Originally published on 14th Jan 2016

Following some changes that occurred during and after my last India trip, myself and my now ex-girlfriend have decided to part ways. So here I am yet again in England the country in which I was born.
What a shame it is that the British don’t build their houses like the Scandinavians – how can it be that I feel much colder indoors here, when the climate is much warmer outside?
I must apologise to all the people who were hoping to have a treatment from me in person in Helsinki. Finland is truly an amazing country and I would have loved to stay there for longer. There is so much more connection with Earth and nature there. The summers are beautiful and surprisingly hot. The winters magical and peaceful. The people friendly. The food delicious…
I have a lot of positive things to say about my time there. So thank you to Kirsi, her family and all those that I met. I enjoyed myself and have certainly grown in many ways due to my experiences with you and the many things I was introduced to.
Looking even further back, it’s been amazing how many changes have happened to myself and the business over the last year. I’ve been so busy that it has been hard to keep you all up-to-date via the blog.
Last year after leaving New Zealand where I started this business, I moved to Australia, then the UK, and finally Finland. Each time, I followed my inner knowing as to where to go and what to do next.
I wrote a little about following your inner guidance in an earlier blog entitled “Recognising Your Own Truth” – An article that while I feel that I don’t fully agree with the wording used (I am never fully happy with things I’ve written, especially as consciousness keeps changing!), I have kept it because it contains ‘the gist’ of how you can connect with your inner-knowing/higher Self/divine.
Last year then was a real test to see if I trusted that inner guidance as often ‘my’ mind would come up with many reasons that contradicted it. Saying goodbye to friends, loosing possessions, having lots of paper-work to do, finding the money to travel and buy new things and trying to keep my business going as I traversed time zones were some of the many challenges I faced. It has however certainly been worthwhile as I have had fun, grown in many ways and I have been connected with many people and organisations that can take me even further along this awakening path that I am on.
For those of you who expect that following your inner truth will make things easier, well that’s not always the case. At least not initially. Life is full of challenges and as many of the dasas (guides) in India say, surviving is avoiding challenges, living is facing them .
The mind will often try to convince you of the finale, after which should follow the story of living ‘happily forever after’ – which is precisely what my mind tried to do to me after moving to Finland. Of course the mind forgets that change is the only constant, and if you wish grow along the path of awakening, that means more challenges!
So whilst I get acquainted with the UK again, I will only be able to offer distance healing sessions for the moment. I will also have to change the timezone of the booking system so please bear that in mind if you plan to book soon – I will not alter anyone’s bookings that are already there 😉
So, what does the divine have in store for the UK eh?