Solution for Scalar / Etheric Implant Removal?

Originally published on 18th August 2014

Hi all,

I have been working on a solution to the Scalar Etheric/Archonic Implants that Cobra speaks about here. I haven’t found anyone else yet who has found a solution (please give details if you do know of anyone!) so I have been working on finding one myself.

I have tried removing these implants from people including myself several times. They can be removed but they simply reappear as I see it through my 3rd eye almost straight away. I have tried various forms of protection with different intentions to try and stop them reappearing but to no avail.

My possible solution came to me whilst understanding that we all had to agree to contracts with the Archons before incarnating as humans. This includes of course agreeing to mind control methodologies and implants. I also understand that because we have free will, that we can at any point cancel any contracts that are detrimental to us.

I have at present (confirmed by another psychic friend of mine) none of the three implants that Cobra has described above and it has been this way for half a week so far. I simply declared in my thoughts that all contracts with the low-vibrational ETs / Archons, that allow them to implant me, and allow implants to be maintained within me be cancelled permanently and proclaimed my sovereignty from them.

I was able to remove the implants again, this time without them returning! As I understand from Cobra’s report, the implants should start to dissolve without anyone needing them being removed by a healer like myself simply by cancelling you contracts. I cannot confirm this for sure without first asking lots of you out there to do the same and report back here.

You can find resources on removing contracts and other detrimental mind enslaving processes here. It could make a huge difference to the world if everyone was to proclaim their sovereignty – what a thought! 😉

Cancelling Spiritual Contracts

Originally published on 28th July 2014

Many people are completely unaware that they have spiritual contracts. You can think of them as agreements made by your higher self and others before incarnating as a human. You can also form contracts within a lifetime.

Many of them you could consider are of a beneficial nature. For example another of your ‘soul group’ may decide to experience or ‘learn’ something in a particular lifetime and may require an agreement with you to enable that to happen. It could be experiencing love and hardship together or even experiencing being ‘enemies’ of each other such that the Self may experience and gain understanding.

Of course you do not have to continue going through such experiences if you don’t desire to. You are a sovereign being and as such have free-will. You always have choice and you can choose to cancel any contracts you may have at any time!

The story goes that because low-vibrational entities who call themselves Archons have had control of the incarnation process on Earth over the last 24ish thousand years, to incarnate as a human you would have had to agree to their terms and conditions. Many of these conditions involve forgetting who you really are, your past lives, as well as allowing them to influence you via etheric implants and other mind control techniques. Again up to you what you believe and feel is right for you 😉

By cancelling contracts such as these, you will be declaring your sovereignty and they will not be able to interfere with using these as excuses any longer. This includes the use of implants (please see Implant Removal for details on how detrimental these can be to you) and other mind control techniques that are stopping you being you. Obviously this means a tremendous healing effect can occur afterwards as blocks are removed. Note that some people may not find relief from certain beings so please contact me if this is the case.

How do you cancel soul contracts? Simple. You simply say out loud or in your head for example “By the power of god that I am, I cancel ALL contracts between my Self and the Archons, in all lives, times, dimensions and all other realities now and forever.” Know that ALL contracts means ALL contracts that you could possibly think of and all those that you couldn’t possibly think of, such as in other dimensions, parallel universes, past and future lives and so on. Just say it and KNOW that it works.

Of course, please use wording that you are more comfortable with. You might like to say it multiple times if you use the rule of three. You may also like to be more specific such as “By the power of God that I am, I cancel all contracts between myself and all beings, that allow me to be implanted and allow implants to be maintained within my being.”

For some of you, you may feel that you need to say these statements many hundreds of times to fully free yourself. Certain contracts may not be fully cancelled due to the fact that you have other contracts that link with the one you are trying to cancel.

In some cases the statements you design yourself may not fully work because the wording is not quite correct – each word has a very specific vibration after all. For this and many other reasons I find it better to use clearing statements that start with a question so that you can encompass a greater number of contracts and similar agreements in one go. The following is a very powerful example that I designed myself and if you wish to know more about how these sorts of statements work, please visit

What contracts, curses, repeating curses, spells, incantations, oaths, vows, fealties, comealties, swearings, commitments, pledges, promises, agreements, alignments, alliances, allegiances, obligations, covenants, treaties, bonds, deals, deeds, decrees, duties, declarations, dispensations, decisions, mandates, edicts, accords, assignments, pacts, connections, programs, ownerships, associations, affiliations and attachments including SHICUUUU ones and all clauses that allow re-instatement or additional copies of the original to be made, do I have throughout all time, space, dimensions and realities that keep me from infinite perceiving, knowing, being and receiving? All that is, I cancel, revoke, recant, rescind, reclaim, renounce, denounce, destroy and uncreate them all times a Godzillion. Right & wrong, good & bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds.

(Note: SHICUUUU stands for Secret, Hidden, Invisible/Un-visible, Covert, Unseen, Unsaid, Undisclosed, Unacknowledged)

For some, you might like to design your own soul contracts to counteract the detrimental ones. It is not something that resonates with me but it may do so for others. Bradley Love has a good example on his website: declaration of non-consent

Another good trick to use if you have a problem with entities is to ask any entities around you to cancel their limiting contracts that may be linked to you. You will be surprised at how many entities are willing to do this, as even many of them are willing to move on!

For examples of specific contracts that can be cancelled this PDF from Montague Keen can give you more ideas. A big thanks to the writer of this document 🙂


Perceiving the Aura & Psychic Protection

Originally published on 6th July 2014

Your belief has a profound effect on the effectiveness of all psychic techniques including the following Aura exercises. The more you practice, the more you will realise that what you ‘imagine’ has a huge effect on ‘reality’.

These exercises are very useful for protecting yourself from, for example, negative thoughts from other people, EMF waves from electronic devices and geopathically stressed ground, thus reducing the damage done to your aura. I have found them particularly useful in the past when walking around shopping centres where you are exposed to large numbers of people who, unknowingly or not, are literally attempting to drain your energy to make up their own lack of energy and whose thoughts of being tired or angry at their shopping experience are also trying to penetrate your auric field. Not to mention the radiation given off by each and everybody’s mobile phone and the TVs, radios, WiFi networks, security networks etc of each shop you pass by. This is one of many examples of situations which you may like protection around you.

These exercises will also help protect against psychic attack from low-vibrational beings, device implantation and parasites due to the higher vibration of your protection.

The exercises will protect you from things outside of you – they will not protect you from any drugs, food or ‘negative’ thoughts and feelings you yourself may have for example

Ultimately, once you reach at state of loving ALL aspects of yourself, you will not need to protect yourself at all as any negativity will simply not be attracted to you in the first place or will simply not affect the high vibratory rate of your aura. Self love (not in an egotistical sense) is the ultimate way of maintaining your aura and thus your health. So please use this and other pieces of advice on this website as a way of helping you work towards the ideal state rather than cling to them forever!

To start with you may like to practice the following techniques in the comfort of your own home so that you can more easily visualise or feel the protection before applying it to other situations. Closing your eyes for example may help you visualise more clearly but you will have to practice with eyes open if you want to apply protection on the move. It is good to start by following the advice found in my article entitled ‘Grounding’. By grounding yourself you will be automatically replenishing any energy taken from you so that at least you will not be drained by that around you.

Sensing the Outside of Your Aura

  1. For those who are more visual, start by imagining a bubble around yourself and intend it to mark the outside of your aura. For those that are more kinesthetic, instead FEEL (ideally without using your hands!) a ball of energy surrounding you. Obviously seeing with your mind’s eye whilst also feeling the bubble around you is more useful for getting to know your aura and will make later exercises more powerful.
  2. Start to visualise and/or feel around all the sides of your bubble. What is it made of? How far away from your physical self is it? Is it spherical, egg-shaped or otherwise? Do some parts of the bubble seem closer than other parts? How thick is the outside of the bubble? Do you sense any areas that seem weak or have holes in it?
  3. To start with you may not sense anything at all or be sure what you are sensing is real or not but with time you will learn to trust your intuition and know what is real.
  4. For those that wish it, you can start to separate out the aura in your mind’s eye and look for the above in each layer to get more of an idea of which aspects of the self are affected, though in terms of protection this is not necessary.
  5. Regular daily practice of sensing your aura can be a great help in knowing whether you have any aspects of yourself that are in need of healing. You may like to attempt to heal yourself using energy to see or feel a hole closing or a weak area thickening for example. If you cannot fix it yourself, you can at least cease any external harm by building a protective outside layer as in the exercise below and seek a practitioner at a later date for healing.

Building a Protective Bubble

  1. If in the previous exercise you noticed any areas of your aura that appeared weak or had a hole in it, you may like to attempt to heal it using energy to see or feel a hole closing for example. If you cannot fix it yourself, you can at least cease any external harm by building a protective outside layer. You literally use your ‘imagination’ to build a bubble around you (kinesthetically or in your mind’s eye) and intend it to surround your aura.
  2. You can potentially make the protective bubble out of anything as long as you feel protected and get a sense of peace from it. Ideally a thick opaque shield made from a high frequency colour is the most useful. Why opaque you may ask? Ideally you should think of your bubble as more of a filter. In this way you will still receive experiences, light and love from that around you but anything of a lower vibration or what you may deem ‘negative’ will not pass through and affect you. Purple is useful for protection against negativity but white, silver and gold coloured light are even better as they are higher in frequency. Due to the way the average human thinks, having a thicker outside layer and/or alternate layers of purple and gold for example will help you feel even safer. Usually a thickness of an inch or more is suffice.
  3. Unlike other people’s advice on the internet, I do not recommend using mirrors or reflective surfaces as ultimately you are returning negativity back to your surroundings which harms them in the process. By setting the intention of neutralising low-frequency energy as it reaches you, you are stopping karma or if you like cause and effect from continuing.
  4. Ideally the outside protective layer you create should be evenly spaced around you in all directions. A distance of 3-4 feet away from you is good start though you may like to play with extending and contracting you aura in different situations to see if you feel any better. Often you may notice your aura automatically contracting inwards when in difficult situations whereas when you are enjoying yourself or are performing a speech to a crowd for example, you may find your aura extending further away from you.
  5. Over the course of time and especially after being in ‘negative’ environments, you may notice your protective bubble degrade and even see holes and cracks form in it. By using your intention patch up the holes and thicken the aura again by any method that suits you – whether it be you sending a beam of light to replenish it, or seeing yourself plaster up the holes with paste!
  6. As you get better at mental exercises you can literally intend that your protective layer be permanent and even automatically replenish itself until you suggest otherwise.
  7. To test your protective layer, you could always see machine guns shooting at you from all directions and visualise the bullets being neutralise instantly without any damage to the bubble. You could test it also with anything that you may intend the bubble to be strong against such as negative thoughts from others or ETs trying to attach implants to you.

Cleansing Your Aura

Once you have set up a protective bubble you might like to maintain the vibrancy aura itself with the following advice:

  1. Imagine building a trap-door at the bottom of your bubble that only swings outwards rather than inwards.
  2. Especially if you feel tired or stressed in any way you can imagine white or gold light pouring into the top of your bubble. See and feel it passing through the layers of your aura and also through your physical body itself. Feel it pushing out any tension you feel – you might like to visualise this as black energy being pushed out of you and see and feel it being pushed out of the trap-door at the bottom of your aura to be neutralised by the earth. The deeper and more detail you see and feel the light penetrating your body the stronger the sense of cleansing will be.
  3. You might like also to see and feel violet or gold flames burning all through the inside of you bubble to burn away any negativity.
  4. Close the trap door and seal any holes in the bubble you may have created before moving on.
  5. After burning or washing, you might like to fill up the inside with white or golden light to keep you fully energised.

Further Advice

  • Play around with the above advice – everyone is different and you may be more comfortable with different colours, shapes and ‘materials’ your bubble is made of. Some people for example like to see their bubble made from an imaginary egg-shell as they feel that being a more fragile substance, any damage to the bubble will more easily show up as cracks so they can keep an eye on stresses more easily.
  • Try using UPRIGHT pyramid shapes. A square based pyramid shape has been shown by decades of Russian research to be incredibly healing and protective so you may reap the benefits of this by creating in your mind a pyramid to surround you entirely or by placing one over a part of yourself that you know needs healing such as an organ or joint.
  • By having fun experimenting with building your bubble, you are also aiding the strength of your mental creativity which will help you with other conscious pursuits and it will not seem like another ‘chore’ to perform.
  • Over time as you heal more and more aspects of yourself, you may notice that your protective bubble does not need so much maintenance. This is reflective of the fact that your body is resonating at a higher frequency and so is not attracting as much low-frequency energy that we perceive as ‘negativity’.
  • For those advanced enough, the last step is to actually drop all protective barriers which of course will not be needed anyway when you are fully resonating with the vibration of love – you simply will not be attracting and/or will neutralise any negativity around you. You will also notice that in truth THERE IS NO OUTER LIMIT TO YOUR AURA as you are an unlimited being!

Grounding Techniques

Originally published on 20th June 2014

Grounding is a common topic in esoteric teachings. Many people have different descriptions of what grounding means to them but essentially it means being in the present, in your physical body and being aware of yourself and your surroundings.

By being aware of all the parts of your body, you are sending more energy (whether you like to call this energy, Chi, Ki, prana, orgone, cosmic energy, scalar energy, spiritual energy etc etc is up to you) to those areas and thus are healing or at least maintaining their state of health. All you need to understand here is that all matter is made from energy and being aware of something literally sends energy there.

By being in the present you will benefit from not creating negative energies relating to the future and past and so are neutralising energetic causes and effects, what many call karma, at their source. Also being grounded, you are more connected with the energies of our planet and so are able to exchange energy with Earth.

Basic Grounding Meditation Technique:

Please practice the steps below until you feel that they become easy to do. For some that may mean a week, for others longer. Once you are proficient, then you can move onto further lessons.

1. Sit or stand in a position that is comfortable for you and in a place that will cause little distraction for you. Ideally you should be in a position where your back is upright. Closing your eyes will help you to focus better

2. Bring your awareness into the centre of your head. By awareness, I mean your consciousness should be here and so you should be able to feel your head. Being able to see also may help but often people will mistakenly see their body as if viewing from the outside and so they are not fully inside their body.

3. Gently expand your awareness in your head so you start to be able to feel your skull bones, all the features of your face, inside your mouth and outwards towards your skin. By using your breath to expand your awareness, you can greatly aid the movement of energy in your body and enable you to feel each body part more easily. As you do this you will notice that each part of your body you bring feeling to, will eventually start to relax.

4. Next expand your awareness down towards your throat so that you are able to feel the oesophagus, your voice box, thyroid and all the muscles and tissues of the neck.

5. Keep expanding further down like this such that your awareness encompasses the entire physical body. As you practice more and more, you will be able to sense deeper into and with more detail the physical structures of the body. Of course it will also become much quicker for you to do.

6. As you reach the bottom of your feet, feel the connectedness your feet have with the ground as they relax flat on the floor. Some people like to imagine roots like trees growing from their feet into the ground to help with this feeling. You may be able to feel an energy exchange going on through your feet depending on the needs of your body at the time.

Further Grounding Meditation Exercises:

Most people to start with are happy to finish with step 6 above but the next steps are highly useful for grounding more fully and allowing greater exchanges of energy needed for further endeavors. Update: as people are raising their vibrations, many people’s chakras are being dissolved. Many also are purposefully removing their chakras and as such some of this information will be out-of-date 😉

7. MEN ONLY: Bring awareness to your base chakra – an energy centre at the bottom of your tail-bone.

WOMEN ONLY: Bring your awareness to your second (sacral) chakra half way between your navel and base of your lumbar spine.

MEN & WOMEN: Imagine a rope, tube or similar of light extending downwards from these chakras towards the ground. Push this cord as far into the Earth as you can imagine. Ideally you should be able to see and feel it anchor into the centre of the Earth but if you cannot do this at least try to feel it anchor to the ground beneath your feet.

8. Spend some time being fully aware of your body and your grounding cord. You may well notice pain in certain areas or negative emotions coming to the surface. Often these are the reasons we become ungrounded in the first place – humanity has made a habit out of avoiding unpleasantness rather than solving the reasons behind it. By spending time listening to these physical symptoms and emotions, you are accepting and thus are healing them with energy and love. So just pay attention and breathe into them without judgement or fear and eventually you will feel them being released. If you feel no release, then it may be a more chronic or serious problem with which you may need to seek assistance for.

9. Spend some time also changing the colour of your grounding cord and feeling how your body responds to each colour. Try cycling through different reds, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, purples, whites, browns, and lastly metallic colours. You will notice that each colour will have a different effect on your body such as calming/soothing, increasing strength/confidence or even making you feel ungrounded or unpleasant. Noting down these colours may help you choose which is most beneficial depending on the needs you may have in each situation of life.

10. Remove your grounding cord by imagining cutting it from your body and seeing it fall into the ground/centre of the earth. Then replace the cord by imagining a new one coming from your 1st/2nd chakra towards the ground again. As time goes on, you will become aware of when you need to replace your cord with a new one due to a feeling of being ungrounded.

11. Once you become comfortable with the above steps I suggest practicing first with your eyes open then whilst walking and later doing other activities. Eventually you should be able to ground yourself very quickly and even in the middle of talking to someone. Practice also doing it multiple times a day until you reach a state where you only need to re-ground yourself once or twice a day because you are able to maintain the grounded state for longer.

Other Grounding Techniques

Many of you on reading this may have notice similarities between grounding and other meditative activities hence the importance of grounding in various spiritual practices. You may like to incorporate the information above into these practices or even select which activity suits you better. These include:

Yoga – where you are encouraged to be present inside your body and breathe (and thus bring energy called prana) into the particular body part that you feel strain in during a particular posture. The meditative practices of yoga incorporate similar ideas including yoganidra for example.

Tai Chi, Ba Gua, Chi Gung, Nei Gung and other such Eastern practices – these all involve being present in the body, feeling the body and feeling the connectedness with the ground. In contrast to yoga this is mostly done during movements. All techniques involve moving energy (called Chi) with hand movements and/or the mind both within the body but also within the aura surrounding the body.

Mindfulness (from Eastern religions/theologies such as Buddhism) – involves being in the present and in the body at all times no matter what you are doing, to negate the causes of suffering in physical existence.


Live in the question

Originally published on 1st June 2014

Live in the Question – and open yourself up to new healing possibilities

Why might I write this as my first post? Well don’t you find that most people live in the answer and not the question?

On this website and with other communications you may have with me, I will try to explain many things, such as what I sense and how my techniques work. To me it is often like trying to explain to someone what a mango tastes like when they have never tasted a mango before.

I could spend many years inventing thousands more words for different types of sweetness, sourness, texture and use comparisons with other fruits etc. That other person however, will still not know what a mango tastes like until they actually bite into one and even then, they may perceive it to taste different to what I or you do!

Science is constantly inventing new words and models and so has the largest language base to help others understand the world around us. This is why often in the past I have opted for the scientific explanation. It is constantly evolving and there are many parallels with the more spiritual and religious writings than ever before… but as with the mango, it will not ever fully explain the wonders of the world. There are also subjects that science hasn’t even delved into, or could be better explained using a different perspective.

This is why in person at least, I use a variety of languages in the form of scientific, layman’s, religious, spiritual/esoteric/metaphysical and philosophical terms or models. Of course I cannot cover all viewpoints on this website and even if I could, I would constantly be rewriting them as I gain in understanding. This is why I urge you to have an open mind about my writings and simply see them like I do – as changeable/evolving ideas rather than answers.

If you like the way I have explained things and it helps you grow in understanding then great. Always be aware however that you will only grow up until the limitations of that particular idea/model/viewpoint/belief. In order to continue improving yourself you will eventually have to discard the original explanation and look for something that can take you further. Unfortunately many people don’t do this, they live in the answer that others gave to them or they came up with themselves in the past. They don’t seek for improvement and even fight against something that could benefit them because it goes against or seems like it has nothing to do with that original answer.

This is why I say live in the question. If you don’t seek answers or to put it another way, have a temporary model to work from until something better or even just different comes along, then you will continue to improve all aspects of you life, including your health.

Even if you don’t agree/understand/like my writings, is it still possible that you could experience great benefit from my services? How does it get better than that? What else is possible? What other questions might you come up with in future to improve yourself even further? Are there other methods out there you could be looking at too that could benefit you?

As you can see I am not here to push a particular belief system on you (even what I have written here!). I am here to help you heal, open you up to new possibilities and eventually help you to realise that you have the ability to heal yourself.

If you are open to it, I am sure I can help you in some way and I look forward to working with you if you should decide to.