Can you detoxify from graphene oxide nano-tech?

Originally published on 24th November 2021

A quick walk in the Herefordshire countryside is needed to before writing an article like this!

This is an article I have wanted to write for some time and many of my readers have requested too. I will say this now, this is a very difficult subject to write about because nothing is really known for sure about getting this sort of thing out of the body. Nothing myself and my scientific paper studying wife, nor any of my friends who have been looking deeper into this can say for sure whether any of the advice given out there works or not.

This is why I decided to write the other articles first, so that people would follow the advice that helps them not be exposed to graphene oxide nano-tech as much in the first place.

However, even if you have not had a vaccine, put a con-vid test swab up your nose or have worn a disposable mask (the three main places people tend to know where you can get graphene particles from), unless you live in the middle of the jungle, you are sure to have some graphene nano-technology in your body, from various products like pharmaceutical drugs, engine oils and constant spraying of crops with chemicals, not to mention the chem-trails that have been going on since after the second world war! Who knows how many diseases and other issues have been caused by these particles that have been blamed on viruses and other scape-goats.

Obviously there is little official nor unofficial information out there about nano-tech as they clearly do not want us knowing about it. This is the main reason that there is so little to go on. Much of what I read into I cannot find the original sources of, so a lot seems to have been repeated when it comes to the human side of things. Everything written about this graphene nano-technology below therefore is theory, based on articles and people that have looked into this which they and /or myself cannot confirm to be true. If you want to look into the ET side of things then the same Cosmic Agency Odessey channel I mentioned before has the the most detailed info I’ve come across, that makes sense when comparing to the human written articles.

This is the best information I can come up with at this time with how to help you and others. Always question everything however 😉

Why traditional detoxifying advice might not work

There are many toxins in nature that the body is well equipped to neutralise and/or remove from the body. There are many chemicals that are not common in nature or are not found there at all that the body can deal with too, including many that have been made from manufacturing processes. This is because the body is very adaptable and many of these substances can be dealt with using the already available pathways in the body.

Some are removed/neutralised quicker than others. Heavy metals such as lead and aluminium,especially in high quantities can take quite some time to come out of the body, especially considering the fact the the modern world constantly exposes us to more of them, making detoxification a continual process to support.

The problem with graphene particles compared to these other chemicals we are exposed to is that they are larger and that their structure is very hard to destroy. You can think of graphene as being made from the same carbons that make up diamond but are organised into a tough sheet-like structure instead, that is only the width of a carbon atom. Because some of the graphene sheets are made in a way that seems to have no flaws in the design, they are see-through, much like many crystalline compounds out there (maybe that’s why the cabal want the new-age/spiritual communities to believe that we are meant to become more crystalline as we evolve!?). Anyone who has worked with the various carbon compounds that have been used in modern equipment over the years can testify how tough they are, even when not in this crystalline format.

An example graphene oxide molecule. All the corners of the hexagon shapes are carbon atoms. I can’t verify if this is one of the nano-technology molecules or not but it gives you an idea of how big they can be compared to simpler molecules we detoxify from everyday.

So, from this, we know that it is hard to destroy graphene oxide molecules and being that they are generally larger in size than most toxins we are exposed to, they can more easily get stuck in the tissues of our body and so don’t move out so easily.

Further compounding these issues is that these graphene molecules are designed to interfere with our bodies. They are designed to and have been confirmed to react to different electromagnetic frequencies and behave differently with different frequencies – this is why I prefer to call these compounds graphene nano-tech rather than just graphene-oxide as most people call them.

There appear from various reports to be several different designs too. Some seem to wrap around RNA and DNA taking on the shape of the genetic material, whilst others appear to bind to each other making larger structures, like the morgellons fibers that are commonly reported to be found inside people’s bodies, as well as on disposable masks, among a great many other places.

So this affinity of sticking to structures in our bodies and/or each other further makes it harder for these particles to come out of our bodies.

Why I still advise to support detoxification in the body

That was hard to read wasn’t it? But remember that this is just based on what I have come across so far. Do I think that it is an impossible task to remove them from the body? No. Is there the possibility that we can find something that can help? Yes. However, I don’t want to jump to conclusions like other people have out there, that you can treat graphene nano-tech like other toxins in the world and have people believe that they can just do some sort of detox diet and all is resolved. My apologies at this point for me originally believing it was this simple and implying that detoxing was all you needed to do, to those I spoke to, before I understood this subject to a deeper level.

Even if graphene is a sticky subject, our bodies are shedding cells and unwanted waste all the time, so there is definitely some of this coming out of our bodies to some degree via our skin cells dying off and possibly some coming out in our poop – graphene particles are sure to be bound to some of this. As always, removing more from the body compared to what is coming in is the aim here, so avoiding as many of the sources of them as you can like the ones I named at the top of this blog is an important step.

So if it is true that graphene is hard to get out of the body why would I still recommend supporting the detoxification pathways in the body? Well, there is always the possibility that all I have written so far is wrong! Secondly, if you want your body to at least mitigate the effects of graphene, then you’ll need the body to have as much energy and resources as it can, and one of the best ways to help it is to eliminate as many other toxins from your diet and surroundings (everyone thinks diet but what about cleaning products, clothes, furniture, cooking utensils, paints on your wall etc etc) as you can whilst helping support their removal from the body, thus freeing up a lot of resources your body can use.

Lets face it, our bodies in this modern era have been exposed to a lot of toxins, radiations and other harmful effects, including likely, decades of nano-technology already and yet we are still here! So don’t forget the body’s amazing ability to compensate and adapt and to support it’s ability to do so, as well as the power strong beliefs can have!

Some (very basic) detoxification advice

I will not go much into how to help detoxify the body here as this is a BIG subject and what works for one person will not be suitable for another. One key thing I want to say here is I am talking about SUPPORTING the detoxification pathways not necessarily doing a detoxification diet as most people would understand it.

Especially if you are already unwell, generally weak or lack energy, it is not advisable to decrease your nutrient intake and focus solely on eating things that take toxins out of your body – you’ll likely suffer if you do. Instead, getting good sources of foods that help supply energy to your organs and immune system is a better approach. Many of the foods I mentioned in my iron and copper blog posts will help in this regard. Get your general health and energy levels up first before trying any strong detoxification processes, and try not to deprive your system of nutrients for too long in the process.

The second thing my wife has been saying to write about briefly is the 3 detoxification pathways or steps, highlighted in the picture below. Focus on the 3rd part first, then the step 2 then the step 1. In that order! There is no point helping the liver with the 1st and 2nd detoxification pathways if you are not urinating and/or pooping regularly, as you’ll simply be trapping the toxins in your body, so drinking lots of purified water (see last blog article) and having enough fiber to form urine and good stools is important. Likewise supporting the 1st pathway before supporting the 2nd pathways will also help trap toxins inside the body.


This picture does show certain foods/supplements to help in each area but if you want to go deeper, then please find a nutritionist, naturopath, ayurvedic practitioner to help with your individual case. And yes, my nutritionist wife Ã…sa-Maria is available if you’d like to work with someone who understands the alternative side of things. You can email her at if that feels right for you.

Avoiding and mitigating EMFs (especially 5G) is important

The other big thing to consider is EMFs as they are known to program, or if you like activate nano-technologies and tell them what to do. This is one of the reasons why many people appear to be electrosensitive or at least feel worse around a lot of EMFs. Obviously if any graphene nano-tech is in your body then it is at least a good idea to not have it activated.

Initial reports from people say that the worst is 5G technology. 4G and other EMFs do appear to be problematic too but 5G is apparently much worse for programming them. This is why any articles mentioning con-vid and 5G in the same sentence are still to this day very very quickly taken off the main social media sites and even the alternative media sites. Hopefully as an independant blogger I won’t be affected so easily!

Again mitigating EMFs is a huge subject and I have already given advice in the past on this subject in other blog articles, before I understood nano-tech. Suffice to say that avoidance of these technologies is the best course of action, followed by the various methods of mitigating them.

EMP (electromagnetic pulse) devices

PEMF devices that are powerful enough to go deep into the body can be expensive. This one is around £16,000 but it is better than wasting your money on the cheap mats that don’t get into the body!

The other thing that can be considered is deprogramming nano-tech. Theoretically if nano-tech is not programmed, not only will it not perform the terrible functions it is designed to perform, it won’t be as strongly bound to the structures of our body, making it easier to get out. Using EMPs are probably to surest way to deprogram them.

You will need an EMP device that has enough wattage to penetrate easily into your body, not the cheap therapy mats that people usually buy that don’t even get through the first layer of the skin. That does mean buying a PEMF (pulsed electro-magnetic field therapy) machine in the region of several thousand pounds, unless you have enough technical knowledge to build one. The other option is to find a practitioner who owns one in your local area.

To repeat what I mentioned in a previous blog, EMPs can be damaging to health if you use them for too long. There are some interesting interviews with people in the PEMF scene on if you would like to look into this more. For example with Dr Bryant Meyers and Dr Marcus Freudenmann . Some example products here:

Fortunately there are other things you can do such as using cheaply made devices for treatments and/or maintaining your own electromagnetic field around you. Here is a good example of what you can build very easily:

Water purification advice – flouride, nano-tech, graphene

Originally published sometime in November 2021

Last time I briefly looked into the risk of vaccine, drug, nano technology and other chemicals getting into our water supply, highlighting that theoretically the main issue is what is intentionally put into the water by the water companies rather than what people are putting down their sinks. Either way, looking into purifying your water is a good idea in these modern times. So let’s look through some of the methods I have looked into and others I have tried out myself:

Water filters

Water filters are the first consideration. You will have to do some research into the quality of water filters as their abilities to filter out certain things, especially as time passes, varies greatly. Filters life span can vary greatly.

The sorts of filters sold in supermarkets like the Britta water filters are not a good investment in my opinion. They don’t actually filter out as much as the more expensive ones do and the filters only last a month in a typical household. So while they may seem a cheap option they end up being expensive in the long run and don’t really do the job anyway.

One of the better filters out there is Berkey. They use large carbon filters that can last up to 10 years in a typical home. This depends a lot on how much the filters are used and how “hard” the water is i.e. how much particulates are needed to be filtered out of the water. The information they provide shows that they are good at filtering out 99.9% of many of the chemicals that could harm us. This includes flouride. However confusingly it is stated that carbon filters aren’t so good at filtering ionic particles like flouride compared to non-ionic ones, which is why they also sell separately purpose built flouride and arsenic filters. These ones only last around 3-6 months however compared to the large carbon ones, but again are a better option than cheaper filters even with this additional cost.

We have been using a Berkey filter both in the UK and Sweden and feel that while it might look expensive, they are much cheaper in the long run than cheaper brands. You can clearly taste the difference too. They are useful in that they can easily be put on a kitchen work-surface and so long as you don’t buy the largest versions, can be taken with you when you travel.

Berkey also do a shower/bath filter which I recommend – toxins can enter your body through your skin very easily, especially when you are warm and your pores open up. Berkey filters are easily available in America as well as throughout Europe. The company we bought from supplies the UK and also Europe:

The basic Berkey water filter. We have a ton of stickers on ours so the stock photo gives you a better impression of how it looks!

Water distillers

This is probably one of the better options for longevity. There are a lot of companies supplying electrically powered water distillers for around £100 and they should last a long long time, being that there isn’t much to go wrong on them.

They simply heat up the water to make steam which then passes through a tube to cool the water vapour back into water. The water is then collected in a separate container ready for use. Especially if you plan to use a distiller at a low temperate, they are slower than the water filter options above, so you will need to be distilling often to have plenty of water each day. This is one of the disadvantages.

One of the big advantages however is its efficiency at getting rid of chemicals in the water. Unlike filters that often need different types of filter for different particles, a distiller doesn’t need that. So long as you clean the residue out of the distiller on occasion so that it doesn’t build up too much, it’s efficiency doesn’t degrade over time.

You can see the deposits left in the distiller after the water has been distilled. It can be hard to clean this out so limescale removers etc may be needed if you really like it to be cleaned effectively.

Water distillers are generally a cheap option in that there are no filters to replace, but of course you are using electricity to power it, so if you’re distilling a lot of water, your electricity bill may go up. There are other ways of making water distillers without needing electricity however.

One option is to make your own distiller from a sealed container, a pipe and another container to collect the water in. All it takes is for the first container to be warmer than the collection container to make sure that the water vapor only goes in the direction you wish. If you live in a hot country, you could have the first container out in the sun with the second in the shade.

One option I am considering for the future is to put a water container next to the water boiler inside the house. That way, the water is heated up without using up excess energy. By using larger containers than the plug-in variety, I can distill and store water in larger quantities.

For most people though, buying a electric powered distiller that can sit on your kitchen work-surfaces is more useful and is a good introduction to distilled water.

Another consideration about using distilled water is the fact that there are far less nutrients left in the water than what you get with filtered water. This leads some people to say that you shouldn’t drink distilled water as it will draw nutrients out of the body. I personally don’t feel that this is much of a concern so long as you are getting plenty of nutrients in your diet. The fact that particles are drawn more easily towards distilled water may also make it easier for your body to get rid of toxic particles out of the body. I also don’t feel that the fact that distilled water being more acidic than most water is a problem simply because water enters the stomach which is highly acidic anyway. The difference between foods and fluids that are acidic or alkaline versus whether they help the body become acidic or alkaline is a very misunderstood subject!

We have used a water distiller for years. They are easy enough to find. We got ours through Osmio a UK based company we like. You can find cheaper prices than Osmio for this distiller but the customer service is very good at Osmio and they replaced some broken parts for us for very cheap even though it was way past the warranty period.

The Osmio water distiller we bought. Again, the product image online was much cleaner than a photo of ours!

Reverse osmosis filters

I thought I’d put these separate to the filters above as there is a difference in how they work. However, they are another form of filtration and like all filtration systems, the filter or in many reverse osmosis products, several filters, need to be changed every few years. Many products also remineralise the water after filtration such as by putting in magnesium and calcium.

Here in the UK I like the Osmio products as they are clearly enthusiastic about water and even supply products based on hydrogen therapy research. I will not go into how amazing hydrogen therapy products are as I will detail that at some point in the future when I review the Osmio Infinity machine that I bought over a year ago. The US / Canada version is called the Aquacure AC50 if you’re interested.

Due to there being several filters in a reverse osmosis system, they are larger and more expensive in general than a typical filter system. So usually they are installed as part of a home fitted system for people that do not want a bulky device taking up kitchen space. Installing them on the main water pipe coming into your home does have a big advantage though – all taps and showers etc in your home will supply filtered water. That means that you will not have to rely on going to the kitchen each time you want a drink and more importantly, you will not be absorbing toxins through your skin when you shower or take a bath.

Reverse osmosis filters are often considered the best option as the many layers of filtration mean that they remove a bigger variety of toxins and more efficiently than a normal filtration system. However the downside is the fact that you will need to change one or more of the filters at some point in the future, so they are not a buy and forget product.

Rain-water collection

As many people know about the UK, it rains a lot here. A lot! It is simple enough to collect rain-water by channeling it into a container, such as by using the guttering and down pipes that homes typicallyhave around the edges of the roof. In fact there are a number of companies popping up that sell products to help you more efficiently collect and even filter rain water for use.

Many people here in the UK have collected rain-water for decades but mostly to have a supply to use in their gardens rather than for drinking, cleaning or showering.

I would strongly suggesting purifying rain-water before use inside the home.  Using the methods above are a good start though there are more complex and expensive systems that you can buy our there.

While in the UK most of our rain-water probably comes from evaporated sea-water from the atlantic ocean, we do get a lot of toxins in our rain because of the huge amounts of chemtrails that they put up in our skies. And yes, you can bet that graphene nano-particles (I have stopped calling them graphene oxide as that portrays an inert chemical rather than advanced nano-technology) are in rain. The rest of Europe has the extra worry of other chemicals from factory fumes, that due to weather patterns, we are theoretically at a lower risk of in the UK.

One of the more advanced examples from but they don’t have to be this complex!

Other types of filter

There are other filters out there that offer additional functions. For example we have owned a Kangen water filter for years. These filters have been used for years in hospitals in Japan because of the health improvements seen compared to drinking tap water. This particular machine ionises the water after it is filtered and you can pick a pH of 7.5 to 9.0, as well as un-ionised and acidic water depending on what you select on the control panel.

Acidic water can be useful for removing pesticides/herbicides/fungicides on fruit and vegetables, though personally I find it easier to just buy organic or home-grown food. The makers theorise that alkaline water is better for the body and there is indeed good evidence to show that people who drink Kangen water benefit from it. However, as I have pointed out above, the pH of the water you drink doesn’t matter that much because it enters the highly acidic environment of the stomach. In fact there are arguments that lowering the acidity of the stomach is a bad idea as it lowers the ability of the stomach to digest and keep out certain bacteria.

So a more plausible reason why Kangen water has health benefits from my point-of-view, is due to the way it ionises the water. George Wiseman theorises that you end up with more hydrogen particles after the ionisation process explaining why kangen water is so healing.

No matter why it benefits you, Kangen water systems are still a good option. The main downside is having to send your filters to Germany to be serviced at least once a year. They do require the use of a plug socket and space in the kitchen too.

Water from streams, rivers and wells

These sources of water can be great but can be terrible depending on where you are in the world and what chemicals are leaching into the water supply.

Water from wells can be good so long as the earth is doing a good job of filtering the water for you. Proximity to chemical sources like factories and farms should be considered but the only way to be sure is to test your water. Again filtering/distilling your water afterwards is a good idea to be sure.

Rivers and streams can be great. If you are up in the mountains so that there are no farms or buildings upstream, then they can be a good source of water. You might want to use a basic filter to make sure you don’t get liver flukes etc from animals that may be grazing next to the water source but it shouldn’t be of great concern if your immune system is working well.

Rivers and streams closer to large populations can be more of a concern. If the water has passed through a lot of farm land that may have been sprayed with all sorts of chemicals and/or towns/cities that may put all sorts of waste into the river, then it is not a good idea without distilling or filtering and you may even be better off with the water from your tap instead!

Other things to consider

The above is mainly concerning physical-world particles in water. To really have an amazing water supply, I urge you to look into the sub-atomic properties water can have. Water could be considered liquid ether. You can have a huge effect on your health by what many people call “activating” water. There are many ways of doing this such as by spiraling your water through specially designed pipes before you drink it, or by using quartz crystals in the water you drink, or writing loving/empowering statements on your water container or cup etc etc

I have written in more detail about some of these methods in past blogs. If you are new to understanding the ether-like qualities of water and how it can effect you then you can get a good start by looking into the famous work of the Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto.

“Viral Shedding” & your water supply

Originally published on 27th October 2021 “Viral shedding” is simply a term describing how viral particles leave the body of an infected person. However this term is being used more recently in relation to people who have recently had a vaccination. As many of you know by reading my posts, I do not believe in viruses existing as the established medical profession sees them, more that they are exosomes – an inert container of cell debris from struggling cells, rather than some living organism that supposedly mutates and has to use host cells to reproduce. My view on viruses aside, there does appear to be something that passes out of people who have recently been vaccinated that can cause others to be ill. This has already been documented, especially in the internal research of vaccine companies as a real phenomenon. It has even affected hospital procedures. For example, already for many years in certain countries, you could not visit someone on a cancer ward if you had received a vaccine of any sort in the last 2-3 weeks because of the risk posed to the cancer patients. When you think of how they say a vaccine should work, this doesn’t make much sense does it? A true vaccine contains only parts of the contagion, not “alive” contagions, to stimulate the body of the vaccined person to produce antibodies to combat any real contagion in the future. But even if these contagion pieces were coming out of the skin of someone recently vaccinated, someone working in close proximity would not be receiving anywhere near the concentration of these particles as the vaccinated person and so would not be very likely to have a strong reaction. Even if you take into account all the other ingredients contained in vaccines, many of which are highly toxic by the way, a person spending some time around the vaccinated person isn’t going to be getting much of that – only tiny quantities are going to be coming out of that persons skin and bodily fluids. The majority of which will not reach other people as it will end up in the toilet, a tissue or simply diffuse away in the air! Despite all this, there does appear to be a lot of people getting ill around those that have been vaccinated. It may be that this has always been the case and that the con-vid vaccines have been paid more close attention than other vaccines in the past. Lets face it, how many people have been so concerned about whether or not you’ve had vaccines in the past, enough to bother asking you about them? It is also possible that these con-vid vaccines are simply a lot more toxic than those of the past. In fact lets quickly look at some ingredients some people have recently reported in the alternative media.

A brief update to vaccine contents

There are reports from independant researchers that there are ingredients not listed in official nor most alternative media sources. So far, they have identified proteins bound to RNA in ALL of the con-vid vaccines. I’m not talking here about the mRNA particles that most people talk about. These appear therefore to be enzymes that can interact with genetic material. Whether to cut, insert, substitute or delete DNA it is unknown. Graphene-oxide is also reported to be in ALL of the con-vid vaccines. It has been theorised that the enzyme above is contained in the vesicles that people have already identified in the vaccines previously, and that the graphene nano-particles somehow recognise the protein markers on those vesicles. The bound graphene nano-particles are then able to take the vesicles to certain cells of the body that have the correct cell membrane markers with which they are programmed to interact with. In this way the DNA/RNA enzyme can be introduced to the cells of the body as desired by their makers. This is probably why vaccines appear to target reproductive organs. Now, all this is theory and speculation and I have no proof but I do trust that there is some truth to this. As far as the nano-tech especially, I have no understanding on how it works and especially on how they are made. This aspect is far beyond the typical medical and technological knowledge known by people on the surface of this planet as far as I’m concerned. Again the Cosmic Agency channel on Odessey have made a video about their findings which is the most detailed I have come across. It is up to you whether you believe what they have reported or not. I will write more about ways of mitigating things, especially the graphene-oxide in a future blog post, once I have a little more information. Anyway, back to the main theme of this article…

Vaccine ingredients end up in the water supply!

Though the jury is very much out about how vaccines can cause affects in others, one thing is for sure – the different chemicals, aborted foetal cells and anything else that is contained in vaccines eventually ends up in the water supply. Drugs and other chemicals that get flushed from people’s homes have been known for some time to end up in the water supply. The water in London for example is known to have traces of cocaine, oestrogens and a whole host of different household chemicals and pharmaceuticals in the mains water that comes out of people’s taps. You might remember from a previous post that I mentioned that water companies were considering using graphene oxide filters for water “purification” too, so that will be in the tap water eventually even without all the con-vid test kit ingredients etc adding to it. Yes, the water companies do filter out the vast majority of things, but they are certainly not perfect. My Wife’s nutritionist course mentioned this in their literature as advice to their clients. Many water filter companies mention this too in their literature to show how well their filters perform, so it is certainly not an unknown phenomenon. So the main reason I decided to write this blog article was to highlight the fact that many people who are worried about avoiding vaccine contents entering their bodies, have not yet thought about what water they are using to drink, cook food in, clean and shower with. Do I think that it is a big concern? Well put it this way, it would take a huge amount of water to be drunk and bathed in to get the same amount of toxins as what you get from an individual con-vid test swab, let alone from a vaccine. However, it all adds up in the end, and if certain compounds, that we have yet to understand how they affect our bodies, are accumulating in our water supply, then I feel it is a good investment for future health to look at the quality of your water. There are already news reports of corporations considering putting compounds into grown foods in order to “vaccinate” people via the food they eat, further contributing to the water supply being affected.

There are more immediate concerns with our water supply – flouride

What is of more immediate concern is that large amounts of chloride and if you live in certain areas, like the USA and some parts of Australia, New Zealand and the UK or on any of the numerous UN military bases around the world, then flouride is a major problem. Many of you know about the neuro-toxic effects of flouride, especially clogging up the pineal gland, so I won’t go into that here. Needless to say that many places around the world are pushing for more flouridation. Here in the UK they are planning already to flouridate all areas, using that age-old lie of protecting people from tooth decay! While we have a lot of unknowns about how concentrated the constituents of vaccines and other drugs may be in our water (which is still a reason I feel to obtain good quality water!) the bigger issues with the water coming to your home are to do with the chemicals the water companies put into your water on purpose that are in much higher concentrations. To that end, I highly suggest looking into how you get better quality water. In order to not make each of my posts too long (some of them have been more like long essays recently!) I’ll give some water purification advice on the next blog post.

Iron, Copper & Retinol in relation to parasites, and disease in general and what you can do about it

Originally published on 7th October 2021

A nugget of copper. Copper like many other nutrients needs to be taken in a bio-available form for the body to be able to use it. Copper supplements currently on the market do not do that!

This is a continuation from the last blog post, so if you haven’t read that yet please do. Like I said last time, this information mostly relates to people in places where modern forms of farming and food production are common. Please use your own discernment!

Last time I wrote about how we have an overabundance of iron leeching out of our soils making the plants we eat have more. In addition that many of our foods are fortified with iron. That the recommended levels of iron in our diet have gone up many times. That the testing of iron in our blood does not take into account how much iron is stuck in the rest of our body and gives us no idea of what is really going on. That doctors are not educated on proper iron metabolism. That unbound iron is the greatest source of oxidative stress and inflammation in our body. That iron stuck in our cell’s lysosomes contribute greatly to lipofuscin, contributing to reduced immunity and energy levels.That iron toxicity contributes to and may even be the main cause of a great number of diseases, including the supposedly incurable ones. That also greater levels of metals in our body including iron can make you more of an antenna to EMFs thus making you more susceptible to them. That parasites love iron. That if you suffer from entity and astral parasites that it reflects what is happening to your physical body and vice versa… and so on.

You may also remember from last time that I mentioned several times about other nutrients that are needed by the body to regulate iron. In other words make sure that iron is taken to the right places and be used as it should be, because lets face it, iron IS needed in our bodies so long as it is used in the right way and in the right quantities. So let us start with the first important nutrient.


That’s right copper. One of the lesser understood nutrients our bodies require to work properly. It is so misunderstood that many people, including doctors and alternative practitioners (though definitely not all!) actually think that copper is something you should avoid because they say it is toxic. Yet when I think back to the years I spent doing my biochemistry degree, I lost count of how many enzymes in the body require copper!

Like any nutrient, copper can be harmful if in the wrong format or in too high quantities. So putting copper filings into your food is just as bad as the iron shavings they use to “fortify” our processed foods. Please avoid taking currently available copper supplements too, as they are no better. Focusing on what we call “bio-available” sources is a must, i.e. what we naturally find in certain foods.

Copper along with several other nutrients, is one of those minerals greatly affected by acid rain and modern forms of farming. Simply put, copper levels are reduced because it is being encouraged to stay in the soils due to the increased acidity of chemicals exposed to it. This has a knock-on effect in that the foods that we would easily be able to get adequate bio-available copper from, whether it be plants or animals, have also been reduced.

What does copper do?

There are many things it does, but for the sake of simplicity I am going to briefly describe two of the more important functions:

  • Copper is used by enzymes in the mitochondria of cells as part of the energy production cycle that produces ATP – the energy source of the body. All functions of the body require ATP to work and so low ATP can lead to all sorts of problems and all sorts of disease. Immune cells use a lot of ATP due to the amount of mitochondria they have inside of them.
  • Copper reduces unbound iron and takes the iron to where it is needed in the body, thus reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, the root cause of many diseases. This is because copper is needed by ceruloplasmin to form ferroxidase (FOX) which regulates/chaperones iron to where it should be in the body. If you haven’t already guessed it, any time you have iron blood tests that show you are “low” in any way, it is most likely that it is copper that is actually low!

By these two functions alone, copper can greatly improve energy levels, reduce inflammation and improve the effectiveness of the immune system.

My wife as I write this is showing me other things relating to copper. Namely that low thyroid hormones and increased cholesterol levels are directly linked to low copper levels, as are people with bone issues. Useful having a naturopath wife who equally likes to learn!

The reduced oxidative stress that copper helps with, also means that you don’t “burn” up as much magnesium, also an important nutrient that has been greatly reduced in our foods and soils. Many people know how useful magnesium is in reducing fatigue, relieving stress, reducing cramps and muscular complaints etc. Fortunately magnesium is much easier to absorb in the formats commonly found in health food stores. But not many know much about how magnesium is what is lacking if there are tooth or bone problems because just as copper helps greatly in regulating iron, magnesium greatly helps in regulating calcium – a controversial subject I may talk about another time if there is the interest.


A form of vitamin A. Yet another misunderstood nutrient. Just like other vitamins, there are many forms of vitamin A. Most vitamins I generally advise against taking because they are not in the form the body would naturally absorb and can be hard to turn into the bio-available or active form. Vitamin A supplements are definitely one of those!

Supplements are often not very good for us as they are not often in the form the body needs and can unbalance the body’s own processes. Vitamin A supplements are not a good source of retinol.

Retinol is important in this discussion because it is needed by the body to move copper into ceruloplasmin to create the ferroxidase enzyme. No point having extra copper in your diet if you don’t have this!

Retinol can be made from other compounds in our diet. The most common are the carotenes, such as beta-carotene from red and orange vegetables like carrots and sweet potatoes. However, because there are a variety of different compounds the body needs and makes from carotenes, you generally need to eat a lot of these vegetables compared to foods that contain retinol itself. Another factor is that plants contain less nutrients in general compared to what our grandparents ate and that many people have trouble creating retinol from other compounds anyway. Supposedly 40% of caucasian women cannot convert beta-carotene into retinol for example.

So for most people who have health issues, it is often much better to get retinol from meats, especially organ meats and dairy products. Again, knowing what foods those animals have been eating can greatly affect the retinol levels you obtain, which is why beef liver from grass-fed cattle is recommended as the best source of retinol along with a great many other nutrients.

I know this is uncomfortable to hear, especially for vegans. We should be able to eat just plant-based foods and be healthy but our foods have been greatly impacted over the last 50 years or more. I also see a push by governments in line with agenda 21 and agenda 30 for people to eat less meat and instead eat more synthesised foods that really do not sustain us. Yet another subject for another day…

So what foods can we eat to help?

Essentially, eating foods with less iron (especially avoid anything with wheat in Western countries as they are fortified with iron – here in the UK it is law to put iron into all flours, so anything with flour in it will have iron filings in it!), avoiding supplements that contain iron, whilst upping the amount of foods that contain bio-available copper and retinol can greatly impact your health over time.

Personally as a life-time experimenter and researcher of healthy foods and a long-time vegetarian, I noticed a big improvement of energy levels, concentration, motivation and general health of my body by simply introducing more organic, clean dairy and dried beef liver tablets. In line with how the physical body and energetic bodies are interrelated, I also noticed that I was spending less time and energy maintaining my aura’s vibration.

Some research will be needed depending on where you are in the world, what products you are able to get hold of and how they are processed. If they are dairy or meat products, knowing what those animals fed on or finding ways of identifying how nutrient rich those foods are, is important. So please bear this in mind as you read the foods below!

The more orange the egg yolk the more nutritious the egg because of a healthier diet of the chicken. Obviously more orange means more beta-carotene, copper and retinol, among many other nutrients. Even the eggs we bought recently in the supermarket that were labelled as organic, free-range, and with a number of other labels relating to helping the environment, had really yellow yolks indicating the chickens were not fed the right nutrients to produce the yellow colour!

Good sources of copper:

Beef liver, oysters, lobster, bee pollen, shiitake mushrooms, egg yolk, cocoa powder (so high percentage dark chocolate is useful woo!), squid. Nuts like brazils, cashew, hazelnuts etc so long as they are not farmed/chemically treated. Some internet sources list seeds like sesame seeds but again they can be terrible if grown on mistreated soils.

Good sources of retinol:

Beef liver, kidneys, eels, fish in general, egg yolk, butter (NOT margarine or other spreads made from plant oils!), caviar, cheeses, good quality raw/whole/organic dairy in general. Again if from an animal, making sure they are grass-fed etc is important. Often if you don’t like the taste of meat you can buy liver and other organ meats as dried capsules, like my wife and I tried.

Be careful on the internet as many foods listed as having high retinol do not actually have high retinol but other forms of vitamin A or compounds that can be used to make retinol.

If you are vegan, then you cannot get retinol directly from food and will have to use other compounds to make it in your body. Beta-carotene sources are better than the other types of carotene as it converts more readily into retinol. So colourful foods especially if red, orange or green even – sweet potatoes, carrots, kale, bell peppers etc but bear in mind that if you are low energy, you might be one of those that struggles to make retinol easily. It has been suggested in some recent research that beta-carotene supplements are toxic leading to certain cancers, so be careful with supplements!

This is just basic information to start with. I would highly advise you to look at Morley Robbins’ work if you would like more examples of things to eat and also importantly things to avoid:

Energetic things we can do

Though I’m sure as we evolve, we can magic our excess iron into the nutrients we require, we’re not there yet 😉

Many people with iron overload will struggle with parasites either physical ones like flukes, worms, single celled organisms etc or astral ones, most likely both. All the different ways of raising your vibration and strengthening your aura help, as it is harder for parasitic entities to hang around the higher your overall vibration and in fact they will simply dissolve/fall away from your reality as you keep going. Letting go of beliefs surrounding protection, control, being able to be harmed by others are important in this respect.

Rife frequencies can be of great benefit here. Not only those that deal with different types of parasites, but also those that are designed to work with haemachromatosis (hemochromatosis for American spelling).

In addition, energy “zappers” like the one Hulda Clarke designed or those based on her designs can be fantastic. The basic Hulda Clarka zapper I bought of ebay, worked wonders on my body some time ago. I could literally feel tingling around my wrists as some organisms were working their way out of my body into tiny little blisters. A friend of mine had all sorts of worms and skin eruptions all over his body as parasites worked their way out!

If you are really considering getting rid of parasites, then try not to just follow the energetic advice here. Working from the physical alongside the energetic works much better. Looking up the different herbs that Hulda Clarke suggested for getting rid of parasites and the time frames for taking them is very useful once you have stopped eating unhealthy foods and got the balance of iron, copper and retinol sorted out:

An example of a Hulda Clarke “zapper”

Giving blood

As I mentioned in the last blog, iron recycling is very efficient in the body. Trace amounts do come out in sweat and faeces but the amounts of iron many people get in their food in the West means that we are gradually accumulating more and more iron in our bodies every day.

So bleeding is the only sure way of releasing iron from our bodies. This is suspected why women tend not to suffer from certain diseases as much as men, at least during the years when they are still menstruating. However it is suggested that the small amounts of blood women release each month is very often not enough anyway, if eating a typical western diet.

I am not going to suggest that you let your own blood at home, unless you are a phlebotomist and have someone to watch over you in case you let go of too much blood and/or faint! So the best way that most people can lower their iron levels effectively without letting go of too much over the course of a year, is to simply donate blood via the blood donation services found in most countries. You also get the benefit of knowing that your blood may be helping save someone’s life 🙂

Men can happily give blood every quarter without issues though women might want to start with 2 times a year if still menstruating to see how they get on.

It can be a problem giving blood with this con-vid situation going on, as they may ask you to wear a mask, have a “negative” con-vid test result etc. Here in the UK currently they ask you to wear a mask but don’t require you to do a con-vid test. If this is an issue for you, there are pre-written documents you can find for you to legally avoid these ridiculous rules. Otherwise finding a phlebotomist/doctor/nurse who works outside the mainstream health services might be your only way.

I have not given blood yet, as I couldn’t whilst I was in Sweden without being a resident there but I am excited and curious as to how it will affect me in the long run – I always like to use myself as a guinea pig! It was perhaps useful to see first how just upping retinol and copper levels for 3 months would affect me without giving blood yet.

What else can we do?

If enough of us opt for better sources of food then it can place more pressure on farmers and food companies to make better quality food. Demand has more of an impact on things in the world than we think!

Some other ideas:

  • Get to know your local farmers! They are not the enemy. Many of them do not know how they are impacting the world and in fact many of them really are trying their best. There are many people I know by-passing the food companies by buying directly from farmers and who benefit from no middle men and who’s customers benefit from better farming practices.
  • Grow you own food – this is the only way of you knowing fully what your food has been exposed to. If you are a farmer, looking into alternative farming practices that benefit wildlife the soil and people’s health is important for not only the planet but our health. Looking into researchers like my good friend from New Zealand, Gwen Grelet, who lectures on this subject, can greatly benefit your farming.
  • Educate your friends. They will thank you for their better health and will help in turn by encouraging more people to supply better food.

Final words

Our food and environment is constantly changing and so our food is constantly changing. This is why I advise people to do their own research into food and change it as times change and our bodies change.

I always say to try to eat foods in their natural state grown in a natural way. Supplements can help but they are not often in the correct format and even if they are, are either hard to digest or can cause problems of in too high concentrations. Natural foods, as in the true meaning of natural (wink here to food companies who use the word natural when their products clearly are not!) contain the right ingredients in the right quantities, with the correct compounds they should be digested with in order for them to work or be balanced in our bodies. Many of these ingredients we have not discovered yet or do not fully understand yet, so eating food as they should be in the wild is a surer way of guaranteeing health.

I know that I have given a lot of information recently about diet and practical things rather than looking into the energetic side but it is important. Many times I find that people with astral parasites for example continue to come to myself and other healers to remove them and wonder why they “keep coming back”. There is an energetic side we can talk about of course, but often they have not looked after the basics yet on which to build a better aura. The physical body can greatly help with that. I would not be writing about this if I didn’t think this was important for a lot of you that I come across in my work 😉

The information here and in the last blog post, is kept basic for better understanding so if you’d like to go deeper, please do. If you’d like to explore more about what to avoid and what other sources of food you can eat to help reduce iron toxicity – the main theme of the this and the last blog post, then please have a look at the root cause protocol that Morley Robbins has developed. You can also find interviews with him and other scientists covering this subject on and mitolife radio.

Iron Toxicity in relation to parasites, viruses & disease in general

Originally published 2nd October 2021

Iron – the most abundant mineral on the planet, yet we are told we don’t have enough?

Iron toxicity is a subject that I have been meaning to write about for a while. I did pause releasing information about this because I came across some information that appeared initially to be contradictory to what I was going to express. It was presented by the Taygetean contactees from CosmicAgency on Youtube, who I very much value.

I realised however that what appeared to be contradictory wasn’t really. Much of the information I am to present in this and subsequent blog posts, are about there being too much iron trapped in the cells of the body where it shouldn’t be kept, that is not being properly regulated so that the iron is properly taken to where is should be.

The CosmicAgency videos on the importance of Iron are talking about the cabal reducing iron in our blood, for example by replacing the iron in our blood with graphene oxide that I briefly wrote about in my last blog. So while it first appears that the information doesn’t tie-in, it actually fits in quite nicely once I learn’t about the bigger picture of iron metabolism and the fact that what I am presenting here, only affects certain people, not all.

If am I missing something or the sources of information are corrupted somehow, then I do very much welcome receiving further information about it, but I do believe that the information I am going to provide will be very useful to a lot of people – otherwise I would not be writing about it!

I do recommend that you watch their videos as well as the other information from the human sources I have been using to get a better picture of it for yourselves. Here are the links to their videos:–astral-entities-(2):6

What people can benefit from reducing iron toxicity?

As the title of this blog suggests, iron levels affect how easily parasites and other organisms can live inside the body. I will be referring to physical parasites seeing as we will be looking into physical biochemistry. However, because the physical and energetic bodies are interrelated, those experiencing problems with energetic parasites and other astral entities should greatly benefit too.

Some people might note that people like Hulda Clarke linked a lot of diseases to parasites. So in that regard working on the underlying problem that makes us more susceptible to parasites in the first place can help people with those diseases too.

They include chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn’s and other digestive system issues, arthritis, “auto-immune” disorders and a whole host of neurological disorder to name but a few.

Due to the fact that iron impacts quite a number of processes in the body it can greatly help with the underlying conditions of many other diseases. Because all processes in the body including the immune system require energy to function, iron’s impact on energy production can affect all sorts of problems.

One other consideration is DNA activation and spiritual growth. Having more DNA activated means more proteins are being made that will provide us with more abilities in the future. This comes at the price of energy. To be able to have our system running more as it was designed to do and to maintain ourselves in that state requires more energy.

How many of you have healed something or activated a new ability for a period of time, whilst meditating for example, for it to return to its previous state over the subsequent minutes, hours or days? A lack of vital energy is likely one of the main reasons and aiding our energy production by supporting our mitochondria is therefore important. Reducing iron toxicity is a big part of this. There are energetic reasons too of course so working on those at the same time is important but that’s another subject.

This information will be more important for males versus females, as women release a small amount of iron through their monthly period. It will likely benefit people in Western countries and/or those that have seen a lot of control over farming, food processing, supplementation, vaccine implementation etc. This is especially so for the English speaking countries it seems! An Italian client of mine for example says that in his country it is very easy to buy straight from farmers in their local markets, farmers who don’t use any chemicals. So please understand that this information won’t be as useful to some people as others.

A very brief history of iron overload

A lot of knowledge of cell metabolism and the different metals, chemicals and enzymes that are needed for it, were known about already in the early 1900s. Scientists like Krebs, who had the energy cycle named after him, apparently knew very well the role of iron, magnesium, copper and other chemicals in energy production.

It was supposedly known about all I have written about below at those times. So what happened? In the 1940s, especially after the war, a technique used to spray chemicals into the air, famously known as “chemtrails” was started, that increased the soil’s ability to leech certain chemicals including iron. More fertilisers designed to help farmers food productivity, but unfortunately encouraged more iron and calcium out of the soil and into the plants they were growing, and less copper and magnesium (needed to regulate iron and calcium by the way)  were being sold to farmers. Iron fortification processes in certain foods were started, which has been doubled, tripled and quadrupled over the years since. Here in the UK it is apparently law to fortify flours with iron which means that all foods made from it have iron filings – try and find processed foods without flour especially wheat flour in them these days! The recommended uptake of iron has equally been increased multiple times. The medical profession has been educated to think that we are all low on iron i.e. anaemic and not be educated on what is needed to regulate iron in the body (e.g. copper and retinol). The forms of testing for iron have been done so as to only look into the levels of iron in our blood, rather than look at other sources of where iron might be in the body.

Most of this happened in the USA, UK and certain European countries that has since spread to other countries over the years as corporations increased their sphere of influence.

Strange don’t you think that all this happened when iron is not only the most abundant mineral on the planet (estimated to be 36% of the planet!) but it is also a mineral that is very efficiently recycled in the body, meaning that we don’t actually need much of it in our diet!

All a bit strange huh?!

What is iron toxicity?

It is simply the build-up of iron inside the cells of the body and in and around the cells such as in the joints and muscles, due to their being too much iron for the body to deal with.

Iron is important for the body. It is needed for the transport of oxygen in the haem (spelt heme in American English) proteins of red blood cells and it is needed for the electron transport chain for producing ATP – the body’s energy source. So if there is not enough iron in the body then disease will occur quickly, as all the processes in the body need ATP to run.

As has been pointed out by the Taygeteans, iron is part of the energetic field created by the donut-like shape of red blood cells. Those that have looked into “sacred geometry” will note how the donut shape links in with torroidal fields, so red blood cells when healthy, create a protective field for the aura/energy body, helping to repel astral entities/parasites.

Just like any other nutrient, too much iron can be just as harmful as too little. Iron recycling in the body is very efficient. This means that the body does not easily get rid of excess iron. This excess iron therefore gets trapped in the body and causes inflammation – you can think of it as rust happening in the body.

This inflammation has been linked to a whole host of different diseases depending on where most of this inflammation occurs. If a lot is trapped in the joints for example, then it can lead to arthritis. If it’s in nervous tissue then it can lead to shingles, or MS. Overall it, along with other issues in the modern world, very much affects energy levels, meaning that all processes of the body are reduced promoting many diseases.

Most of the iron gets trapped inside lysosomes within the cells. A lysosome is a part of the cell where waste material, foreign or not, is destroyed so that hopefully it can be recycled. If the cell struggles to destroy the contents of a lysosome or there is simply too much to deal with, then the cell can release some of this outside the cell via an exosome so that immune cells like macrophages can eat it up.

If even this does not relieve the pressure on the cell, then the cell can become toxic and struggle to perform its functions. Usually this results in the cell starting apoptosis – programmed cell death, where the cell literally destroys itself and immune cells come to eat up the remains.

This is really what is happening whenever doctors say that there is an “auto-immune” disease. Immune cells do not attack the cells of your body without good reasons. Those cells are struggling with toxicity in the first place!

Immune cells obviously have a lot of lysosomes and because immune cells like macrophages are used to gobble-up struggling cells in the body among other debris outside of cells, anything that cannot be recycled can build up in these immune cells. Iron is one of those that can potentially build up if there is already enough iron for building haem proteins for example.

As you can tell, this might mean that the macrophages themselves can struggle with toxicity which is one of the reasons for lower immunity from iron toxicity. It also means that any organs that use phagocytosis can also start to build up iron toxicity – this is why the intestines suffer so much from iron toxicity as phagocytosis is used by gut cells to digest certain ingredients.

If you’d like to learn more about the function of lysosomes and it’s relation to disease, then I suggest that you look into a process called “lipofuscin”. It has to be said that iron overload is not the only cause of this toxicity in the lysosomes. PUFAs (poly-unsaturated fatty acids) are another contributing factor among many for example. Matt Blackburn’s radio show “mitolife radio” has many interviews with scientists relating to this subject.

I will try and explain the increased oxidative stress of too much iron versus too little copper and retinol in another blog.

Age spots – a sign of oxidative stress due to lipofuscin.


A lot of what I wrote in the above paragraph might sound to some people like haemochromatosis. It is described as a genetic disorder where too much iron is absorbed into the body and so deposits of it build up in the body.

People who know me well, know that I believe (and many scientists agree with me!) that genetics is not set. It is dynamic and changes according to the environment. That includes the emotional, mental and other energetic environments, not just the physical. So whenever someone says that something has a genetic cause, I very much question what is really going on to make the cells of the body not function properly!

Genetics and viruses are very often used to cover up the real causes of a disease in my opinion. Often it is a new toxic chemical released into the world or a new form of radiation (like 5G) that is the real cause – much like this con-vid situation we are in now!

Regardless, some of the forms of treatment for haemochromatosis can aid in iron toxicity.

Iron relating to viruses

I mentioned above briefly about how struggling cells sometime bud-off things called exosomes. Those exosome can contain all sorts of debris from the struggling cell such as genetic material, proteins, enzymes and of course a variety of toxins, one of which could be iron. Others could include aluminium, lead, mercury, flouride etc.

What are these exosome most often called instead? Viruses!

Yes, that’s right, viruses are simply poop from cells that are struggling. It is well known that virologists looking through an electron microscope cannot tell the difference between a virus and an exosome – that’s because they are the same thing! The main problem is that “scientists” never seem to do the right tests to see if the so-called “virus” came from the cells being investigated rather than from an outside source as they claim.

The purpose of this article is about iron, so I’ll leave the virus conspiracy to another day, but if you’d like to look into it, there are a whole host of books (now strangely hard to buy in some countries – I wonder why!?) that talk about this subject but the main person I mostly looked into was Dr Andrew Kauffman. So, have a look into his work if this interests you.

Learning to properly read and question scientific papers is a must if you truly want to understand about how the virus theory has managed to survive and be used as an excuse for the real causes of diseases 😉

Hydroxychloroquine & Ivermectin

There has been a lot of talk about these drugs during this con-vid “epidemic”. It might interest you to note that both of these drugs that people  have been saying greatly helped them with their symptoms, are anti-parasitic drugs!

Ivermectin works by disrupting calcium channels in the muscles of invertebrates.

Hydroxychloroquine is more interesting with regard to this article because it relates to iron. It is related to chloroquine, also an anti-malarial drug. If you ignore all the over-complicated and misinformed information about it on the internet, it is basically a metal chelator. And what is the main metal found in the body, especially in the West? Iron! And where is this iron most often concentrated in? The lysosomes of the cells of the body.

This is why it is stated that chloroquine drugs have an affinity to lysosomes. If you remember what I wrote above about lysosomes relating to “viruses”, hydroxycloroquine’s ability to take away any iron from the lysosome thus relieving the pressure on the struggling cell, means that the cell no longer will produce exosomes – that mistakenly are called viruses. This is why these drugs are often stated to help with “viruses.”

By reducing the levels of iron concentrated in the cells of the body, especially in the lysosomes of cells where iron is concentrated in iron overloaded people, hydroxychloroquine reduces the inflammatory processes in those cells. The immune system is thus stronger to fight off infections and parasites, as the body is not using so much energy.

Researchers like Morley Robbins also state that parasites and bacteria love iron, as they need it for their own metabolism and he simplifies things by saying that chloroquine drugs reduce the their ability to get at that iron, also helping to kill them off.

So…… do I recommend that people take hydroxychloroquine or other forms of chloroquine? NO! At least not for long periods.

If it was only iron that these drugs pulled out the body then it would be better, but the fact that they pull out all sorts of metals (yes including harmful ones like lead, mercury, aluminium etc!) it also means that they pull out useful metals too, including magnesium and copper. Magnesium and copper are both metals that are extremely low in the diets of a lot of Western people (again especially in the English speaking countries) and they are both essential for health in various ways.

So while these drugs can be useful to save lives in acute situations, they are certainly not recommended in the long run.

Blood donation – is the primary way of reducing excess iron in the body.

Testing for iron levels & anaemia????

Understanding how the established medical profession tests for iron levels, and utterly fails at knowing what is really going on in a lot of people’s bodies, is an important thing to understand. I will try to say it as simply as I can because there are a lot of biochemical things to consider here and I don’t want this to turn into too long a blog.

Typical blood tests that are done in Western countries include:

  • FBC (full blood count) – simply measures how many red blood cells (and other blood cells) you have in a sample of blood. This does not however measure how much iron is in each RBC present in haemoglobin and so isn’t that useful to understand how well iron is being metabolised. Often analysis of cell shape, colour etc is also done.
  • Haemoglobin levels – this is not always done anymore, but it is simply a measure of the levels of haemoglobin in the red blood cells. While it can help in understanding how much haemoglobin is being made and thus show how much iron is being used to create it, it fails to show whether there is something else stopping iron from being loaded into haem proteins to make haemoglobin (e.g. from too low copper).
  • Ferritin – not all doctors will select this test but I know that when I was a biochemist in hospital labs that I would automatically tick this test for the doctors if anaemia was suspected. Ferritin is a protein that stores iron in the tissues of the body. There are two forms of ferritin but the standard blood tests do not identify the difference and so is a useless marker of iron metabolism and levels in the body.

Those are the main tests these days. As you can see, none of the tests give you a full picture of how much iron is really in the body and where it might be accumulating or what is stopping the iron from being used where it is needed.

Serum iron tests, which are not common would give a better idea of how iron is being metabolised in the body i.e. how efficient the iron recycling system is. However if you really want to get a better picture of iron status in the body then you really need to measure the levels of iron in the cells and how easily it is able to move around. An example is haemosiderin measurements, which never seem to be measured. If there is a lack of bio-available copper to load iron into ferritin and/or haem proteins, then iron is stored with haemosiderin, mainly in macrophages.

If you really wanted to get a good picture of where iron is in the body and whether you are lacking the nutrients, enzymes etc to take iron to where it should be, then measuring, in addition to the above tests, transferrin, ferroxidase, retinol, copper, magnesium, ferroportin, hepcidin, hephaestin etc etc even if that’s probably overkill, would give you a better picture to what’s really going on.

To simplify things, a lot of the enzymes and processes needed to properly metabolise iron rely on…. copper and magnesium. And what is getting less and less in our diets because of how the soils are being treated and what we have not been advised to eat by so-called health professionals? Copper and magnesium! I will perhaps talk more about this in a future blog.

Summary & advice

There are a lot of points I could have gone into in more detail here but I wanted to keep it as simple as possible. There are a lot of subjects that link into what I have written here, not least the subject of how EMFs, like 5G, link in with excess metals like iron in the body (notice how anything having 5G in the same sentence as con-vid is very very quickly deleted off the internet!). If you are interested in some of them then I might write more about it in future.

I will perhaps talk about copper, magnesium and retinol and their importance in the Western diet in the next blog article as most Western people are very deficient in these.

I would like to give some advice about what you can do to deal with all the complications created by the medical, food and pharmaceutical industries in the next blog. If you cannot wait till then, and especially if you want to expand your knowledge on the subjects I have mentioned here, then I highly suggest that you look at Morley Robbins’ work.

Morley Robbins, among other scientists I have been studying recently, has been connecting a lot of “dots”. One of the few who have really been looking into the link between all sorts of diseases and basic mineral balance changes in the world. I would highly recommend that you look into his work and listen to some of the many interviews of him and other scientists looking into these subjects online, such as on

His own website detailing the root cause protocol ( can greatly help people with many different diseases, as all diseases can greatly benefit from better ATP production that his protocol enables.

If you suffer from sensitivities to EMFs, energetic parasites or entity attacks, I also highly recommend you look into this protocol. Why? As I said at the start, the physical and energetic are interrelated and effect each other. A more robust physical body helps in having a more robust aura/energy body.


A quick few things about nano technology

Originally published sometime in July 2022

Graphene oxide.

Whilst I’m working on a larger blog post, which I think is relevant to a lot of the problems people are experiencing, I thought I write a few bits I have come across recently on nano tech and things related to it.

If you’re not familiar with nano-technology and what it can do, here is a good summary:

As always, use your own discernment as I cannot know for sure what is correct. The alternative and scientific community are very much infiltrated, resulting in truths and lies mixed together.

Graphene Oxide

In case you’ve been living under a rock the last couple of years, nano-tech particles have been found in the covid (or should I start saying con-vid!) vaccines, on the swabs of the con-vid test kits and even on the disposable masks people have been wearing. One of these particles people have been identifying is graphene oxide.

Graphene oxide has magnetic and therefore programmable properties. It is also suggested that it can replace iron in various proteins in the body, making it harder to remove from the body and also making it harder for enzymes and other proteins that use iron as a co-factor to work properly. Most people know that iron is at the center of haem molecules found in our red blood cells, so some obvious questions about oxygen transport are in order.

Obviously the best thing and first thing to do to reduce/prevent nano-tech influence over you is to not subject you body to these particles.

The list of places these particles are found, is not limited to the things we are being forced to use related to con-vid but are likely in a variety of products out there. Likely in chem-trails also. You can educate yourself on likely places but generally I would say stick to unprocessed foods and look into what other products you are using and try to find those that have natural ingredients. By natural, I mean in the true sense, not what companies claim are “natural”.

I would definitely start with a good water filter, as you may have seen, there are plenty of articles of people suggesting using graphene oxide as a “miracle solution for water decontamination”. Water filters are a good piece of advice anyway due to all the other chemicals found in tap water these days.

Berkey water filters are a good start as they have been show to filter out more than most, and the carbon filters can last up to 10 years depending on the water and usage. Reverse osmosis is often seen as the best way of cleaning your water, though there are arguments for the use of distillers so long as you have a nutrient rich diet.

Carbon 60 (aka C60)

I would advise against taking any carbon-60 supplement. This is a supplement I have unfortunately advised people to try in the past but now I see that it could be used as a programmable nano-tech particle.

It is often quoted as being a small molecule that is found in nature that can be used to soak up free-radical damage and thus reduce inflammation in the body. While it probably can be found in carbon deposits around the world, I find it unlikely that there would be much of it. I also dispute that it is a small molecule – does 60 carbon atoms joined together sound small to you?! So it therefore is unlikely to be able to enter places in the cells of the body some people quote and do what they say it does.

Being that C60 is a strong molecule, it is unlikely to be easy to be broken down by the body and so can get stuck and act as a receiver for electronic frequencies to your body.

Nano-tech can be de-programmed with the use of EMP and electronic field devices

This has even been recommended by the Taygetean pleiadians. Them and some human experts on this say however that EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) devices need to have a high enough wattage to be able to penetrate the body deep enough and strong enough to cancel any programming of nano-tech. So those youtube clips showing you how to make basic EMP devices are not enough. They can be handy however if you want to destroy your un-needed phones as I’ve found out! Most PEMF (pulsed electro-magnetic field therapy) mats that are sold are not strong enough to penetrate even the outermost layers of the skin and so are a waste of money.

Unfortunately it means that you need more technological knowledge to build a decent EMP device to help with reducing nano-tech impact. You can buy them if you have enough money – the cheapest that are powerful enough are upwards of USD $4000!

EMPs can be damaging to health however if you use them too often and care needs to be used with these machines. There are some interesting interviews with people in the PEMF scene on if you would like to look into this more. For example with Dr Bryant Meyers.

Fortunately there are other things you can do such as using cheaply made devices for treatments and/or maintaining your own electromagnetic field around you. Here is a good example of what you can build very easily:

What else you can do

Obvioulsy, avoiding or limiting  the EMFs that program these nano-tech particles is advisable.

You may have noticed that any video or article on mainstream sites linking con-vid and 5G were taken down within minutes. This is because they don’t want people to link the electromagnetic frequencies they are using in a variety of electronic devices (not just 5G by the way) with the nano-technology found in the vaccines, tests and masks.

Even without these particles they are trying to get into us, many EMFs are harmful to us anyway. I will explain more in future what iron has to do with this for example. So avoiding and/or mitigating EMFs is good advice in general. Limiting your time on devices and switching off your electricity at night (apart from the circuit to the fridge maybe ;-)) are becoming common place in awakened people’s homes. If you can do without such devices then even better.

…and keep working on your own vibration through various ways. That way you can maintain what vibrations you wish and prevent EMFs affecting you. With practice of course 😉

Is the body important for spirituality?

Originally published sometime in October 2021

Me completing one of my fitness goals in the little local gym in Granö, Sweden.

Though I truly believe that once you tap into your highest potential you can very much be like a yogi and be able to drink arsenic without ill effect, we are not there yet. The vast majority of us are not able to master our energy to such an extent that incoming vibrations do not affect us. We have to follow the path of least resistance and often that means doing the practical thing.

I feel this is an important point to get across because I find many people try to heal for example using energetic techniques, yet they are still eating foods that are not supportive of their body, taking in light that interrupts their bodily rhythms and doing little exercise that gets the fluids of the body moving.

Your physical body is the vessel from which you are currently experiencing from. If you do not look after it, then it can be hard (though definitely not impossible!) to perform certain spiritual practices, grow and heal.

This is why if you look into eastern practices, they include a lot of advice about diet, exercise, breathing, even how to arrange your home among other things. Not just advice on  meditation, astral travel etc. A yogi for example does not just perform “stretches” like we tend to believe in the West. Yoga is an all encompassing approach to improve life from many different angles.

When you realise that the energy bodies (emotional, mental, astral and so on) are affected by the vibration of the physical body and vice versa, then you may start to work from both ends, taking you much more quickly on your path than working purely energetically or physically.

If you struggle to meditate and feel clouded in your mind and low on energy, then you might find that looking after the health of your body may help. Many of those thoughts, emotions and other sensations that distract you from your focus are due to signals from the body telling you of its distress.

Having said that, those who have been looking into health over the years may see how much harder the practical things that improve our health are compared to generations ago.

Our grandparents (or great-grandparents depending on how old you are!) did not have to worry about acid rains, chem-trails, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and various other chemicals affecting what minerals are able to come from the soil to our food or directly affecting out food. They did not have to worry so much about processing of our foods after being harvested, such as having additives of various kinds, many of which need a scientific degree to even begin to understand what they are and potentially what they do to our body. They didn’t have to worry about plastics and metals like aluminium leeching into our food from the packaging or being irradiated or exposed to fumes before they reached the shop. Food was simply much closer to its natural state in the old days.

We are constantly digesting light all through the day. In the old days apart from candles that don’t have as much impact as the blue-dominant light bulbs we have, they got the right wavelengths of light at the right times of the day for the pineal gland and other biological clock functions to work properly.

We are also experiencing thousands of times and increasing, levels of radiation than them too. This is why I have written several articles on mitigating this and am reminding my clients about the importance of it too.

People were much more active in the past too. There wasn’t so much machinery to do things for us nor were things set-up so that you could buy food through your car window – you had to walk!

So as you can see, modern life means that health isn’t as easy as it was in the past. It often requires you to educate yourself  to keep up with the ever changing flow of new chemicals, processing techniques, changes in how our soils are affected and new and increasing EMFs.

Many people groan when advice is given on these subjects. Going back to my blog on the mainstream-alternative media and even in the main-stream media itself, one of the techniques they employ is to flood media with information on these subjects.

In that way, not only is the useful information dwarfed by the not-so-good advice but it makes it harder to find and often it is ridiculed. Also due to this flooding of information, people get fed-up with it and so when potentially life-changing advice is given we, often end up saying “Ugh! Not another person giving dietry advice!”

I find that those that fare better with their health, apart from those that live without so much influence from western advice, are often the ones that have spent years looking into these subjects and learning it for themselves. They use themselves as the guinea pigs too. I will likely post some things that myself and my Naturopath wife have tried over the years as examples that may help you.

No one method may help everyone but I hope that more people look after their bodies so that we have more ease with our spiritual practices.

Is “Resonating with something” always a positive thing?

Originally published 12th August 2021

Snibbens Camping, Sweden. One of our wild swimming spots this summer.

It is quite common these days to hear people saying “I resonate with that” or “That doesn’t resonate with me” but I sometimes wonder whether people comprehend what they are saying.

Resonance is when something is the same, or in the same set of frequencies as another thing.  So for example when several musical instruments are all tuned so that the A note is 432Hz (and all other notes are tuned in line with that of course) then the instruments will be in harmony and there will be a pleasant sound when they are played together – so the instruments are resonating with each other.

Dissonance is where something is not at the same frequency or set of frequencies with another thing. So in our musical instrument example, if one of the instruments was tuned to another frequency such as A 440Hz, then it would not be in tune with the other instruments and when they are played together there will not be such a pleasant sound – the instruments are dissonant to each other.

All particles have different frequencies. Matter and frequency are interrelated – the matter is determined by it’s frequency. Ice is a lower vibration than water which is a lower vibration than steam.

This is the same for emotions, thoughts, astral energy, beliefs and beyond. Guilt is a lower vibration than anger which is a lower vibration than kindness. Similarly a thought about killing someone is a lower vibration than blaming someone, which in turn is lower than thinking of gratitude for someone.

There are many examples I can give, but I’m sure you get the idea. Understand also that whilst experiencing being human that we have a huge mixture of different frequencies within us. Most of which we are not fully aware of and what we would often say is stored in our sub-consciousness or un-consciousness.

If you watch your thoughts for a day, you may notice lots of different, often contradictory thoughts and emotions based on the different beliefs we hold within us. You may have a lot of hope for the future of humanity at one point of the day based on the beliefs that humanity learns from its mistakes or that we have love for each other (or a great many other possible beliefs) yet at another part of the day you may feel that humanity is doomed based on the beliefs that there are limited resources, that we are destroying the planet and that we are always at war with each other etc etc. The same goes for beliefs, thoughts and emotions about our health, money, love life, spiritual progress and so on.

Because we have so many different frequencies of energy within us, it is very possible to resonate with a great many things. That includes things that do not serve us in helping us go in the direction of life we wish.

As an example, say you have been smoking for many years and you want to give up smoking. Your body is used to you smoking and so is vibrating at a different frequency to someone who doesn’t smoke. You still have part of you that resonates with not smoking (that’s what your body wants afterall) but the thoughts, emotions, habits etc of smoking dominate over those that don’t.

So what happens when you try to give up smoking? Your body, emotions, thoughts, habits etc have to change. The old frequency has to give way to a newer frequency. That means the old comes up to be cleared in the form of emotions that are uncomfortable and thoughts that are also uncomfortable not to mention body habits that are hard to break.

After giving up smoking for a number of days your vibration is changing but you are still mostly vibrating at the frequency of a smoker. You still resonate you could say with being a smoker. So what happens when someone offers you a cigarette and you light up that cigarette and breathe in that smoke? Relief! Because you have now stopped the process of change from one frequency of body, emotion, thought etc to that of a non-smoker.

I have personally seen this many times with my diet when trying to apply spiritual concepts to my food choices. When I kept seeing that my body wanted processed chocolate, sweets, cakes etc when pointing at different foods and tuning into what “resonated” with me, I started to see that maybe choosing things that resonate with me all the time wasn’t actually a good thing.

This was the same with spiritual teachings over the years. Many things I came across felt good and I would say that I resonated with them, only to realise that ultimately those teachings didn’t help me grow spiritually. Or I would feel into history or science and believe in what I felt gave a resonant feeling inside, only to discover that some of it was not true or not useful to me.

So try to be conscious of what you are saying to yourself and what choices you make based on that, when you say you “resonate” with something. Know that often there is discomfort, a dissonant feeling, when the old frequencies start to clear as you make way for the new. Acts of kindness, gratitude and love for yourself and for others may not feel very good inside to start with, but as you keep doing them and you start to resonate more with it, it will!

Is there a trap after death?

Originally published 6th August 2021

Following on from my last post, talking about how the alternative media is controlled just as much as the main-stream media, hence the phrase “Mainstream-Alternative Media”, I thought I’d talk about a common fear that is prevalent in the spiritual community. This fear is that there is some sort of trap after death, that keeps you tied to the 3rd density reality, Earth and/or its rulers, whoever you may believe them to be.

I find it interesting that many people who believe this also believe that they are creator beings. If you believe that you are a creator being or at least that you are a co-creator of this reality we live in, then you must also know that you can un-create what you have created!

Whilst experiencing being human with the typical beliefs that humans have, we live in a reality where things take time to change. The denser the reality, the slower we perceive change and that often leads to the belief that we often cannot change certain things. Furthermore, this often means that most people believe there to be only one answer to any question. When there are differences in people’s experiences that often leads to arguments about who is right and who is wrong.

This one-answer mentality is taken too into people’s experiences beyond the 3rd density such as when astral travelling, using drugs or near-death experiences. In higher vibrational realities, the energy moves much faster and so you can change things much more easily and it is easier to have a different experience to someone else. Yet at the same time people often limit themselves to what they could experience by bringing with them the beliefs they hold onto from the 3D or what is being held (most often completely unknown to them) in their sub/un-consciousness.

As an example, if you study what people experienced when having a near-death-experience (NDE) you will notice that it very much reflects their beliefs system. In Christian countries there is often talk about a tunnel of light, angels or guides as well as family members who had died in the past. When you look at NDEs of people of different religions, they may too have  figures from their religious texts or teachings but not the same as the Christians, such as all the different Hindu gods for example. Those that are interested in ETs may meet up with ET looking beings instead. Those that are not religious or who are atheist may have a whole host of different experiences based on their varied beliefs, that may include simply floating above their body and being able to see their body being operated on.

You can find similar observations when talking to people who astral travel, or practice lucid dreaming. Those who practice regularly notice eventually if not straight away, that they can change things around them rather than be controlled by their surroundings. In other words, they truly realise that they are creator beings from experience. A demon can be transformed into a beautiful flower. A terrible scene can be transformed into a loving one, or they can simply teleport instantly to another place in the infinite realms of the astral reality that is more comfortable for them.

So there are three main points I’d like to bring up here:

  1. No one (including me!) can say what is true for you or not, especially outside of the physical reality where so much is possible.
  2. Your human beliefs whether conscious or sub/un-conscious are often taken with you into other realities affecting your experience, BUT…
  3. Especially when you don’t have the momentum of energy frequencies (including beliefs) of a physical body,  it is much much easier to change your frequency and therefore your experiences.

So be careful with who and what you listen to about life after leaving your human life. KNOW that there isn’t just one answer and be SELECTIVE about what you choose to resonate with – I’m using resonate in the true sense here – maybe an article to write about in future!

Every one of you is important. So much so that I consider each person to be their own timeline on their own unique path of exploration/learning/enlightenment, or whatever you believe your purpose is. In that respect it is fine if you wish to believe and therefore experiencing being trapped by supposed Earth controllers, but you don’t have to experience that if you don’t wish to!

In short, there is no cleverly constructed trap, such as “the false light”, fake heavenly gates or other scenarios that cheat you into reincarnating as a human again, unless you CHOOSE to believe that to be true. Believing there is a trap after dying IS the trap!

If you truly wish to be more free, more enlightened, then part of that is learning to be able to MAKE UP YOUR OWN DAMN MIND, rather than listen to others who give the impression they know more than you! Yes, that does include me again and everything I have ever written, including paradoxically this article 😉

There are many ways of dissolving the belief of an after-life trap, such as cancelling contracts if you believe there is one, opening up a dialogue with your mind so as to logically understand the concepts I have briefly written about above etc etc. The main way as always is to just watch your thoughts as they come up and simply not invest your energy into those you don’t wish to and invest your energy instead into thoughts about what you would like to experience after death.

What other planets would you like to incarnate on? What other races would you like to experience being? Would you like to stay in an energetic form rather than take on a physical body? Would you like to be an animal rather than and humanoid? What about being a positive dragon?!

There are many possibilities, so keep being curious so that you resonate more and more with what you’d like to experience next, rather than become more resonant with what you fear and thus experience more of what you don’t wish to.

At the very least you can understand that your experiences after death are your own creations (whether co-created or not) and so knowing that you can expose traps and knowing that you can avoid, dissolve or even completely uncreate them before death or during the death process is enough.

Learning to astral travel or lucid dream can give you a lot of experience beyond the physical body and greatly help reassure you of your abilities to create what you wish when you pass. Very useful too if you have any doubts or fears about death in general.

I personally do not fear “the other side” and I am generally happy when family or friends pass over knowing that it is not the end but a new beginning, from my experiences of astral travelling.

The Mainstream-Alternative Media

Originally published sometime in October 2021

My name for the controlled media in the alternative community

I wrote in my last blog that something has been bothering me over the last few years. Don’t get me wrong, I am generally in a happy state and when I am viewing things from a higher perspective, absolutely nothing is wrong.

This world/reality is the perfect imperfection and everyone and everything has its purpose, helping to spur creation on to many new things. Helping those that come here experience different forms of separation, such that greater forms of love can be experienced as we head back in the other direction.

However, like I said in the last blog, the human side of me, the 3rd to 4th density aspect of me I am currently experiencing from, is important. There would be no point having a lower density of consciousness experience if there wasn’t a point to it and I believe that it is indeed important for each and every one of us to live life according to our human desires, thus benefiting the whole of creation as a result.

So with that paradox in mind, what is this “lower” density ego of mine concerned about? Well I came across this phrase “Mainstream-Alternative Media” that summed up how I felt about a lot of the information in the alternative media as the years went by.

I have always known that the alternative news is a mixture of truth and lies. In that aspect it is actually just the same as the mainstream media, even though on the surface it might appear different. No different to political parties seemingly being different but in actuality they follow the same established rules and do basically the same as each other. I didn’t realise however how deep the lies went in the alternative media initially.

I currently believe that spiritual, new-age, ET, UFO, health, diet, history, science and many other fields are being and have been influenced from the very start, likely by organisations such as the CIA and other similar outfits. I find it wonderful to see more and more people questioning and so waking up to the lies mixed in with the truths on these subjects, especially when it comes to mainstream media information. Yet I also see that many people tend to not question as much the information in the alternative media, as if it were free of corruption.

I have for example, been reading and often in the past believing in the many stories of different secret organisations and ET groups coming to save us. I have seen many dates of supposed events come and go since starting to follow the alternative media more closely 2011 onwards. Many reasons were given for said events not happening and I started to feel as if they were just “kicking the can down the road” as we would say in England. In other words it is keeping people waiting for something that in actuality is never going to happen.

So when I started reading about Donald Trump being the leader who was going to save America from the troubles in that country and thus save the rest of the world, I was very suspect to that. It appeared to me that most people who followed that line of information just sat back expecting everything to fall into place rather than use their energy to help create a new future. Some people claim that it could still happen via Trump or at least via the people and organisations that were backing him up. I would love that to be true and to be proven wrong but I don’t believe that will happen.

I have also for years followed the story about “Sananda”, apparently the name for Jesus in his new incarnation, and the “Ashtar Command” that is part of the galactic federation. Whilst I truly believe that there are many ET races out there who want to help us and that there is indeed a galactic federation who have ships watching over Earth, some of which intervene and stop certain things from happening that could be devastating to the planet, I don’t believe that they will come down and save us from our problems, for the same reasons that they have not come down and saved us from wars, famine, genocide etc in the past.

There is a lot of ins and outs to this subject of galactic federation – it is a HUGE subject and I feel rather than write too much here, the series of videos about this on the “Cosmic Agency” Youtube channel describes this subject and the reasons very well. I you haven’t watched that channel then I suggest you do so, as I find their beliefs to be very close to mine and it is a much more grounded, honest and detailed account of ET life than I have come across elsewhere – they also have a website – Even though I really like this channel, again use your own discernment and like they say in some of their videos, go out and read other information and come to your own conclusions.

What I do see might happen, and may happen in the coming years, is that those trying to control this planet could use the guise of ET landings, whether as an invasion to unite us all as one against them (remember all the politician speeches “imagining how the people of Earth would let go of all their differences and unite as one if there were some outside force that threatened us such as an ET invasion”) or maybe more likely now, a peaceful landing where the ETs give us advice to solve our problems. There is already enough holographic technology and video editing technology (look at the planes hitting the twin towers yet absolutely no planes parts where found in the debris of the falling buildings and look at the amazing special effects in our films these days!) to fake things as well as their own anti-gravity craft to provide more realism.

If such an event were to happen and you don’t get to meet ETs yourself and the ET advice just so happens to follow the aims or be similar to the aims of the governments and corporations around the world, such as Agenda 30 (that if you read between the lines suppresses our freedoms in the name of saving nature), then we will have been fooled yet again.

It could be that due to the amount of control they have gained through the laws being brought in from this fake viral pandemic, that they feel that they won’t need to go to such extremes. These people behind the scenes have many plans depending on many outcomes and they have been planning for a very long time I feel. Maybe I’m basing this yet again on bogus evidence, but I wanted to write about this so at least people start to question the information that is presented to them.

So as not to be focusing too much on my worries, I do see a lot of people waking up to this “mainstream-alternative media” as I shall call it. The many people involved in diet, nutrition and the alternative health industry for example, I see are slowly working through the truth and lies and finding what actually works. The many people interviewed, often with different points-of-view, on are good examples of this.

There are also a lot of movements looking into law and how we as people can either live in society and be able to not allow governments to dictate to us, or even be able to live outside of their laws entirely. Most people have come across “Common Law” I’m sure but that still relies on people such as Barons who are still part of their legal system and some court judges as friends of people I know have experienced, have said in court that common law doesn’t exist anymore.

Movements that work from “universal law” seem to be having more success when it comes to living outside of the system and dealing with the police and judges. As an example, friends of mine have been able to lawfully stop paying taxes, bills and avoid many laws that are restrictive such as following the corona rules. They even in fact have a video of a court judge saying that the Covid rules are unlawful! These groups are obviously targeted heavily by both the mainstream AND mainstream-alternative medias and made out to be cults to try and steer people away from them.

Paying attention to people and groups that are targeted and the sort of information that is quickly deleted off media platforms can often be very useful in helping you question. The many videos that have been deleted within minutes linking 5G with corona in certain places around the world and certain nutrients like magnesium and copper (vital for correct functioning of many enzymes in our bodies) being listed by the American FDA as being investigated as potentially harmful for us, are good examples of this.

There is a lot more I could write about this Alternative-Mainstream Media, but I just wanted to give you a few examples so that you can start to question things for yourself. I don’t want you to feel that I have all the answers. I have been fooled in the past too and I certainly don’t believe I have all the answers, but I just want to highlight the fact that information is controlled in the alternative media to a great extent.

If I can get people questioning that information more, make up their own minds and especially get people to start acting to actually help create the future they wish, rather than sit idly thinking that it is all going to be done for them, then this article has served its purpose.

I would like to write about some spiritual subjects related to this subject. I am a bit late in the game I feel when giving my thoughts on this Covid situation and I feel that many people have covered this well already, but if anyone would like more from me on this then let me know. My point-of-view in short – there is no virus, it is being used to cover-up the actual things causing disease and to get you to accept new laws and get you to take yet more toxins in the form of vaccines (that aren’t actually vaccinating you against anything), toxins on the end of the test swabs and even toxins on the disposable masks as part of reducing the population and also lessening the ability of the “soul” to be fully in the body…