
Oneness India Trip 2nd-19th October 2015

Originally published on 24th September 2015

The Oneness Temple aka “Temple of the Supreme Light”

I will be heading off to India at the end of next week for yet another spiritual experience. I will be away from 2nd to 19th October. Unlike other trips I have made, I will not be able to answer emails during this period so please try to save them for when I am back. I am already fully booked leading up to the trip and there are few spaces left now for the week after the trip.

The courses I will be attending are part of Oneness University. My partner had completed the courses over two years ago and had a big awakening during her time there.

Oneness courses and teachings, I am told, have changed much over time as the consciousness of humanity has changed. There has however, always been less focus on material and more about experiencing. The Oneness courses very much seem to focus on receiving. Many techniques out there in other modalities involve much more control and therefore are more about forcing awakening.

From what I am told, much of the awakening process can now be gifted to you. This ties in very much with what various channels have been saying in the last year or so. The general message is that there is not enough time for the vast majority of us to obtain mastery of Self, using the techniques the ascended masters of old had to use over a prolonged period (though please don’t stop using them as they are very much still beneficial!). We are now at a state of vibration or if you like consciousness where awakening can simply be gifted to you. People who know me well will know how deeply I would have questioned this using my higher Self and benevolent beings, and appears that there is a lot of truth to this gifting of awakening.

There are many people on the planet that are acting as conduits so that they can transmit this energy to others for purposes of awakening, and eventually transformation. My partner is one such person. Having experienced several energy transmissions via her myself, they certainly are very powerful in creating change on an energetic and neuro-biological level.

I am told that the energies at the Oneness Temple in India are very strong in being able to help people awaken. A great many people who go there do indeed get certified awakened after just a couple of weeks. I am told that those who hold onto logic and believe they know how to awaken, and even what awakening actually is, are the hardest to actually awaken.

Needless to say I am quite intrigued by what might occur on this trip and I will obviously report more soon after my return.

If you feel in the meantime that you would like to experience an energy transmission from my partner Kirsi, then you can contact her via her own website Note that these transmissions are more than just a oneness blessing or ‘Deeksha’, for those of you familiar with Oneness already.

P.S…. a quick thank you to those of you back in Christchurch NZ who gave me deekshas in the past when I lived there 🙂

Recognising your own truth

Originally published on 22nd July 2015

This has been an interesting article to write as it has brought up lots of seemingly contradictory subjects up for me. For example how can you teach someone else that ‘higher truth’ can be accessed when less in a mental state, by using words that stimulate mind!? I try to encourage people to live in the question, yet many are still in the paradigm that they need to seek answers. Thus I provide models/ideas/tools as stepping stones such that they eventually no longer need answers.

As such, this article is like many others of mine. Use the ideas, models and concepts within, if you find they resonate and are useful to you. Then adapt, change and even discard these as you find your own ‘higher understandings’.

What is Truth?

Truth is a point of view of what is ‘right’ or ‘correct’ based on the perspective of the individual.

Some of the more ‘switched-on’ people here may realise, after reading the sections below, that being outside of mind is also being outside of duality. Hence there are no such things as right & wrong, good & bad etc. So you would not call the information available in the awakened state ‘truth’ at all. Thus I am using the words ‘higher truth’ in this article from the perspective of an individual still within duality 😉

In the unawakened state where people believe that they are mind rather than existing outside of it, each individual has their own perspectives of truth due to the different information available to them. Hence why I never encourage people to take anything I have written to be conclusive for them, but rather as suggestions to help free themselves.

At the end of this article you will find some examples of how you may get a different truth to someone else when using the tools. It may be useful to recognize that you may have different access to information than others; although to what extent your access differs may not be obvious or apparent to yourself or to others. However, following your own awareness is more important for finding ‘higher truth’.

Answer Versus Awareness

I have used the word ‘answer’ many times in this article. To clarify, I do not want you to think that the ‘answers’ you get from asking questions are permanent. By concluding that an answer will always be so, brings you into judgement that limits you and the choices available to you in the future. Rather, think of them more as awarenesses – the perception/observation of what is best/right/true for you in the moment, for creating future.

Limitations of Mind and Ego

Logic has been seen by humanity in recent years as a useful tool for creating and interacting within this dimension. However you exist beyond mind. It is when you stop thinking, that information from higher dimensions can come through more easily. These are the “Ah ha!” or “Eureka!” moments that happen when you are in a more relaxed/dreamy state.

The logical mind, is limited to understanding everything up until the ‘veil’, the edge of this dimension so to speak, but not beyond it. The mind can have us believing that the parameters of all that exists and can be discovered, begins and ends with itself. This is why people often use meditative techniques to quieten the mind such that higher senses can be used to explore beyond. This is also why people often speak about awakening happening when they realise that they exist beyond mind. Combined with the falsified information available to the population of the world, the mind often keeps people from being aware of their true Self and hence keeps them in the illusion of this Earthly dimension being the only reality.

By having access to information beyond mind, more possibilities can be seen and so there is more choice available.

As you explore the tools below, you may start to notice that due to the limited information available to the logical mind, what may seem true, may not be so for the rest of your Self!

The Body as a Brain

Even in science, it is now well known that there is a huge amount of neurological tissues within the heart and that it actually generates more electromagnetic energy than the brain ever does. There is even a lot of neurological tissue around the intestines. This is what the common English phrases of ‘Follow your heart’ and ‘Gut instinct’ are based on. People who listen to these areas are literally tuning into their other ‘brains’.

There have been some very interesting scientific studies that have shown that the brain and heart hold very different frequencies to each other in states of hate, anger and judgement. In states of peace, gratitude and kindness however, they actually start to vibrate at closer frequencies and even start to vibrate much closer to the vibration of the ‘Golden Mean’, a number found in the teachings of sacred geometry, that is involved in the creation of particles!

If we consider that the basic make-up of a brain is simply a set of connections between cells, once we realise that actually all cells of the body are connected via electromagnetic signals between their cell membranes and at larger distances by signalling molecules, then you can start to appreciate that the whole body is actually a brain!

You may notice for example, that thoughts can have quite an impact on the body. If you are thinking limiting thoughts about yourself or others (regardless of whether you logically believe they are limiting or not!), you may notice that your body tends to tense up, shrink, contract and even recoil. It may feel denser too. These bodily symptoms tend to correspond with ‘negative’ experience states of anger, hate and pity for example. Conversely when you have thoughts that are to your benefit your body tends to feel lighter, freer, tingly and more expansive such as when you are in a state of love, gratitude and peace. These responses are a result of your thoughts altering the signals of your nervous, endocrine and other communication systems in your body and this forms the basis of the tools below for recognizing your own truth.

Thoughts and Health (Briefly!)

‘Negative’ thoughts tend to take your body towards the survival or if you like the ‘fight, fright and flight’ responses whereas ‘positive’ thoughts have a tendency to aid the thriving states of relaxation, healing, resting and digesting which are more beneficial for health. While survival states may benefit from saving your life from incidents, prolonged time in the survival state is not beneficial to health. Obviously by having greater awareness or if you like access to more information, you would not need to utilize the survival state at all, as you would be able to make choices to change circumstances, avoid them or maintain a calmness to deal with them more effectively – much like experienced martial artists maintaining an almost zen-like state no matter how serious their surroundings may appear to others.

As you can start to appreciate, your thoughts can have a huge impact on your health and thus changing them (and ultimately awakening to a state of no thoughts) can greatly benefit you and your body. There is a wealth of information out there covering what mental and emotional states cause certain diseases and conditions, which is beyond the scope of this article. Suffice to say that using the tools below can help you keep in harmony with your body (as well as energy bodies) and improve your wellness.

The ‘Light & Heavy’ Tool

This tool is based on how your physical (and/or energy bodies if you are in tune with these also) has access to different and larger amounts of information than your logical mind does. Hence you can use it to recognize higher truths than logic could try to work out alone.

To use, you simply tune into your body and sense how it changes in response to your thoughts, actions, other people’s conversations, questions and so on. Anything that makes your body feel more expansive, tingly, freer, lighter etc is your body telling you that it is more in agreement with what you are saying in your head or out loud, with what you are doing and with what you are listening to from others for example. Anything that makes your body feel tenser, contracted, shrunken or heavier is your body telling you that it is less in agreement. People will often experience the light/heavy feeling in different parts of the body and in different ways – see ‘Calibrating the Tool’ below.

Put simply, what is light/expansive/freeing for you is true for you. What is heavy/contracted/tenser for you is a lie for you.

As you improve you will start to notice that you can perceive degrees of lightness and heaviness. In this way you can start to perceive for example what is the lightest of the choices you have, if there are multiple that feel light, so that you can select the very best choice. On occasion you may notice a light and heavy feeling simultaneously. In other words you are feeling a truth with a lie attached or vice versa. This is a good example of when to refine or ask alternate questions to get a better understanding of the situation. See Being Specific With Questions below:

Muscle Testing Tools

This is not something that I want to spend too long talking about as muscle testing is comparatively widely practiced and well-know. Put simply, the physical body is stronger when you are are being more true to yourself or feeling more truth from your surroundings. Thus you can apply pressure to any part of the body and see if if feels stronger or weaker in response to asking a question for example. Often therapists will lift a client’s arm up to the side and apply downwards pressure on the arm whilst asking the client to resist them doing so. A increase in strength indicates that the therapist’s techniques have improved the client in some way such as removing a block to energy flow.

To use alone, one of the most widely used techniques is that of applying pressure between the thumb and first finger – if the finger holds strong against the thumb it indicates truth, if the thumb and finger flick past each other then that indicates false.

The ‘Zero to Ten’ Tool

This is a tool that works much like the light & heavy and muscle testing tools above but is more for those that are visual and/or would prefer to have a visual scale to give an idea of how true something might be. All it takes is for you to create an image in your mind to represent your truth.

The zero to ten tool simply requires you to imagine a scale from 0 to the left in your mind’s eye through the numbers up till 10 to your right. Every time you wish to get an awareness of your truth, simply ask to see a marker and allow it to settle along this scale. If the marker lands on 0, then this represents a no/false/lie etc whereas landing on 10, represents truth/yes/correct. A marker landing on any other number represents how true something might be i.e. landing on 3 might indicate that something is 30% true or is 30% beneficial for you etc. You may also find that the marker might keep moving to represent that no answer can be given or that you need to change the question you are asking etc. You may also get several markers such that you get an awareness that you are actually tuning into several things at once. Like the other tools above it takes time for people to calibrate and for it to be accurate without mind influences.

Some people like to imagine a green tick to represent truth and a red cross for lie with degrees of brightness of the green colour representing how true something may be but the scale version presented above allows for digitisation so that logic can interpret it more easily.

Uses of the Tools

The above tools can be used in a variety of situations to improve your living experience such as:

  • Finding out if you or others you are listening to are telling a lie – a heaviness is your body telling you that you are lying to yourself

  • Making decisions – such as ‘Truth, what would my life be like if I chose to go out with this person?’ or ‘Truth, how would I feel if I chose this course of action?’ again just tune into the lightness/heaviness when asking a question

  • Working out what food is best for your body – you’ll be surprised that often asking the question ‘Truth body, are you hungry?’ that it often isn’t when you think it is. By asking your body if it would like a particular food you will gain an awareness of what it would like to eat. You’ll be surprised at what it does desire to eat – things that are supposedly unhealthy are often what your body requires and sometimes things that are supposedly healthy your body really doesn’t want to know about!

  • Finding out if what you are feeling and thinking etc is actually yours – One of the first and most useful questions you can ask is ‘Truth, is this mine?’ Often people pick up on other people’s diseases, thoughts, judgements, feelings and so on, and mistake them for their own. If left for a prolonged period, people can often manifest the same in their own being as that of others!

Calibrating the Tools

With the light & heavy tool, the first thing to do is pay attention to your body and notice what part or parts of your body change and how they change when you tell yourself an obvious lie. You could saying something such as “My name is [insert a false name here]”. By also asking “My name is [insert your real name here]” you can get an awareness of the difference between truth and falsehood.

You might find that you can feel a change all over your body or that maybe you can only feel it in your heart or even at the tip of your nose – everyone is different. Personally as a ‘sensitive’ I feel a change in sensations all over my body but it is more obvious around the heart and hands as these I use often in healing work. The same goes for the zero to ten tool. Simply apply questions that you know to be true or false and see that they land on 10 and 0 respectively.

For those who cannot straight away trust their awareness with these techniques, the next step is to ask questions to things you do not know but can easily find out the answer. This can enable you to gain trust in what you perceive. The only word of warning here is that there are many lies circulating around the planet so you may end up thinking you were incorrect when you actually weren’t! It would be better to ask questions therefore that circumvent this such as “Are the angles on the side of the largest pyramid of the Giza plateau more than 50 degrees?” This is an example of something about which you could easily find the true answer in written literature, and would be a better choice of question than “Were the pyramids built before 4000 BC?” – something you are not going to find the truth if you search in established writings about history!

After calibrating your tools you can then start using them in everyday life to gain greater awareness and hence make better choices. Please do pay attention to the advice below however in order that you keep from doubting the process, and so that you may refine your practice with these tools. In time, your logical mind and any influences external to Self will be less likely to have a bearing on your answers.

Ask the Opposite Question

This is one of the simplest pieces of advice to follow when starting out. When you are unsure of what you are feeling after asking a question, simply ask the opposite question and get a feel of the difference between the two. e.g. if at first you ask “Truth, what would my life be like in 5 years if I choose this?” then the opposite question would be “Truth, what would my life be like in 5 years if I don’t choose this?”

The Mind Often Tries to Influence the Outcome

Sometimes your logical mind will come to the same conclusion as your body. Often it will not. Sometimes what feels light does not make sense logically but with experience you will find that following your more intuitive side will create much more ease and joy in your life.

In this reality, because we allow our logical mind to believe that it is ‘the boss’, it will often try to sway the answers of the techniques above, especially when you are starting to learn and when you are asking questions that may give awareness outside the paradigm your logic understands. To gain more success, you can ask a question multiple times making sure you use the word ‘truth’ before you ask. Ultimately it is simply a case of practice and learning to feel into the outcome more deeply to detect any lies, especially with answers that present truth with a lie attached.

Outside Influences On Your Awareness

In addition to your own habits and ‘boss mentality’, there are a great number of entities that could try to influence your mind and feelings in order to dissuade you from recognizing what is true for you. Examples of entities include: beliefs that you have allowed to become so strong that they develop their own consciousness (what I describe as thought-forms), parasites, implants (including those described on this website), un-embodied beings such as ghosts, elementals etc and of course all the other people around you.

Using the word ‘truth’ at the beginning of every question and/or repeating the question 3 or more times are ways of getting around this influence – if you find that the answer you are getting changes when you do this, then there is a good chance you are being influenced by an entity. If you still get an inkling that you are being influenced especially by SPEs for example that try to convince you that they are a part of you, then you may like to state that “Only that which is truly me may answer this question.” before continuing. Again the main thing above all is to practice such that you can pick up influences more easily. If you do find that you are being influenced, then please use the entity and demon clearing tools on this website or contact me for assistance

Be Specific with Questions

This is really important. Firstly it really helps if your calm your mind such that you are clear that you are asking only one question and getting an answer for that question only. This also serves to assist you with distinguishing the ‘answer’ from all the other senses within and around you.

The fundamental thing is that the answers you get are only as good as the questions you are asking! This may seem obvious to state, but it is amazing how many people make mistakes this way. If for example you have to make a decision between accepting one job over another job, you may get very different answers to the questions “Will this job be better for me than that job?” and “What would my life be like in 5 years time if I choose this job over that job now?”. I could give you many examples of question specificity but I’m sure you all get the idea 😉

Questions About the Future

If we take the common human view-point that linear time exists in this reality, there are many possible futures based on the choices you and every other individual in this shared reality may make. We could get into very long discussions about whether it is possible or not to know the future but lets just say for the moment that questions about the future generally give multiple answers or only one of an infinite number of possible answers, that may or may not actually come ‘true’.

Therefore it is best to ask for an awareness of how a decision now will likely affect your future rather than searching for an exact logical answer. The best question to ask is “What would my life be like in 5 years time if I choose this?” then tune into whether it feels beneficial or not.

Choices are being made by you and those around you all the time and as such, the answer to the above question may change with time, even just 10 seconds afterwards. Just because you know that the answer could change later on, don’t stop yourself from taking action, otherwise you’ll never do anything! Just be aware that the reality around you is always changing and that by being aware of this, you can start to live in the moment rather than based on the solidity of the answers you came to in the past.

Your Truth is not Necessarily the Same as Another’s

When using the tools, there are many reasons why you may not get the same awareness as another person. One of the most obvious reasons is because you are not asking the exact same question.

As detailed above, being specific with your questions is another source of disagreement. If you ask “Would it be kind to ….” and the other person asks “Would it be nice to….” you may get a different answer as the words kind and nice do not always mean the same thing. It gets further complicated when you consider how many different definitions each word can have in different countries, dialects, religions etc. Even in the same ethnic group there can be completely different interpretations. Just take a look at the word ‘love’ – how many hundreds of definitions do different people have about what love means to them and how the definition changes according to the situation?

There are examples of seemingly asking the same question but actually it not being so. For example I was at one point thinking of doing a class. I asked the question “Would it be beneficial for me to do this course?” and the course leader asked the question “Would it be beneficial for Grant to do this course?”. I got a ‘no’ and the course leader got a ‘yes’ to those questions and both being very aware people we were initially confused that we got different answers. However once we started asking further questions we became aware of why our answers were different. Can you see how they seem to be the same question but actually are not? You could interpret it that I was asking whether the course would benefit me and my ability to treat other people more effectively and whether that was good timing for me etc whereas his interpretation could be, would it benefit him that I come to his course, whether I would be a good contribution to the group and bring him more money etc. Suddenly you can see how different the questions actually were according to our perceptions of what they meant.

In some cases, even if you really are asking the exact same question as another, you will still get a different answer. It could be that one or both of you are being influenced by your logical mind and other influences (see above). It could be that you are accessing different aspects and/or different amounts of information that means you come to a different conclusion (this is usually due to beliefs/judgements that limit to what you allow yourself access). It could be that your set of beliefs of what is true/best/good for you is different to theirs – one of the main reasons to follow your own truth :-).

One of the more interesting aspects of getting a different answer, is that of your ‘higher awareness’ knowing how the answer that is given to you – the perceived ‘Lower Self’, can affect your future. In other words, your ‘higher Self’ may sway an answer such that it helps you gain awareness of something else, and which it knows will not reach your awareness by the way of the kind of questions you will ask!

For example, when I asked the question “What would my life be like in 5 years time if I moved to Australia?” I initially got a very beneficial awareness about it. It stayed this way for a long period as I started investigating what to do to get there etc. Then after some time the awareness to move there changed drastically and I wondered what had happened. I realised that it had changed straight after I had booked a course in Australia. I realised that my awareness had given me a ‘yes’ about moving to Australia so that I would investigate it enough to find this course to attend. The course I took turned out to be hugely beneficial for me and my business and I thanked my awareness for seemingly telling me a ‘lie’!

I’m sure that there are many other reasons for your truth being different to another’s. Again the link to the interview with Andrew Bartzis at the start of this article, covers some of the deeper reasons. Hopefully this and the example’s above, illustrate why it is very important to stick to your own truth. Be careful however that you are not limiting yourself by allowing judgements/beliefs/conclusions etc to sway your awareness of what is true for you. By following the advice above and allowing an answer to come to you without manipulation from mind (i.e. your beliefs/judgements/conclusions/projections/expectations etc) and those that are outside of yourself, you should avoid this pitfall.

Now Offering Access Bars Sessions at a Distance

Originally published on 6th June 2015

I have been told since posting this article that the founders of Access Bars don’t allow people to advertise that they perform it at a distance! Thus I have to state that I cannot do Access Bars absently but I can do my own energetic healing version of it for those people not local to me ;-).

I previously have only offered Access Bars in person. After listening to a ‘mentally disabled’ (don’t you ‘love’ these sorts of medical descriptions?!) gentleman during a recent course I have decided to offer Access Bars to anyone at a distance. He described how having his bars run at a distance had helped him become more comfortable in his body and this reality. Literally it changed his life. In fact he preferred his bars being run this way as he did not at all feel comfortable having people touching his head.

On top of this, there has been a lot of news recently that has shown how potentially powerful this process is. A prominent neuroscientist who had studied brain wave patterns for over 16 years was blown away earlier this year by what he saw whilst watching how brain waves change during Bars sessions. Funds are currently being raised to help him with a longer-term and more in-depth study that will provide scientific evidence as to the effectiveness of Access Bars. Many of us already know how potent the process is but of course many people do not want to know until there is ‘proof’ 😉

Here is a video of this scientists initial thoughts:

Dr Lisa Cooney has also studied Regulation Thermometry in relation to Access Bars:

I have had my bars run nearly 100 times and each time has provided greater ease in all areas of my life. Each session is different. Sometimes my head just feels a bit lighter. Other times I have to sleep for hours to process the deep changes and yet other times I’ve had my socks blown off, as more energy is available to me and greater awareness is obtained. Every session can feel different.

In many ways people report greater ease with mental, emotional, physical and spiritual sides of their life. Some of the supposed incurable conditions have either reduced in severity or have completely reversed with prolonged treatments. Some people have even in a single session, jumped off the table to find that their back pain had stopped instantly even though they had it for years previously.

For more information please see here, or visit the official website here.

Sessions cost the same as any other healing service I offer but you will get thirty minutes extra time as it takes longer to get through all of the bars. Due to the fact that kid’s bars run much quicker (they have less limitations than adults generally have) I can do two under 14 year olds in the same time frame. Please let me know if you’d like this.

Nature Doesn’t Judge – Hello English Countryside

Originally published on 30th May 2015

View of the border between England and Wales

It is funny how things turn out sometimes. There I was thinking that I was going to be in Australia for a few months doing some work with a fellow Access Consciousness worker when I suddenly felt a lightness to go to the UK. So here I am, back in the country I was born, realising that it’s really not as ‘bad’ a country as I once believed.

A lot of people who come to the UK exclaim how busy and grey it is here. I’m not surprised many people who visit make those conclusions, considering that they often land in one of London’s airports and don’t really venture outside of the cities. The above photo was taken yesterday of the countryside of Herefordshire where I grew up. You can see the Black Mountains of Wales in the background. From the top of Garway Hill behind where the photo was taken, you can see across the lands of 7 counties (kind of like states for those abroad ;-)) of England and Wales and yet you cannot see sight of any town or city. Just lots and lots of fields, small woods, farm houses, small villages, hills, mountains and even a ruined castle. This area isn’t even part of a national park, and yet there are plenty of those here!

In the UK there is a common law right to be able to walk the land. As such, even private land owners have to provide paths, bridle ways, tracks, small roads and cycleways so that the public can pass through their land. This has resulted in a network of routes stretching all across the land keeping people’s access to nature open. You can easily walk from top to bottom, left to right across the UK if you wished to. At this particular time of the year I would recommend having a look inside some of the many woods that have blue bell flowers as far as the eye can see.

Nature is very healing. I could talk about the ‘positive ions’, the cleanliness of the air, the harmonic sounds of the birds, insects, wind and rain. I could talk about the schumann resonance, the endless evidence of the ‘golden mean’ and sacred geometry in nature. I could talk about how nature mops up and detoxifies chemicals, negative thoughts and emotions. I could talk about the fruits, vegetables and other foods available. The beautiful animals, flowers and plants that have such clean auras compared to us humans. I could say about the harmonious way nature works, how it balances itself.

There are many things I could say about why spending time in nature is so healing but the one thing that jumped into my thoughts when walking around the fields today was simply this: nature doesn’t judge!

Sure, many of the animals are in a state of survival and as such they often react and run away from us when they spot us but they are still living in the moment and making choices based on what is happening now, rather than from projections and expectations like humanity does. Good & bad and right & wrong simply does not enter the consciousness of nature – judgments cannot exist in the ‘now’.

Human living is full of creating ‘the’ future based on the answers/conclusions/judgements/beliefs that are continually derived from the past. It is such a ‘normal’ practice that people are not even aware that they are doing it. Literally people are on autopilot. Once you start becoming aware, it often feels like you are walking through the thick soup of other’s mental creations.

Walking through nature by comparison is so easy. Even if you are new to nature and the thoughts of your life are still revolving around in your head, nature does not react to your judgements and as such the energy of them simply dissipates. As you continue to spend time in nature, gradually you will notice that you will attune and become like it is, in complete allowance of everything else. When in allowance, you will also be able to receive.

Receiving is that state of being that is often left out of spiritual teachings. How can obtain the energy to heal, create and even interact with others if you do not receive? Judgement is the main block to receiving. As soon as you judge someone or something, you limit all that the person or situation can gift to you.

The universe is currently gifting Earth with higher and higher vibrations of energy which ultimately, so many say, will shift this planet and any inhabitants who are willing to go to higher dimensions. The Earth and nature is in such a state of receiving that they are soaking up the ‘cosmic’ energies at a much greater rate compared to humanity. The increase in the schumann resonance and the more vibrant auras of plants are among the many ‘proofs’ of this.

So if you would like to heal and to raise your vibration toward the higher dimensions or even if you simply would like a little bit of peace, spending time in nature is one of the easiest things you can do.

Demon Clearing Statements

Originally published on 30th April 2015

The following clearing statements have been designed to create more ease with un-embodied entities though they will also impact many other areas of your life too. To clarify, my definition of a ‘demon’ is anything that would like to take over part or all of your awareness and thus run that part of your life for you – as if you are on autopilot. In other words they are not just the classically created image of a humanoid being with horns and a tail. They include parasites, implants, thought-forms, extra-terrestrial beings, ghosts etc and even family members, co-workers, companies, governments and corporations! Obviously these statements are aimed at the first part of that list 😉

If you do not wish to use them all, please use whichever clearing statements bring up more resistance in you when you read them – this is an indication of how much ‘charge’ you have in you on that particular statement and as such means that you have more to clear on that subject. Some of the statements may not make much sense, such as why would you want to rid yourself of protection from entities and why would you want to rid yourself of all entities? I will write about these sorts of subjects in the future, but for now just trust your inner knowing about which clearing statements you feel will work for you.

If you are wondering how these statements work, please visit for more. You can say them in your head or out loud regularly until you feel that there is no ‘charge’ behind them, or that your interactions with entities have eased. One of the most powerful ways these statements can be used is by recording them onto tape/CD/mp3 and playing them on a loop so that they are repeated over and over again through your speakers or headphones. That way you can obtain the benefits of the clearing statements whilst performing alternative tasks or whilst sleeping. You do not need to hear the statements either. Just turn the volume down so that you can’t hear them (your ears and brain can pick up the vibrations at a much lower volume than your brain allows you to hear so they will still work ;-)).

What is it that makes me judge Self and that outside of Self? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

What would it take for me to receive judgement from others without judgement? Everything that does not allow this, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

How many times have I judged myself to invite demons? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

What stupidity am I using to create the invention, artificial intensity and the demons from which I must be delivered, am I choosing? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

How much of thoughts, feelings, emotions, sex and no sex is actually the demon universe from which I must be delivered? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

How much energy am I using to create the wrongness of me, which is the domination on planet Earth by demons of judgement? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

What stupidity am I using to create the absolute invention and total artificial intensity of the demon source and demon-dominated Earth am I choosing? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

What stupidity am I using to believe that demons are a source of power? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

How many defences do I have to protect the why of my reality? Everything that is times a Godzillion, I will destroy and uncreate it all. Right & wrong, good & bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds

How many times have I been a Demon? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

What is it that makes me believe I need walls, barriers and other forms of protection? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

What is it that makes me believe that demons are more powerful than me? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

What have I judged good and bad, right and wrong about my interactions with unemboidied entities? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

What is it that makes me believe that entities are more vital than me, that they are gods, rulers, idols, masters? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

What is it that I enjoy about having demons around? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

What energy, space and consciousness can I be to repel all entities? Everything that does not allow this, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds. (note: this will not stop you from being able to interact with high-vibrational beings or if you like beings of the light as they will still be of a vibration that will enable them to contact you if needed – just in case you are wondering ;-))

What state of peace, kindness and gratitude can I be to repel all entities? Everything that does not allow this, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

What contracts, curses, repeating curses, spells, incantations, oaths, vows, fealties, comealties, swearings, commitments, pledges, promises, agreements, alignments, alliances, allegiances, obligations, covenants, treaties, bonds, deals, deeds, decrees, duties, declarations, dispensations, decisions, mandates, edicts, accords, assignments, pacts, connections, programs, ownerships, associations, affiliations, attachments, dedications and offerings, including SHICUUUU ones and all clauses that allow re-instatement or additional copies of the original to be made, do I have throughout all time, space, dimensions and realities that keep me from infinite perceiving, knowing, being and receiving? All that is, I cancel, revoke, recant, rescind, reclaim, renounce, denounce, destroy and uncreate them all times a Godzillion. Right & wrong, good & bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds.

(Note: SHICUUUU stands for Secret, Hidden, Invisible/Un-visible, Covert, Unseen, Unsaid, Undisclosed, Unacknowledged)

How many times have I created contracts, curses, repeating curses, spells, incantations, oaths, vows, fealties, comealties, swearings, commitments, pledges, promises, agreements, alignments, alliances, allegiances, obligations, covenants, treaties, bonds, deals, deeds, decrees, duties, declarations, dispensations, mandates, edicts, accords, assignments, pacts, connections, programs, ownerships, associations, affiliations and attachments including anything SHICUUUU, that have limited other people and entities throughout all time, space, dimensions and realities? All that is, I cancel, revoke, recant, rescind, reclaim, renounce, denounce, destroy and uncreate them all times a Godzillion. Right & wrong, good & bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds.

What stupidity am I using to not receive the push of consciousness am I choosing? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds.

How many lies am I using to create the causal incarceration and incarnation am I choosing? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds.

What have I made so vital about causal incarceration and incarnation that keeps me eternally allow entities to be a source of control and manipulation? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds.

What have I made so vital about causal incarceration and incarnation that keeps me eternally creating the problem with entities I cannot change? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds.

Golden Pyramid for Clearings

Originally published on 7th Jan 2015

I just had to put this up for you guys. The link at the end of this post will direct you to’s website where I first found this information. Myself and others have already put this advise to good use in multiple places around the world.


Basically the idea is to use three people to build a pyramid with a base of three sides above and below ground in the etheric realm, and allow lightbeings in the other dimensions to make it permanent. Lightworkers are using these pyramids to envelop buildings and areas where there are adverse entities, portals, geopathic stresses, haunted homes, government organisations etc etc. By placing a pyramid over these, the low-vibrational energies, entities, portals etc are transmuted quickly to the light and thus the land/building is harmonised.

I have already got together with fellow land-clearers and other light-worker friends to clear an area of land in Chile where we found a low vibrational portal on google maps, after a vision came to me. The change after placing the pyramid there was huge in just a small space of time. We also helped clear intense geopathic stress from a client’s home in Coral Springs USA where two stress lines intersected in the ground, and a home here in New Zealand where a friend was getting a lot of psychic attacks.

I am very impressed with the results and so I am urging others to do the same. You don’t even have to be at the location as lightworkers can coordinate over the internet for example using skype and google maps like we did in Chile.

I would strongly suggest those experiencing psychic attack to try this as it seems to really help.

For further details please follow this link:


Originally published on 10th October 2014

This was one of the techniques that I started using over 10 years ago to aid me in focussing during meditation. Ultimately the increased concentration it gave me, enabled me to separate my light body from my physical body and go off wandering around the galaxy!

It appears that the back of the top of the head, the area where many men start to go bald, is related to concentration and focus. In fact if you look at the many books and apps that relate mental/emotional characteristics to certain diseases/conditions, you will note that baldness is related to lack of concentration, lack of focus, indecisiveness and not following through/finishing a thought process.

Of course the cause of baldness may not stem from this life, but one or more previous lives of these characteristics or simply taking on the cellular memory (i.e. core genetics or epi-genetics) of the physical body’s ancestry, rather than your spirit’s history. Doing clearing statements/healings/affirmations etc surrounding these subjects as well as working on your focus and being present in life at all times, may just help you with your baldness!

Maybe man’s history of letting go of old practices and giving up their powers to ‘those in charge’ were at least in part the original cause of balding?! I’ll let you decide on that one. Just a question flung out there to raise awareness and possibilities as always 😉

So how can we use this area to our advantage? Start by placing your awareness at the top of the back of the head and maintaining it there, no matter what other thoughts, sensations and other things are going on in or around you. Doing this regularly at least once a day, even if it is just for 5 minutes or so will start to develop your ability to focus more clearly.

Some people manage better with this exercise if you imagine an object such as a tangerine (hence the origin of the name of this exercise) at the back of the top of your head. By seeing it and feeling it there on your head in as much detail as possible, making it as real as possible, it strengthens your perception of that area and hence the effect of the exercise.

Once you become proficient in this you can apply it before or during your normal meditations and even whilst out doing everyday tasks, helping you to become more present and grounded in life. By being more present and focussed, rather than letting your mind wander, you will start to be more aware, rather than being reactionary and working from automatic programming/habits. Your thoughts will also start to become more organised and efficient rather than distracted and muddled.

Once you understand that everything around us is created first through thought, then you can see immediately how this exercise can aid in all areas of life. A simple search on meditation alone will highlight this fact.
So please do use this exercise to boost your meditative power, and everyday focus as you see fit 😉

Asking Guides/Helpers and Other Benevolent Beings for Help

Originally published 22nd September 2014

Asking higher vibrational beings for help is one of the simplest yet powerful things we can do to help ourselves.

Personally I prefer to use the term ‘helpers’ rather than guides as I feel this is a better description for what the many beings around us perform. Benevolent beings often do not help us directly without us asking. Of course if we agreed to them automatically helping us before incarnating (as is the case with many ‘lightworkers’) then that is a different story ;-).

When asking for help, always specify who you would like to perform the work. If you do not specify then you may be inviting those you may not wish to interact with! I always specify ‘Beings who wish to help me free me and my customers from limitation’ when I ask for help or healing such that I do not interact with those that wish to cause harm.

I used to ask for ‘Beings of the light who serve the divine plan’. I have realised that what is ‘of the light’ is dependant of your point of view and there are many beings who define themselves to be of the light that only interact with you according to their agenda. Likewise what actually is ‘the divine plan’? How many different definitions of this are there and who is in control of this divine plan? As always with my writings I ask that you feel into what feels right for you. You may wish to do you own research on the subject of ‘the false light’ in order to understand more.

You may like to ask for specific beings if you prefer, but this requires more understanding about which being may be best suited to help you. If you use my statement above or similar then you get many different beings, some that you may not even know about, that can be better suited to solving your problem. You may notice a completely different set of beings come help depending on the circumstances.

You may ask them to help you with all sorts of problems. Everything from removing the simpler forms of implants to finding a buyer for your car! Obviously there are limits to what they choose to do or can do – if they are truly working with your ‘best interests’ they will not do anything that goes against anyone’s free will!

Often they may not help you at all, such that you learn to strenghten your Self and enable you to stand in your own power. I noticed in the past that when I asked them to remove implants, parasites, low-vibrational beings etc that were being detrimental to me, they often did not do this. Being a healer, I had to learn to be able to deal with these ‘problems’ myself such that I could better heal others and so that I could learn to claim my own sovereignty.

The following is an example (adapted from Judy Satori’s version) of what you can read aloud or in your own head to request healing. Many implants can be removed by higher beings without the help of a healer but those in the lower vibrational densities such as in the etheric body do most often require a physically incarnated healer.

Healing Meditation

I call forth any beings who would like to help free me of limitation without causing further limitation.

Please clear my energy fields of all imbalanced energies, thoughtforms and beliefs that are detrimental to me

Please clear all lower vibrational projected thought-forms or sabotaging energies

Please clear all harmful extra-terrestrial implants

Please clear all interfering or sabotaging entities or elementals

Please clear me of all trauma, sadness, anger and fear

Please heal and balance my chakras

Please assist me to align with with oneness

(add any personal requests)

Thank you

Cheap & Easy Ways of Harmonizing Your Home and Electronics Devices

Originally published 4th September 2014

A photo of my quantum fluctuation resonator, taken at the Body Mind Spirit Festival, Christchurch New Zealand 2014. Notice the energy lines around it!

I own two quantum fluctuation resonators from They cost me EUR 1,200 each and were well worth the money seeing as they project a strong protective, harmonizing and healing field around them of approx 8 meters. They really have made a difference to the overall vibration to the house despite owning some strong protective items already, so very impressed! But what if you don’t have the money to afford such protective devices? It turns out that there are some very cheap ways in which you can protect yourself without breaking the bank, in fact without spending any money at all!

I will not go into the science of why these suggestions work. If you really want to consciously understand it, there is plenty of evidence around the internet, in published books and in scientific papers which you can search for. I will simply present how you can use them for yourself.

A picture of a QFR that you might like to use as your phone background image. Try it!

Harmonising Computers and Mobile Phones

For the energy sensitive people out there, tune into the vibration of the resonator in the above picture. If you are sensitive enough you will realise that despite it only being a picture, it is still harmonising the energy of your computer screen!

So how can you use this to your advantage? Copy the image above and simply set it as the desktop background of your computer and you should notice a fall in the harmful radiation coming from your screen. To cut down mobile phone radiation you can simply set the picture as the background image.

Note that if you don’t set it as the background image, as soon as you look at something else on the screen, the frequency of your phone/computer drops. By setting it as the background picture, the computer/phone is always accessing the image and therefore the benefits are maintained, even if you are viewing something else on the screen – clever isn’t it? By comparison to the protective devices I’ve bought in the past (apart from the version which is very good), just having this image not only neutralises harmful radiation but also projects beneficial energies in a small radius around it. Told you it was cheap but effective!

Harmonisation Using Pictures and Words

Energy healers out there, including myself all know that they can change the vibration of their food and their homes simply by applying the healing techniques they learnt whilst working with others. Eventually we will all be able to do this – literally saying “delete all harmful energies from this food and introduce any energies to this food which will be beneficial to me” and KNOWING that it works can significantly change your food. This is what the prayer before eating was originally about – literally sending the love energy into your food before eating.

If you are not confident with this, or would like to not have to do this every time you eat or enter your house, there are alternatives.

Simply by writing the word ‘Love’ on the side of a glass starts to change the frequency of the glass and any contents that go inside it. This has been well documented by Dr Masaru Emoto who discovered that emotions, music and words could affect the crystallisation of water molecules.

Of course you could write this word over all your cookware, glasses bowls, walls, bags etc if you really wanted but for those who like a bit of variety, thankfully there are many other words, symbols and pictures you can use. Gratitude, peace, calm, kindness and harmony are good words. If you are sensitive enough to feel the energies of pictures, have a look around the internet and feel into the energy of certain pictures.

Any picture based on sacred geometry is generally very powerful. The genesis symbol, six-pointed star and various merkabah shapes are all good examples. Do a picture search for sacred geometry on google and you’ll find plenty of good examples:

Pictures of ascended masters and photos of living enlightened people also work in a similar way. Obviously Jesus on the cross suffering isn’t going to be anywhere near as high vibrational as a picture of him in a state of compassion. Personally I feel the whole cross, thorns on head suffering image to be a pretty dense feeling so please use your common sense here 😉

Try experimenting with other pictures and symbols and maybe start plastering them all over your computer screens, phones, walls of your home and beyond

Cheap Constructions for Harmonisation and Healing – the Pyramid

There are quite a number of things you can build fairly cheaply that can impact the energies around you. Some are messy and/or use toxic chemicals to make (such as orgonite) and some are a bit too complex for the average person to build at home (such as some of the healing chambers I have seen).

Sacred geometric shapes can be complex if made in 3D but there is one geometric shape that is really simple and very effective – the pyramid.

There are much more pyramids in the world than most people realise. Egypt is the obvious one but I know of them in China, Tibet, Bosnia, lots in Central and South American countries, in the sea off the West coast of Japan, under the sand in the sea off the west coast of India, and of course an absolute ton of them Under the Atlantic Ocean from Atlantean times. There are even some very ancient ones (estimates are thought to be around 65 million years old due to the level of sediment they are found at under the ground!!!!!) in the Ukraine where many Russian troops have been stationed.

The benefits of them are well documented but I’ll list a few of them here:

  • Curing health issues from simple infections to cancers, genetic diseases and other supposedly incurable diseases
  • Cleansing crystals
  • Removing detrimental energies from food, drinks, supplements and medicines and stopping them from going off, even stopping milk from curdling
  • Reducing geopathic stress
  • Reducing detrimental thoughts and emotions
  • Improving meditation
  • Reducing crime rates and food productivity around the pyramid

As you can see there are many benefits and this is why this simple shape has been used in so many civilisations and studied so much in certain countries in the last several decades.

Fortunately you don’t need expensive materials or to employ many thousands of people to make an effective pyramid. You don’t even have to make the sides! All you need is 4 equal lengths of wood, metal or in fact any material you wish really that are pole shaped. Simply fasten the poles together at the top and adjust the poles as desired to make the shape you wish.

According to Russian research, if you view one of the triangular sides, they found that the most powerful dimensions were 72 degrees in each of the bottom corners. If making the pyramid from metal poles, to make it more powerful, the sides of the base of the pyramid should line up with the magnetic north-south line which of course is constantly changing these days. With other materials line it up with true north-south. The main other way of making them more powerful is to make them bigger. This is how geopathic stress and crime rates in cities were observed to have dropped – big pyramids!

The most powerful concentration of beneficial energy can be found about 1/3 up from the base inside the pyramid so please place any objects or yourself here if you wish to reap the benefits given above. Obviously beneficial energies also radiate out from the peak and the sides.

Here is the pyramid I have been using for over a year now to cleanse crystals, energize my supplements, to purify the water I drink (literally tastes much purer within 3-6 hours) and to meditate under. It is set at the Russian shape as described above. My energy sensitive friends are amazed at how much the vibration of my home has changed over the time the pyramid has been set up there. One day I’ll build a more robust and prettier one but I like it the way it is for demonstrating how good 4 pieces of wood can be!

I hope this helps those who are on a budget to heal and change the world. I encourage anyone else with simple ideas like these to share with others.



Originally published 1st September 2014

The Etheric Implants or as I have described them, Scalar / Archonic Implants as described by Cobra, in both frontal lobes and solar plexus regions (see my last blog) can be removed.

After asking them to say out loud or in their head to cancel contracts with low vibrational beings regarding implants, I have observed many client’s implants dissolve or slowly (sometimes instantly) be removed from the body.

It appears to depend on the confidence of the person as to how effective it is. If they know it can be done and have strong will, the implants fly out after declaring their contracts cancelled just the once! Others who believe in the rule of three obviously have to say it three times, whilst others who are not so confident say it multiple times over multiple days. Either way it works!

Say in your head or out loud the following (or words to that effect if you don’t like these ;-)) and KNOW that it works:

“By the power of God that I am, I command that all contracts that allow implants to be placed and maintained within in me, be cancelled permanently now and forever. So be it”

For other benefits and other possible contracts you may still have, please visit ‘cancelling soul contracts‘ for more. If you have any problems with this, please don’t hesitate to contact me.