Originally published sometime in March 2023

I have been working on the video blog more recently. More specifically the playlist “Learn Energy Healing” series of videos of which I have many many more lined up to record. That will be my main focus in terms of blogging but I will from time to time write an article here, especially if it is the sort of subject that tends to be banned, shadow-banned and/or has “fact checkers” claiming that it is false. I hope my readers are aware of how prevalent this sort of practice is becoming in the modern world.
I thought I would use an experience I had today to highlight plagiarism on the web.
I was just curious as to how easy it is to find my website, so put in some searches about certain subjects in various search engines and had a look at where my website popped up. Like many other healers out there that I know of, I’m not much into advertising myself. I’m pretty adverse to it yet I understand that I need to do it to a certain extent, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to be self-employed.
It was very interesting seeing other websites offering similar services and after clicking on a few I found this website offering etheric implant removal: https://yonderveil.weebly.com/

I’m sure some of my regular clients might recognise my style of writing and know my views on etheric implant removal but it goes further than that. The text on this website’s page about implant removal is A COPY of what I wrote on my website years ago. A few alterations to the text sure, but it’s 99% my writing. I still have back-up copies of all pages I’ve published on my website since I got it going around 2014 and of course people can see old incarnations of my website on places like waybackmachine.org.
So, “Yonder Veil Spiritual Services” you have been caught copying my writings.
I have no idea who is behind that website nor whether their healing work is legitimate. I will give them the benefit of the doubt. Hardly encouraging however when someone can’t put a description of their healing service in their own words though, is it?
I have had my website pages copied many times but every time I have come across it in the past, they have given my name as the writer of that work.
Discernment is so important in the spiritual community
So where am I going with this? In essence, I’m trying to say be careful when searching for a healing practitioner, or when looking into spiritual/new-age/alternative subjects in general.
I have highlighted in a previous blog how involved the 3-letter agencies have been in mixing up truth and lies to steer and limit the beliefs of those who are waking up in one way or another.
I have certainly fallen for lies in the past unfortunately, and while it is hard to know for certain what is true (and there is no one truth from a higher perspective to make things even more complex!) I will always strive to give the best information from where I currently am in my own awakening process, rather than take information from others as true because they are “awakened” or an “expert” of some kind. I am a firm believer in testing out things too, to see if they are true for me or not.
One thing I didn’t highlight in that other blog post however was that there are people that legitimately are trying to provide the best information to help others but unfortunately don’t realise that they are perpetuating many mis-truths. Another possibility is that the information that they provide may be true but that it furthers suffering. As a personal example I wrote in the past about etheric implants being so significant and harmful, rather than realising the higher truth that they are only as bad and real as we believe them to be. Being honest about past mistakes I feel is important in my line of work.
As you can hopefully see, I am not here to say that I hold “the truth” nor that my techniques are better than anyone else’s. There are many practitioners and advisers out there that may be a better fit for you than me or be able to help you in ways that I can’t and vice-versa. What I am saying however is that it is important to use discernment and sense into what is true and best for you and be aware that some people & websites may not be entirely what they seem 😉