Originally published on 24th November 2021

This is an article I have wanted to write for some time and many of my readers have requested too. I will say this now, this is a very difficult subject to write about because nothing is really known for sure about getting this sort of thing out of the body. Nothing myself and my scientific paper studying wife, nor any of my friends who have been looking deeper into this can say for sure whether any of the advice given out there works or not.
This is why I decided to write the other articles first, so that people would follow the advice that helps them not be exposed to graphene oxide nano-tech as much in the first place.
However, even if you have not had a vaccine, put a con-vid test swab up your nose or have worn a disposable mask (the three main places people tend to know where you can get graphene particles from), unless you live in the middle of the jungle, you are sure to have some graphene nano-technology in your body, from various products like pharmaceutical drugs, engine oils and constant spraying of crops with chemicals, not to mention the chem-trails that have been going on since after the second world war! Who knows how many diseases and other issues have been caused by these particles that have been blamed on viruses and other scape-goats.
Obviously there is little official nor unofficial information out there about nano-tech as they clearly do not want us knowing about it. This is the main reason that there is so little to go on. Much of what I read into I cannot find the original sources of, so a lot seems to have been repeated when it comes to the human side of things. Everything written about this graphene nano-technology below therefore is theory, based on articles and people that have looked into this which they and /or myself cannot confirm to be true. If you want to look into the ET side of things then the same Cosmic Agency Odessey channel I mentioned before has the the most detailed info I’ve come across, that makes sense when comparing to the human written articles.
This is the best information I can come up with at this time with how to help you and others. Always question everything however 😉
Why traditional detoxifying advice might not work
There are many toxins in nature that the body is well equipped to neutralise and/or remove from the body. There are many chemicals that are not common in nature or are not found there at all that the body can deal with too, including many that have been made from manufacturing processes. This is because the body is very adaptable and many of these substances can be dealt with using the already available pathways in the body.
Some are removed/neutralised quicker than others. Heavy metals such as lead and aluminium,especially in high quantities can take quite some time to come out of the body, especially considering the fact the the modern world constantly exposes us to more of them, making detoxification a continual process to support.
The problem with graphene particles compared to these other chemicals we are exposed to is that they are larger and that their structure is very hard to destroy. You can think of graphene as being made from the same carbons that make up diamond but are organised into a tough sheet-like structure instead, that is only the width of a carbon atom. Because some of the graphene sheets are made in a way that seems to have no flaws in the design, they are see-through, much like many crystalline compounds out there (maybe that’s why the cabal want the new-age/spiritual communities to believe that we are meant to become more crystalline as we evolve!?). Anyone who has worked with the various carbon compounds that have been used in modern equipment over the years can testify how tough they are, even when not in this crystalline format.

So, from this, we know that it is hard to destroy graphene oxide molecules and being that they are generally larger in size than most toxins we are exposed to, they can more easily get stuck in the tissues of our body and so don’t move out so easily.
Further compounding these issues is that these graphene molecules are designed to interfere with our bodies. They are designed to and have been confirmed to react to different electromagnetic frequencies and behave differently with different frequencies – this is why I prefer to call these compounds graphene nano-tech rather than just graphene-oxide as most people call them.
There appear from various reports to be several different designs too. Some seem to wrap around RNA and DNA taking on the shape of the genetic material, whilst others appear to bind to each other making larger structures, like the morgellons fibers that are commonly reported to be found inside people’s bodies, as well as on disposable masks, among a great many other places.
So this affinity of sticking to structures in our bodies and/or each other further makes it harder for these particles to come out of our bodies.
Why I still advise to support detoxification in the body
That was hard to read wasn’t it? But remember that this is just based on what I have come across so far. Do I think that it is an impossible task to remove them from the body? No. Is there the possibility that we can find something that can help? Yes. However, I don’t want to jump to conclusions like other people have out there, that you can treat graphene nano-tech like other toxins in the world and have people believe that they can just do some sort of detox diet and all is resolved. My apologies at this point for me originally believing it was this simple and implying that detoxing was all you needed to do, to those I spoke to, before I understood this subject to a deeper level.
Even if graphene is a sticky subject, our bodies are shedding cells and unwanted waste all the time, so there is definitely some of this coming out of our bodies to some degree via our skin cells dying off and possibly some coming out in our poop – graphene particles are sure to be bound to some of this. As always, removing more from the body compared to what is coming in is the aim here, so avoiding as many of the sources of them as you can like the ones I named at the top of this blog is an important step.
So if it is true that graphene is hard to get out of the body why would I still recommend supporting the detoxification pathways in the body? Well, there is always the possibility that all I have written so far is wrong! Secondly, if you want your body to at least mitigate the effects of graphene, then you’ll need the body to have as much energy and resources as it can, and one of the best ways to help it is to eliminate as many other toxins from your diet and surroundings (everyone thinks diet but what about cleaning products, clothes, furniture, cooking utensils, paints on your wall etc etc) as you can whilst helping support their removal from the body, thus freeing up a lot of resources your body can use.
Lets face it, our bodies in this modern era have been exposed to a lot of toxins, radiations and other harmful effects, including likely, decades of nano-technology already and yet we are still here! So don’t forget the body’s amazing ability to compensate and adapt and to support it’s ability to do so, as well as the power strong beliefs can have!
Some (very basic) detoxification advice
I will not go much into how to help detoxify the body here as this is a BIG subject and what works for one person will not be suitable for another. One key thing I want to say here is I am talking about SUPPORTING the detoxification pathways not necessarily doing a detoxification diet as most people would understand it.
Especially if you are already unwell, generally weak or lack energy, it is not advisable to decrease your nutrient intake and focus solely on eating things that take toxins out of your body – you’ll likely suffer if you do. Instead, getting good sources of foods that help supply energy to your organs and immune system is a better approach. Many of the foods I mentioned in my iron and copper blog posts will help in this regard. Get your general health and energy levels up first before trying any strong detoxification processes, and try not to deprive your system of nutrients for too long in the process.
The second thing my wife has been saying to write about briefly is the 3 detoxification pathways or steps, highlighted in the picture below. Focus on the 3rd part first, then the step 2 then the step 1. In that order! There is no point helping the liver with the 1st and 2nd detoxification pathways if you are not urinating and/or pooping regularly, as you’ll simply be trapping the toxins in your body, so drinking lots of purified water (see last blog article) and having enough fiber to form urine and good stools is important. Likewise supporting the 1st pathway before supporting the 2nd pathways will also help trap toxins inside the body.
This picture does show certain foods/supplements to help in each area but if you want to go deeper, then please find a nutritionist, naturopath, ayurvedic practitioner to help with your individual case. And yes, my nutritionist wife Ã…sa-Maria is available if you’d like to work with someone who understands the alternative side of things. You can email her at amjonsson79@gmail.com if that feels right for you.
Avoiding and mitigating EMFs (especially 5G) is important
The other big thing to consider is EMFs as they are known to program, or if you like activate nano-technologies and tell them what to do. This is one of the reasons why many people appear to be electrosensitive or at least feel worse around a lot of EMFs. Obviously if any graphene nano-tech is in your body then it is at least a good idea to not have it activated.
Initial reports from people say that the worst is 5G technology. 4G and other EMFs do appear to be problematic too but 5G is apparently much worse for programming them. This is why any articles mentioning con-vid and 5G in the same sentence are still to this day very very quickly taken off the main social media sites and even the alternative media sites. Hopefully as an independant blogger I won’t be affected so easily!
Again mitigating EMFs is a huge subject and I have already given advice in the past on this subject in other blog articles, before I understood nano-tech. Suffice to say that avoidance of these technologies is the best course of action, followed by the various methods of mitigating them.
EMP (electromagnetic pulse) devices

The other thing that can be considered is deprogramming nano-tech. Theoretically if nano-tech is not programmed, not only will it not perform the terrible functions it is designed to perform, it won’t be as strongly bound to the structures of our body, making it easier to get out. Using EMPs are probably to surest way to deprogram them.
You will need an EMP device that has enough wattage to penetrate easily into your body, not the cheap therapy mats that people usually buy that don’t even get through the first layer of the skin. That does mean buying a PEMF (pulsed electro-magnetic field therapy) machine in the region of several thousand pounds, unless you have enough technical knowledge to build one. The other option is to find a practitioner who owns one in your local area.
To repeat what I mentioned in a previous blog, EMPs can be damaging to health if you use them for too long. There are some interesting interviews with people in the PEMF scene on www.extremehealthradio.com if you would like to look into this more. For example with Dr Bryant Meyers and Dr Marcus Freudenmann . Some example products here: https://healthytobe.com/pemf/?secure=20
Fortunately there are other things you can do such as using cheaply made devices for treatments and/or maintaining your own electromagnetic field around you. Here is a good example of what you can build very easily:Â https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ds2q8rVPD8Q