Etheric Implants & Parasites – a healer’s review after 10 years

Some of the common positions I find Archontic type “SPE” implants, relative to the meridians.

This is an article I felt that I’ve needed to write for some time now as my perception of things is taking on an ever more expanded view as time goes by.

A recent hack of my website (thank you hacker, whoever you are! ;-)) made me re-read a lot of pages on my website including those about etheric implants and many blog articles. Some blog articles were lost unfortunately, some articles of which I feel will need to be written again, as I view them as potentially important… a subject for another day.

I will not be going into detail about the different etheric implants I have sensed, others have sensed, what they do or don’t do, where they come from etc in this article. If you want that information, you can see what I have written on my website here. You can also find a lot of information on my etheric implant questions and answers page on my website here. And if you really want, you can see what I used to think about implants a few years after I first started working on them from an old article in 2014 here.

As you will see from those articles and looking at all the websites that mention them, psychics and healers have very different views on etheric implants and the same is true about other subjects like astral parasites, dark entities, black magic and so on.

This article will focus more on what I feel is more important surrounding etheric implants – their reality and our responsibility with their creation. You will also hopefully start to see why they are only as much of a problem as you believe they are.

I will first have to highlight some simple but often overlooked concepts as well as those that are not mentioned often enough in the new-age & spiritual communities, to fully explain my changes in perception and how that perception can benefit you and the rest of humanity. It will be a long article, so bear with me as I work through this with you 😉

Etheric implants, energetic parasites, entities and similar are not inherently real, but THEY ARE REAL!

People who have been following my website over the years will note that I have continually re-written my etheric implant pages on my website as I continue to grow spiritually. Unfortunately many people have misunderstood what I was trying to get at with those writings. Some interpreted my writings to mean that I do not believe anymore in etheric implants, astral parasites and malevolent beings etc.

Many have even thought that I am working on the beliefs of people who are experiencing such things, as if I think they are crazy, that the beliefs were false and that their experiences were false. Like a psychologist in a mental institution might work, you could say.

Nothing could be further from the truth! I fully acknowledge implants, parasites, entities and other such subjects. Your experience of them is real and as real as I’ve experienced them in the past.

When I say that they only exist because we are creating them as real and therefore they don’t inherently exist, I am not saying that they don’t exist. Read that again, because so many don’t really realise what I am saying here.

I am basically saying that humanity needs to take responsibility for its role in their creation and their maintenance in our reality, individually and collectively. More on this later on…

Higher vibrational consciousnesses hold multiple perspectives

What I was possibly not explaining fully in those re-writes over the years, is how you can have multiple perspectives on the same subject, many of which can seem contradictory or paradoxical to each other and yet each be true individually.

As you raise your consciousness and therefore grow spiritually, you slowly let go of the belief that there is only one answer, only one truth to a particular question or reality. You start to see that there are multiple perspectives. As many perspectives are there are individuals on this planet.

Some perspectives people hold are the same or at least similar enough for something to be “true” or “real” to everyone on this planet. These could be things such as everyone agreeing that the leaves on trees are green, that the sun passes from east to west, that there are 60 seconds in a minute, that death is inevitable, that water expands when it freezes etc.

Science as it is on Earth, and of course because it mostly negates the spiritual aspect of everything, tends to work from the basis that there is only one truth and only one answer for everything. Even before science came along, the dualistic “3rd density” human thinking tends towards this one answer, one truth mentality.

This is why eventually, when people start to question more and more in different directions (because we have different interests), they end up coming to conclusions that are true to the one questioning, yet it contradicts or creates a paradoxical viewpoint to what another questioner has explored.

Often this means that people, that continue to hold the “one answer, one truth” mentality judge the other as wrong, erroneous, mislead, fake etc and as such this maintains separation and conflict that the negative portion of the ego and of course the cabal of this planet wish.

Those that look for a reason for the contradiction, or look for some sort of link that explains it, may start to move into higher vibrational thinking.

Only by seeing the bigger picture can these differing views connect and make sense. This is very different to the scientific way that tends to investigate by separating everything into ever smaller parts, and working out how each part or unit works rather than seeing how everything fits together, thereby missing out on what is sometimes obvious or at least more useful.

Want an example? How about diet and health related subjects? We have gone deeper and deeper into the cells of the body and what each chemical, protein or gene does. We have gone deeper into investigating what all the components of each food does and how each one may be beneficial. More exercise advice is out there. More drugs and supplements too that continue to supposedly be ever more advanced. Yet with all this knowledge over the decades, the population continues to get more types, numbers and severities of diseases, clearly highlighting that the information out there about health is actually getting worse, not better.

Go and look at photos of people in the 1970’s (the decade I was born!) of people queing for a concert, or people relaxing on a beach, and compare how healthy they look with today’s population… you get my point!

I know this particular subject gets complex mainly because much info on health has been manipulated and how our food is not as it once was due to how food is produced and processed, but I have seen that those that eat, relax & exercise by listening to their body and how it responds to each input tend to fare better.

Stepping back and seeing the trends in food, exercise and rest and seeing what seems to work for others and what via testing seems to work for you, appears to work much better than trying to follow all the varying advice out there and seeing things in isolation.

There are multiple perspectives on spiritual subjects too

A little off subject I know, but the same is true of spiritual subjects. Even if we were able to filter out all the 3-letter organisation’s manipulation of spiritual and new-age subjects (and there is a lot unfortunately – see my blog article on “Mainstream-Alternative Media”), you will find that people who genuinely wish to be truthful and wish to help humanity, will come to different conclusions too.

In fact, there are more and greater paradoxes & contradictions in the spiritual subjects than there are of the physical world subjects. I would say by far! The subjects of etheric & other types of implants, energetic parasites, different types of entities, black and other negative magics and so on, are all good examples.

This is because of varying agreements.

By becoming human, you agree to take on a set of beliefs which define you as “human” and thus give you the experience of being human, such as only being able to perceive up to what we call the 3rd density of consciousness (or more if you wanted a different experience than most ;-)). So, most humans due to only being able to sense the 3rd density of reality and agreeing to what humans have already defined as true for them, will have mostly the same beliefs and experiences of Earth life.

Because the majority of humans don’t perceive beyond the 3rd density, and of course worse because religions, cultures, sciences etc in the past tried to destroy knowledge of anything 4th density and above, we don’t have many agreements about what is beyond the physical. In addition, we have all had other lives all over the universe, so have had a great many different perspectives to each other before we even got here.

In other words, humanity as a whole has a huge range of beliefs about if and what exists and therefore what is true or real beyond the 3D. This means that when people start to explore by expanding their senses into the spiritual, that they will have greatly different experiences. Experiences that will be contradictory and paradoxical to what another has.

If you study near death experiences for example, you will see a lot of differing views. There are some common descriptions such as a tunnel of light and meeting loved-ones that died in the past, because many different cultures mention this. Another common thing is not being able to remember fully or explain fully what they experienced due to coming back into 3D and the veil of forgetfulness. Otherwise experiences vary greatly.

You get out what you put in

It appears that people of the same religion, background or belief system tend to see more similar things compared to those of other groups.

Christians tend to describe figures that are talked about in their religion, and of course those pearly-white gates to heaven among many other things. Yet those from a different religion will not see the Christian figures but only those from their religion, along with what is expected after death according to those beliefs.

Someone who doesn’t believe in any religion, are atheist or who have a more scientific point-of-view (which can actually be wildly different depending on the “science” they follow) can experience a wide range of things depending on what they consciously and subconsciously belief.

Much like people that sense etheric implants, astral parasites, entities etc, people coming back from a near death experience often believe that their experience must be the truth and that others must be lying or in error in some way – unfortunately this has been used to create separation and wars between people on this planet.

In fact all those experiences are real and at the same time they are not inherently real. Why? Because you are a creator being and you get out what you put in!

We are creator beings

People forget that they are a part of creation and thus that they have creative abilities. This is often due to the experience of living in the so-called 3rd density reality. A reality where we have all agreed to experience being separated from source/all-that-is/god and therefore where we perceive most of the time, and especially since the advent of science, that we are not creating our experiences but are subject to forces and randomness outside of ourselves.

Together with the ‘one truth, one answer’ attitude, we tend to assume the same rules exist in the ether – the world beyond the physical.

Things manifest much, much quicker in realities beyond the physical!

When you think about and picture an elephant in your mind’s eye, a physical elephant doesn’t suddenly appear in front of you. Things manifest very slowly in the 3D, so if you really want to see an elephant, then you would have to think about one often and maybe you might suddenly come across a circus you didn’t realise was in your area and you see one for example. Or more likely, the thought promotes some decisions and actions that make you look for a zoo or circus and plan a journey there.

In higher realms however, if you think elephant, there will suddenly be an elephant in front of you. This is because energy is of a higher frequency, thus moves much quicker and so things manifest much quicker.

Thought-forms & aggregors

Things that have been created by us or other beings in the ether are often called “thought-forms” or “aggregors”. I find the “thought-form” description more useful because they once started as an idea/thought in the mind and were held for long enough and still enough in that mind, in order to take form and become real for that person or being.

If a person or being discusses this idea/thought with another, and that other decides for example that it is a great idea or interesting enough to experience for themselves too, then they both create that thought and manifest it into form and it becomes real for both of them. They than are said to share a reality of that thought-form being real. Two or more consciousnesses agreeing to something existing is called a collective consciousness.

Another outside of the reality of those two beings will not see at all that thought-form or aggregor simply because they are not creating, or if you like having, that thought. On Earth unfortunately anyone who doesn’t agree to a particular thought or belief is considered wrong/stupid/evil/weird/strange etc. Because of the quicker manifestation within and greatly different ideas of the spiritual world, these judgments are of even greater magnitude than “real-world” subjects. This is partly why the spiritual community is so fragmented and why they don’t have as much influence on this planet as they could have – prove me wrong please!

Not only are etheric implants, astral parasites, entities, demons, dark magic etc aggregors or thought-forms, there are a huge amount of disagreements about whether they exist, what they look like, what they do or can’t do, whether they are ‘good’ or ‘bad’ and so on. Again some of these viewpoints can be found in my previous etheric implant articles and questions & answers pages.

How do you tell if something you are viewing in higher densities is something you created or was already there in that density without your creative input?

This is a question that can really help you comprehend whether you understand the spiritual world. This is also a very useful question to help you have more ease with scary subjects like implants, demons, parasites and so on.

The short answer is you can’t very easily tell whether something already existed in a higher reality or whether you created it.

Ultimately things that exist cannot exist without an observer and so everything is a thought-form or aggregor.

Trying to discern whether an etheric implant you sense is something you created by consciously looking for one in someone’s aura, or created by the beliefs you hold that you are not fully aware of (i.e. the subconscious), or the creation of the person you are working on or even someone/something else, therefore becomes a paradoxical question.

It is no different to my experiences of starting to see energetic beings. Most people thought I was crazy. Some people who were open minded but couldn’t see them were just curious. Some who could sense somewhat into the ether, sensed something different to what I was sensing, or sensed something completely different and/or in a different position, whilst others saw a being in the same position but saw them as a different sex, age, height or even species and a few saw what I sensed exactly as I sensed them. I noticed how my view of beings would change according to the influences of the psychics around me, after asking questions and even choosing to see them in a certain way. This has been very much the case with my experiences of etheric implants, astral parasites, various entities, black magics and so on.

How does that affect you working as a healer working on etheric implants, parasites and entities?

If it is impossible to tell whether something like an implant existed in someone’s aura before you looked or whether you were fully or partly creating it as real, can create a dilemma when working as a healer.

What do you do with what you sense? Does it affect how you treat the person you work on? How would you describe what you were doing to them? Would it benefit them describing what you sensed or not? Afterall, who are you to tell anyone what is true for them or not if there is no one truth and that your truth my hinder them rather than help? How do you explain why your views on something you explained were so scary in the past are so different now, as you grow?

I know for many healers there is also a fear of loosing customers and/or respect too when changing the way they explain and approach things. The negative portion of the ego finds dramatic subjects like etheric implants as very attractive and many people tend to believe that those that can explain things in great detail are more knowledgeable or experienced than those that keep it simple. I know many healers that keep it simple and even don’t perceive these sorts of things and yet are VERY good healers indeed!

What do you think is more attractive to the negative ego between “You have etheric implants created by evil beings that control you greatly and that if removed can greatly improve your life and solve all your problems” and “That’s just an energy block/accumulation which is due to you not working on a certain aspect of yourself”?

These and many other questions were the dilemmas I went through only a few years after starting to work on etheric implants and believe what other psychics and healers were telling me about the existence and reality of them.

I still do have questions come up when working on people. I feel that it is important to ask them to myself.

I know from experience that some people see what I say as symbolism that can help them understand their own experience. Some take it very literally and either continue to create more of a problem with etheric implants due to their fears, or they make positive changes to one degree or another to make them less of a problem. Some others don’t believe at all what I was describing yet have trust enough to know that what I am doing will benefit them anyway. And there are other variations too.

So, I know that what I say can have a huge impact on the future of anyone I work on and that I have a responsibility to try my best to find what works for each individual I work on.

So what do I do for people who come to me for etheric implant, astral parasite or entity removal services?

It obviously varies depending on each individual. Getting an understanding of how they view the spiritual world first, can help me explain things in a way they can better understand and/or better be open to receiving healing from me.

While explaining that etheric implants and other scary things within the ether are not inherently real, is more truthful from my perspective, it might not help them from where they currently are in their evolution.

It is often better to start with, to remove any implants I sense within a person that believes them to be real, thus giving them some relief, than it is to tell them they they are fully or partly the ones responsible for them existing in the first place!

For those that have less fears and seem to be more curious and questioning, I will explain some of the things written in this article, so that they take more responsibility for the existence of implants and so make it less likely that they will have the same experiences again in the future.

Sometimes people can even experience me highlighting something that they sense is an implant, me agreeing to that reality and seeing it the same way, then taking them through some exercises where the implant starts to cease to exist for both of us, simply by getting ourselves into a curious state and questioning its existence whilst observing it.

Sometimes extra steps are needed, so I pose certain questions to help people understand that implants, parasites, entities etc cannot harm them unless they believe they can. For example if an implant is perceived to be stopping someone from doing something, I might ask “well, can you still get out of bed despite there being an implant?” “Can you still choose to shower, make a healthy breakfast, go to work on time, laugh at a joke, make a joke, do your job well, make decisions that benefit you etc etc despite the thoughts, images, emotions and other sensations going on inside of you?” Often the answer, even if reluctantly, is yes! That can be the start of learning self empowerment and eventually people can even thank the experience of having an implant for teaching them that.

There are many possible ways of removing implants or helping others question and experience the inherent realness of implants.

What about my perspective when healing?

I can see multiple perspectives. In every day life, I don’t think about etheric implants and they don’t exist for me. When working on someone’s aura, they can either exist or not exist for me depending on what is most useful for me to promote healing.

When working on people asking for me to remove implants, I simply set the intention to sense as best I can what they are sensing, agreeing to their reality at least for the duration of the session. Thus for that session I see etheric implants and remove them in whatever way is best for that person – usually by simply pulling them out of the aura and watching them dissolve thereafter.

It is not necessary for me to view them, but I find it better helps me tune into clearing what is bothering my client. I know that when not choosing to agree with the reality of implants that others view that I am often removing them, even if I simply see it as an energy block or discordant energy.

Different healer and psychic view-points on etheric implants, parasites & entities

As you can see I take a varied approach to healing, as I can see from multiple perspectives.

Many healers and psychics however are still in the ‘one truth, one answer’ mentality. Many of their viewpoints are fear-based too and so they have the tendency to choose to see most things if not everything, as caused by something outside of themselves, such as an implant, parasite, entity of other person.

This is why many people have had experiences of going to a healer who claims that all their problems are caused by implants. Things that may be seen very differently by another healer like myself! It is no wonder why people have had such continuing problems with the reality of etheric implants and the like, if the people they look up to and consider more experienced/knowledgable/spiritually connected are maintaining and sometimes even building more of that negative reality.

To be clear, there are a lot of great healers out there. And there are those that genuinely wish the best for us but haven’t realised broader or alternate perspectives. I myself didn’t exactly help in the early years by repeating and making more real the demons, archons, parasites, entities, magics and so on, that others I considered more “advanced” than me were preaching.

I do also wonder if continuing to write about them in articles like this one is useful but I consider it important to give people who are already looking into these subjects alternatives, and a way out of the issues they may not have considered.

Implants are only as much of a problem as you and others make them out to be

Once you realise that etheric implants are a creation/aggregor/thought-form then you start to realise that they have no power over you, unless you hold the belief that they do have power over you.

Afterall, if you are able to create or co-create them, you also have control over how harmful they are… right?!

Instead of allowing the fear and worrying thoughts about them control your next thoughts and actions, questioning their existence can start to give you more ease.

If you think or are told by someone else that a certain implant has mechanisms for reproducing itself, be able to return to your aura after removal, be able to grip more strongly your aura if you try to remove it or are able to explode and damage your aura, then you must start to question these beliefs, otherwise you’ll make the experience more serious than it actually is.

Maybe after reading this article you’d like to experiment with your creations and say to yourself “Well if I partly or fully created this thing, then I must be able to deactivate/destroy/dissolve the ability of this implant to reattach etc” and see what that though process does for you.

In some situations where clients have experienced implants/parasites/entities as a huge issue and greatly suffered as a consequence, such as being raped every night by entities or having parasitic implants reproducing and building structures in their body that affect eye-sight for example, practicing being the observer of those experiences has been of great help.

Rather than fighting/resisting/being the victim of them which actually puts more creative energies into maintaining or increasing the problem, investing energy into you, the observer, and thus raising your vibration that way slowly dissolves that reality.

Again, you get out what you put in!

Observation techniques and questioning techniques are among some of what I teach. In some cases of course removing these things first can make it easier for some to start with, depending on how far they are along the path of developing mastery of their mind.

Taking responsibility for your creations!

So this is where we come to the crux of this article. Taking all of the above into account, we ultimately are the ones who are building or maintaining this reality of implants and parasites.

I do believe that this is why the Earth has been isolated from other races, so as not to bring these horrible creations into other parts of the galaxy but I also believe that earth is maintained this way too, so that souls can come here and experience hardships that will help them grow quicker spiritually, compared to anywhere else. What a contradiction huh, or at least it seems?!

Many may continue to experience the fears and troubles of implants and other such subjects until they start to see that they are the ones actually creating them. If you are at this stage it might be useful to start to question at least whether such things can harm you in the first place, like I mentioned above.

I would love it if humanity as a whole decided that these creations, thought-forms & aggregors were not needed anymore such that no-one has to suffer. I see the reasoning why souls would choose to go through such an uncomfortable experience and I respect that, but I can still choose to help those that wish to create a more harmonious Earth and with enough of us choosing that, I believe it is possible for etheric implants to cease to exist on Earth entirely!

No matter what humanity at large chooses, your choice is important. There would be no point in you being created as an individual if there wasn’t some importance to your perspectives and choices. So if you wish to be free of the reality of implants, parasites etc or at least have more ease with them, then that is important.

The starting point for this positive change is first to start to take responsibility for your own creations and creations of others that you have agreed exist for you too. If you, like me, wish to help others in this, working on yourself first such that there is less of a “energetic charge” on this subject in the collective consciousness of humanity is vital.

I hope this article helps people question the reality of etheric implants and of other “negative” subjects to give them more ease, more choice, more freedom and more joy in life.

I also hope it helps people realise that “Awakened” people like healers and psychics, including me, don’t have all the answers. We have more to awaken to too whilst we try to help others along their path. A path that may be a very different path to what we walk.

If you have questions and/or would like to experience an etheric implant removal or other healing modality from me, then you are welcome to book an appointment via my website:

My website was hacked!

That’s right, my website was completely deleted and replaced with a fake bank website, I’m assuming written in Spanish. Someone had been trying to access my website for around 2 years and they obviously tried a different tactic and got in through a different route, assuming it’s the same person.

Unfortunately this happens to many “alternative” websites that post things that don’t fit the agenda certain groups would like for this planet, so I’m surprised it hadn’t happened sooner. Thanks for letting me know I’m writing important things, whoever this hacker is 😉

I discovered the issue on friday when trying to put a new link on my website but it may have been that way for a few days or even up to a week. Apologies to anyone who was trying to get onto my website during that time.

Thankfully I have always kept copies of all the pages and articles I have ever written so I’ve gotten it back up and running even if it took ages to go through all the links to make sure it worked.

If anyone receives anything strange from me or notices anything else out of the ordinary, then please let me know via email –

Introducing my “Learn Energy Healing” Youtube video series

Originally published sometime in April 2023

Me doing one-to-one healing whilst in Sweden. About 99% of my work is with people abroad but I get to treat people in-person when I meet them on my travels and at home in England when people are willing to come “out in the sticks” to meet me.

I have been busy still with electrician courses, hence the lack of video and written blog content recently. However, I have felt that it would be good to start sharing what the past 10+ years of being a full-time healer has taught me.

Every consciousness, every organism, every living thing that experiences, learns and/or grows, passes on its knowledge to the next. It is a fundamental part of the universe you could say. So I wish to pass on this knowledge to you and anyone else who wishes to learn.

It’s free!

Many people are finding it hard with funds in this monetary system we have, especially recently, and there are those who are already fully or partly living outside of the established system. So, I have decided to offer my knowledge for free. You only need a computer connection and access to Youtube. There will be no need to sign up for anything either. You can donate to help support this effort if you wish however.

I will also likely publish this information on another video platform but Youtube still has the widest audience, including among the “awakened” community.

You can find my youtube channel here:

Edit April 2023: I am now also on – a good place for publishing videos that would typically be deleted off of Youtube. Just search for Grant Podesta and you’ll find me.

Video content

The videos will be fairly short as I intend to cover only one or a few concepts or techniques in each. Each video will build on the last so that hopefully you have the proper understanding or experience to start the next. Of course we are all at different levels of awareness, have had different experiences, have different perspectives, use different language to explain spiritual things and so on. With this in mind, there will be times where I will have to do supplemental videos to help in people’s comprehension but the aim is to have some sort of progression that meets most people’s needs.

The first technique videos are going to jump straight into helping you sense energies, as most well-know techniques for energy healing require that you are able to sense something first.

Self-care is important, especially if you intend to do lots of healing, and I would love to do that first but I know how the ego/mind works in many people. Therefore I felt it would be a good thing to whet the appetite first and get stuck in.

For some people, the ego/mind won’t allow you to experience or learn something practical unless it understands it logically enough to allow that to happen. However there is a flip side to this too, as the ego/mind may also stop you from learning healing, if there are limiting beliefs or gaps in base knowledge etc that may make what is said confusing/contradictory to that ego/mind. As someone with two scientific/medical degrees myself, I can see how easily a “scientific” mind can resist alternative teachings.

So, these videos will be keeping things as simple as possible and relying on you experiencing techniques for ego/mind validation. Curiosity, the state of being open to possibilities, rather than looking for and assuming there is only one answer, is a good state to be in whilst learning healing.

Basic to more complex methods

With the above in mind I will start with basic techniques using the sense of touch to feel aura energies. We will then use this sense to start allowing energy to move, encouraging energy to move and even picking up energies and objects to illicit change.

This sense of touch will then be used in later videos to help verify any changes you make using other senses and techniques. For example using a visualisation/3rd-eye technique for healing and then using your hand to verify whether that visualisation technique actually caused any change in your or another’s aura, can help you build awareness and confidence in using that visual technique.

In this way, earlier lessons will help greatly with later lessons. Eventually you will realise that there are an infinite variety of ways that healing can be performed. The limit is that of your imagination!

Informative videos

Any videos that you or I feel are needed to help in understanding healing such as models on the aura, chakras, meridians, beings, parasites, definitions of the soul/spirit, need of protection, traps etc etc I will post as and when needed or requested. They will also be posted in a separate playlist as the technique videos for clarity.

One-to-one sessions available with me

If you need any further help, I am of course available via Skype to work with you in person. These sessions are 90 minutes long and cost, at the time of writing, £75.

I’m afraid I cannot do these sessions for free as this is my only form of income. However, you are welcome to bring several people with you to these sessions, as you are only paying for my time. If you are wishing to use healing on others, then in fact it is encouraged as I can help you perform techniques on others and vice versa.

If interested, you can book at appointment on the booking page of my website: www.grantpodesta/booking

I will post an introduction video and the first episode in the next week or so. In the meantime you can find my channel here:

Discernment & plagiarism on spiritual websites out there

Originally published sometime in March 2023

I thought a picture of the Herefordshire countryside where I live would be more interesting than a picture about plagiarism. Afterall, nature is so much more healing and a lovely environment to be in to get away from these computer, mobile and TV screens!

I have been working on the video blog more recently. More specifically the playlist “Learn Energy Healing” series of videos of which I have many many more lined up to record. That will be my main focus in terms of blogging but I will from time to time write an article here, especially if it is the sort of subject that tends to be banned, shadow-banned and/or has “fact checkers” claiming that it is false. I hope my readers are aware of how prevalent this sort of practice is becoming in the modern world.

I thought I would use an experience I had today to highlight plagiarism on the web.

I was just curious as to how easy it is to find my website, so put in some searches about certain subjects in various search engines and had a look at where my website popped up. Like many other healers out there that I know of, I’m not much into advertising myself. I’m pretty adverse to it yet I understand that I need to do it to a certain extent, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to be self-employed.

It was very interesting seeing other websites offering similar services and after clicking on a few I found this website offering etheric implant removal:

This is a screenshot of my writing on Yonder Veil Spiritual Services, before they (hopefully) might write their own text 😉

I’m sure some of my regular clients might recognise my style of writing and know my views on etheric implant removal but it goes further than that. The text on this website’s page about implant removal is A COPY of what I wrote on my website years ago. A few alterations to the text sure, but it’s 99% my writing. I still have back-up copies of all pages I’ve published on my website since I got it going around 2014 and of course people can see old incarnations of my website on places like

So, “Yonder Veil Spiritual Services” you have been caught copying my writings.

I have no idea who is behind that website nor whether their healing work is legitimate. I will give them the benefit of the doubt. Hardly encouraging however when someone can’t put a description of their healing service in their own words though, is it?

I have had my website pages copied many times but every time I have come across it in the past, they have given my name as the writer of that work.

Discernment is so important in the spiritual community

So where am I going with this? In essence, I’m trying to say be careful when searching for a healing practitioner, or when looking into spiritual/new-age/alternative subjects in general.

I have highlighted in a previous blog how involved the 3-letter agencies have been in mixing up truth and lies to steer and limit the beliefs of those who are waking up in one way or another.

I have certainly fallen for lies in the past unfortunately, and while it is hard to know for certain what is true (and there is no one truth from a higher perspective to make things even more complex!) I will always strive to give the best information from where I currently am in my own awakening process, rather than take information from others as true because they are “awakened” or an “expert” of some kind. I am a firm believer in testing out things too, to see if they are true for me or not.

One thing I didn’t highlight in that other blog post however was that there are people that legitimately are trying to provide the best information to help others but unfortunately don’t realise that they are perpetuating many mis-truths. Another possibility is that the  information that they provide may be true but that it furthers suffering. As a personal example I wrote in the past about etheric implants being so significant and harmful, rather than realising the higher truth that they are only as bad and real as we believe them to be. Being honest about past mistakes I feel is important in my line of work.

As you can hopefully see, I am not here to say that I hold “the truth” nor that my techniques are better than anyone else’s. There are many practitioners and advisers out there that may be a better fit for you than me or be able to help you in ways that I can’t and vice-versa. What I am saying however is that it is important to use discernment and sense into what is true and best for you and be aware that some people & websites may not be entirely what they seem 😉


Do the colours we wear affect our aura?

Originally published sometime in October 2022

Look how happy I am! The jumper is actually a deep orange colour but looks red in this photo. It is one of my favorites as I feel energised when wearing it.

The short answer is yes and no!

I know people get very annoyed when I give an answer like that. Very often I will say that an answer depends on the context and especially from what perspective you are looking at things. We are all creator beings and thus we very much decide what is true for ourselves.

However, we also have to acknowledge that we are part of a collective consciousness, that of humanity, that share a lot of common beliefs. Beliefs that to one extent or another, enable us to experience things mostly the same way. Essentially, we all hold subconsciously or not, beliefs about particles and vibration which underpin our experiences of this reality.

A lot of spiritual training involves learning to dictate your own vibration despite whatever is going on around you and even coming up within you. That does not mean however, that you cannot use the vibrations of people/beings, objects or technology around you, to alter your own vibration.

So an expansion to the short “yes and no” answer I gave above, you don’t need to use various colours, shapes and fabrics of clothing to help your aura, but it can be an aid. The same is true of crystals, meditating, chanting, mantras etc – they are not needed for spiritual progression but they can be of great benefit and some may be of more benefit than others for different people, as there is no one path.

Important information to consider when trying to help your aura

To save time writing about vibrational ranges of colours and how they relate to different parts of the aura, please go and read the post previous to this one. It was briefly explained that there are many models of the aura and that even within the same model, people might see different densities of the aura as different colours to what others see.

So when looking into following some of the advice I will give below, try not to get too confused with all the different models. Just pick a model that makes sense to you and most importantly test it out.

For example, many people call the first density (I don’t use the word “layer” when referring to parts of the aura, as I find that misleading) of the aura the “etheric” density. For some people the colour of this and all the chakras on this density are blue, for others it is all red and yet for some others, the chakras are a different colours too.

So if you are wishing to energise the etheric part of your aura, you might choose to use blue colours or you might choose to use red colours depending on how you believe the etheric to be. Being that the etheric is the closest in vibration to the physical body, you should sense that your physical body feels more energised or conversely dampened with one of these colours. Also, because the emotional density is one up from the etheric, that you emotions may be effected similarly too.

What is important here is that you test out how you feel between wearing certain colours. You might feel that it is the opposite to what you initially thought, or that one colour is better for you on some days compared to others, depending on your mood, external influences, aims for the day etc.

Thinking logically versus going with your feelings

All colours will have an impact on every density of the aura in some way because all parts of the aura affect all other parts, directly or not. The aura also affects the physical body and vice-versa too.

Even if you are using the simplest models of the aura, there are still a lot of details that the mind/ego can think about such as what affect that red colour will have not just on the etheric densitity but on other densities too. Will that red make any anger I have on the emotional density worse or will it harmonise it and turn that anger into motivation? Or is maybe blue better to calm any anger down, or will I become more vocal because blues are often associated with the throat chakra on the emotional density? And if I pick blue, will that bring up any other emotions associated with traumas associated with my throat?

These sorts of thought patterns can go round and round in the mind and often be of no benefit if no action is taken! Of course knowing something about how you perceive the aura colours on various densities can inform you of what might work and help you come to some conclusion about what to try, but actually testing it out for real is the only way you are going to find out.

For many people it is far better to just open your wardrobe, and just feel into what would help you attain the vibration you wish to be that day. However, as people growing spiritually will attest, it is often too easy to go with whatever you are used to, because we fool ourselves into thinking it is more comfortable in life that way. Creating change in life does mean testing that comfort zone so that we can attain new vibrations and thus have new experiences.

What I am saying here is that a balance between mind and feelings is useful here when picking clothing to be worn any particular day.

Blue is often the choice for me as I find it calming. Supposedly I’m of the blue ray of light according to some psychics so maybe that’s why I’m so comfortable wearing it. My wife has a habit of picking the same colours and/or styles of clothes as me when going out – it can be irritating to some!

Wearing certain colours often can have a lasting impact on your aura

I always remember reading about a man that Barbara Brennan observed had a strong purple colour in his aura covering the torso area. She found out that he would wear purple a lot. He even had a favourite purple sweater he would wear much of the week that would of course cover his torso.

This is a good example of how impactful wearing a certain colour can be on your aura. Notice how, not only was the colour strongly present in his aura, it was very much in the exact areas of the aura that his sweater would have been.

While purple is often seen in spiritual/new-age circles as a great colour for combating parasites, entities and implants for example, it can be very limiting sticking to only one colour. Having a colour that dominant and thus not allowing others to come in means that thoughts, emotions, physical experiences and actions in life will be in line with that colour and there will be less variety in life. Growth requires change and so it is beneficial to have a variety of vibrations in your aura at different times to gain experience and to allow new choices to be made in life.

Don’t worry if you cannot always wear the colours you wish

Colours are only one of a great many aids to help your energy field so you don’t need to keep changing clothes every day, even though I’m sure some of you out there would make use of this as a great excuse to buy more clothes! 😉

I make this point because many of you out there have a uniform you have to wear for your work, or have to consider how a superior might judge you, or how you might find people treat you depending on what society/family/religion you are in. Even what skin tone you have and how it looks in contrast to the colour you are wearing, or how fashionable a certain colour is can be big factors for some people.

There are plenty of other methods like mindfulness, imagining colours around you, affirmations etc as well as other objects you can have on you like crystals and orgonite for example, if you feel you need energetic support.

Dominant colours in the West are often dark

Have you noticed that many people in the West often wear dark or dull coloured clothes. Not everyone of course, but people do seem much more comfortable wearing black, and dark shades of colours rather than vibrant colours.

I mentioned in the last post about how dirty colours are the ones that encourage uncomfortable emotions. A dirty red is anger. A dirty green is envy. Greys are forms of fear. It seems in a lot of fashions that colours are not often vibrant. This leads me to question who are leading fashion trends but that is a question for another day! Regardless of that, people do seem to have a habit of wearing these colours to fit in and fitting in is often comforting for the ego/mind rather than facing the fear of truly expressing the self.

Wearing different colours to what you are used to can make you feel uncomfortable

Let’s face it, how many of you would be comfortable wearing a top-to-bottom bright and vibrant red attire? What about yellow? And especially for a lot of people, orange?!

A lot of people I have spoken to mention that they would feel uncomfortable wearing those colours because they would stand out and get a lot of attention. People who have a lot of confidence tend to be much more comfortable wearing those sorts of colours by comparison. You might notice those colours are a lot more common at parties or other places where people celebrate. Often too in holiday destinations that see a lot of sun-light and warm temperatures.

If we just look at the emotional density of the aura for the moment, red is the base chakra, related to being connected with this reality, willingness to be here, being able to receive from this reality and feel supported by it. All forms of trauma have some sort of impact on our connection with this reality and willingness to be here, so we all to one degree or another have issues with fully being in our bodies which is perhaps why we often feel uncomfortable wearing bright reds. Conversely, if you get more comfortable with reds over time, you might feel you have more physical energy and feel more motivated. It is often said that if you are hosting a party that wearing red is good.

Orange is usually associated with the sacral chakra emotionally. So oranges can feel uncomfortable for many people who have traumas or limiting beliefs that affect this chakra. If you get more accustomed to it however, you might feel more joy at being in your body, have more sexual energy, have more expression through your physical body such as moving in a way that is fun, like dancing.

And what about yellow, the colour of the solar plexus chakra? This can be a very uncomfortable colour for many because this chakra has a lot to do with relationships, power and defense and the belief in your ability to create life as you wish. A huge amount of my clients have issues in these areas. If yellow became easier for you to wear, then you may have more confidence, have more ease in your relationships, get better at being judged, be more decisive, feel more power in being able to achieve what you wish.

As already mentioned, every part of your aura affects other parts indirectly or not, so these are just some examples of how colours may affect just those three chakras on the emotional density alone. For example yellow is often considered the colour of the aura on the mental density, including all the chakras there. So yellow could also be uncomfortable mentally initially, as it helps you be more aware of them but over time helps you have more ease and clarity of thought.

Not a common colour you see on men as there are a lot of judgments of pink being “girly” etc, but here I am wearing pink whilst eating some cloud berries we picked ourselves with ice-cream, in Lappland, Sweden. Pink is often seen as the colour of love and in the Barbara Brennan model of the aura, it is the colour of the heart chakra on the 4th density.

Fabric, graphics, wording and shape of clothes also has an impact

Shape is an obvious one to talk about. People who are more confident with their bodies, no matter what it looks like are much more comfortable wearing something tight-fitting or that doesn’t fully cover the body. It seems to be more common there days in a lot of countries to wear more baggy clothes. Partly for ease of movement you could say but there is definitely a lot of shame about people’s bodies I feel that is driving this too.

Picking the right shape of clothing for different situations is obvious for a lot of people so I won’t go into it much. It might be interesting for you however, to note that if you wear something that has a lot of volume around a certain part of your body that it can have more of an impact in that part of the aura. A tall hat for example might help you to have more awareness above your head and of your crown chakra for example, but if it is heavy and is of a dense material, you might feel more constricted there energetically.

Fabric is an important subject. Just as each colour has a different vibration, so too do different fabrics. Some I find are much more harmonious with the body than others. Some materials are very insulating against energies, restrict energy movement or lower the vibrations on energies in the aura.

Nylon is one of my least favourite. It simply feels so uncomfortable on my skin and my energy does not flow as easily. This is generally the case for a lot of man-made fibres and so a lot of sports/gym clothing I don’t like to wear. Yes some of them may draw the moisture from my skin if I get sweaty, but I simply don’t feel energised by them. Polyester is better but my favourite is…

Cotton. Much nicer on my skin as it simply feels more harmonious with my energy field. Even if I’m training at the gym and my T-shirt starts to stick to me a bit, I still much prefer cotton than any other fabric.

When it comes to wording, I feel a lot of people here understand what is useful to them or not. I have covered a lot about how different symbols and words have different vibrations and how they affect you, including how they affect water for example, so I won’t go into any details about that here. If you wish to go for words, pictures or symbols, obviously go with whatever you wish to resonate with. My wife often wears a T-shirt with “Sovereign Being” written on it for example.

A quick warning about chemicals in clothes

I generally try to buy “organic” clothes. This can be much harder to find in some countries than others and of course, just because it is not labelled organic may not mean that it isn’t – it costs companies a lot and it may be difficult to certify something as organic, the same goes for foods. Also not being organic does not necessarily mean it is harmful for you, depending on how the clothes are made.

What I will say is that a lot of clothes these days do have a lot of harmful chemicals on them. This is likely to stop bugs from eating the clothes before they reach the consumer, though I don’t doubt other reasons! Shops don’t exactly have moth-balls strewn about the clothes racks do they?! So if you are buying a non-organic piece of clothing, make sure you wash it before you wear it. There have been a couple of times I have bought clothes and worn them straight away, only to find that my skin starts to get irritated and comes out in a rash.

This subject of chemicals in clothes was a big subject in Sweden where I am writing this post. Driven mostly by parents worried about their children, this is probably why it is quite easy to find organic clothing in this country.

Have you ever opened your wardrobe and felt like there’s nothing you wish to wear that day

This can be an indication that you are missing some colours, shapes or fabric types. If so, you might want to go shopping for a more varied wardrobe. You don’t need to go crazy and buy a colour or shape that realistically you are never going to wear, though you may want to do that if you wish to challenge your beliefs.

It may be better starting with more vibrant versions of the colours you already wear, or trying a pale version of a colour you don’t normally wear. Or a piece of clothing that is accented with a new colour rather than be entirely that colour.

Whatever you do, go forth and experiment and have fun doing so!

The importance of colours & light for our aura and health

Originally published sometime in mid 2022

The yellows, oranges and reds that are more dominant as the sun goes down and when it’s behind the horizon. Me doing a little bit of sun-gazing where I often spend the summers in Lappland, Sweden.

I often talk a lot about diet to people who see me. It amazes me that so many people in the new-age/spiritual community don’t look after their physical bodies, even if they realise that the physical body has a big impact on the energetic bodies. Diet is complicated because there are many interested parties that want it that way unfortunately.

One of the more interesting aspects I find is that not only do we need food, we need light too to be healthy. In this modern world we are being exposed to so much artificial light that is very out of balance with the light we would be getting from the sun and nature. There are already many studies showing how various diseases can be created by artificial light or a lack of sunlight regardless of diet and exercise. Yet they keep rabbiting on about getting us out of the sun, smearing on sun-cream (that are full of toxic chemicals I might add), wearing sun-glasses and even staying indoors during (fake) pandemics, resulting in us spending even more time looking at the artificial light coming off of our phone & TV screens!

So lets take a bit of a look at light, both visible and not, and why it is important for us to get enough and in the right amounts for us. Let’s start with one of the ways we sense light…

We sense different vibrations via the photoreceptors in our eyes and also within our pineal gland. What we sense via our physical eyes that is interpreted in the associated areas of the brain, is called “visible light.” However, we also sense other wavelengths of light at a higher vibrational range than the physical eyes within our pineal gland, and this is also interpreted in the brain for us to perceive images.

Whether through our physical eyes or the “inner eye”, those images are made up with what we call colours. For the sake of this article I am going to include tones as colours too, for all those that say black for example is a tone not a colour!

Some people sense more colours than others

Some people literally see more colours than others due to them having more different types of photoreceptors in their eyes and/or due to the brain interpreting more of the information coming to it. This can be due to how able the body is at having enough energy to support producing multiple photoreceptor types and efficient brain functioning i.e. how healthy the physical body is. It can also be due to what genetics are present and whether or not they are “switched on” or not. Ultimately of course, our intention has a big impact on what we are able to see. For example, if we don’t intend to explore being able to see the aura through our eyes, then we are not likely to see beyond the “normal” range of vision.

There are charts on the internet you can find that can help you work out how many colours you can see and how well you can distinguish between the colours too. Generally, most humans see colours that are from the red part of the spectrum, towards violet at the other end of the spectrum and very few people can see into the infrared and ultraviolet forms of light let alone beyond that.

The electromagnetic spectrum. Wavelengths of each type of light is given in nanometers – the shorter the wavelength the quicker the oscillations and thus the frequency of that light is higher. Therefore blue light is a higher frequency/vibration than red light.

Each colour has a different vibration and we are made of a wide range of these

Light has a wide range of frequencies that we call colours. Blue light is energy that oscillates faster than red light, so it is said to be of a higher vibration than red light. The chart above shows how different colours of visible light can be measured, in this case by wavelength in nanometers. The shorter the wavelength the faster the oscillations and thus the faster the vibration/frequency.

Our aura and by extension, our physical bodies, require light. Without it, we could not function as we are literally made of light. Each part of our physical body as well as each density/body of the aura, is made up of many different frequencies of light. You can see this in any aura imaging picture as well as thermal imaging pictures for example.

If a certain wavelength of light is missing then it could eventually manifest first problems in the aura and then eventually in the physical body. As such, exposure to different wavelengths of light can be beneficial for us in various circumstances.

Even though it is common place for people in the new-age/spiritual communities to say that the higher the vibration, the better it is for us, we actually exist as a range of different frequencies and need lower vibrational frequencies too.

The picture below shows how each light body, or if you like each density of the aura is made up of different colours of light. Each body requires certain wavelengths of light to keep it healthy. This is the Barbara Brennan model based on how she perceived the aura and is simplified because not all colours can be shown correctly.

The first 7 densities/levels of the aura, according to the Barbara Brennan model. Note how the colours differ at each density and how the chakras are also a different colour at each density.

You could also say that both our physical body and the food we give it are “trapped light.” The foods we eat contain different forms of trapped light from which we use directly and/or alter to build our bodily tissues. If the physical body is not getting enough varieties of this trapped light and/or is not able enough to convert this light into the different frequencies it needs, then the physical body will suffer which will create problems eventually in the aura, affecting emotions, thoughts, astral experiences and so on.

As I repeatedly say in sessions with clients, the physical body and energetic bodies are reciprocally related, so it is best to work from both sides if you wish to heal, grow and/or awaken.

Each wavelength of light effects us in different ways

Blue light for example, (of which we get a huge amount of from modern light bulbs, phone screens, TVs etc) is great if you want to be more active and awake because our bodies are “programmed” to become more active when the sun is higher in the sky, when we receive more blue light from it.

Red light by comparison we would get more when the sun lowers in the sky and especially when it goes below the horizon, so we are programmed to be in a more rest, digest and healing state at these times. You will find a ton of research on how red light and infrared light has been used to heal a great many conditions and red light panels, saunas, bulbs etc are very popular right now as a result.

It might be obvious then, as to why many people are out of sync with nature and thus why we are stressed so much. We often don’t go outside much and thus don’t get a balanced variety of lightwaves from the sun and nature. We are also exposing ourselves to not only a disproportionate amount of blue light from our screens during the day, but we also get a lot of this very early in the morning and during the dark hours when our body is meant to be relaxing and in a more healing state. You can look up research on serotonin and dopamine and how light affects their production for example, if you want to start looking scientifically at this.

There are different ideas on how each colour affects us

I had to complicate things didn’t I?!

The description in the last paragraphs is of how blue and red light as examples, affect us based more on biochemical and physiological science.

Spiritual/new age perspectives often state that red is stimulating, not blue, because it is the colour of the base chakra and this grounds us and helps us obtain energy from this reality. Blue likewise is said to be calming in contrast to above as it is more to do with the throat chakra.

So why the difference of opinion? You could talk about cabal influence on the spiritual community, creating opposing opinions, conflict and confusion (as they seem to do in all subject areas unfortunately) but there are other reasons.

For starters, the colours of each chakra, as people tend to believe, are based on the colours of only the emotional body/density that Barbara Brennan and others who formed the modern view of the aura perceived them.

As a side note, the colours of each chakra appears to be a modern addition to the aura model, likely starting in the West – I will perhaps write a post about the different models of the human aura in future as there are actually many models! It also gets a bit confusing as even with similar models, various people name the different densities/bodies/levels differently.

The “etheric” density of the aura, the closest to the physical body, for example is blue in the Brennan model. Yet in other models it is red. Even among people I know who have done the 4-year Brennan course say they sense this first density as red even if the books and teachings they followed marked it as blue. Infrared makes more sense to me as that is the colour research says flows through the meridians, which I view as mainly being related with the first density.

You will also notice that reds and blues are not just seen in one density/body but different shades are seen in multiple levels and thus a slightly different wavelength of a colour may affect different aspects of the aura.

There is also the subject of dirty colours. Often people will say that red is the colour of anger. “Red with anger” is a common phrase, but to me anger is red that has been slowed down and so appears to be a darkened/dirty red. “Green with envy” another English phrase that suggests that green is not a good colour, but again envy to me looks like a dirty green.

Vibrant colours are what suggest to me a healthy aura rather than dirty ones and because we exist in multiple densities, not just one, we need a range of vibrant colours rather than just those that we deem “higher vibrational.”

Perception is everything

As you can see, as with many things beyond the physical, there are many different viewpoints on what colours are seen at different densities and within each chakra making it very confusing from the 3rd density level of consciousness that most of us operate on – i.e. that there is only one answer to every subject.

When it comes to the aura and practices beyond the physical, it is therefore a very good idea to experiment with colours. If you are using the Brennan model of the aura to help you understand and connect to your aura for example, you might find visualising red helps you open up the base chakra on the emotional level more if it is somewhat closed. Or if it is overused compared to other chakras, the red might make the disparity with other chakras more of a problem and so red isn’t useful. Red, even if it is vibrant might seem to exaggerate anger in some people yet in others may help to clean up the dirty red colour and thus turn the anger into motivation.

In others, blue colours might be better to help calm down the dirty red anger. Or maybe using any other colour associated with a body part, chakra or aura issue creating stagnation that leads to anger may be better to resolve the situation. This might include pink colours for connecting with the heart chakra on the 4th density and the feelings of love, or pearlescent colours associated with the 6th density and joy . Of course the anger may be an indication that an issue is already starting to resolve, especially if it is a vibration lower than anger, such as guilt, regret, depression or the grey of fear, so using colours to help the underlying issue may bolster that.

Maybe seeing a colour in a specific location is better for some situations and seeing you surrounded by it in other situations is better. Some people like visualising white light as it contains all the colours combined making it a useful all-round colour to use in spiritual/healing practices. Others like using purple colours as it is one of the higher vibrational colours and it helps dissolve away lower vibrational energies and things. There are a great many possibilities when it comes to colours and healing.

Everyone has a different need for different forms of light in their aura as we are going through a wide variety of experiences and our auras are affected differently as a result. As always be curious and play around to see what works for you, and remember that despite tendencies, our auras are in a constant state of flux and so what helps one day may not be beneficial the next.

I of course am happy to help anyone explore healing techniques like this and especially teaching them. Just book in for an appointment if you’d like this –

There are various healing machines that can emit all sorts of wavelengths of light to help you, with or without reading your aura/vibrational field first but I have limited experience of these, so you’ll need to do your own research on this.

Advice on the physical side

Even though we are all different and there will be a variety of colours we may need each day, because of the way technology is going and how we spend less and less time outside in modern lives, I will give some general advice here that should benefit most people.

Modern technology is clearly favoring blue light over other wavelengths of light. Not just in TV/phone/computer screens but also LED lights on appliances, the various forms of modern light bulbs both inside buildings as well as on and in cars, street lamps and so on. If you look at the colour chart of light given off by these screens, they look the same or similar to the graph given for the “cool white LED” graph below:

Graphs of light given off by different light bulbs in comparison to daylight. Notice the huge difference between LEDs and fluorescent lights compared with the older incandescent bulbs that are slowly going out of production and also the big difference with the more balanced light from the sun during the daytime.

Notice the huge peak of blue coming from the white LED light bulb? It is the same problem with computer, phone and TV screens. That blue spike is right in the middle of where scientists have warned that it could cause detrimental health effects, including on the production of melatonin. Even the “warm white LED” bulb is a problem as green light very early or late in the day can still affect the rhythms of the body, including melatonin.

Some very interesting research suggests that even your skin being exposed to a small LED light on a fridge, washing machine, dishwasher etc late at night for only a minute or so, was enough to make an impact on melatonin production that night.

The older incandescent blubs that they are slowly getting rid of, under the excuse of them being not as energy efficient, are actually much better for being more harmonious with the sort of light we would be getting from the sun very early and late in the day. Not that we should be having light during the night anyway but they have less of an impact than modern lights.

So as you can see, the shift in what light we are receiving as more and more modern appliances are made is huge and doing something to balance this, regardless of the differences of light needs in our aura, is important for our health.

Some things we can do to mitigate modern lights:

Many of the larger companies already are aware of this issue and provide apps to lower blue light exposure. Apple and android phones for example already have blue-light filters as part of their app packages. However, do they lower the amount of blue light enough to mitigate detrimental health effects? According to scientists researching this, especially in the early morning and evenings, not even close!

It is not hard however to find good apps that block blue light better. Twilight, iris, redshift and red moon are examples of apps that are freely available to download for your phone or computer. Many of the better apps also track the sun so that you get more blue-light blocking at the beginning and ends of the day compared to the middle of the day. I personally use iris on my laptop and twilight on my phone and both are good apps that can be downloaded for free.

If you really want to take your health serious then the screen unfortunately will look very red during dark periods. This might be fine of most applications but if you need to see all colours for your work or so you can fully enjoy a movie or picture, then you might need to alter the settings or pause the apps for a time.

The Swanwick blue blocking glasses I personally use when working at night and even when watching movies.

The only issue I have against the glasses is that it only stops the light getting in through your eyes. Whilst the photoreceptors in the eyes are the main ones to be concerned with when it comes to affecting bodily rhythms, those receptors are actually all over the body, especially in the skin and even around the brain. Even the man behind the Blue Blockers company wears a hoodie at night to stop light getting to his head and neck! There was a very interesting interview with him on if that interests you. He even recommends using blinds/curtains etc if you have street-lights or neighbors that use a lot of lighting that comes through your windows.

Light-bulbs are perhaps one of the most awkward, especially if you have a lot of visitors coming around at night. Red light bulbs are great for the evening health-wise but they have a bit of a reputation with “ladies of the night” don’t they! Some people like to use red lights in their bedroom, bathroom and other rooms that they would use at night and/or where other people are not likely to go in at night. Yellow coloured or bulbs that are incandescent or have a similar light profile to incandescent bulbs are better used in areas you use more in the day-time. Some like to use bulbs that you can vary the light profile of. I do have a remote controlled LED light bulb that can change colour with the push of the button but they can be expensive. Whatever light bulbs you look into, have a look at the light profile they give off before you buy!

There are many options but it is difficult to completely get away from unbalanced light, especially outside of your home and of course you may need a bright light at night at times for working/reading etc or maybe you want to watch a movie without filtering so you can experience it fully for example. We all have to experience life after all!

I would say that generally the best things you can do is to simply be more in tune with your body and limit your exposure to modern technologies early in the morning and late at night. If you need to use computers/phones etc then try to use them in the middle of the day as much as possible and of course try to get as much natural light by going outside or at least do things to get natural light inside as much as possible.

You get out what you put in

There is a huge amount to talk about when it comes to light. Far more than I was able to touch upon in this blog and father reaching effects too. For example how the skin is a huge photoreceptor that uses light for photosynthesis in producing useful chemicals such as vitamin D in its correct form. Or how certain forms of light can open up spiritual aspects of ourselves. However, I hope that it was enough to make you pay attention to what light you are digesting throughout your day and what you might be getting too much of and what you might be not getting enough of, and how it might be affecting your physical body, aura, emotions, thoughts and even astral experiences. Nature is far more balanced for us, not just in terms of light so get out in it as much as you can!

Why do ghosts supposedly only appear in “haunted” locations?

Originally published sometime in mid 2022

This is the Skirrid Inn, just over the border to Wales, near where I live in the UK. It is one of the oldest pubs in the UK. Every time I go here I see a ghost of a man with a white apron standing at the front door. I see plenty of other things too.

This is an argument that some skeptics often use to debunk ghosts existing.

They will say something along the lines of “If ghosts truly exist, why is it that they are in some random pub in the countryside, rather than throughout London, where a far bigger number of people would have died over many hundreds of years?”.

When you think about it, it is actually a good question to ask, even for us who believe in or have experienced ghosts.

What is a ghost?

Firstly, we’ll have to define what a ghost is. Like many spiritual and religious words, they can mean something very different according to each person or perspective.

The word ghost does have several meanings in dictionaries. Generally it is defined as a person or animal’s spirit/soul, or that of a dead person or animal. However many also view a ghost not necessarily as a spirit related to someone alive or has lived in this reality. As such, they could represent an angel, entity, ET or possibly someone astral traveling. Many people often say that some ghosts are simply the echo of a person that has died and actually their spirit has moved on to a new life elsewhere.

For most though, a ghost is a spirit of someone who has died in this physical realm and now exists in the spirit world. I would clarify that as the astral world.

The astral plane

It can get a bit tricky explaining the astral to people who cannot sense it but I hope I can give enough of a starting point.

The astral, according to Barbara Brennan and many other writers on this subject, is the density of existence above that of the mental plane. As humans, we mostly experience physical things (physical plane), feel emotions (emotional plane) and hear thoughts (mental plane). This is why we refer to most people as existing in 3D – 3 densities that they are aware of.

If you have ever hear, see, feel or sense in any way something beyond what humans generally accept as “real”, then congratulations, you have tapped into the 4th density (the astral) or beyond. If it happens often, especially on a daily basis, then you can call yourself a 4D person. However a 4th or 5th density person paradoxically senses that the densities are a gradient of frequencies and that 2D, 3D, 4D etc are just human markers for something that is not well understood! 😉

The astral plane is vast, from mine and many other psychics perspectives. It is not just where ghosts live. It contains many many places and beings, of different vibrations. There are astral copies of Earth both of lower vibration and higher vibration forms. There are also many “heavens” and “hells” because of how many people and different cultures (not just ours) believe in them and how different each imagines they can be. There are so many different places and beings in the astral, that they go beyond your wildest imaginations.

What we call ghosts, are generally spirits that inhabit an astral realm that is close in vibration to this physical reality, and because time is not so linear in the astral as it is here (it depends on the agreements of those living in it), you may often tap into what we consider the past. It is not just humans or animals that we know of that have passed over either. There are a great number of animals, insects, plants and other species that have never existed in our realm.

So for me, the astral or the “afterlife” as many people refer to it, is an absolute zoo!

The local church in Orcop. An old church built on an energy line. Also has ties to the Knights Templar. A good source of ghost watching for me!

Why do people only see ghosts in certain locations

With the above in mind, why then do people only see ghosts in certain locations rather than everywhere? London has existed since the Roman times and thus an untold number of people have died there over the years, yet only the odd ghost here or there is reported. There is not one answer to this question but I will give a couple of possibilities.

The first thing is that spirits do move on to new lives. A person’s beliefs of the afterlife, very much affect what they experience and where they go. If you’ve ever looked into near-death experiences, you’ll note that people tend to only see the what they believe in. Those that aren’t sure get a more varied experience. Generally, those that die go to wherever they resonate with, but that does not mean that they stay there. Just like we grow and evolve here, spirits do so to, and thus they move into new/different realities or of course may decide to be incarnated again here.

The above however, does not explain fully why we don’t see ghosts and other inhabitants of the astral in our daily lives. Most people are fully invested in the 3D and simply don’t tune into anything beyond that. Which is why it is generally believed by many that ghost either don’t exist or are a mystery. Only those that open themselves to sensing beyond the typical range of perception of humans start to see them.

Meditative techniques are a good way of training yourself to open yourself to sensing higher vibrational realities but they are not the only way. People very often go into an aware state when they are curious for example.

Many of the “haunted” locations around the globe very often make people go into a more aware state. Knowing that others have seen a ghost in a certain location or that a particular room was where someone was murdered or tortured for example, can very often quieten the mind and make people tune more into themselves and their surroundings and sometimes briefly they can “pierce the veil” and see into vibrational realities they have not tuned into before.

It’s at this point I believe that people are able to see or sense in some other way a ghost.

Not everyone will see ghosts in these circumstances however, as their reaction to a location may be instead to ground themselves more into the 3D, or distract themselves with mind chatter or imagining the past or asking themselves what is on TV that night. Skeptics of course don’t realise that they are limiting themselves to being able to sense more, because they have already decided what their answer is and thus stay anchored in the 3D.

We could also talk about areas where there is naturally a higher vibrational state, such as where lines of energy in the earth’s crust intersect. Not just ley lines – there are many different types. This can lessen the veil somewhat and make it easier to sense beyond the 5 senses. Many of the churches in Europe for example whilst being old and having quite a history about them, are also build on top of energy lines. So for me churches are quite entertaining, with all sorts of characters wandering about them!

I am happy to help people explore how to start sensing into other realities/densities if they wish. Also to help people have more ease with other realities, because let’s face it, there is far far too much emphasis on “negativity” coming from these realities (as encouraged by religion, books, films etc over the years) and you get out what you put in ;-).

Just book in for an appointment if you wish to explore this.


Learning is part of the awakening journey

Originally published sometime mid 2022

This is a subject that shouldn’t come as a shock to many, but is useful to know anyway.

Awakening happens in many ways. In fact there are an infinite number of paths, especially if we take into account consciousnesses, physical or not, outside of this reality/planet.

What is common to all forms of awakening is growth. Growth that may initially lead you away from or against others even, but ultimately results in reconnection, remembering, healing, expansion, empowerment and incorporation, to name but a few words. Learning is a big part of this.

I will leave aside the discussion of how  the more we learn, the more we realise we don’t know much if anything at all. Let’s for the moment agree that there are agreements we have made in order to experience being human together, and while our perspectives are different, they have commonalities such as gravity, the existence of time, that you cannot put a hand through a wall etc etc

In fact, learning is one of the excuses (as if I need any excuses!) why I have not written in a while. I have mostly been learning a professional electrician’s course to be able to install electrics in UK homes, which has been taking up a lot of my time. I am also learning Swedish, learning to play guitar, learning about crypto currencies and attempting to comprehend ET knowledge from channels such as Cosmic Agency, among many other things.

The energetic side

I consider these things to be a part of my awakening process even if it may not seem that way to others. It may help to remember that awakening can happen in many ways. While some forms of meditation for example can greatly help with tuning into and experiencing densities of energy/consciousness we are not normally invested in, and hence learn a great deal from it, you can still tap into those realities without meditating.

I noticed when I was a competition standard cross-country runner for example that running was a meditative experience. I was so focused on running that my body and mind were being trained to not waste energy on thoughts, body processes and actions that would make my running inefficient. So my running often felt like I was floating over the terrain rather than it being an effort to force it to happen. This is why I was fascinated with the Japanese who turned a lot of everyday practices into something “spiritual”, such as tea making.

Even if you are not trying to be present in the moment as per mindfulness techniques, there are great benefits energetically to learning things you’ve always wanted to or were attracted to do. You may have read from me in the past or heard directly from me if you’ve had an appointment with me, how much energy is wasted when you resist your heart’s desires. Chakras are slowed down/closed to some extent, energy circuits like meridians don’t flow so well and eventually energy blocks/energy cysts start to form in our energetic field, and if left will, affect the physical body too.

Following your desires, which involves learning new things, reverses those effects. It frees up more energy to enable healing, more ease in your body and hence more joy. More energy is required to unlock the dormant DNA and create more brain connections, that so many in the spiritual/new-age community talk about. More energy is also needed for many spiritual experiences such as astral travel for example.

So each time I put time into learning something new (which I don’t always want to do if the ego perceives that it is hard or tiresome!), I gradually feel freer energetically. I also feel more confident in this reality as I start to see day-by-day that I can grow and make a difference in my personal life and to others around. I have less of a need for governance by others too.

The physical perspective

From a physical/physiological perspective, learning helps you create new and more connections in the brain and nervous system. More connections means that you can interpret greater volumes of information. This can result in comprehending things that would otherwise be difficult such as what may seem like paradoxes, being able to sense more of what is going on in your body, be able to hear/see/taste/smell/feel more, being able to connect to your energetic field, other realities, contact other beings etc etc

It is well known that neurological disorders can greatly benefit from learning (the diet side I can talk about another time). Dyslexia for example greatly benefits from learning things that require coordination and hence more connections within the brain such as learning to juggle or doing sports that require balance and hand-eye coordination.

So does learning electrical installation last year and the next few years help me with my awakening? Absolutely! I am making new brain connections, learning different ways of understanding and explaining the aura and energy models of it, learning how modern electrics affects our energy fields and physical bodies, learning how to apply what I understand with electrics to make things that that can harmonise our relationships with electric things and even benefit our awakening. On top of that my business can grow in new and interesting directions, I can help friends and myself with electrical installations and as mentioned above with the energetic side, I have freed up more energy by following what I have desired to look into for many years.

As a last note, being exposed to new/different information is very important to me. I have looked over a huge amount of spiritual, religious, new-age and scientific information over the years. While meditation and energy healing has helped me greatly, being able to comprehend all these different sources and the myriad of different paths they could lead to, including contradictory advice/info, has been a huge part of the awakening process. I would not have even tried meditation had I not read about the different opinions of what it was all about and the scientific research of the benefits of it. Same too with healing – the science and peoples explanations of it and dis-eases they claimed it helped them with very much helped me look into it.

Likewise, looking into different theories of other awakened people, scientific reports, quantum mechanical theories, channeled information, direct ET contact information… has very much influenced what I have chosen to explore with healing, within meditation, with practices in my daily life for manifesting, health, relationships with myself and others, that in turn bolsters my desire for and growth in the unique path of awakening I desire.

I know many of you understand what I have written already, but hopefully this helps some to know how important learning and following what the heart truly desires is. That the process of learning is important for awakening and that you don’t have to just sit in meditation to grow, raise your vibration and be happy.

What is not told about calcium, vitamin D aka hormone D and vitamin K2

Originally published sometime early 2022

Us British always like a good sunny day because we don’t get them often! Always good to get a natural source of vitamin D. One day I’ll learn to pose better… or not!

It looks like most of the requests I get for blog articles surrounds the subject of diet, so lets continue down that route for a little longer shall we? Afterall, there is a good reason why diet is a big part of Eastern spiritual practices, rather than being a separate subject like it can be elsewhere.

This next subject, along with finding out lots about iron, copper and retinol over the last summer, was another that myself and my researching wife dove into. It highlighted yet again the differences that true scientists were finding and what corporation-backed science and the mainstream media AND mainstream-alternative media talk about. What a surprise 😉

Like previous posts, biochemistry subjects go much deeper and complex than what I am able to write in a blog, so this is just a bit of a summary to help you understand the subject. I do encourage you to go and research things for yourself, as always.

Calcium – is it really as important in our diet as we are told?

Certainly here in the UK, in my wife’s homeland Sweden, where I lived in New Zealand and it seems in most Western or Western influenced countries, calcium is something that we are told is important to build and maintain healthy bones and teeth. Yet in these same countries we have the highest prevalence of osteopenia, osteoporosis and other bone issues!

Calcium is certainly needed in the body as part of bone matrix, for chemical reactions, contraction of muscles and nerve transmission, but a bit like iron, there is a lot of readily available calcium in the foods we typically eat.

There are huge amounts of calcium in dairy products which are very popular in northern Europe and North America and even if you do not eat much dairy, there is a lot of calcium in plant foods – which is where dairy animals get it from in the first place.

Like I mentioned about with iron in previous blog articles, the increased acidity of soils due to modern farming practices, chemicals coming in the rain etc, means that more calcium comes out of the soil and into our plants (and less of certain other valuable nutrients). This, along with the calcium fortification of many food products, means that it is very hard to not get enough calcium, even on the many unusual diets people try out.

Why taking more calcium alone won’t sort out bone issues

Even though calcium is used for many purposes, it tends to be thought of in most people’s minds as being needed for bone and teeth health and is often the main reason a diet higher in calcium is prescribed. Especially in the case of osteopenia and osteoporosis, where the bone matrix is not very dense and thus prone to fracture.

Very often people who up their intake of calcium-rich foods or supplements don’t get any relief because other nutrients, lacking in many western diets, are needed by the osteoblast cells to actually make bone matrix. Exercise is also needed as bones are made stronger in response to pressure applied to them.

If calcium is not being held in the bones of the body then it adds to an excess of calcium in the rest of the body, contributing to a variety of health issues.

Calcium and cardio-vascular problems, kidney stones, bony spurs and cancers

Excess calcium in the body, whether or not it is being compounded by calcium being lost from the bones as they weaken, can start to deposit in the other tissues of the body instead.

This leads to a hardening of those tissues meaning that they become less flexible and less able to have nutrients come in and waste products come out. If this happens, it is harder for the health of those tissues to be maintained, leading to inflammation, the gateway to many disease states. There are other causes of inflammation in the body of course, but excess calcium is one of the major contributing factors in the modern world.

One of the most commonly talked about sites for this hardening to occur in, are the blood vessels of the body. I’ve heard many doctors and health professionals throwing around the phrase “hardening of arteries” and yet they know so little about what is actually hardening them. It is surprising that so many people still believe that an excess of cholesterol causes plaques in the heart or bloods vessels, rather than seeing that cholesterol is simply used to plug the hole, or at least gets stuck there due to the inflammation that is present.

In case you haven’t already guessed it, calcium getting stuck in the blood vessels and heart is a major factor in cardio-vascular diseases, because of the hardening and thus likelihood of inflammation. What I am describing here is likely one of the main reasons heart disease has become so prevalent in Western societies in recent decades.

In some people, they have so much calcium that their ligaments and tendons start to take on the stiffness of bone, leading to bony spurs, typically where the tendons or ligaments attach to bone. This can lead to limited movement and even fractures at these sites.

Obviously the body will try to get rid of excesses via the excretion pathways of the body before any of this happens, but if those pathways are compromised by not drinking enough clean water for example, then the above issues can occur. This is why stones can start to form in the kidneys and other tissues of the body. Some stones are more related to cholesterol, other minerals and toxins, like liver stones can be, but especially when it comes to the kidneys, they are often lumps of calcium that have accumulated over time as the kidneys struggle get get rid of the excess.

And what about cancer? Essentially, hardening of tissues and the lack of nutrient influx and toxin efflux resulting from that, leads to cellular damage. If the genetics of the effected cells is damaged in a way that stops the apoptosis (programmed cell death) process from occurring, then instead of the cells dying, they start to multiply instead. Simple really, yet the established medical professions keep saying they don’t know what causes cancer!

Notice the statement on the front of this typical supplement. Hopefully this blog can help you see whether that is true or not!

Why vitamin D supplements don’t help

The first thing to say is that vitamin D is actually a hormone and like all hormones it is made from forms of cholesterol that enables it to enter the cell and have a much longer effect on the receiving cell, than a signalling molecule that doesn’t enter the cell. This is why you may hear more often these days vitamin D being called “hormone D”.

It can get very complex talking about any hormone or vitamin as there are so many forms of them, many of which not only are absorbed or used by the body better than others, but even have different roles in the body. This is one of the reasons why people who haven’t looked at scientific papers get very confused and also why many people don’t know if the a supplement they are taking will actually do anything, or even if it is harmful.

Vitamin D is certainly one of those compounds that falls into this category. Vitamin D2 and D3 are the most well-known in terms of supplements but no matter which form we talk about I don’t recommend that you take vitamin D supplements at all! Yes, very different advice to what is being pushed in the alternative health industry isn’t it?

It becomes more obvious when you look at how we would naturally get vitamin D – from sun exposure. Many studies point out that when you expose yourself to the sun, the sun’s rays catalyse the formation of vitamin D  from steroid compounds in the skin. Also in the skin are carrier proteins that interact with vitamin D that take it the where the body needs it. So when vitamin D is formed in the skin, not only is it in the form that the body is used to, but it is also functional because of the carrier protein.

However, this does not happen if you take supplemental vitamin D. Supplements will most often have a vitamin or hormone in a different format to that inside the body because of issues concerning getting it past the acidity of the stomach or to get it through the lining of the gut and for a great many other reasons. Many nutrients need other chemicals, proteins etc to bind to them or to keep them in the correct format for the body to use which can be very difficult to do in a supplement, especially if you need a long shelf life or to cut costs.

This is why I always try to advise people to get things from natural sources where these problems aren’t a concern. You can actually get some vitamin D from mushrooms and fungi for example where they are bound in the right way. For most people however the main way you get vitamin D is from skin exposure to the sun.

So, the supplemental forms used out there are a big problem in that they easily get through the gut wall but do not have the carrier proteins to take vitamin D to where it is needed. And why is this a big problem for the body? Because vitamin D transports calcium.

If you have no vitamin D carrier proteins and especially if you are low on magnesium and vitamin K2 to help osteoblasts build bone, free-floating vitamin D will grab hold of calcium from your digested food and from your bones and it will slowly deposit calcium in the tissues of your body causing the health issues mentioned above and more.

Can you now see why vitamin D supplements are a bad idea?

Sun exposure

If you are worried about getting enough functional vitamin D because you have a darker skin tone or live in an area of the world where there isn’t much sunlight, don’t worry too much about it. Caucasian’s supposedly only need 15-20 minutes exposure to the sun, even on a gloomy overcast day, to satisfy vitamin D production. So long as you aren’t covering up your face (with those silly masks for example!) or putting sun block on, no, you don’t need to get undressed.

If you have more melanin in your skin then you will need to spend longer in the sun of course but I unfortunately don’t have any good literature on how long it would be and it depends on how dark your skin is. Suffice to say however that there are plenty of people, who emigrated from hotter countries, living in the north of Sweden, where you would only get around an hour of sunlight a day in winter. And they get on fine, most probably because of my next point…

Vitamin D is a hormone and thus easily gets stored in the fatty tissues of the liver. So the 24 hours daylight in summer in the North of Sweden for example will generate plenty of vitamin D to last through the winter.

And obviously try not to use sun block. The majority of them have nasty chemicals in them. One of the main ones is aluminium, a known neuro-toxin that has been linked to diseases such as alzheimer’s since the 90s at least. Even if you find a natural cream to use instead, again try to only use it when you are have no way of getting in the shade enough.

Sun block usage when plotted in a graph is a parallel line to that of skin-cancer rates over the decades. I know there are many other factors but that should be enough to make you think.

Sun block limiting natural formation of vitamin D, plus trying to get people to get their vitamin D through supplements instead, very much amplifies the issue of calcium being deposited throughout the body rather than where it is needed.

Kittelfjall, north of Sweden. This was often the most we got to see of the sun during the peak of winter. Good job that in summer we had almost 24 hours of daylight!

Why Magnesium?

Magnesium is the main nutrient to consider to balance the effects of calcium. It is widely known in alternative health circles that the majority of people in the West are deficient in magnesium. Here in the UK it is estimated to be over 90% of people. This is probably partly the reason why so many people I know crave chocolate – cocoa is a good source of magnesium!

Like calcium magnesium is very important for nerve function, including muscle contraction, and heart muscle contraction. This is why many people get relief from cramps, muscle aches, heart palpitations and brain fog when they up their magnesium intake. In fact those symptoms are a good indication of if you have low magnesium in your body, along with tooth decay.

Magnesium is also of course needed for building and maintaining bones. You could consider it the mineral needed to maintain the bone matrix. I remember decades ago reading about research of bone issues in countries where they had low soil calcium but high magnesium. In short, they did not experience osteoporosis, bone fractures and other bone issues any where near as much as countries where the reverse of these nutrients was true.

I won’t go into where you can get more magnesium from, as even though there is less in certain foods these days, thankfully it is quite easy to get hold of magnesium rich foods still, and if you have to use supplements, most are in a form usable by the body, as far as the current information I have come across states. Getting it from natural sources is always preferable as it is easier to maintain a good balance of nutrients that way, so be careful with supplements!

Vitamin K2

Upping your magnesium intake however may not be enough if you want to maintain bone health and prevent cardio-vascular problems. Vitamin K2, another nutrient that is low in modern Western diets, is very important too.

Like other vitamins, there are many variants of vitamin K2. Essentially this vitamin has been shown to maintain heart health and  blood vessel health (reducing the incidence in inflammatory processes in them) as well as helping the maintain bone and teeth strength.

It does this by regulating calcium deposition – making sure calcium is deposited in bone tissues but not other tissues of the body. In this way, the processes of disease I mentioned above don’t occur, and there are plenty of studies of vitamin K2 intake showing this – reduced heart problems, reduced atherosclerosis, reduced osteoporosis, reduced bone fracture, reduced tooth decay. There are many people even claiming, along with vitamin A and magnesium especially, that the cavities in their teeth have sealed up!

Vitamin K2 intake has also been shown to reduce the incidence of many cancers including a 63% decrease in prostate cancer risk!

We currently cannot efficiently convert vitamin K1 into K2 in our bodies

Vitamin K1 according to research doesn’t appear to do the same things in the body and does not benefit our health in the same way as K2. The fact that we cannot make the latter from the former very well, means that we have to find dietry sources of vitamin K2. Whether that is true for all of us I don’t know but that seems to be the consensus currently.

There is also the conversation about having certain bacteria in our guts that could do the conversion for us, but the current information available suggests that it is better to get K2 from outside sources, likely because our gut flora in the West has been so unbalanced from all the vaccinations, courses of antibiotics, toxins in our environment etc.

I am very much a believer of our bodies being able to do more than they typically do, once our bodies are balanced enough, free of toxins, and have more genes switched on/activated etc, but that is a topic for another day. I am just presenting in these recent blog articles what is likely the path of least resistance for most people at present. Always question everything including me!

You have to be careful when looking up where to get good sources of vitamin K2, because foods that are often listed as being high in vitamin K are only high in vitamin K1 and NOT K2. Lots of plants, fruits, vegetables and nuts are high in vitamin K1 for example but have no K2.

So what’s the best source of K2 you may ask? This may not be nice to hear for some but high-fat dairy and organ meats of grass-fed animals, eggs from ducks or grass fed chickens are great for the shorter-chain versions of vitamin K2. Simply because those animals are able to convert the vitamin K1 in the grass (and other plants/vegetables/fruits they may eat) into K2 for us. Other good sources are fermented foods like sauerkraut, natto and miso for the longer-chain versions of vitamin K2.

Unless you opt more for fermented foods, getting grass-fed dairy is key here. If they are fed lots of grain instead, which has become more and more common in recent decades, then they are not getting enough vitamin K1 in their diet to convert to K2.

You can get vitamin K2 supplements but as always be careful with them for the same reasons I have said over and over again about supplements.


In short, getting out in the sun for a short period every day, avoiding vitamin D supplements and calcium fortified foods, switching to and/or upping your intake of grass-fed dairy & sauerkraut and having a few squares of organic, non-soya lecithin, dark chocolate each day (for the magnesium), will probably solve the majority of issues surrounding the diseases mentioned here. The long journey of balancing gut bacteria is also highly advised

As I am not nutritionist/naturopath (my wife is, hint hint!) it is always best to find someone who can help you with your particular experience.


The Path of Least Resistance

Originally published sometime early 2022

Me getting all excited about buying some eggs from the local farmer

Nearly got used to not writing after the holidays. Not to worry I’m back!

What I find interesting about writing blog articles is that it goes to a wider audience and so it not tailored to just one individual. That means that for some of you, the information is useful and for some not. As you may well know from my website, I do encourage people to question and to discard what is not useful to them, rather than have them believe everything that they read. That includes my website and articles too!

So with that in mind, some of you may have felt that the last few articles I have written, especially about nano-technology, was a bit dark and going in a direction that you don’t really want to focus on. Some of you may have asked yourself whether you wanted to read such things and worried about co-creating such nasty things. Remember that it is very possible to be aware of things you don’t resonate with, whilst not giving your creative energy to them… with practice 😉

In short, the reason I wrote these articles, was to highlight things that may have been unknown to some of you, and mostly because the advice I gave (i.e. don’t take the vax or tests!) is the path of least resistance for the vast majority of you.

We know we are creator beings but how many of you can turn water into wine? And thus how many of you can destroy/uncreate the ingredients in these tests and vaccinations? So it is much easier to not take them in the first place, than all the effort it would take to figure out and spend money and time on removing such things from you body, if indeed it is possible for you.

Though not everyone has the same circumstances, this is one example of the path of least resistance. There is often a lot of confusion about this topic and so I will go through some of the ins and outs of “the path of least resistance” – the phrase that I believe originated from Abraham Hicks’ teachings.

What is the path of least resistance?

Simply put, the path of least resistance is making choices in your daily life that take you to your goals in the quickest and/or easiest way possible.

Even if you share the same goals as someone else, the choices you make may be very different than that other person because of your circumstances, culture, beliefs, resources, confidence, country’s laws etc. Some are able to make big leaps whilst others need to make lots of smaller steps. Everyone is different and so the path of least resistance will be unique to each person.

It is best to use the path of least resistance in relation to your true desires or if you like your purpose for incarnating here. If you listen to what we call the “negative ego” instead, then you’ll likely always choose what seems like the easiest/nicest choice and you’ll wonder why you are not truly happy and have not grown in life. Which brings me to the next point…

The path of least resistance doesn’t always mean choosing what you want to do straight away

In this regard, the path of least resistance ties-in with more commonly know advice for creating change in your life. In other words, it means coming out of your comfort zone. It might be more comfortable sitting on the sofa eating chocolate and watching TV shows every evening (though that is very much a nice thing to do on occasion!) but using that time and energy to do something that takes you towards who/where/what you wish will help you with your goals much quicker.

Likewise, if you don’t like your job, you will have to come out of your comfort zone to change that. It can seem comfortable staying where you are, even if you don’t really wish to stay there can’t it?

In this scenario, you may not have the money/resources to change jobs straight away, or you may need to retrain/gain the skills to do what you wish to do. For some people with lots of money and confidence changing jobs may be an easier leap. For many of us, the path of least resistance may mean applying for a higher paid position in the employment we don’t really enjoy, or getting a second job so we can fund a change of career. For others it might mean facing the fear of going to college before we can make that move. It might mean spending time going to job centre, looking through adverts, learning a new language, asking for help or any number of things that our ego/mind tells us it does not really want to do at that time.

These are examples of choices that your ego/mind might not want to do, and may not enjoy doing in the moment BUT those choices take you closer to the goal/desire you truly wish.

Baby steps

I love this piece of advice. As you may feel, there is a lot of momentum when we live life a certain way and so it can feel hard to change that. Or if you like when you resonate with certain vibrations it can take time and effort to change how you vibrate and what you resonate with.

Baby steps are simply small steps you can take every day to help you slowly move closer to the goals you wish. They might include looking for and researching about what you might be interested in doing with your life next, applying for a course, joining a group of people with the same interests, teaching yourself a new skill at home each night, meditating about your desires each night, being mindful about your spending and choosing to save your money for your goals rather than getting things you don’t really need.

It could be any number of things that you could do. These smaller steps help you create a new momentum, a new vibration in life that slowly helps take you in a new direction in life and helps you make those bigger steps more easily. Even just 30 minutes each day can have a huge impact over time. Even if there is no practical thing you can do on any given day, just thinking about your goals desires for 30 minutes can help you come up with things you can choose at another time.

Sometimes we don’t create change in life because we are not really thinking about that change even if deep down we want it.

Ask yourself in each moment “does this choice help take me in the direction of life I wish?”

Simple but powerful. To really make the most of using this question, you will have to be more mindful about what you are choosing to do each day. If you are not aware of the choices you are making then it makes it difficult to choose differently.

As we live in a society that relies on money, being aware of our choices on what we are spending our money on is important for a lot of us. So one application of this advice is to ask yourself ” do I really need to buy this/spend money on this” and “does spending money on this take me in the direction I wish”. Similarly, asking yourself whether you could be using your time to do something else, rather than do what you habitually do can greatly benefit you. We very often give our energy and resources to things that maintain the life we don’t really wish to keep.

The same goes for our thoughts and emotions. How much time do you spend thinking about things that don’t help you feel happy or help with creating what you wish? How often do you observe your thoughts? Anything that helps you with mastery of mind can greatly help with following the path of least resistance as you will spot the thoughts that don’t serve you much quicker and be able to choose/create thoughts that do and therefore help you with real-life choices.

For those of you unsure of what desires/goals you have for life

Especially if you have been living the life others have encouraged you to believe you should live for a long period, it can often be that you don’t really know what your true desires or goals in life are because you have disconnected from yourself.

I won’t go into why, as that is a topic for another day, but this obviously makes it hard to follow the path of least resistance because you feel directionless.

It is quite common in new age/spiritual teachings to “feel into” what you would like to do. However, if you don’t really feel anything or the information you get from trying to tune into what you feel is inconsistent or confusing, that advice doesn’t help. I found this to be the case when I went through years of depression and chronic fatigue. Doing hours every day of meditation into the depression helped dissolve the depressive feelings away but I still felt directionless.

As I’ve mentioned many times before, your human/lower self side of you is important, otherwise why would it exist? So getting out there and doing human things is part of why we incarnated here, for the vast majority of us at least.

So what can you do to help you reconnect with yourself and start to know what you desire for this life? Many spiritual practices and practitioners can help a lot but the main thing I would like to state here that helped me a lot was simply to practically try lots of new and different things.

Trying new things helps us to see what we truly like or not. It gives us more and more contrast to more easily see what makes us tick. One thing we try might make us think “no definitely not that” whilst another may be a bit closer and another thing may help us think “Yes, yes, yes, that!” So as we try out more and more things in life we can gradually see more clearly where we wish to go with our lives, and of course, that path will continue to change as we evolve and grow.

Climbing was definitely a sport that wasn’t nice the first time I tried it but I kept going and found our that I loved it. This is the Red Point climbing centre in Worcester, UK which we tried for the first time recently.

Making mistakes is normal

Mistakes are part of what help us to find our true path. A mistake simply means, ok not that way, let’s find another way. They give us the contrast to see what works for us and what doesn’t.

So in our changing job scenario, we might end up in a job that seemed better but actually wasn’t. It might be that the course you did highlighted that actually you don’t like that sort of job afterall. It could be that moving jobs made you realise that actually you really liked the area you lived in before.

All these things we call mistakes actually give us more contrast to be able to refine what we wish in life and to be able to spot “bad” decisions earlier and so be able to select better choices in life.

So if you fear about making mistakes or even fear going towards your goals fullstop, then know this and make a choice anyway. The fear of failure is often worse than actually making a mistake and if you allow that fear to dictate your life and you don’t make any new choices, you won’t grow and fulfill your desires.

Putting time into a certain choice rather than giving up too soon

Sensitivity to know what path suits us takes time to develop, thus starting something and continuing it for a time rather than giving up too soon is important.

I found this an especially important point when I was coming out of depression. I found that most things I chose to do were not enjoyable for me. Even recreational activities that I had always enjoyed in the past.

When you are in an habitual vibrational state, it can be so overpowering that you cannot see the new state of being yet, even when you try something new. So if you are following my advice and you are not happy with your life and you try something new, you might not feel any better straight away.

For example, if you decide to start playing tennis. At first you keep missing the ball, you get out of breath because you haven’t exercised for some time, you are nervous about others looking at you and meeting new people and to make things worse you get muscles aches for several days afterwards and feel tired as you recover.

These are examples of the discomfort of the change from an old vibrational state to a new one and you might get put off from playing tennis if you focus on these. If you keep going back however, you get better at hitting the ball. You might win some points or play a fantastic shot that feels good, your muscles strengthen and gain more endurance and you don’t feel as out-of-breath, you get to know the people and feel more comfortable there and you don’t ache or feel so tired after the session as you once did. This are examples of you resonating more with the new vibrational state now.

It might be that at this stage you find out that you like playing tennis and you wish to continue, or you might still not like it all and go and try something else or maybe it’s partially what you like but maybe not quite the right fit and you also try something that isn’t quite so different.

The same goes for our changing job scenario. It is often uncomfortable in a new work place but we need to try it out for a longer period before we often see what fits us for the shorter or longer term. Each try of a new work experience helps us refine what choice we make next and as we gain more contrast experiences in what we like and don’t like it gets easier to choose.

The human experience of path of least resistance

Whilst we are experiencing being human in this seemingly slow changing reality, the path of least resistance often means doing the practical thing. This is why I have given practical examples in this article.

While I know that we can and in fact I encourage people to experiment with their own consciousness to change things energetically/mentally/spiritually, often the quickest path is practical. I have lost count of the number of people who want to change their health condition energetically only, rather than approach it also from the physical side by changing their habit of eating rubbish for example.

As the being Bashar channeled by Daryl Anka once said, isn’t it easier to go the dentist rather than strain yourself trying to go way, way beyond your current ability and try and grow a new tooth? I don’t doubt that there are people out there that can do this but for most that is not the path of least resistance. If anyone has managed to grow a completely new tooth as an adult, I’d love to hear from you!

I also love what Eckart Tolle said in the past. You can train yourself to live in the moment so completely that you do not have a problem with the things happening around you but he said that if someone forced him to work in a nightclub he would still be looking for the exit!

Why we choose to follow the path of least resistance towards our true desires

Because of love! If you really love yourself you will always choose to do baby steps every day to take you towards your true desires for yourself. As the cup of love for yourself fills up and eventually starts pouring over the sides, you’ll start to find that your desires often benefit others and that others will factor more and more into your choices as ultimately we are all connected.

Ask yourself each day if you like “What would I do today if I truly loved myself?”

If you want to know more about the path of least resistance, I highly recommend the huge back catalogue of Abraham Hicks videos all over youtube, odysee, bitchute or similar. Have fun!