if you extend this practice into your everyday life i.e. practice mindfulness, then it becomes easier to only tune into thoughts that are useful to you and to stay focused on thoughts that help take you in the direction of life you truly wish to move towards.
Remember that some uncomfortable thoughts, images, voices might be needed to help steer you into a more positive life path or even might help you save yours or another’s life. For example the thought of a tiger eating you, may help you save your life if their was actually a tiger near you without a leash!
So as you can see, it is not about pushing away or ignoring “negative” thoughts. Some of them might be useful. It is always worth at least being aware of “negative” thoughts such that you can act on those that actually have relevance to your real life and to learn to not react or be controlled by those that are not useful.
There will always be new challenges in life as we continue to grow and as such there will always be thoughts, emotions and other forms of information coming up about those challenges. Mindfulness helps us to have a better relationship with our thoughts and emotions such that we can see them as information that we can act on if they are useful.
Without being aware of what is coming up in your mind and stepping back and asking “is this useful/relevant to me?” you will always be pulled along in life by that which is dominant around you. Being mindful helps give you choice and it helps you to continue to be who and what you wish, no matter what is going on within you or outside of you.
Over time, due to the law of attraction, you will see that the more you practice mindfulness and thus learn to invest more of your creative energy into what you wish to think and do, rather than get caught up in the thoughts that don’t serve you, that less and less “negative” thoughts will come to your mind.
It gets easier to tune into what you wish versus not wish and the outside world, and even easier, the astral world will start to reflect what you are steering your thoughts towards. You get out what you put in – the third law of this reality we live.
It does not ultimately matter what the source of a thought is
The above advice holds true no matter what the source of unwanted thought is. Whether a demon, an astral entity, another human, an ET or from EMFs it is important to let whatever is coming from them pass and to steer your thoughts and actions to what you truly wish to.
In the case of a negative entity, ET, reptilian, person or other form of demon, they will eventually give up, move out of your life or even cease to exist for you if you don’t invest your energies into their mental projections. If your vibration doesn’t continue to match theirs to some degree or another, then they cannot continue to interact with you – it would be a bit like trying to put two opposing sides of a magnet together. Their different frequencies or direction of energy if you like, repel each other.
Always remember that if you fight, resist, react or of course conversely agree with negative beings and their mental projections, you are maintaining them as real either way because both ways involves you giving your creative energy to them. This is why governments love good AND bad news about them. Both forms of news keeps you thinking about them and thus maintaining their existence. This is an important point I make when people have entity and other thought issues.
Letting pass without fight/resistance/reaction/judgement thoughts that don’t serve you and putting more energy into thoughts you do wish to think is the best way to learn to tune your radio.
For sources of thought that may not go away such as the craziness of the human collective consciousness and telecommunications towers (at least in this reality!), it becomes even more important to practice mindfulness and choice of what thought serves you or not.
Always remember to ask each time a thought or emotion comes up “Is this useful for me and the direction of life I wish to go in?” If it isn’t warning you about a real risk that you need to resolve nor helping you grow or experience what you wish in some way, let it pass. Generate a thought you wish to think of instead or continue to act or make physical choices that keep you stepping closer and closer to the reality you truly wish for.
Many people do not have to awareness of where a thought is truly coming from and can blame the wrong thing. Even if they are aware of the source, their belief filter can misinterpret the thought information coming to them and create a problem that really wasn’t there. I’ve lost count of the amount of people that blame another person for their troublesome thoughts yet when I tune into them they are simply going about their everyday life without even paying any attention to my client! This is why it is always important to follow the simple advice in the paragraph above lest you get caught up in making something more of a problem than it is.
Being able to make positive choices or choices that help you make little steps closer and closer to who and what you wish to be or experience in life, helps you to realise that those thoughts and sources of thought don’t have power over you. They help you realise that you do have power over your own life.
Even if it is simply choosing to start the day by getting out of bed early to meditate, make a healthy breakfast, get washed and dressed for the day ahead despite you having thoughts and emotions of not wanting to get out of bed or go to work and your life being crap in some way, you have proven that those thoughts had no power over you in doing what’s best for you and your body.
Exercise your mind muscle
Mindfulness takes time and practice for the vast majority of us. Don’t expect for things to change straight away (but always be open to sudden change as miracles do happen!).
It’s a bit like going to the gym. The gym is a very good place to learn mindfulness as you continue to work-out despite the complaints of the mind or from demons etc trying to see you fail for example.
You will have all sorts of thoughts about it being hard, how out of breath you are, how long you have till you finish the session, why you aren’t as fit as someone else, are they judging the way you look etc etc And even between gym sessions you’ll have thoughts about not wanting to go back verses going back, watching TV eating junk etc instead then you’ll have judgments about whether you do that or not.
If you continually ask whether those thoughts serve you or not in your path towards greater health and well-being for example, you’ll let those thoughts pass and go to the gym anyway and continue every exercise with intent even with complaining thoughts coming up all over the place.
Even after weeks of going to the gym and letting pass the negative thoughts, you may still look at yourself and feel in yourself that you haven’t made much progress both in your physical fitness and appearance. But if you keep going you will eventually see progress and progress will continue to improve as you make it a lifestyle change. There will be ups and downs and plateaus too that might make you rethink whether to carry on with the gym as the body just as with life, doesn’t improve linearly like we would like it to.
The same is true of the mind. The negative ego will fight you all the way through various methods as each one starts to fail. Demons are just the same as the negative ego. As you keep practicing mindfulness however, much like with the gym, you will see that no thought, no demon, no entity, no EMF signal etc really has power over you as you are proving that you can make positive choices for you and your life no matter what is coming from those sources.
I hope this is useful to some of you out there. I cannot go through every possible scenario in a blog article like this but this should help people understand at least logically the majority of unwanted thought situations and what can be done.
For those that are struggling or who feel that there is something going on not covered by this article, you are more than welcome to book a session with me. With over 11 years of helping people with these sorts of issues, I’d be surprised if I hadn’t come across something I hadn’t heard of before.