This is an article I felt that I’ve needed to write for some time now as my perception of things is taking on an ever more expanded view as time goes by.
A recent hack of my website (thank you hacker, whoever you are! ;-)) made me re-read a lot of pages on my website including those about etheric implants and many blog articles. Some blog articles were lost unfortunately, some articles of which I feel will need to be written again, as I view them as potentially important… a subject for another day.
I will not be going into detail about the different etheric implants I have sensed, others have sensed, what they do or don’t do, where they come from etc in this article. If you want that information, you can see what I have written on my website here. You can also find a lot of information on my etheric implant questions and answers page on my website here. And if you really want, you can see what I used to think about implants a few years after I first started working on them from an old article in 2014 here.
As you will see from those articles and looking at all the websites that mention them, psychics and healers have very different views on etheric implants and the same is true about other subjects like astral parasites, dark entities, black magic and so on.
This article will focus more on what I feel is more important surrounding etheric implants – their reality and our responsibility with their creation. You will also hopefully start to see why they are only as much of a problem as you believe they are.
I will first have to highlight some simple but often overlooked concepts as well as those that are not mentioned often enough in the new-age & spiritual communities, to fully explain my changes in perception and how that perception can benefit you and the rest of humanity. It will be a long article, so bear with me as I work through this with you 😉
Etheric implants, energetic parasites, entities and similar are not inherently real, but THEY ARE REAL!
People who have been following my website over the years will note that I have continually re-written my etheric implant pages on my website as I continue to grow spiritually. Unfortunately many people have misunderstood what I was trying to get at with those writings. Some interpreted my writings to mean that I do not believe anymore in etheric implants, astral parasites and malevolent beings etc.
Many have even thought that I am working on the beliefs of people who are experiencing such things, as if I think they are crazy, that the beliefs were false and that their experiences were false. Like a psychologist in a mental institution might work, you could say.
Nothing could be further from the truth! I fully acknowledge implants, parasites, entities and other such subjects. Your experience of them is real and as real as I’ve experienced them in the past.
When I say that they only exist because we are creating them as real and therefore they don’t inherently exist, I am not saying that they don’t exist. Read that again, because so many don’t really realise what I am saying here.
I am basically saying that humanity needs to take responsibility for its role in their creation and their maintenance in our reality, individually and collectively. More on this later on…
Higher vibrational consciousnesses hold multiple perspectives
What I was possibly not explaining fully in those re-writes over the years, is how you can have multiple perspectives on the same subject, many of which can seem contradictory or paradoxical to each other and yet each be true individually.
As you raise your consciousness and therefore grow spiritually, you slowly let go of the belief that there is only one answer, only one truth to a particular question or reality. You start to see that there are multiple perspectives. As many perspectives are there are individuals on this planet.
Some perspectives people hold are the same or at least similar enough for something to be “true” or “real” to everyone on this planet. These could be things such as everyone agreeing that the leaves on trees are green, that the sun passes from east to west, that there are 60 seconds in a minute, that death is inevitable, that water expands when it freezes etc.
Science as it is on Earth, and of course because it mostly negates the spiritual aspect of everything, tends to work from the basis that there is only one truth and only one answer for everything. Even before science came along, the dualistic “3rd density” human thinking tends towards this one answer, one truth mentality.
This is why eventually, when people start to question more and more in different directions (because we have different interests), they end up coming to conclusions that are true to the one questioning, yet it contradicts or creates a paradoxical viewpoint to what another questioner has explored.
Often this means that people, that continue to hold the “one answer, one truth” mentality judge the other as wrong, erroneous, mislead, fake etc and as such this maintains separation and conflict that the negative portion of the ego and of course the cabal of this planet wish.
Those that look for a reason for the contradiction, or look for some sort of link that explains it, may start to move into higher vibrational thinking.
Only by seeing the bigger picture can these differing views connect and make sense. This is very different to the scientific way that tends to investigate by separating everything into ever smaller parts, and working out how each part or unit works rather than seeing how everything fits together, thereby missing out on what is sometimes obvious or at least more useful.
Want an example? How about diet and health related subjects? We have gone deeper and deeper into the cells of the body and what each chemical, protein or gene does. We have gone deeper into investigating what all the components of each food does and how each one may be beneficial. More exercise advice is out there. More drugs and supplements too that continue to supposedly be ever more advanced. Yet with all this knowledge over the decades, the population continues to get more types, numbers and severities of diseases, clearly highlighting that the information out there about health is actually getting worse, not better.
Go and look at photos of people in the 1970’s (the decade I was born!) of people queing for a concert, or people relaxing on a beach, and compare how healthy they look with today’s population… you get my point!
I know this particular subject gets complex mainly because much info on health has been manipulated and how our food is not as it once was due to how food is produced and processed, but I have seen that those that eat, relax & exercise by listening to their body and how it responds to each input tend to fare better.
Stepping back and seeing the trends in food, exercise and rest and seeing what seems to work for others and what via testing seems to work for you, appears to work much better than trying to follow all the varying advice out there and seeing things in isolation.
There are multiple perspectives on spiritual subjects too
A little off subject I know, but the same is true of spiritual subjects. Even if we were able to filter out all the 3-letter organisation’s manipulation of spiritual and new-age subjects (and there is a lot unfortunately – see my blog article on “Mainstream-Alternative Media”), you will find that people who genuinely wish to be truthful and wish to help humanity, will come to different conclusions too.
In fact, there are more and greater paradoxes & contradictions in the spiritual subjects than there are of the physical world subjects. I would say by far! The subjects of etheric & other types of implants, energetic parasites, different types of entities, black and other negative magics and so on, are all good examples.
This is because of varying agreements.
By becoming human, you agree to take on a set of beliefs which define you as “human” and thus give you the experience of being human, such as only being able to perceive up to what we call the 3rd density of consciousness (or more if you wanted a different experience than most ;-)). So, most humans due to only being able to sense the 3rd density of reality and agreeing to what humans have already defined as true for them, will have mostly the same beliefs and experiences of Earth life.
Because the majority of humans don’t perceive beyond the 3rd density, and of course worse because religions, cultures, sciences etc in the past tried to destroy knowledge of anything 4th density and above, we don’t have many agreements about what is beyond the physical. In addition, we have all had other lives all over the universe, so have had a great many different perspectives to each other before we even got here.
In other words, humanity as a whole has a huge range of beliefs about if and what exists and therefore what is true or real beyond the 3D. This means that when people start to explore by expanding their senses into the spiritual, that they will have greatly different experiences. Experiences that will be contradictory and paradoxical to what another has.
If you study near death experiences for example, you will see a lot of differing views. There are some common descriptions such as a tunnel of light and meeting loved-ones that died in the past, because many different cultures mention this. Another common thing is not being able to remember fully or explain fully what they experienced due to coming back into 3D and the veil of forgetfulness. Otherwise experiences vary greatly.
You get out what you put in
It appears that people of the same religion, background or belief system tend to see more similar things compared to those of other groups.
Christians tend to describe figures that are talked about in their religion, and of course those pearly-white gates to heaven among many other things. Yet those from a different religion will not see the Christian figures but only those from their religion, along with what is expected after death according to those beliefs.
Someone who doesn’t believe in any religion, are atheist or who have a more scientific point-of-view (which can actually be wildly different depending on the “science” they follow) can experience a wide range of things depending on what they consciously and subconsciously belief.
Much like people that sense etheric implants, astral parasites, entities etc, people coming back from a near death experience often believe that their experience must be the truth and that others must be lying or in error in some way – unfortunately this has been used to create separation and wars between people on this planet.
In fact all those experiences are real and at the same time they are not inherently real. Why? Because you are a creator being and you get out what you put in!
We are creator beings
People forget that they are a part of creation and thus that they have creative abilities. This is often due to the experience of living in the so-called 3rd density reality. A reality where we have all agreed to experience being separated from source/all-that-is/god and therefore where we perceive most of the time, and especially since the advent of science, that we are not creating our experiences but are subject to forces and randomness outside of ourselves.
Together with the ‘one truth, one answer’ attitude, we tend to assume the same rules exist in the ether – the world beyond the physical.
Things manifest much, much quicker in realities beyond the physical!
When you think about and picture an elephant in your mind’s eye, a physical elephant doesn’t suddenly appear in front of you. Things manifest very slowly in the 3D, so if you really want to see an elephant, then you would have to think about one often and maybe you might suddenly come across a circus you didn’t realise was in your area and you see one for example. Or more likely, the thought promotes some decisions and actions that make you look for a zoo or circus and plan a journey there.
In higher realms however, if you think elephant, there will suddenly be an elephant in front of you. This is because energy is of a higher frequency, thus moves much quicker and so things manifest much quicker.
Thought-forms & aggregors
Things that have been created by us or other beings in the ether are often called “thought-forms” or “aggregors”. I find the “thought-form” description more useful because they once started as an idea/thought in the mind and were held for long enough and still enough in that mind, in order to take form and become real for that person or being.
If a person or being discusses this idea/thought with another, and that other decides for example that it is a great idea or interesting enough to experience for themselves too, then they both create that thought and manifest it into form and it becomes real for both of them. They than are said to share a reality of that thought-form being real. Two or more consciousnesses agreeing to something existing is called a collective consciousness.
Another outside of the reality of those two beings will not see at all that thought-form or aggregor simply because they are not creating, or if you like having, that thought. On Earth unfortunately anyone who doesn’t agree to a particular thought or belief is considered wrong/stupid/evil/weird/strange etc. Because of the quicker manifestation within and greatly different ideas of the spiritual world, these judgments are of even greater magnitude than “real-world” subjects. This is partly why the spiritual community is so fragmented and why they don’t have as much influence on this planet as they could have – prove me wrong please!
Not only are etheric implants, astral parasites, entities, demons, dark magic etc aggregors or thought-forms, there are a huge amount of disagreements about whether they exist, what they look like, what they do or can’t do, whether they are ‘good’ or ‘bad’ and so on. Again some of these viewpoints can be found in my previous etheric implant articles and questions & answers pages.
How do you tell if something you are viewing in higher densities is something you created or was already there in that density without your creative input?
This is a question that can really help you comprehend whether you understand the spiritual world. This is also a very useful question to help you have more ease with scary subjects like implants, demons, parasites and so on.
The short answer is you can’t very easily tell whether something already existed in a higher reality or whether you created it.
Ultimately things that exist cannot exist without an observer and so everything is a thought-form or aggregor.
Trying to discern whether an etheric implant you sense is something you created by consciously looking for one in someone’s aura, or created by the beliefs you hold that you are not fully aware of (i.e. the subconscious), or the creation of the person you are working on or even someone/something else, therefore becomes a paradoxical question.
It is no different to my experiences of starting to see energetic beings. Most people thought I was crazy. Some people who were open minded but couldn’t see them were just curious. Some who could sense somewhat into the ether, sensed something different to what I was sensing, or sensed something completely different and/or in a different position, whilst others saw a being in the same position but saw them as a different sex, age, height or even species and a few saw what I sensed exactly as I sensed them. I noticed how my view of beings would change according to the influences of the psychics around me, after asking questions and even choosing to see them in a certain way. This has been very much the case with my experiences of etheric implants, astral parasites, various entities, black magics and so on.
How does that affect you working as a healer working on etheric implants, parasites and entities?
If it is impossible to tell whether something like an implant existed in someone’s aura before you looked or whether you were fully or partly creating it as real, can create a dilemma when working as a healer.
What do you do with what you sense? Does it affect how you treat the person you work on? How would you describe what you were doing to them? Would it benefit them describing what you sensed or not? Afterall, who are you to tell anyone what is true for them or not if there is no one truth and that your truth my hinder them rather than help? How do you explain why your views on something you explained were so scary in the past are so different now, as you grow?
I know for many healers there is also a fear of loosing customers and/or respect too when changing the way they explain and approach things. The negative portion of the ego finds dramatic subjects like etheric implants as very attractive and many people tend to believe that those that can explain things in great detail are more knowledgeable or experienced than those that keep it simple. I know many healers that keep it simple and even don’t perceive these sorts of things and yet are VERY good healers indeed!
What do you think is more attractive to the negative ego between “You have etheric implants created by evil beings that control you greatly and that if removed can greatly improve your life and solve all your problems” and “That’s just an energy block/accumulation which is due to you not working on a certain aspect of yourself”?
These and many other questions were the dilemmas I went through only a few years after starting to work on etheric implants and believe what other psychics and healers were telling me about the existence and reality of them.
I still do have questions come up when working on people. I feel that it is important to ask them to myself.
I know from experience that some people see what I say as symbolism that can help them understand their own experience. Some take it very literally and either continue to create more of a problem with etheric implants due to their fears, or they make positive changes to one degree or another to make them less of a problem. Some others don’t believe at all what I was describing yet have trust enough to know that what I am doing will benefit them anyway. And there are other variations too.
So, I know that what I say can have a huge impact on the future of anyone I work on and that I have a responsibility to try my best to find what works for each individual I work on.
So what do I do for people who come to me for etheric implant, astral parasite or entity removal services?
It obviously varies depending on each individual. Getting an understanding of how they view the spiritual world first, can help me explain things in a way they can better understand and/or better be open to receiving healing from me.
While explaining that etheric implants and other scary things within the ether are not inherently real, is more truthful from my perspective, it might not help them from where they currently are in their evolution.
It is often better to start with, to remove any implants I sense within a person that believes them to be real, thus giving them some relief, than it is to tell them they they are fully or partly the ones responsible for them existing in the first place!
For those that have less fears and seem to be more curious and questioning, I will explain some of the things written in this article, so that they take more responsibility for the existence of implants and so make it less likely that they will have the same experiences again in the future.
Sometimes people can even experience me highlighting something that they sense is an implant, me agreeing to that reality and seeing it the same way, then taking them through some exercises where the implant starts to cease to exist for both of us, simply by getting ourselves into a curious state and questioning its existence whilst observing it.
Sometimes extra steps are needed, so I pose certain questions to help people understand that implants, parasites, entities etc cannot harm them unless they believe they can. For example if an implant is perceived to be stopping someone from doing something, I might ask “well, can you still get out of bed despite there being an implant?” “Can you still choose to shower, make a healthy breakfast, go to work on time, laugh at a joke, make a joke, do your job well, make decisions that benefit you etc etc despite the thoughts, images, emotions and other sensations going on inside of you?” Often the answer, even if reluctantly, is yes! That can be the start of learning self empowerment and eventually people can even thank the experience of having an implant for teaching them that.
There are many possible ways of removing implants or helping others question and experience the inherent realness of implants.
What about my perspective when healing?
I can see multiple perspectives. In every day life, I don’t think about etheric implants and they don’t exist for me. When working on someone’s aura, they can either exist or not exist for me depending on what is most useful for me to promote healing.
When working on people asking for me to remove implants, I simply set the intention to sense as best I can what they are sensing, agreeing to their reality at least for the duration of the session. Thus for that session I see etheric implants and remove them in whatever way is best for that person – usually by simply pulling them out of the aura and watching them dissolve thereafter.
It is not necessary for me to view them, but I find it better helps me tune into clearing what is bothering my client. I know that when not choosing to agree with the reality of implants that others view that I am often removing them, even if I simply see it as an energy block or discordant energy.
Different healer and psychic view-points on etheric implants, parasites & entities
As you can see I take a varied approach to healing, as I can see from multiple perspectives.
Many healers and psychics however are still in the ‘one truth, one answer’ mentality. Many of their viewpoints are fear-based too and so they have the tendency to choose to see most things if not everything, as caused by something outside of themselves, such as an implant, parasite, entity of other person.
This is why many people have had experiences of going to a healer who claims that all their problems are caused by implants. Things that may be seen very differently by another healer like myself! It is no wonder why people have had such continuing problems with the reality of etheric implants and the like, if the people they look up to and consider more experienced/knowledgable/spiritually connected are maintaining and sometimes even building more of that negative reality.
To be clear, there are a lot of great healers out there. And there are those that genuinely wish the best for us but haven’t realised broader or alternate perspectives. I myself didn’t exactly help in the early years by repeating and making more real the demons, archons, parasites, entities, magics and so on, that others I considered more “advanced” than me were preaching.
I do also wonder if continuing to write about them in articles like this one is useful but I consider it important to give people who are already looking into these subjects alternatives, and a way out of the issues they may not have considered.
Implants are only as much of a problem as you and others make them out to be
Once you realise that etheric implants are a creation/aggregor/thought-form then you start to realise that they have no power over you, unless you hold the belief that they do have power over you.
Afterall, if you are able to create or co-create them, you also have control over how harmful they are… right?!
Instead of allowing the fear and worrying thoughts about them control your next thoughts and actions, questioning their existence can start to give you more ease.
If you think or are told by someone else that a certain implant has mechanisms for reproducing itself, be able to return to your aura after removal, be able to grip more strongly your aura if you try to remove it or are able to explode and damage your aura, then you must start to question these beliefs, otherwise you’ll make the experience more serious than it actually is.
Maybe after reading this article you’d like to experiment with your creations and say to yourself “Well if I partly or fully created this thing, then I must be able to deactivate/destroy/dissolve the ability of this implant to reattach etc” and see what that though process does for you.
In some situations where clients have experienced implants/parasites/entities as a huge issue and greatly suffered as a consequence, such as being raped every night by entities or having parasitic implants reproducing and building structures in their body that affect eye-sight for example, practicing being the observer of those experiences has been of great help.
Rather than fighting/resisting/being the victim of them which actually puts more creative energies into maintaining or increasing the problem, investing energy into you, the observer, and thus raising your vibration that way slowly dissolves that reality.
Again, you get out what you put in!
Observation techniques and questioning techniques are among some of what I teach. In some cases of course removing these things first can make it easier for some to start with, depending on how far they are along the path of developing mastery of their mind.
Taking responsibility for your creations!
So this is where we come to the crux of this article. Taking all of the above into account, we ultimately are the ones who are building or maintaining this reality of implants and parasites.
I do believe that this is why the Earth has been isolated from other races, so as not to bring these horrible creations into other parts of the galaxy but I also believe that earth is maintained this way too, so that souls can come here and experience hardships that will help them grow quicker spiritually, compared to anywhere else. What a contradiction huh, or at least it seems?!
Many may continue to experience the fears and troubles of implants and other such subjects until they start to see that they are the ones actually creating them. If you are at this stage it might be useful to start to question at least whether such things can harm you in the first place, like I mentioned above.
I would love it if humanity as a whole decided that these creations, thought-forms & aggregors were not needed anymore such that no-one has to suffer. I see the reasoning why souls would choose to go through such an uncomfortable experience and I respect that, but I can still choose to help those that wish to create a more harmonious Earth and with enough of us choosing that, I believe it is possible for etheric implants to cease to exist on Earth entirely!
No matter what humanity at large chooses, your choice is important. There would be no point in you being created as an individual if there wasn’t some importance to your perspectives and choices. So if you wish to be free of the reality of implants, parasites etc or at least have more ease with them, then that is important.
The starting point for this positive change is first to start to take responsibility for your own creations and creations of others that you have agreed exist for you too. If you, like me, wish to help others in this, working on yourself first such that there is less of a “energetic charge” on this subject in the collective consciousness of humanity is vital.
I hope this article helps people question the reality of etheric implants and of other “negative” subjects to give them more ease, more choice, more freedom and more joy in life.
I also hope it helps people realise that “Awakened” people like healers and psychics, including me, don’t have all the answers. We have more to awaken to too whilst we try to help others along their path. A path that may be a very different path to what we walk.
If you have questions and/or would like to experience an etheric implant removal or other healing modality from me, then you are welcome to book an appointment via my website: www.grantpodesta.com