Etheric Implant Removal – Commonly Asked Questions

I decided to provide a questions and answers page due to the huge amount of emails I get about this subject. Please understand that I do not have the time to answer you all individually. You should find the majority of answers here and on other pages.

Some people might start to think on reading this that I don’t believe that implants exist because I say that they don’t inherently exist. That is a very 3rd density way of thinking, rather than seeing that something can both exist and not exist from different perspectives. So, before you start to think that I do not believe in implants and/or that I cannot help you unless I do believe etc, please read on.

Please note that information on implants varies depending on what source of information you use. People can perceive them in a myriad of ways and of course many do not see them as implants at all – it all depends on the belief system of the individual and therefore what they see.

With this in mind, please try to look at the information I have provided below as one perspective on the implant story. Many healers and psychics use very different terms/names/descriptions etc. Hopefully I have written it in a way that helps you realise that they don’t have to be a problem for you and that empowers you to realise your role in their creation, and hence your ability to completely dissolve this reality from yours.

Can you elaborate on why you have changed your writing on etheric implants and highlight that they don’t inherently exist?

EDIT May 2023 – You can find a more answers about how my perspectives have changed from my blog article “etheric implants & parasites – a healers review after 10 years”

For several years I was willing to tune into the reality of the “Negative Alien Agenda” (as it is called by many other writers) including etheric implants from the outside, to help people be at ease within that reality – a reality that was very real in the past for myself too. I have also been willing to help those who I felt were ready to leave it and I wish to further that by openly writing about it more. I feel that it is now better to write about the larger picture rather than maintain the existence of and related fear/anger/resistance/fight reactions that many people’s writings have created regarding this subject. Hopefully this will create more ease such that we can move forwards.

Teachings related to this 3rd dimensional reality and other realities existing but not having inherent existence, are common knowledge for many of you reading this. As we are raising our level of awareness, we are truly realising this at the experiential level, rather than just understanding it cognitively. In this way, we are starting to truly step into the realisation that we are creators of our own realities and co-creators of this reality we are collectively in. If you are wondering at this point what a reality is, it is simply one or more beings agreeing that something exists and thus creating that as “real”.

As we are starting to wake up to the fact that we are creators, we are starting to choose something different – to dissolve the beliefs and their resultant creations that don’t serve us and create what we truly desire. As such, I have noticed over the years that many people who are ready, are starting to dissolve etheric implants within their energy bodies, often without realising it. Afterall, etheric implants only exist because we believe they do – in other words they exist but not inherently so.

Please understand that I am not making people who believe in implants existing as wrong. Far from it. This 3rd dimensional reality may seem unchangeable and so appear as more real, but it does not inherently exist either. It only exists because we have agreed and therefore created it as real. I am just highlighting the deeper truth that we have the power and choice to create and un-create the realities we exist in. The higher vibrational realms are much less dense and so are more easily changed than the 3rd dimension when we shift our beliefs. Thus the etheric, astral, emotional etc plane issues such as etheric implants can be eradicated completely if we choose it. Of course you may find that you can grow more in certain ways by holding onto certain beliefs depending on where you are in your journey and what route you are taking – no one journey of awakening is the same.

When you agreed in incarnate as a human, that you will have agreed to take on the belief systems that humans possess including those that exists at a subconscious level. People do not often realise it but beliefs are very often hidden deep within the physical/energetic bodies of the Self – what in the West we call the subconscious or un-conscious. The truth is that this starts to become conscious to the mind as you continue along the path of awakening. As you awaken you also truly start to realise the beliefs you have held inside of you as well as their reflections in physical reality, rather than what you perceived you believed, before this awareness comes to fruition.

From my perspective there must have been some large scale event or maybe multiple experiences in human history and also leading up to the present time, in order for these beliefs to be so prominent in the subconscious or unconscious parts of each person. This is why I have often said that people do not realise that they believe in etheric implants when they commonly say that they believe the opposite. There is a lovely paradox/contradiction here in terms of perception which if you spot, might help your mind wake up to the fact that logic/mind cannot give you all the answers 😉

It can be confusing to understand beliefs at a logical level which is why I feel that they can only be fully understood via experience. If you would like to delve into this subject of beliefs and to dissolve those you feel are limiting you then you may like to try out a “Belief Removal / Limitation Removal” session over Skype in which we can converse freely about it and show you how to sense the beliefs you hold within your Self.

I have understood this non-inherent existence of implants and other “Negative Alien Agenda” subjects for a long time but have been willing to continue to delve into the perceptions of others such that I can help them within that reality, and if they are ready, help them out and into something new. What is written on much of the rest of this page is still true for many people, and I have left it that way such that those people can know that I truly understand their reality even if I view the wider picture. My hope is that people not only cognitively understand but truly understand from the experiential level what I have written about and view the rest of what I have written below as a story – a reality that you can choose whether or not to believe…

What about the entities that implant people – do they inherently exist?

Ultimately no. It may be difficult for some to understand that the entities, including the ETs that are often attributed to implanting of people, do not have to exist. This is especially the case when people are experiencing “psychic attack”, implantation and other interactions with these beings and thus people perceive that as real and true and in doing so keep recreating that in their future. No matter how technologically and seemingly spiritually advanced these beings may be and how they seem to be able to maintain this scenario, you must not forget that this reality can only exist if you and they agree for it to exist – the basic definition of a reality. Once you recognise your role in the co-creation process, you can start to empower yourself to change it.

If you wish to hold onto the belief that these beings and what they do are real (which remember they are, but not inherently so) then you might like to look at it in the following way. You are ultimately an unlimited being who is having a human experience. An unlimited being has unlimited abilities and as such cannot be harmed by anything else unless it chooses to experience that. By becoming human, you have taken on the beliefs that many humans possess. This often includes things such as others being able to harm you, others having more power/control/importance/abilities, not being able to change things or to only change them slowly etc. It is these sorts of beliefs and the related emotions (such as fear, anger, hurt, guilt, sadness) that people hold onto, that create the lower-vibrational energies and blocks within their Selves/energy bodies. It is these energies that lower the vibration of and so weaken the aura. This in turn makes it easier for lower vibrational beings to get close to, interact with and even enter the auric field. It also makes it easier for lower-vibrational entities to be pulled/attracted towards the person. Like attracts like – the law of attraction. This is why many healers often say that these beings feed off these lower vibrations. If you like that point of view, then why not start to dissolve the beliefs that create the emotions of fear, anger, regret, guilt, sadness etc that they so love?

This is why I spend a lot of time with people working on dissolving the beliefs, that created the emotions that in turn weaken the body and the aura and create the victim scenario. If you would like further explanation on what beliefs are and how I can teach you how to remove them, them please visit the Belief Removal / Limitation Removal page.

From another perspective you might like to think that these beings are of a low vibration and that by holding onto lower vibrations yourself, you are maintaining your presence in their plane of existence. Bandwidth of existence if you like. Thus by raising your own vibration you literally start to ascend to a plane of existence or vibrational level where you cease to exist in their reality and they cease to exist in yours.

What is the “etheric body” that you talk about?

The etheric body can be thought of best as the ‘blue-print’ to the physical body. There are disagreements between psychics/healers as to what the etheric body is and in how many levels of dimension it exists. You can think of it as the body you will have if you were to ascend to a higher dimension. You could also see it as the interface that exists between the true Self that has no defined form and the physical body. It is composed of much higher frequency energies than the physical body and so is much more easily changed. In the majority of people it appears as a “perfected” version of your physical body i.e. without flaws. Yet again there are many different belief systems about this and you can find a lot of information about it by doing a simple web search.

When we talk of etheric implants, we are not necessarily talking about implants in the etheric body. We are using the word “ether” to describe anything beyond the physical rather than a set density of the aura. So Etheric implants can be found in various densities. Most often I am working on implants that are on the astral density of the aura.

If etheric implants don’t inherently exist, then what exactly are you dissolving/removing during an etheric implant removal session?

For me, I consider the belief of etheric implants existing and the actual implants themselves as one and the same. From this perspective you could view an implant removal session as removing both at the same time.

Often people doubt whether they have completely rid themselves of them, fear their return and can even re-manifest them because if it. For these reasons I recommend a follow-up appointment to either work deeper into the etheric body using Aura Healing to remove energy blocks and/or a Belief Removal / Limitation Removal session to work deeper into the beliefs that are causing their issues including the existence of implants.

Do I have implants?

If you hold onto to the belief you have them, then they will exist as real for you whether at a conscious or sub/un-conscious level. Most people are not aware at a conscious level that they have that belief because they are not able to sense what is held within their bodies/energetic fields yet. This is why etheric implants may appear to suddenly become a reality for those on the awakening path.

At the time of writing, it appears that the vast majority of humans have hidden deep within their bodies/energetic fields this belief – due to the events that appear to have happened to humanity in the distant past. They are completely unaware of this. If you have been drawn to this page and are questioning whether you do or not, it is very likely that you do. Just feel into your heart – does it feel light in your heart when you say you have implants? If so then you might like to book an appointment.

Does everyone have to go through an Etheric Implant Removal process to be free of them?

In short, no. There are many techniques you can start to employ that will dissolve and/or remove them from your energetic Self. Anything that raises your vibration in general will eventually push them out of your body.

Techniques that direct higher vibrational energy at them will obviously create quicker change as will techniques that dissolve or remove the beliefs that make them a reality for you. Everything from clearing statements to reiki, to meditation can be of help. In this way many people on the awakening path have already removed some or all of their implants without realising it at all simply because of employing these techniques. People don’t often need to be aware of their belief in implants in order to dissolve them away and of course many people perceive them as something different anyway.

Obviously those who feel they have not developed their healing abilities and/or feel stuck can obtain great benefit from having their implants removed by someone such as myself. Many people who are already very aware like to book an appointment anyway to move things along quicker too. Often the other beliefs that people hold onto, can make it difficult for them to dissolve/remove implants and as such I can work on these too.

It is also worth mentioning here the “100th monkey effect”. This effect simply implies that once humanity reaches a certain threshold of people creating a certain change, that change will automatically happen to the rest of humanity (or at least the population that is open to change) without them having to “learn” or cognitively understand anything at all. In this way if we can dissolve this belief system in enough people, then the rest of humanity can benefit without ever needing to learn about it at all.

Where do implants come from and who makes them?

This is a huge subject and of course there are many viewpoints as many people have written about it. The generally agreed story given by various psychics says that Earth and it’s inhabitants has been fought over by many different extraterrestrial races existing through multiple dimensions over a much longer time period than we are taught that civilisation has existed. Humans had been freed and recaptured by benevolent and malevolent beings multiple times.

Among other technologies and methods, implants were developed by the different races to influence humanity and any other beings on this planet and its astral realms. Generally speaking most implants were created to stop us from waking up to our true abilities and to make us more easily controlled. Others are there to help or enhance our abilities. As I am writing this, many in the alternative media are coming around to the conclusion that the beings and their “factories” that produce these implants are slowly being removed though there are many other beliefs out there. If you would like to know more about this story, then you will find a great amount of information on the internet if you search for etheric implants and the negative alien agenda.

Again, I would suggest that you tune into what you feel is true for you when looking into this subject rather than accept what you are being told – the same goes for the rest of this page! What would it take for us to uncreate this story? 😉

Do other beings also have implants?

I have perceived implants in animals though they don’t have anywhere as near the amount as found in humans, if at all, as I write this. Not so much animals in the wild but more domesticated animals. Many psychics often say that they have seen devices inside beings of other realities. Again a great many different beliefs out there!

How did people get implanted?

Again make your own mind up on the following story 😉. The generally agreed spiritual/new-age story is that many implants were installed many lifetimes ago during the Mu, Lemurian and Atlantean times when certain beings forced us through various means to have them. Some implantation may have happened off-planet such as during the Orion wars. Most of the newer implants would have occurred as part of the re-incarnation process – there are ‘terms and conditions’ that those beings who claim to own Earth would have imposed on you. These terms include implantation and forgetting your memory of ‘previous lives’, among other things. Less common implants may have been obtained through other situations including abduction or due to other agreements. Another reason is simply that people choose to have them to experience, learn or even to heighten abilities.

What do contracts have to do with implants?

As mentioned above, many implants are due to contracts and agreements that were made or were forced on people by various beings. If spiritual contracts and agreements interest you, then it can be useful to use that belief and understand that, much like contracts in physical reality, you can cancel them at any time! People have found that cancelling these contracts will often make certain implants easier to dissolve/remove and also reduce the interactions certain beings had with them. For more of an understanding about spiritual/soul contracts and removing them, click here.

How come I’ve cancelled my contracts and I still have implants?

Not all implants were done contractually and/or they simply need time to dissolve away. You may not have cancelled all contracts or the right ones pertaining to your situation. Or it could be that your contract may be linked to your choices of experiencing being human. There is a lot of possibilities but always remember that you always have choice and there will always be a way for you to resolve your situation. A Skype session may be best to work through your options.

Are there ‘good’ or ‘beneficial’ implants?

That depends on what you deem ‘good’. Some implants we are told, are from beings that would like to see humanity freed or for study purposes. Often this means that the implants allow better inter-galactic communication, channeling etc. Other implants are often made by individuals in other lives to heighten abilities or to counteract detrimental technologies. “Etheric crystals” as I have discovered, are an example of this.

How detrimental are implants?

Here comes that word again… belief! Due to the varying beliefs people hold onto, their effects vary greatly between people.

From one perspective, the strength of design/technology of an implant as well as how many there are, where they are placed, the possible interactions with other implants and whether the individual is already weakened by other things within and outside of their Selves, all determines how much implants can be of detriment.

These factors also determine what sort of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual effects can happen which are far-ranging. Some of the typical symptoms people can have are listed on the ‘Etheric Implant Removal‘ page though I’m sure you’ll note that many other things could cause the same or similar symptoms ;-).

I have seen people with fantastic health and psychic abilities despite having many implants within them. Thus it is our own limitations which are the biggest detriment to us – our own judgments, beliefs, conclusions, traumas etc that typically have us running on auto-pilot in our daily lives. Though implants are designed to influence people to create more limitations, it is our choice to create limitations regardless. This is why I try to teach people to become more conscious and learn tools that will ultimately lead to freedom from suffering.

Are all causes of limitation due to implants?

No. There are many technologies, psychic phenomena, teachings, chemicals and other physical/mental/emotional control systems out there that people allow themselves to be influenced by. Many of them are right in front of you such as via the technologies you use on a daily basis, and some are more hidden such as HAARP technology.

Again, it is the beliefs we hold onto that allow those things and anything else to influence us and cause suffering.

I have already had an implant removal session with another healer, is it possible that I still have implants?

It is possible and very often I do see implants in those who have already been through a removal process. The only way to be sure is to check you over. It all depends on what implants the other healer was able to perceive and remove. Also, it is important to understand what one psychic/healer calls an implant may not be the same as another! This is explained in the next question more fully.

Your belief in whether they exist or not, whether you are allowing of the healing process, whether you have doubts in them being returned to you etc are paramount to an effective solution – this is why I suggest Belief Removal / Limitation Removal sessions after my Etheric Implant Removal session for those who have doubts.

In my awakening journey, I have had healings from many different healers who have removed implants from me in the past, in addition to the many I have removed myself. If I am to believe what I have been told and count them all up, I’ve had nearly 18,500 implants removed from me! Many of them I didn’t perceive to be implants from a personal point of view, but I accepted the healer’s viewpoint as I understood that what they were doing was going to benefit me anyway.

Please do not blame healers for not spotting things you believe they should have. We are all in the process of waking up, there are many things to go through for that to happen. So please be grateful for whatever healing you have received.

How come different healers/psychics have different descriptions of etheric implants and how do I know if each of them are talking about the same implants?

There are so many healers/psychics out there who have written about implants. I haven’t even gotten through all the ones in the English language let alone other languages, nor do I intend to!

Different healers and psychics do not perceive everything in all dimensions the same as each other. Some can see certain things another cannot and vice versa. The things they sense together may be seen in a different way according to their perceptions. On top of that there are different opinions on what constitutes an implant or not, and of course there are many who do not believe in implants at all.

Even between etheric implant healers, it can be difficult to work out if we are describing and removing the same implants unless we all sit down together and work on people together. Even then, we may describe how an implant looks completely differently. If you look at how markedly different people’s descriptions of the same face or object are, you’ll get the idea. It gets more complex when considering using the ‘3rd eye vision’ because what we see is often filtered through our belief systems.

As you can see, belief has a huge impact on this subject. I hope this starts to help people to understand that the higher realities are much more variable than this reality. Much more changeable and less definite. As such I hope people realise that it is more about choice about what people wish to create as “real”. As they start to do that more, that it will start to impact on this reality too 😉

Do you see and remove all implants?

If I can see an implant then I can remove it, simple as that. I can remove the majority if not all etheric implants within one session. It is only in cases where there are strong beliefs that prevent removal or allow them to return/be re-created that multiple sessions are needed including working on the beliefs themselves.

Due to the differing opinions surrounding etheric implants, I can never guarantee that I can spot and remove all of them, especially within an initial session. However, if I don’t see an implant that you perceive, then simply telling me what you sense is usually enough for me to quickly find it and remove it. In cases like this it is better to have a Skype session such that we can converse and make sure I’m removing what you are describing.

Are implant removals permanent?

The majority of implants I remove, I have never seen return. Ultimately though staying free of implants depends on the beliefs and choices people make after the healing session. Here are some of the reasons people often attribute to re-implantation, which of course I can help you let go of during my healing sessions:

  • People in the spiritual community often have a strong belief that the parasitic types of implants (such as SPEs) are very easily transmitted through electronics devices and from “jumping” from person to person. It is useful to understand with this viewpoint that parasites are attracted to you and can enter your aura due to the lower vibrational energies that you hold onto and the beliefs that create them. Thus dissolving those will strengthen the aura and will prevent this. In the meantime certain pendants, devices and techniques for keeping your aura strengthened can be useful such as the ones found in some of my blog articles.
  • Certain etheric implants such as the plasma/scalar types are often claimed to be able to be replaced and/or grow back anew due to the plasma technologies existing around the planet. I have found with these implants, that those without this belief and/or who hold a higher enough vibration, seem to never have new or regrown plasma/scalar implants within them after removal.
  • Spiritual/psychic contracts/agreements are also attributed for implants still existing or returning. Often beings are claimed to trick you into making new contracts. In this case I encourage people to cancel these – See here. Or of course people can completely dissolve the belief system entirely 😉
  • For those who strongly believe in the “negative alien agenda” they often recreate new implants and/or allow lower-vibrational beings to implant them. It can be difficult to dissolve this reality for people who see it as very “real” for them. If you are one of these, I understand and I can work within your reality but of course it would be beneficial if you were willing to start to let go of this.
  • Other beliefs and traumas that create stuck energy in the aura and thus lower the vibration of the aura in certain areas can make it easier for implants/parasites to attach again. Working on these beliefs and traumas etc can greatly help in the long-run.

What steps can I take to start dissolving/removing implants and/or keep myself implant free after an Etheric Implant Removal session?

  • Cancel any soul contracts you may have.
  • Salt (sea and Himilayan salts not table salt), black walnut tincture, miracle mineral solution are examples of things people have found to ingest that weaken parasitic entities – it is a reflection of the fact that these things also aid in healing physical parasites/viruses/bacteria.
  • Protective technologies – such as tachyon, orgonite and scalar devices can raise the vibration of you and your surroundings making it less likely lower-vibrational things will be attracted to you.
  • Psychic protection – again can limit you being re-infected but like the two points above, this is a short-term solution. Believing that you need protection also maintains the beliefs surrounding being harmed/affected/controlled by other people/beings/things. To free yourself from limitation eventually you’ll actually have to drop all your barriers and protection, as letting go of these judgements forms “natural protection”!
  • Learning healing techniques to remove them – I am always happy to teach over Skype. You may like to also try learning simple healing techniques such as Auric-Magnetic Healing or Reiki for example.
  • Raising your vibration by letting go of all the limiting beliefs that create this reality for you– the only permanent solution. If you raise your vibration high enough, then parasites and entities can simply no longer affect you and even eventually cease to exist for you. The Belief Removal / Limitation Removal sessions I do are designed to help you with this, however there are many other ways in which to do this.

Most techniques that involve raising your vibration can help you in this way, such as most forms of meditation, chi gung, tai chi, yoga, mindfulness, vipassana, psychotherapy, tapping, chakra dancing, regular aura healing, reiki and so on. These techniques are all very powerful when used correctly but are not aimed at removing implants or need to be directed towards the subject of implants.

Why don’t I feel any different after having my implants removed, why hasn’t it solved all my problems

The main causes of complaints are most often not due to, or solely due to implants. The main causes are the mental, emotional and spiritual conditioning you create and hold onto within Self and the body you inhabit, both from this and other lives. This is why I perform other forms of healing as well as advise on learning techniques to enable you to free yourself. Generally people find that removing etheric implants and the related beliefs, takes away one of the many negative influences on them allowing them to move forwards more easily.

Why do I feel worse after implant removal?

There are many reasons. Here are a few of the main points:

Many people go through what is called a ‘healing crisis‘. When you remove something that has been limiting you, the energetic body, and because it is reciprocally related to the physical body too, can start to heal more easily. The increased energy flow to and from dis-eased areas can often cause energetic turbulence, forcing lower-vibrational energies to the surface.

On the physical level, many symptoms including pain can be experienced as the blood flow to and from the area increases. As healing continues (which may take hours, days or even weeks depending on many factors), pain can continue or even get worse as the damaged cells and debris are removed. More so if damaged pain receptors start to be repaired and signal pain again. As repairs continue, the pain subsides when the body gets back to its normal state. It is very similar concept to the discomforts a smoker goes through when giving up smoking. For those who can sense the energy body too you may feel similar effects there as well.

The energetic turbulence after removal can also cause changes to occur mentally and emotionally due to changes both on the energetic and physical level. Much like the physical changes, you can expect the increase in negative thoughts and emotions of various kinds to subside over a few hours to a few weeks at worst.

If physical/mental/emotional problems continue to be a problem or even increase then it is likely that the rise in vibration after implant removal has caused previously unknown problems that exist within you and/or your physical body to come to the surface to be healed. Or another way of looking at this is, you are now more aware of the problems that exist as your senses improve.

This is a normal part of the awakening process and if you are moving quickly along that path, you may be experiencing many uncomfortable (and comfortable ones though people don’t often complain about those as much!) sensations, emotions and thoughts and wondering if it will ever stop. If this is you, then you may like to perform regular healing sessions and especially learn vipassana or mindfulness type techniques to help you through the journey.

Why do some people feel no adverse effects and others get strong healing crisis symptoms?

It varies due to what else in going on within the body and aura and of course it also relates to… belief. Here are some of the main reasons it can be attributed to:

  • It can depend on the types, amounts and locations of the implants
  • People who have allowed an implant to control them lots may have more symptoms after removing it
  • Some people have lots of energetic blocks that come to the surface after implant removal due to the rise in vibration following the process. Many people still have a lot to clear, hidden inside of their bodies. As the body’s vibration rises, the lower-vibrational energies/blocks etc will rise to the surface to be cleared. For those on the awakening path, they are already used to this happening as their continual rise in vibration brings up more of what was previously hidden inside their bodies to the surface to be let go of.
  • People who are more aware generally feel much more after implant removal as they can feel the energetic shifts to a deeper level
  • People who have not developed much of an awareness of their body will often feel little and sometimes nothing at all despite huge energetic shifts happening inside their bodies

Can you give some examples of what other people experienced during and after etheric implant removal?

Yes. There are many on the testimonials page.

I am a healer and would like to learn to remove implants. Can you teach me?

If you are a healer and feel you are ready to start removing implants and/or would like to help people understand the higher perspective on them such that they cease to exist, then I would be happy to teach you or at least give a little guidance on some techniques that may benefit you. Just book in for a teaching session and email me separately with your intentions. I can help you whilst at the same time removing any implants you may still have and/or help you work on a friend/client of yours. They can be in the same room with you, or if you would like we can do it absently with them. Obviously I can only do this via Skype as I will need to converse with you.

How come another psychic/healer says I still have implants?

The main point here is the beliefs of each psychic/healer are different, as I have highlighted in the questions above. Here is a sort list of possible reasons for this:

  • They may classify things I don’t call implants as implants e.g. common parasitic entities and thought-forms.
  • Though I do my best to be thorough, I might have missed taking one out. Just contact me if you think that is the case. Most often however it is simply something that I don’t perceive as an implant.
  • Though unlikely, they could be sensing an implant I have not discovered yet. If they can see it and they have healing abilities, see if they can remove it for you. If not then contact me and explain what they describe – often this is enough for me to remove it.
  • You have gained another implant after the appointment. This is ultimately because of the beliefs you still hold onto about being able to happen to you. I would suggest therefore a Belief Removal / Limitation Removal session to work on these. In the mean time, the advice given above on preventing re-implantation may help you.

How come you’ve removed an implant from a body part I don’t have/have had removed?

While your physical body may have had a leg amputated or a hysterectomy for example, that does not mean that you don’t have the energetic versions of those in your energy body. The energetic blue-print of your physical body continues to exist even if the physical body doesn’t have a particular part. This is why people often still can feel their leg even after it is removed.

How do you remove implants?

This is described on the Etheric Implant Removal page.

Do you use angels/ascended masters/benevolent ETs etc to help you?

In the past I used to perceive the help of a huge variety of beings including angels, enlightened masters, Christed extra-terrestrials etc. These days I simply be in the present and allow the god/divine/source/unconditional love energies to pass through me without needing outside help. Often those who I work on bring with them certain entities but they are not needed for the process and of course I move on any beings who you don’t wish to have around you during the session.

What and how many implants can you remove in a session?

I can remove all the common implants I perceive within one session. A second session is advisable to clear any remainders and work on deeper issues that allow implants/parasites to exist. I recommend that for those who continue to have any doubts that they have further sessions to work on the beliefs surrounding the subject of implants.

How long does a session last?

Sessions are 1.5 hours long though I often go overtime to be complete.

What’s the difference between a Skype and completely absent session?

There is no difference in what I do energetically. Sometimes less chat is helpful in getting more done for those who like to talk! I understand however that many people like the human contact to gain more trust in the process, get a running commentary, pay more attention to see if they can feel changes, see me working, ask questions etc. In this regard, I am more than happy to perform a Skype session if requested.

For people who have a particular implant issue that has not been resolved by myself or another healer, then Skype sessions are more useful to help guide me to where you are experiencing your issues. I might not call something an implant after we find what is causing your issue but I can remove it anyway.

Skype is also useful for certain other healings and to help me better get across information to teach and empower people. More complex healings and especially ones that need input from you such as Belief Removal / Limitation Removal sessions, are preferred via Skype.

I can perform in-person healings if people happen to be in Herefordshire and don’t mind travelling into the countryside to see me. Email me if you’d like this.

Does removing the implants completely remove me from the Matrix?

No. The “matrix” as people call it is that which is said to hold you in this reality. People often view it much like a prison that was made by the lower-vibrational beings said to control this planet. Even though I acknowledge that there are technologies/devices that are part of this, the main things that holds us in this matrix are yet again the beliefs that we hold onto. Implants are just one of the limiting beliefs of this matrix.

As one new age writer put it, holding onto the past is how we maintain the matrix. Judgements of our experiences create beliefs and this can only happen by attaching ourselves to the past. You may notice how spiritual teachers all talk about being in the now, being in the present, being grounded as the way to free yourself from suffering – as there is no holding onto past when you do this.

There are many things that help us to hold onto our limiting beliefs by making the past significant. They include religious, societal and governmental teaching regimes. The monetary system. The media/entertainment industry. The artificial separations of people by religion, country, culture, language etc.

This is a big subject beyond the scope of this website but I would suggest practices that help develop awareness of Self without judgement/resistance/reaction/fight such as vipassana and mindfulness as some of the best to help you move forwards. Questioning everything you believe is another key component.

Can you give a more detailed description of the different implants?

Here are some of the common implants I have perceived and others have reported about. The first 5 types are the most common – the others are actually rare. Please be aware that other healers may have different names for the following. I have just given some my own names when I first perceived them. Remember these are my perceptions of them using my 3rd eye vision, thus not necessarily how you might perceive them:

Needle Implants
These implants were one of the first I perceived as a healer. I see them as thin looking objects like a needle (hence the name) pointing towards the body, that cause an energy block over the part they lie over.

Suppressor Parasites (SPEs)
Some people like to distinguish parasites as a separate subject to implants, however certain parasites are classified by many healers as ‘Archon genetically engineered entities’ or ‘Synthesised Parasitic Entities’ (SPE’s). These can be found in many areas of the energy body, typically around the chakra areas, central nervous system and major nerve plexi. Other writers suggest that they enter the body via the back of the top of the neck area and typically travelling through the gall bladder meridian where it is also suggested that they multiply.

A drawing of an SPE as given by another healer’s website (sorry forgotten who I got this from!)

Matrix / Octopus (Archon / Etheric) Implants
These are generally perceived as the largest etheric implants, and really are just another form of SPE, though many in the spiritual community have given them these names. They are typically described as part machine and part conscious (cybernetic) and are placed in the etheric body during or soon after the incarnation process. They mostly look sort-of like large octopuses with many ‘arms/legs’ or much like a large nerve cell with a great many projections.

Scalar Archon/Etheric Implants
Many people seem to also call these ‘plasma implants’ though other describe other types of plasma implant. These are the implants Cobra (who claims to be the spoke’s person for the ‘Resistance Movement’ of the light forces on Earth) talks about here. Every single person incarnated on Earth have these according to him and they are said to create portals that allow influence on the areas they are found within.

They exist in three locations of the etheric body – the left and right frontal lobes of the brain and the solar plexus. In some people there is also an implant in the brain stem area. Some people maintain that they will not be permanently removed until the scalar grid is fully destroyed. I too have seen these ‘grow back’ after removal in the past with people that believe this. However I see this the other way around – the grid will weaken/be removed when people let go of creating such things or at least let go of the belief that they can be controlled by them. I have seen this in people who maintain their vibration high – the implants do not return after I have removed them.

“Dot” Implants/Etheric Crystals
“Dot” implants are what I named the smaller versions of etheric crystal types of implant when I first perceived them. They are known amongst the spiritual/new-age community as Starseed, Mu and Lemurian etheric crystals. Often people have been told that they have hundreds to many thousands of these types all over the body but I often find much less that that as time goes by. The larger etheric crystals are often called the Atlantean Implants or Master Crystals of which there are much fewer than the smaller ones.

Bar Implants
Found within the brain and named as such because of their line-like shape.

‘Spinal Cap’ – looks literally like a cap has been put around the head, over the spine and over the coccyx.

‘Umbrella Implant’ – Looks similar to an umbrella that is anchored to the crown of the head.

‘Head crane’ – looks like a big long rope/wire/tube that goes from the forehead out for a massive distance into the galaxy, that is linked to structures inside the skull.

‘Walnut’ – looks literally like a walnut inside of the skull.

‘Skull Jellyfish’ – looks like a large jellyfish that completely fills the inside of the skull with the middle portion over the pituitary/pineal/amygdala areas.

Crown Chakra Implants – I have seen rectangular plates and antenna-shaped devices here on some people.

‘Mechanical Scorpion’ – Described exactly as it sounds and found over the 3rd eye.

Pineal implants – I’ve seen several completely different types of implant here. Usually box shaped.

Amygdala Implant – a flat shaped implant found on the underside surface of the frontal lobes where the amygdala part of the brain is.

‘Face Cage’ – looks almost like the helmet that the ‘catcher’ player in baseball wears though the wires/tubes go into the head.

Eye Implants – include rectangle shaped ones inside the eye-ball, rods passing from the outside through the centre of the eye-ball into the skull, structures behind the eye including in the optic nerve and muscles controlling the eye

Thymus Implants – usually rectangular plate, egg or disc shaped ones are found here.

‘Bra Implant’ – like a bra but with more bulk at the front and back with strong attachments to the sternum and spine.

‘Pancreas Rope’ – Looks like a hook into the pancreas with a rope passing downwards through left hip, thigh and leg towards the ankle.

‘Abdominal Clamp’ – literally looks like a clamp over the intestinal or similar areas. Though shapes can vary here is a picture one of my customers sent in of what she saw:

A drawing of an abdominal clamp as given to me by one of my clients

‘Vaginal Plug’ – Looks simply like a plug that sits in the etheric version of the birth canal.

‘Prostate/G-Spot implant’ – mechanical looking device that sits on the front surface of the vagina in females and rectum in males, sometime encompassing the back surface too.

‘Circle Implants’ – literally circular shaped implants. Found usually over theforehead, spine, pancreas, liver, glans and base of the penis, and over the clitoris.

‘Plate implants’ – I have mentioned a few of them above already. Literally like a flat rectangle usually. Most often found on the sternum, forehead, thoracic spine, sacrum.

‘Black Dragons’ – Often found inside the etheric body of clients who’s aura looks cut, especially anteriorly around the abdomen. They appear to me most like dragons but can look like other beasts or simply like black balls.

‘Spiders’ – seem fairly mechanical looking things shaped like spiders. Commonly found lodged behind the heart and inside the skull.