Originally published sometime in October 2021

Though I truly believe that once you tap into your highest potential you can very much be like a yogi and be able to drink arsenic without ill effect, we are not there yet. The vast majority of us are not able to master our energy to such an extent that incoming vibrations do not affect us. We have to follow the path of least resistance and often that means doing the practical thing.
I feel this is an important point to get across because I find many people try to heal for example using energetic techniques, yet they are still eating foods that are not supportive of their body, taking in light that interrupts their bodily rhythms and doing little exercise that gets the fluids of the body moving.
Your physical body is the vessel from which you are currently experiencing from. If you do not look after it, then it can be hard (though definitely not impossible!) to perform certain spiritual practices, grow and heal.
This is why if you look into eastern practices, they include a lot of advice about diet, exercise, breathing, even how to arrange your home among other things. Not just advice on meditation, astral travel etc. A yogi for example does not just perform “stretches” like we tend to believe in the West. Yoga is an all encompassing approach to improve life from many different angles.
When you realise that the energy bodies (emotional, mental, astral and so on) are affected by the vibration of the physical body and vice versa, then you may start to work from both ends, taking you much more quickly on your path than working purely energetically or physically.
If you struggle to meditate and feel clouded in your mind and low on energy, then you might find that looking after the health of your body may help. Many of those thoughts, emotions and other sensations that distract you from your focus are due to signals from the body telling you of its distress.
Having said that, those who have been looking into health over the years may see how much harder the practical things that improve our health are compared to generations ago.
Our grandparents (or great-grandparents depending on how old you are!) did not have to worry about acid rains, chem-trails, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and various other chemicals affecting what minerals are able to come from the soil to our food or directly affecting out food. They did not have to worry so much about processing of our foods after being harvested, such as having additives of various kinds, many of which need a scientific degree to even begin to understand what they are and potentially what they do to our body. They didn’t have to worry about plastics and metals like aluminium leeching into our food from the packaging or being irradiated or exposed to fumes before they reached the shop. Food was simply much closer to its natural state in the old days.
We are constantly digesting light all through the day. In the old days apart from candles that don’t have as much impact as the blue-dominant light bulbs we have, they got the right wavelengths of light at the right times of the day for the pineal gland and other biological clock functions to work properly.
We are also experiencing thousands of times and increasing, levels of radiation than them too. This is why I have written several articles on mitigating this and am reminding my clients about the importance of it too.
People were much more active in the past too. There wasn’t so much machinery to do things for us nor were things set-up so that you could buy food through your car window – you had to walk!
So as you can see, modern life means that health isn’t as easy as it was in the past. It often requires you to educate yourself to keep up with the ever changing flow of new chemicals, processing techniques, changes in how our soils are affected and new and increasing EMFs.
Many people groan when advice is given on these subjects. Going back to my blog on the mainstream-alternative media and even in the main-stream media itself, one of the techniques they employ is to flood media with information on these subjects.
In that way, not only is the useful information dwarfed by the not-so-good advice but it makes it harder to find and often it is ridiculed. Also due to this flooding of information, people get fed-up with it and so when potentially life-changing advice is given we, often end up saying “Ugh! Not another person giving dietry advice!”
I find that those that fare better with their health, apart from those that live without so much influence from western advice, are often the ones that have spent years looking into these subjects and learning it for themselves. They use themselves as the guinea pigs too. I will likely post some things that myself and my Naturopath wife have tried over the years as examples that may help you.
No one method may help everyone but I hope that more people look after their bodies so that we have more ease with our spiritual practices.