My services update and discontinuation of Skype in May

Just a quick update to those who use my healing services and how they will work in the coming months…

Microsoft (who bought Skype some years ago) have recently announced that they will be discontinuing Skype May this year.

Seeing as I have always preferred Skype over other video services like zoom, I’m a bit disappointed but it will mean that I will have to consider other options.

I’m considering some open-sourced options but it is more likely that I’ll use one of the more well-known video softwares, simply because not everyone is computer literate and many people seem to have an aversion to downloading things they are not familiar with!

I’m not sure if “Microsoft Teams” or “Zoom” would be the better option – both have very disturbing things written in their small-print! But it’ll likely be one of those two, seeing as I use a laptop during my healing sessions.

For the time being, I will be open to using different video/conference softwares during my sessions.

Feel free to offer your opinion if you have a preference to my email address –

Grant (



Is some of the advice in the new-age movement about specific frequencies wrong?!

The “Guitar Tuner” app that I personally use. Note how you can change the tuning standards from the A=440Hz shown in the picture to another standard such as the A=432Hz standard I use.

Like many, I have written a lot about the effects of certain frequencies on us. Afterall, we consist from a human point-of-view, of energy the vibrates at a certain rate or frequency, and can be influenced by frequencies around us.

Always remember though that we are from source itself, and as such, we have the ability to define our vibration irrespective of what is going on around us, no matter the density. However, whilst experiencing being human, we often find it difficult to not be influenced by the energies around us and that is why myself and others have written so much about choosing to listen to and surround ourselves with energies that are beneficial to us in many ways.

Another key point, again based on us being source itself, is that no matter what people say and indeed what is said in this article, if you feel moved by a piece of music, get joy from it, feel motivated by it etc then it is beneficial to you in that moment. This is irrespective of whether the musical instruments were tuned in a way that is harmonious with nature and health , whether the words were positive or not nor whether the musicians have their own spiritual issues, drug issues, personal life issues etc or not.

Going by how you feel rather than what is said in this article or others is more important than any one theory. Who knows, maybe these theories will be dis-proven yet again at some point in the future!

With that said, let’s get into some of my recent discoveries in terms of frequencies:

528Hz – often claimed to be the “love frequency”

If you go onto You Tube and look at all the channels that play various frequencies for various different benefits, 528Hz is a common frequency you come across.

It is often claimed to be the frequency of love and as such is beneficial for DNA healing, healing in general and helping with enlightenment.

If you look into my previous articles, I too have mentioned about this frequency with these effects. At the time I didn’t realise how complex the subject of specific frequencies were and how deep the manipulation of our beliefs about those frequencies were either.

Some people may have asked the simple question “If You Tube is so keen on censoring information that is beneficial to spiritual awakening and/or exposing the lies the cabal tells us, why are certain frequencies that are supposed to enlighten us so freely available via You Tube?”

I don’t really have a clear-cut answer for that question but some of you might benefit from asking that question ;-).

I first came across alternative beliefs to the mainstream new-age media when one of my customers shared a video she was listening to on You Tube to help her feel better – thank you Kristine by the way! After reading a series of comments by that music maker claiming that certain frequencies are not what they are claimed to be, I came across various articles that highlighted my lack of knowledge on a variety of frequencies.

To summarise, it appears that the 528Hz frequency was simply made up as a healing frequency! Interestingly in music, it is the C note when you tune your musical instruments to A=440Hz (i.e. when the A note is 440Hz).

It was supposedly the Nazis that started trying to get the musical standard changed from more harmonious standards to the A=440Hz standard, which after the second world war was then pushed by the Americans and British to be the musical standard we have today. I have no way of verifying this story but this is what is commonly said in the alternative communities and it appears from research to not be a standard that is harmonious with healing, nature and healing. The information I wrote about this in a previous post is still relevant it seems: “making-your-music-more-harmonious-with-the-planet-by-using-a432-hertz-tuning”

Due to modern ways of tuning musical instruments, it gets a bit more complex. Prior to computers, tuning notes on instruments was done by ear – Pythagorean tuning, where the difference in frequencies between notes wasn’t exactly equal. Because computers always want to divide up the notes equally, if you start with the A note being 440Hz you actually end up with a C note of 523.25Hz and not 528Hz. So even if you believe that 528Hz is good for you, using digital/app-based tuners won’t give you the frequency you thought you were getting anyway.

Similarly when using the more harmonious A=432Hz standard, as I explained appears o be more harmonious with life in the article link above, you will get different frequencies of the other notes depending on whether you use an app or not. With traditional tuning the C note would be 518.4Hz whereas with a typical tuning app the C note would be 513.74Hz.

So as you can see, it appears that the 528Hz frequency was based on the non-harmonious A=440Hz standard and thus is a frequency that simply was made up, likely by 3-letter organisations of the world, to mislead people.

If you really want to go down the rabbit hole, even if you correct the frequency of the C note in music to 518.4 Hz, it is actually more akin to the frequencies related to the base chakra, not the heart chakra according to music researchers. The same people appear to use instead 728Hz for the heart chakra and love frequencies, which I have not researched myself yet – so please use your own discernment on that.

The best article I have come across explaining this 528Hz misconception in more detail is here:

The solfeggio frequencies don’t appear to be what they are claimed

Yet another set of frequencies I have mistakenly written about in the past, like many others.

The history of how these frequencies came to be is very much in question. Guido d’Arezzo, was the man who supposedly came up with the solfeggio tones and was said to have come up with them after being guided to find a hidden scale in the bible supposedly using the bible numbering system. The trouble is that the bible numbering system didn’t come to be until 500ish years after Guido d’Arezzo!

The other obvious problem is that the solfeggio frequencies, which are said to be 396, 417, 528, 693, 741, and 852Hz make up a different scale to the scale we have used apparently since 500BC where the distance between notes is more equal.

Considering that Guido d’Arezz was said to have used solfeggio frequencies in the song “Hymn to St. John the Baptist”, actually singing that song with the solfeggio frequencies sounds awful. Moreover, only string and keyboard type instruments can make the necessary adjustments to play all the solfeggio notes. Brass and woodwind instruments no matter how much you adjust them cannot play all the notes, so a concert using solfeggio frequencies would sound even more awful!

I have no idea whether he really did come up with these frequencies or not or whether it is a manipulation of history like so much of our history unfortunately is. What is clear though, is that the solfeggio notes and the scale that actually was used by Guido d’Arezz to sing “Hymn to St. John the Baptist” are not the same scale.

It appears more likely that these solfeggio notes are a more recent invention, likely to yet again throw off awakened people from truly beneficial frequencies and of course, get them arguing amongst themselves over what is true/correct/best or not.

If you want to go deeper into this subject then this article is a good starting point:


While this article doesn’t go into all the different frequencies suggested by the new-age movement, it highlights how much has been manipulated over time by those organisations we all know well enough about by now!

Try not to let this put you off music however. There are some lovely pieces of music online, even those using the 528Hz and solfeggio frequencies. If you feel better in some way after listening to them, then that is the most important thing by far – your perception can be more powerful than any logical information presented here and elsewhere.

Training yourself to see the Aura / Human Energy Field

The Northern Lights over Granö, Sweden where I am currently staying. An example of how etheric energies can start to appear to us as they come closer to the vibrational range we are used to seeing.

Being able to see people’s auras is probably one of the most exciting things to think about when you start hearing about the abilities you could unlock when awakening to higher levels.

The process is simple from one perspective and yet many people struggle with it and very often give up. Here I will give some simple practices you can incorporate into your daily routine to start being able to see auras with your physical eyes.

I I currently making a YouTube video on my channel to accompany this article. I will paste the link on this page once it is done so you can refer to it.

Inner versus outer vision

The first thing to clear up is the difference between what you could call inner vision and outer vision.

When people talk about opening up the 6th chakra to be able to see things beyond the physical, there are two different forms of vision they may be talking about.

The first type of vision is simply that which you sense through your physical eyes and which your brain interprets into what you see. You could call this “outer vision” when comparing it to inner vision, as you are viewing what we perceive as the outer world. This is the type of vision this particular blog article will focus on.

The second is the type of vision that you see through your pineal gland, rather than your physical eyes. I often like to refer to this sort of vision as the “mind’s eye” and it is what you are using when you are picturing a memory, creating an image in your mind as well as being able to see into other realities for example.

The pineal gland is very much like a physical eye. It is a fluid filled sac and has rod and cone cells within it just like your other eyes do. The main difference is that it does not have a pupil nor iris to control how much light comes in. It also has I am told, the highest blood supply per cell of any organ in the body – this is how important inner vision or if you like imagination and forming pictures in our mind is to us humans. This is why the pineal gland is often referred to as the “3rd eye”.

I will do another article on opening the 3rd eye or inner vision in another article if there is demand for it. I already have a couple of youtube videos about this with regards to learning how to heal, if you are interested here: Using your 3rd eye & “imagination” to heal the aura Healing chakras using 3rd eye / internal vision and imagination

Hopefully this has cleared up any confusion between the two types of vision improvements that can be gained from opening up the 6th chakra.

Some key things that can help

Some of the following points should be obvious but you’d be surprised at how many people don’t work on underlying factors that could help them have more ease with awakening abilities!

  1. Look after your physical body! For example, make sure you are eating enough of the right nutrients to give your body enough energy to activate more genes, to get more out of your vision and to be able to build the rod and cone cells of eyes eyes needed. Vegetarians and especially vegans will often struggle to have enough retinol as a building block for example. Getting enough sleep, stretching, exercising, resting, getting enough natural light through the eyes etc can all have an impact on your physical body’s ability to repair and activate more of the eye and brain functions necessary to be able to see more than people typically do.
  2. Learning to sense you eyes and whether they are relaxed or not is very useful. I recommend using the “body scanning technique” I have mentioned in earlier blog articles. Also know as the Goenka style of vipassana which I covered in this youtube video: Goenka’s vipassana meditation – a body-scanning meditation. Using this technique you can gain greater awareness of the inner and outer surfaces of the eye ball, the iris, pupil, the muscles around the eye, the eye socket, the optic and oculomotor nerves, the brain stem, the higher centres of the brain related to vision and many other organs that affect your ability to see and interpret vision. Most obviously it can help in providing consciousness to and thus healing and awakening to those areas you pay attention to. It will also help in noticing and being able to relax the eyes more during the exercises I will give later in this article. Having an anatomy picture of the eyes and the nerves that supply them can give you fantastic guidance on what you can and cannot sense and thus what to work on.

    Some of the internal structures of the eye you can learn to sense into. I would also recommend using anatomy pictures of the muscles around the eye and the eye socket so that you can sense into them and relax them better during the exercises in this article.
  3. Have ease and patience with your progression. We very much live is a quick-fix world and often people expect changes to happen quickly, especially when people read about sudden awakenings that others have had around the world. These sudden awakenings are the minority. Most people have to put in the time and effort to gain a new skill and this is especially the case for awakening spiritual abilities. The vipassana technique above will help you with patience and being able to relax into the thoughts and emotions that will very much come to the surface when you see that you appear to have not made any progress. It will also help you let your higher senses come to you rather than you forcing it to happen too much. Too much force will create strain and stresses that lower your vibration and thus make things take longer. Learning to put time in without stressing about it is important.
  4.  Setting out a plan of action. This is perhaps the most important part. Writing out an action plan and sticking to it will make you far more likely to achieve being able to see auras with your eyes. Like learning any new skill in life it takes consistency and regularity. Just like you will not notice any muscle gain and fitness improvement after only a few sessions nor over numerous sessions that are sporadically done over the year rather than done every week, the same is true for gaining spiritual abilities. I would recommend that you put aside 10 to 20 minutes every day for practicing the exercises below if you want to see results. Again don’t expect that changes will happen within this or that time-frame. Everyone is different and will progress at their own speed. The odd day off each month is not a problem but the more often you practice and the more years you practice it, the better the results.
  5. Don’t expect to see the aura the same way as other people do. Everyone will see things in their own way. There will be some things that will be similar but some things will not be and of course this can change over time as you keep practicing and challenging your beliefs. You may simply be tuning into a different density of the aura than someone else without realising.
  6. You will start to see the aura more easily at first with you peripheral vision. Your central vision is habitually used to focus in the way it has learnt so far and to see the colours it usually sees. Because we don’t really use our peripheral vision so much in modern life, we don’t have so much habit limiting what we may see there yet and so we tend to find it easier to see the aura there first. Some people talk about rod cells that are used in our peripheral vision being part of the reason but I don’t feel that is the main reason personally. So with this in mind focusing you eyes directly on the aura, such as an inch to the side of the head of someone you are looking at, may hinder your progress. Looking at the center of their face whilst being aware of what is to the side of their face in your peripheral vision is a far better starting place.

How the aura might start to appear initially

For most people, what is typically referred to as the “etheric” density of the aura (layer is not a good word when describing parts of the aura- density is more accurate!) in the Barabara Brennan model of the aura for example, is the density that is seen first.

This etheric density is the closet in vibration to the physical body and it is the density that is considered to be that which does not continue far from the body too. Typically, depending on the health and vibrancy of the individual, it can be about 1 to 2 inches away from the body. If you are looking at a large tree however, the etheric density can be much larger and extend meters away from the physical part of the tree.

To start with, most people start to see this etheric density a bit like it is when looking through glass. You can see through the glass but you can tell that the glass is there. The etheric density looks “energetic” however and could be described as plasma.

Camera pictures of candle flames won’t really show the see-through plasma very well as they are designed to only pick up the wavelengths of light we typically see. This picture gives you some idea however. It is far better to buy some candles and take a look yourself.

To get an idea of what plasma looks like, look at a candle flame. The oranges and reds of the flame you see are plasma too which your eyes can obviously pick up very easily, as those are colours that the eye is used to seeing. However, look a little bit above the visible flame and you might start to see part of the flame that is see-through, like glass. This is plasma too but at a wavelength of light that we are not used to seeing. This can give you an idea of how you might start to see the etheric density of the aura close to the physical body.

The aura pulses

The other key thing when starting to look at the aura is that that aura is in a constant state of flux. i.e. it is continually changing according to what is happening in the physical body – especially the case for the etheric density, as well as what a person is thinking, feeling and experiencing in all densities.

I have observed that the cranio-sacral pulse that our physical bodies have in response to how they make and absorb cranio-sacral fluid, seems to have quite an impact on the vibrancy of the etheric density of the aura.

This means that especially as you are starting out, it may appear that the etheric density appears or is more easily seen for a number of seconds then it disappears or fades for a number of seconds before repeating again. For a healthier person it will be easier to see the aura, especially as it brightens with the pulse, because they have more energy flowing through them and thus it becomes easier to see.

Being aware of this pulse may help you have more ease if you get confused as to why the aura seems easier to see one moment compared to another.

With practice more of the aura becomes visible

As time goes by and you get quicker at seeing the etheric density and more detail become apparent, you may start to see colours.

The Barbara Brennan model of the human energy field aka aura, separating it into 7 distinct densities or if you like bodies. This can give you an idea of how you might start to perceive the aura over time though not everyone will see things exactly the same way.

In the Barbara Brennan model of the aura, the etheric density has a blue-ish colour. A lot of people do start to see the etheric density in this way as time goes by with continued practice.

However, many people, including those that I have met who have done the Barbara Brennan course see the etheric density as red rather than blue. This is a good example of how people can view the spiritual realms in different ways. Neither of them are wrong – perception based on underlying beliefs as you will learn in your awakening journey have a huge impact on what you sense, but that is a story for another day!

As you continue to practice, many other colours will become apparent and you will start to see energies further away from the body than what the etheric density typical reaches. The next density up is called the emotional density or emotional body and there are much more colours here than in the etheric density. They are much more changeable depending on thoughts, actions and how the person is responding to them, as emotional energies a quick to change in humans!

With time further densities of energy become visible of course, such as mental energies, astral energies and so on.

Generally people say that the effort put into seeing these higher densities of the aura appears to be less that the amount of effort they put into starting to see the etheric density because they have built up so much momentum in their practice.

ok, lets get stuck into the exercises you can do!

Exercise no.1 – Using trees

Probably an altered picture but it can give you an idea of what you might see initially.

I thought I’d start with using trees as this is one of the easiest exercises to start with (unless you live somewhere like Iceland where there are no trees!) and does not require another person.

Trees also typically have a huge energy field around them that especially under certain lighting conditions, makes the etheric density of the aura easier to see than in people and other plants etc

If the exercise below doesn’t work too well on a particular day, try another time of the day or when the weather changes to different lighting conditions. Obviously a clear sky rather than a cloudy one will make things easier for you as you’ll have a more uniform background to see the aura against.

Just like the exercise above of looking at a candle flame try to look at the top of the tree. I find conifers are some of the easiest trees to start with as they have more of a uniform shape at the top all year round compared to irregular shapes of deciduous trees.

The most important thing to do to start with is to have the centre of you vision on the physical part of the tree, whilst paying attention to what is around the tree with your peripheral vision.

As explained earlier in this article, you are far more likely to pick up the aura in your peripheral vision than your central vision when starting out. You will notice that when you do start to see the aura, that if you bring the centre of your focus directly on the aura around the tree that you loose your vision of the aura.

So, each time you feel your eyes being drawn to looking directly at the aura around the tree, catch yourself and come back to looking directly at the physical tree and pay attention to what your peripheral vision senses around the tree.

Be patient and remember than there will be a pulse to the aura making it easier to see for a number of seconds then harder for a number of seconds.

Exercise no.2 – Using a mirror to look at yourself

This can be another very powerful technique if you have no one else to work with. It has one major advantage over looking at trees – you can more easily control the lighting conditions and thus can use this technique any time of the day, by using curtains to block outside light if needed and light bulbs to create and direct light in the direction you wish.

The main disadvantage of this technique can be not having a mirror in the right location or a suitable background to view yourself against.

Ideally you should have a plain white background behind you and opposite the mirror. The more of your body you can see in the mirror against this white background the better.

If you don’t have a white background, then light coloured backgrounds can still work. I don’t recommend a patterned background such as what you get with decorative wall-papers, nor dark coloured backgrounds.

If you don’t have the ideal set-up you can always paint a section of wall white, use white curtains or a large white-board etc to give you that ideal background opposite your mirror. Obviously the larger the mirror and the clearer and cleaner it is the better. Playing around with these elements is worthwhile to get a comfortable setup before practicing.

To start, stand/sit in front of the mirror so that you can see yourself clearly in the mirror as well as the white back ground behind you. The background should be able to be visible to at least a couple of feet all around your image in the mirror. This makes sure it is easy to see the etheric density around you plus a foot or so of space further than that. This extra space makes it easier to contrast what you might be seeing within an inch or so from you body.

Just like with the tree exercise, try to bring your central vision focus to the middle of your face or body (depending on how much of yourself you can see in the mirror) and pay attention to what your peripheral vision may sense around your body.

Exercise no.2 – Using a friend/partner to look at

This method ideally needs a plain white background for the same reasons in the last exercise. However it may be easier to get going as you don’t need to worry about using a mirror.

The main disadvantage of this method is it may be difficult to find someone who is willing to do this with you and/or being able to do it regularly. “What weird stuff do you want me to do now?!” might be a typical response!

However, if you do find someone that is willing to do this and can fit into your schedule easily, that other person can really help you to keep motivation going over time and it may be a lot of fun too.

Essentially you do the same as what I said in the last exercise, except this time you will be looking at your friend/partner against a white background rather than yourself in a mirror. Again use your peripheral vision until you can consistently see the aura before trying to see their aura with your central vision.

Exercise n0.3 – Looking at your hand

Not the best picture for an example but it may give you an indication of how far your aura may be seen from your hand – less than an inch to start with and over time possibly more…

This is probably the easiest method for most people in most situations, especially when you’re on the move a lot.

The hands can be a very useful part of the body to train with. You don’t have to rely on mirrors or other people and all it takes is for you to move you hand around so that there is a nice plain, ideally white background behind it.

Then it is simply a case of following the steps in the above exercises, again firstly trying to see the aura around the hand using your peripheral vision.

I also recommend putting both hands up in front of you and as you slowly bring two fingers from each hand closer to each other, the energy transfer from one finger to the next might make it easier to see the aura there.

Exercise no.4 – Using “aura glasses”

All of the above exercises can be done whilst using what people refer to as “Aura glasses”.

Please don’t spend too much money when buying aura glasses. They are simply purple-blue lenses and can be bought very cheaply rather than pay the extra money people charge charge for them!.

Essentially the purple-blue lens can make it easier to start to see colours your eyes are not used to perceiving by helping you contrast those colours. The disadvantage could be that you are programming yourself to see certain colours more than others when using these sorts of glasses but I feel that it can be of use anyway. And of course they are very cheap to buy and try out anyway.

When trying these out myself, I found that these glasses worked better in some lighting conditions than others. They are certainly not needed but it might be of help on days that are different to the lighting conditions you usually perceive the aura with.

I gave a fuller review of aura glasses in this video here: “Aura Glasses” review – are they worth it?


Just a quick note about artifacts. Not historical artifacts but images left in your visual field after staring at something for a while.

You may notice this if you are looking at a computer or phone screen for some time and when you look at something else, or even more obviously when you close your eyes, you may still see a bright rectangle shape in the middle of your vision even though the screen isn’t there anymore. This is an example of an artifact.

Your eyes are moving very quickly in several directions all the time. This is how we get a lot of our peripheral vision and how we can almost see in a range of 180 degrees in front of us despite our eyes not being capable of that range on their own.

This quick and almost inperceptible movement can create faint images around what you are looking at and sometimes be confused for the aura. You may notice this by looking at the edges of the screen you are using to read this.

How do you tell the difference between these artifacts and the aura? Practice will make it obvious over time. The most obvious difference is that the aura will pulse in and out of vision. The other obvious difference is that that aura behaves like fluid around objects which means that you can play with it and change its shape. This also means that the aura doesn’t always have the same shape as the physical object/body it is emanating from.


Practice makes perfect. Be regular and consistent with your training and be patient.

Anyone can do this with enough practice as long as they look after their physical body well enough.

As mentioned earlier in this article, I am making an accompanying video to go with this article in my “Learn Energy Healing” series of videos. I will put in the link here once that video is done.


Intention & not having to be perfect to start doing healing!

Kobdalis, Sweden where I went skiing recently. The countryside of Sweden always has such a strong grounding energy compared to the UK, especially when it is very cold. Here is was minus 25 degrees Celcius which exaggerates the stillness even more, though indoors it’s still a nice warm 24 degrees! A lovely environment personally to do healing work on others, but as you’ll see in this article it isn’t necessary to work in such a place.

I often come across people who are interested in learning healing. One of the common things that stops those people from doing healing, even after completing a healing course, is that they often feel that they should be in a better state before performing healing on others. That they should be more cleansed themselves or have better control of their thoughts/emotions etc

Sometimes they don’t want to try a new technique or work on certain energies or subjects that seem to difficult, technical or as they see it may cause more harm than good (more on that last one later!).

Often too, they want to have a particular room, area or have a particular set up that they feel is of a good vibration before receiving people for healing.

Let’s start setting out why it may actually be better to just get stuck in shall we?

Intention is important

This is such an important topic!

Intention sets the direction in which a healing will go. Simply by intending to do work that is beneficial for another person will already start to change things for the better.

This can be so powerful that even if the person you are working on has fears or doubts about your abilities as a healer to some extent, you can still create a positive effect on them by setting a strong, clear intention to help them.

It can be so strong that even if you have negative thoughts about you and your abilities, about whether you are doing the right thing and even about who you are working on, that it can override those and still create a positive effect.

There have been many many times when I have had negative thoughts about myself or the person I’m working on, not paying full attention as my mind wanders, not feeling like I’ve done as much as I could during a session, that I haven’t fully cleared or corrected something in a person’s aura and so on.

Yet very often because of holding a clear intention to help and especially continually coming back to that intention whenever I have had the above happen, clients still report feeling better in one way or another. Their aura I can see has still improved. In some cases even, their life has seen a huge shift and their complaint has completely resolved.

This is no different to my experiences when working as a fitness instructor/personal trainer and as an osteopath. Sometimes what seems like too little work, inefficient work or too simple advice can create fantastic changes for the people you are working with.

How to set a good intention

There are many ways depending on your preferences and beliefs.

The most obvious way is to simply say in your head and/or out loud what you intend for the healing session before you start. Reaffirming it at times you feel you are going off-track with your thoughts, emotions or actions during the session is good to do too.

It can be really simple such as “Only energies that will benefit this person will flow during this session” or “I intend that whatever is needed to heal X will come through me during this session.”

If you can generate good feelings within you as you state your intentions too, then they become more powerful. Again coming back to those feelings within a session is useful.

Another technique I have found useful is to imagine the state of the person’s aura you’d like to be by the end of the session, before you start work. Revisiting that image and how you feel seeing that image during the session is useful.

You can also write it down on a piece of paper, or have a picture of a “perfect” aura so that you can look at it from time to time.

You don’t need the perfect environment

Don’t get me wrong, setting up an area or room for healing purposes can have a huge impact on your confidence and making it more comfortable and receptive for who you work on. So yes, please do follow all the different bits of advice I have given over the years on this blog and elsewhere about EMFs, pictures, colours of light to use and so on.

However don’t feel like you have to have the perfect setup before you start. Just do the best with what you currently have around you.

I would also say that sometimes you may end up performing healing in testing circumstances and places anyway.

As an example, I have performed healing on my wife and other people when at an airport with all the millions of EMFs, overlapping auras of people, people coughing, lots of noises of announcements, babies crying, luggage sounds etc.

I wouldn’t recommend it in an airport and would only do it if they really wanted to be helped regardless, BUT did it help ease their symptoms? Yes!

You don’t need to be perfect either!

In fact I have never met another healer who’s aura is completely clear. If you chat to healers they will generally say that they still have lots of different things to work on or that there are many things they wish to improve on, and of course some are very happy being who they are rather than worrying about what is not “prefect” within them.

A lot of people will generally say that you are better able to heal something in another if you have already healed it within yourself. I would say that this is not necessarily true as you may not be noticing, directing energy or intending to heal what is needed during a session. In fact, often if you are aware of a particular problem in your own aura, then you may be more aware of that same problem in another and can better direct healing towards that purpose.

I have often felt that tuning and relaxing into an uncomfortable/problematic area of my own aura such that energy flows through it, whilst working on the same problem in another, can benefit both of us!

Again intention is key here. So long as your positive intention and thus the vibrational energies you give off are dominant over those lower vibrations that may come up in your thoughts, emotions etc then the net gain will be positive.

It is also very important to note that a lot of those negative thoughts/emotions and other energies that come up within you and your client during a session, is simply because you are raising the vibration of you and them. Those lower vibrational thoughts/emotions/energies are simply being expressed as they leave both of your auras.

Knowing this can put you at ease during a healing as you can simply say to yourself “ah, this is just stuff that is being cleared as I perform this healing.”

Worries about harming another

This is a common concern.

People often worry about whether they might give a client their lower vibrational issues or that they might take issues from their client.

Remember that you get out what you put in. If you hold this belief within you then you may experience such things happening, especially if you keep allowing those thoughts and corresponding emotions to grow before or during a healing session.

So learning to feed those thoughts and emotions that you truly wish for the session, versus those that you don’t is important. Clear intention setting is a powerful way to do this.

If you sense that you or your client has taken on something from the other, don’t worry!

Remind yourself that you get out what you put in, so watch those worries come across your mind, and let them pass, as you would during a formal meditation and come back to your intention. Step back whilst you affirm this and come back to the healing once again to remove that lower vibrational energy/thing, just like you would if it hadn’t jumped from one person to the other.

Similarly don’t worry about energies that you try to take out that partially or fully return to the person’s aura. They are in no worse state than before you tried to take it out, so relax and have another go.

Energies have a particular frequency that can only exist in a particular space & time so they will always return to the same place in their aura. I say this because many people have worried that they have set something loose or that an energy may cause more harm if it falls somewhere else in the aura.

If an energy does move then it may be a parasite but as I keep saying in my articles, they are only as much of a problem as you believe and you can simply remove it from wherever it goes.

The only time NOT to do healing on another

With the above in mind, if you feel that you really are giving more of your energy to the negative thoughts, worries, emotions etc than the positive, then yes, please take yourself away from healing. Preferably by not starting healing in the first place.

Once the overwhelm has gone, whether it be several minutes, hours or days later, then give healing a try again. Taking time to meditate, reflect on whether the thoughts/emotions etc were really valid can help a lot.

If you really are still worried, then talking to someone supportive such as myself can be of great benefit. You can even trying healing me if you wish – I KNOW I cannot be harmed by another, so I’m a great one to be practiced on!

Most people however when they say they are worrying about whether they can help someone through energy healing or do harm, are simply feeling the jitters and all that is needed is a clear intention to be set and to get on with it – hence the reason for starting this article.

Truly knowing whether you cannot heal or might do harm is very different to having a few worries pop up!

I hope this article helps you feel like you can jump in and perform healing with fewer worries. If you still have questions or concerns, then you are more than welcome to send me a quick email or book a session for a more in-depth chat.

New Booking Times

Just a quick post to say that I have change the times I will be available for appointments.

This is mainly to cater for more people who wish to have an appointment at a time convenient for them. I will now be offering a few evening sessions a week to cater for people in Europe after typical working hours, or for people in the Americas who have found my usual appointments a bit too early in the day for them.

Evening sessions will be from 6pm UK time and be 1 1/2 hours long as per usual.

As always, you are welcome to email me if you’d like an appointment slightly earlier or later than the one advertised on my website booking page, and sometimes I can book outside of those times, including possibly the weekends if I happen to be free.

Here is a link to my booking page if needed:

HSP – Highly Sensitive Person or High Sense Perception?!

Björkliden, arctic circle, North of Sweden.
Björkliden in the very North of Sweden and within the arctic circle, where we were last month. A very grounding place and great for highly sensitive people to re-energise!

This blog was inspired by what my wife was reading recently about “Highly Sensitive Persons”. I decided to write about HSP because in the past I have seen this abbreviation to also mean “High Sense Perception”. In fact in more scientific literature, the latter is the preferred term.

I believe that being more aware of your surroundings does not have to mean that you have to be overwhelmed or controlled by them. The meaning you ascribe to “Highly Sensitive Person” and “High Sense Perception” does not necessarily have to be the same as what is “officially” written and can take on a more positive or negative meaning depending on your perspective.

This article aims to help you understand this whilst also helping you to not get in a paradigm that keeps you stuck.

“Highly Sensitive Person”

This is generally the meaning you will find when you search for HSP on a typical search engine, and it was supposedly developed by the psychologist Elaine Aron.

Depending on what studies you read, estimates say that between 10-30% of people are highly sensitive people.

Typically it is explained that highly sensitive people will be more aware of subtleties in the information that comes to them and that they process that information more deeply than most people.

By “information” I mean being more aware of the emotions that come up in their bodies in response to internal and external experiences, more aware of thoughts that also come up, more aware of physical sensations in their bodies such as pain, inflammation, itching etc, more aware of the types of light hitting their eyes, more aware of how fabrics, chemicals and food affect their body, more aware of how EMFs from electronics equipment affect them, more aware of how written words in books or in poems affect them, more aware of how they feel around other people and in certain homes, buildings and other places etc etc and of course this can also mean that they are more aware of the spiritual world too.

This does not necessarily mean that a highly sensitive person knows that they are more sensitive than others, nor that they can put it into words what they are experiencing. It is often something that they might come to the conclusion of later in life, through experience and self-inquiry. Of course some people might not call themselves a highly sensitive person when they become aware that they sense things more deeply than others, and may instead say that they have “high sense perception” which I will talk about later.

Because highly sensitive people are more aware of all this information coming to them, it can often mean that they can be overwhelmed easily, become tired quickly, feel overworked, be affected by and often feel victim to others even if those others aren’t actually tying to attack them! They can often feel misunderstood by those that cannot sense the same as them either. This can be due to others not feeling as affected by an emotion, or not understanding the ideas and concepts the highly sensitive person can often come up with.

This means that highly sensitive people can end up not socialising as often as others or even become a bit of a hermit. Though they can often find comfort in grouping together with other highly sensitive people, their reactions to that around them can even mean not wanting to be around other highly sensitive people too much either! Loneliness and hiding away from others in some way is therefore a common trait.

This does not mean that all highly sensitive people are introverts however. Some can be very extroverted though even the extroverts can often need time to rest and regenerate.

The good side of being a Highly Sensitive Person

Being aware of more information coming to you means that you are able to see a bigger picture and also be able to see ideas and solutions to things that others wouldn’t spot. It also means that you are more empathic and are able to see ways of being more harmonious with others.

This means that highly sensitive people are often highly gifted in one way or another. It could mean that they are artistic, musical, an inventor, an entrepreneur, or able to solve issues, invent and bring ideas to a great number of professions and situations in life.

Often the gifts depend on the focus the person is choosing as well as what may be present in the cellular memory and energy field.

If the focus is on spirituality, then the highly sensitive person may have great abilities outside of the physical world, such as astral travel, sensing auras, healing, connecting with other beings and so on.

Typical identifying traits of a Highly Sensitive Person

This list is not exhaustive, and not all traits may be present in all individuals.

  • You’re seen as insightful and perceptive by others as you pick up things others miss.
  • You may be seen as wise, even as a child.
  • You are moved by beauty, such as art, wind in the trees, music, a fine meal.
  • You always try your best – It does not mean you don’t make mistakes but you always put in effort to do things well and right according to your beliefs.
  • You may not be inclined to work hard however and stray away from work that is not ethical, beneficial or right for you and the world in your eyes.
  • Positive words really lift you up and negative words like criticism often crush you more than with others.
  • You really feel affected by conflict and disagreement especially in close relationships, which may mean you try to avoid it if possible.
  • You get more affected by stimulants such as alcohol or caffeine as your nervous system is typically already more stimulated than others.
  • Your mood is affected by what and whether or not you’ve eaten. Anger can come up if there is not enough sugar in your blood for example
  • You are misunderstood and can be labelled as “weird”, “oversensitive”, “anxious”, “shy”, “moody” or that something is wrong with you in some way.
  • You are sensitive to your environment – going to a new location can be uplifting if better than what you are used to or suffocating if worse.
  • Change can be upsetting – it can be just as uncomfortable and joyous when getting a better job, for example and you need more time to adjust to change than others.
  • Your spiritual world and experiences are alive – you sense beyond what others do and interact with those other realities.
  • Your inner world is alive and rich – you have lots of day-dreams, even vivid dreams, get lost in thought and build things in your mind.
  • Your pain tolerance in lower – due to your ability to feel the physical body more than others.
  • What you wear matters – you may not like certain  fabrics on your skin. You may also be very sensitive to what colours or shapes of clothing you wear on different days without any logical explanation.
  • Loud and sudden noises can startle you.
  • You are a seeker in life – you love asking questions and seek the answer to why things are the way they, love to explore what else if possible beyond what is already known and even whether what is know really is true or not.
  • You think deeply and reflect a lot on your experiences.
  • You are prone to overthinking which if turned negatively can result in anxiety and hypochondria for example.
  • You are startled easily, by someone sneaking up you on for example.
  • You withdraw from others and over-stimulating environments often to recharge.
  • You feel pressured with time limits more than others, such as in exams or with dead-lines for work.
  • You often feel drained and exhausted by tuning into and absorbing other people’s emotional issues, even without directly talking to others about their issues – being around them is enough.
  • You cannot stand for cruelty & violence to others, including animals. Even hearing about such things or watching movies about them is uncomfortable.

Sensitivity is a continuum rather than there being only one or the other. Everyone will be different and will display different traits above and to different degrees depending on their circumstances.

Other labels that may be given to Highly Sensitive People

Depending on what is read about or who is seen during a consultation and of course what exactly a person may be more sensitive to or not, other labels may be given to that person such as having “Sensory Processing Sensitivity”.

“Environmental Sensitivity” for example may be given to someone who only has issues with their environment rather than people, films, literature etc. It could be issues with EMFs, particular buildings or places or things found in nature such as pollen or cat hairs.

It may not be that you have sensitivities to all that has been listed above and as such you may not consider yourself or be considered to be a highly sensitive person.

Other types of Highly Sensitive People

It is common to be very sensitive to one or a few stimuli without really fitting into the description of a highly sensitive person as described above.

A lot of people who are sensitive to something, developed that sensitivity later in life rather than feeling that they have always been sensitive.

Examples of developed sensitive traits include those who have gone through, physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual traumatic experiences.

For example someone who is acutely aware of how food affects them (which may be expressed as changes in mood, energy levels, food intolerences and allergies for example) may have gone through food poisoning, been exposed to various nutrient imbalances and/or toxins in their life. This sensitivity may have also started with a mental, emotional or spiritual trauma as well as, or as an alternative to the negative experience with food and toxins.

Someone who is very sensitive to other’s moods and feels drained by them, may be due to an emotional trauma earlier in their life and they have taken on a habit of not being able to digest other’s emotions yet, hence feeling drained when around others and their emotional issues.

It is also very possible that a person who isn’t highly sensitive to start with, can develop higher sensitivities through curiosity and practice rather than trauma. Depending on the practice, the teachings they follow and thus how they learn to process the extra information they sense, they can develop negative and/or positive experiences of higher sense perception.

Just because someone is highly sensitive to one or a few things doesn’t necessarily mean that they are aware of all things to a higher degree. Often if someone has gone through trauma and not yet learned to process their trauma and by extension other energies, information or stimuli, then they can be trapped in a negative story and find it hard to see how to get out.

Those who feel they start off life as a highly sensitive person and especially those that tend to instead label themselves as a highly aware person, tend to be more curious, ask questions and thus find solutions to such problems more easily. Not necessarily straight away, but certainly over years as they continue to grow and explore.

Causes of a Highly Sensitive Person

You will find all sorts of explanations depending on where you read.

In more “accepted” circles, they say that it is partly due to the genes you inherit from your parents and partly due to upbringing. This may of course include such traumas as mentioned above but also what is taught to you.

Those who know me well know that I would say that genetics is not as the establishment would like you to believe. It is changeable and as changeable as people believe it is. While for most it changes very slowly, knowing it changes and taking effort to think and act like the person you wish to be, will slowly change your genetics to match that new thinking and behaving.

Genetics is also not just physical. The blueprint you could say is actually in the ether, which is why genes can revert back to their original configuration after they are damaged or altered. Not many people know that and it will be very hard for you to find evidence of such in the established sciences unfortunately! I say this however so that people do not get stuck thinking that they cannot change their situation and continue to play the victim in their life. Perhaps a subject for another blog in future.

Looking from a more spiritual perspective or if you like a higher perspective, we choose what bodies we come into and thus what families, genes and likely scenarios we will encounter before we come here. Some of us even choose to remember to a smaller or greater extent our other lives.

So, people often choose how much awareness they will have before coming here depending on the reasons they wish to be here. Especially if you have had many lives outside of Earth where you were more aware and/or you came here with the intention of being a “star-seed” to help change this place for the better, you will more likely retain a higher level of awareness despite the veil of forgetfulness that we agree to when coming here. If on top of that you choose to incarnate into a family that is already more aware then that can make your awareness even stronger.

There are other possible reasons that can make you more sensitive including agreements with other beings etc but that gets more complex to explain and isn’t of any benefit to understanding this subject.

High Sense Perception

Being more aware of the information coming to you does not necessarily mean that you will become overwhelmed, need rest and regular separation from others. It all depends on how you view and therefore process the information coming to you.

Often when people use the word “sensitive” it can often take on a negative meaning. Sometimes people see it as meaning being more aware of something, whereas with others it can mean being more affected by, influenced or even manipulated and controlled by something.

This is why I typically would use the term “highly sensitive person” more when referring to someone who is highly aware of and more easily affected by the people, things and situations around them and use the term “high sense perception” when referring to someone who is just as highly aware of that around them but is more stable in maintaining their vibrational field and thus their emotions, thoughts, feelings etc.

There is more however. A highly sensitive person isn’t necessarily aware of more spiritual energies and realities. They may be aware of and sensitive to things others can sense to a deeper degree but that doesn’t mean that they have tapped into energies and realities beyond what we tend to label as 3rd density reality. It all depends on where those people invest their focus.

So, I also tend to say that those who have developed abilities in being able to astral travel, remote view, sense the aura, use energy healing methods, tap into the akashic records, have telekinetic ability, have precognitive ability etc etc are “high sense perception” people.

So as you can see there are two distinct reasons I might use the term “high sense perception”.

In this article I will not be going into the different abilities and senses a high sense perception person may have in the spiritual world and instead will be focusing on how they may respond to this reality differently to others.

Why the distinction between “Highly Sensitive Person” and “High Sense Perception”?

Of course what meaning you prescribe to these words is up to you, but why would I choose to use these different terms in different situations and for different people?

Basically I use these different terms partly to give an idea of what information they are able to tap into but also more importantly to make a distinction between how different people respond to the information and stimuli coming to them. This can be very helpful when teaching people how to have more ease with their path in life.

I have treated and /or given advice to a lot of people over the years I have been a healer (over 10 years as a full-time energy healer now!). One of the key concepts that I constantly teach is how to interact with the energies that come to people.

Have you ever noticed how some people thrive in certain situations whereas others feel overwhelmed? I know that some people absolutely love being a car salesperson who only get paid according to the amount of cars they sell. That is not exactly the environment I would enjoy!

The only difference between people who would enjoy that and those that don’t, is their beliefs about and thus the way they interact with the information in the form of thoughts, emotions, physical sensations etc coming up within themselves and coming from others.

The same goes for spiritual energies when you become aware of them. Your beliefs about them will dictate whether you experience being influenced, controlled or even being a victim of them, versus being able to choose who and what you wish to be and what you wish to do regardless of what you are experiencing.

Learning to have a better relationship with the thoughts, emotions and other sensation you experience in life

It usually takes a lot of practice to be able to always choose what benefits you and the path you wish to take in life regardless of the thoughts, emotions, physical sensations and spiritual experiences you are having, but it can be done. Like anything that is worth learning, it does take consistent and regular practice.

The key thing is to understand that emotions, thoughts, physical sensations and spiritual energies are just different forms of information. Some of that information is valid. Some of that information is useful for acting on, to prevent an issue that would occur or to further help you follow your true desires. Most information coming to a lot of people is useless, not valid and can take us down a path we don’t wish to go down however.

A high sense perception person, I would say, may be able to sense just as deeply or even more deeply than a highly sensitive person, depending on their experiences and training of course.

The thoughts, emotions and physical sensations for example, may be no less intense for the high sense perception person but because they know that it is just information they are receiving about their situation rather than necessarily something that they have to continue to worry about, fight, resist or react to (versus relaxing into, evaluating whether valid, useful and thus whether or not to take action or not about it), those uncomfortable senses don’t hang around for very long.

If they are not fighting/resisting/reacting as much, this means that they are using less energy in that situation. This is the main reason highly sensitive people often need to take time out to rest and recuperate and feel so drained when around others – it takes a lot of energy to maintain resistance of this reality!

For those people who have practiced enough, experiencing fear for example can highlight something that if changed can  lead to greater prospects. This is in contrast to people who typically would allow that fear to dictate an automatic, habitual or learned response that keeps them in a victim state to fear.

As you can see, the difference has a lot to do with how you RELATE to the thoughts, emotions, physical and spiritual information coming to you.

There is a lot more I can say about this subject and tools you can use to help you learn to better relate to the information coming to you but that is beyond the scope of this post. You can find more information about this in my other posts such as the last post I made on this blog concerning where thoughts and voices come from and how you can respond to them.

Creating a safe space

A lot of us are already on the path to learning to have better relationships with our thoughts, emotions and so on. Unless you have reached a high level already (in which case why would you be reading this!?) we’re generally not perfect and even those who have practiced a lot in this reality still have times when they get overwhelmed and need space and time to re-energise. Yes, I am definitely one of those people!

This is why I often too give out advice on creating a safe space at home, as well as giving advice for making it easier when around others and in places away from home.

Such advise can include crystals and harmonising devices for home and for you to be able to wear, to better maintain your energy levels and be more resilient to other and things around you.

Intermediate techniques to help whilst on the path to allowance of all energies, such as protective aura methods for example can be useful, even if I do ultimately prefer people to face being able to drop all barriers.

Nature is a wonderful healer and I will always advise getting into nature as much as possible and grounding in nature. This is why many highly sensitive people spend a lot of time in nature. This is especially the case if the home environment isn’t ideal in some way.

Having your home, even if it’s only your bedroom, be harmonised such that you can re-energise yourself easily there, is generally a very important part of being able to function better in this world as a more awakened person. Learning to set boundaries with others and listening to your body so that you don’t get so overwhelmed and take the time out to regenerate are important skills to learn especially initially.

Again much of this advice is beyond the scope of this article but you can find plenty of my other blog articles and youtube videos covering this sort of subject, and you are welcome to book a session with me to get more personal advice.


As you can see from this article, there are lots of opinions out there about what HSP means and if and how someone might be affected by it. Like many things when using human languages, individuals can have very different perspectives on what a word means and may choose to label themselves based on those perspectives.

There is nothing right or wrong with calling yourself a highly sensitive person, person with high sense perception, or any of the other possible labels there are for people who are able to perceive more.

You might find in different situations that people may understand who or what you are and how you may be experiencing something better by using alternate labels. Thus they may respond to you, be able to help or connect with you better with that different label.

This article was mainly written to help you not pigeon yourself into one category or another and to help you not fall into being the victim of external influences. You can learn to process information coming to you better, so that you do not feel overwhelmed or controlled by it and thus have more ease with other people/beings/things in this world.

If you feel you are more aware of your surroundings and internal on-goings than others and this article resonates with you, then you are more than welcome to have a session with me to teach you some techniques you can practice to give you more ease in life. Many of these techniques take time with consistent and regular practice, and I can help give you encouragement with them. I can also help you with things you can buy or make to mitigate many of the overwhelming effects of life.

You can book an appointment here: and of course you can email me if you have any questions about working with me.

Disruptive thoughts & voices, where they may come from and what you can do about it

Telepathy – many people don’t realise that they are telepathic and that a large amount of thoughts they think are theirs is actually coming from other people or other sources.

Most of you who have had a session with me in the past may already know what advice I will give as to what to do with disruptive, disturbing, erroneous and any other form of unwanted thought, including voices. Afterall, it doesn’t really matter where they come from unless you really believe that one type of thought or where that thought comes from is more serious than another.

Before I get to that, let’s talk a little about where unwanted thoughts might come from. From a higher perspective all thoughts are yours because you are everyone and everything. Or if you like, everything outside of you is a reflection of you. For some people, seeing things from this higher perspective may give them more ease because they understand that if everything outside of the Self is a creation of the Self, then all they need is to change their Self.

For others, the higher perspective might seem overwhelming when you’re experiencing being a human and you take on the belief that you are separate from that outside of the Self. So let’s look at where unwanted thoughts may come from, from a human perspective.

To simplify things, when I use the word thought, I am also referring to images, sounds, voices, videos etc that appear in the mind. Just so I don’t have to type out all types of thought-forms every time in every sentence!

The ego

An obvious one for some but what exactly comprises the ego? Though there are various ideas out there, we can basically divide it into 3 parts: the negative ego (what most people are actually referring to when they simply say “ego”), the positive ego and the super ego.

The negative ego is the part of our mind that will always try to cause separation with others and even separation within you. It is always the voice that tries to create resistance/fight/judgement/contrast/friction etc between you and others and even between your thoughts. It will play so many tricks in the mind that it will even pretend to be the good guy too. However it is easy enough to spot whether a thought is the negative ego once you sense whether that thought is trying to create some sort of separation. The negative ego isn’t inherently bad – you wouldn’t exist as an individuated consciousness without it and in fact it can be very useful for sensing dangers, but if you allow it to dominate rather than be in balance with the other parts of ego then it results in conflict with yourself and others.

The positive ego is all about reconnecting, remembering, growing, learning and as such is the counterpart to the negative ego as it ultimately takes you on the path back to source/all-that-is/god/oneness. Any thought that helps with this, you can consider as coming from the positive ego. Because of its positive and connective qualities, these thoughts promote love.

The super ego is like our internalised parent. It can be supportive or condescending depending on our beliefs and experiences of parents, teachers, leaders and any other supportive character in this and other lives. Words like should, should’ve, ought, ought not etc are indicative of an unsupportive super ego, whereas “well done” “you can do it” “you may not have triumphed but you learn’t from it” and “you’ll be better next time” are examples of a more positive super ego.

Learning to recognise the different parts of the ego and learning to be in allowance of them such they are in better balance can greatly boost your spiritual growth, especially when it comes to mastery of mind but that is a subject for another day.

All three are what we identify as part of our Selves. As part of our individuated points of consciousnesses or souls you could say. However, while some of the ego we are aware of, much of it lies in that part of our Selves that we aren’t fully aware of – the subconscious, and another large part of it, we are not at all aware of yet – the unconscious.

When we become more aware of our Selves and as a result our ego, it moves from the unconscious into the subconscious. When something is in our subconsciousness, we aren’t yet fully aware of it and as such, it can be hard to tell whether a thought or a feeling is truly coming from us or from somewhere else.

You can say that what we call our own individuated consciousnesses, actually merge with the collective consciousness of humanity which in turn merges with other collective consciousnesses, which ultimately is part of source/all-that-is/god/oneness.

Before I get too complex and start going into subjects that are paradoxical and too difficult for our minds to comprehend, taking into account the last two paragraphs, what parts of the ego are ours or not, relies both on our level of awareness but also on what we choose to be ours or not. Something for you to ponder on when you are ready for it sometime in the future if you wish.

From a more human point-of-view, it can be difficult to know whether a thought that is trying to cause separation is coming from your own negative ego or from a demon, broadcasted 5G signal or even a being who is telepathically trying to help you get stronger in dealing with negative thoughts!

Likewise, is a positive thought may be coming from your positive ego/super ego or from a spirit guide, the ghost of someone dear to you, another human having a positive thought or a direct telepathic message.

Let’s look at some of these possible sources outside of ourselves and later see why it doesn’t really matter what the source is if you practice mindfulness:

The human collective consciousness

Although we are experiencing an existence where we believe we are separate from other humans and only able to sense via the “5 senses” that science tells us we can use, many of us are realising that we can sense more than that. For example, many of us are starting to realise that we are able to pick up on the mental energies of other humans.

In other words, we are telepathic!

The only real difference between a telepath and someone who believes they are not telepathic is that the first realises that some of their thoughts are not theirs and are coming from others, whereas the second believes that all the thoughts in their mind are theirs alone.

The more you practice paying attention to thoughts and learning to step back from them to observe them, the easier it is to get a sense of where they are coming from. Especially if you practice with another person, you can better get a sense of what might be coming from another.

Many people who have a close friend, partner, family member or colleague have had the experience of “thinking the same thought a the same time” or speaking the same thing at the same time. This is because people who are close to you vibrate at a much similar frequency than those who you don’t spend time with.

Telepathy between people requires that each person “tunes their radio” to the same frequency in order for them to send and receive to each other.

Often this is simply done by setting an intention to speak to a specific person in their mind whilst the other person reciprocates the same.

Most often however, many of the thoughts that go through our minds come to the surface because we are not taking control of our radio’s frequency dial and so, all sorts of thoughts come up in our minds as the radio is allowed to jump from one frequency to another, or to whatever is the dominant broadcasted information coming from those around you.

If there is a lot of people thinking about terrible weather, you may well also have thoughts that come up about not liking the weather too. People often mistaken those thoughts as their own, not realising that they weren’t the original one who started to think that.

It takes great practice to maintain the frequency of thoughts you truly wish to allow through and/or generate yourself, rather than be influenced by whatever is in the mental field of the other humans around you or other places if you are tuning into another country for example. This is especially the case when the vast majority of humans simply allow their radios to continually jump from one station to another, be dominated by the most common thoughts which of course can be stimulated by what they watched on TV, heard in a song, learnt at school, read in a book etc etc

Some thoughts may of course come from other people going through experiences where thoughts are coming from the sources outlined below. So for example if you have a thought/feeling/voice of being attacked by a demon, you might actually be picking up on someone else thinking or experiencing that.

It is always good to ask therefore “Is this thought truly mine?” and of course no matter whether a though is yours or not “Is this thought useful to me?” If not, let it pass and get on with your life!

ETs channeling/using telepathy

Most ETs I’m aware of in our quadrant of the galaxy are benevolent or neutral with only a few groups of some species being malevolent.

Just like we can be telepathic with other humans, consciously or not, willingly or not, the same can be said of tuning into other beings.

The majority, if not all, ETs out there are much better at telepathy than we are. Simply because telepathy is not a hidden & ridiculed subject like it is here on Earth. So it is taught, practiced and is common place among ET races.

There are a huge variety of ETs, so vast in fact that it would be impossible to go through them all as even ET races I’m sure, have yet to meet every other race. Thus the possible information that can come from ETs is also very vast.

There is one problem, especially when we are experiencing being human. That is, us humans, even those who are well practiced, act like a filter to the information other beings may send. The filter of course being based on our beliefs, whether we are conscious of those beliefs or not. I remember that the being called Abraham Hicks chose to speak through Esther simply because she was a simple person with very few beliefs compared to other humans that could distort the information coming through!

This is why positive ETs don’t often like to use telepathy with humans as we very easily get the wrong message. Even to the point of mixing up “this is true” with “this is not true”. Many humans will therefore believe they are speaking in their mind with a negative ET when the opposite is true and vice versa.

Positive ETs still do choose to channel/use telepathy with humans but I am told fewer than what people think. Generally they find it easier to get messages through by meeting in person or by using our technology such as common-place chat software over the internet, as fewer misinterpretations can happen that way. This is what Gosia does with her contacts on the “Cosmic Agency” youtube/odysse channels by the way.

Of course there is always the possibility that you can connect with a negative ET instead, some of which may pretend to be a positive ET. These can include the reptilians within and outside of earth for example, which have a vested interest in controlling this planet.

Paying attention to your vibration and having a clear intention of who you wish to communicate with is the key here to knowing who you are communicating with. Again, asking yourself if the information you are being given is helping you or others etc can also be a useful clue.

Astral entities including ghosts

A great many beings exist in the vast astral. Including lower, similar and higher vibrational ones to our world.

There is a bit of an overlap here because many ETs can also be classed as being astral entities too. The astral is very often misunderstood because the astral realm is so vast. We could even class this earthly reality as being in the astral if we were to look at it from yet another reality!

Everything you could possibly think of exists in the astral. There are lower vibrational AND higher vibrational realities compared to Earth existing there. There are an infinite number of worlds, heavens, hells, galaxies etc with a huge variety of beings inhabiting those places too. This is why it is possible to connect telepathically to a great many different beings with many different agendas.

There are realities that are also very similar to Earth there too with varying amounts of differences to each other. This is where we find beings that we call ghosts, that sometimes appear to us in this reality when our vibration shifts enough to start seeing those other realities.

Connecting with those that have passed from this realm into other realms is commonly sought after and can randomly happen when we choose to think about and therefore tune our radio to their vibration. Again you have to be careful what your intention is and watch your vibration when connecting this way lest you actually be picking up on a being pretending to be a relative or pick up on an echo of a lost one for example.


My definition of a demon is anything that intends to influence, control, manipulate or otherwise do harm. They are not just the horned, forked tail creatures that most people typically think of. They can include other people, ETs, ghosts and even businesses, laws, governments, computer programs etc

The beings we typically label as demons are creatures that exist in the astral and are ultimately a creation of our minds. Many of them would love to exist in our reality and will do anything to get us to manifest them here. Of course because they are creations rather than creators themselves, they also have to keep playing tricks to even continue to exist, let alone manifest as physical – notice all the horror books, movies, computer games, music themes etc happening these days that attempt us to keep thinking about and therefore creating them?!

The more you realise that you are a creator being and that demons cannot exist without you creating them, then they no longer have power over you.

You will start to realise that all you have to do is to change your vibration, especially by mastering your mind, thus, dictating what you wish to tune your radio to and also therefore what you manifest and experience. Once your vibration starts to shift your sub and un-consciousness, not just what you are aware of thinking, that is when they start to dissolve away from your reality or at the very least stop being able to interfere with or approach you.

5G and other broaodcasted EMFs

An Opus 5G tower. Like many newer technologies can be useful but harmful.

One source of thoughts and voices that people don’t often think of!

EMFs (electro-magnetic frequency or electro-motive force depending on what subjects you look into) are made of energy, just like anything else.

Your emotions and of course your thoughts are also made of energy. Telepathy involves receiving that energy and different frequencies, or if you like, different vibrations or waveforms of energy will be interpreted as different words, images, sounds or other types of thought.

What might interest you is that many modern EMFs, the most commonly know one being 5G, overlap with the frequencies that the human brain operates at.

Yes that’s right, images, voices and other thoughts can literally be transmitted directly into our minds from modern technologies!

I always questioned as to why we needed such a huge bandwidth of energy that 5G uses to transmit data, especially when 4G is already quick enough for the sort of information we typically send to each other. Sure, films, files and other media are getting more complex and bigger, and a bigger bandwidth helps transmit all that much quicker, but did they really need to use a bandwidth that overlapped with the human brain?!

It’s no wonder why (along with the chemicals in our food and environment , false information, poor education and other distractions etc of course) that people are finding it harder to concentrate for any length of time… Maybe my articles are too long for most people to keep reading after a few paragraphs haha!

5G and other EMFs can still potentially be used to benefit our health and our minds but there is a lot of potential for subliminal as well as direct and clear thoughts to be projected into our minds this way.

What to do with unwanted thoughts & voices

There are two main approaches. Either removing the source of the thoughts or simply being mindful of thoughts and learning to “tune your radio” to only receive what you wish to or at the very least not allow those thoughts to control your actions and beliefs.

Most people in this “quick fix” world will want the source to be removed and in the shortest time, the most comfortable way and very often without any of their own effort too! And if a articular practitioner isn’t able to do that for them within one session, then they are deemed useless and they go onto yet more and more practitioners without putting in any effort on their part. It is just a reflection of this world being negative ego dominant and as a result every problem being outside of them, rather than seeing their part in it.

Lets have a look at what can be removed or not before going into why learning to master the mind is often the better solution long-term.

Removing the sources of unwanted thoughts

Removing the source of the issue can be easily done in some cases and in others not.

For example, you are not going to be able to teach all other humans how to master their minds such that they stop creating useless or harmful mental energies for you to pick up! Even if that were possible, some people may simply choose to create harmful mental energies just for the experience anyway and you’d still have their thoughts to contend with.

Your own ego and the vast amount of mental energies stored in your sub and unconsciousness cannot simply be taken away either. You can however program it and slowly change it over time through mindfulness and choice as I’ll talk about later.

You cannot also remove all the telecommunication and other technological infrastructures so that you stop thoughts that emanating from them. Too many people and businesses have a vested interest in propagating this technology. What you can do however is move to an area without telecommunications towers and/or use EMF resistant paints, blinds, faraday cages etc (as I have talked about in previous blog articles) so that at least your home is a haven from these signals. You will still have to contend with EMFs when you visit other areas of course.

Some sources can easily be removed however, so long as you are willing to let go of any underlying beliefs that may make it harder than it should be to remove.

Anything in the astral such as any demons that reside there are generally easy to remove. The only people that struggle with them are those that believe that they are more significant than they really are and as such need some education, multiple healing sessions and/or “homework” to challenge and dissolve those beliefs.

Essentially however, the astral from our perspective is made of lighter energy than this reality and as such, things manifest or un-manifest far far quicker than here. Here you can think of an elephant for hours and an elephant still won’t appear in your living room! In the astral our thoughts are much more powerful and once we realise this, we can literally delete a demon or another entity of some kind by snapping our fingers!

Some people may need to convince their ego, get around it or trick it however because they hold onto some limiting beliefs about entities. As such contract cancellations such as on my demon clearing statement blog article, using purple flames, opening doors to the light to throw them in, healing traumas with entities or traumas from this or other lives and so on may be needed before someone can fully dissolve the reality of a particular demon or entity.

Of course if you would like help in removing entities of any kind then you are welcome to book an appointment with me where I can directly help as well as provide lessons and homework too.

Again, none of the above is needed once you realise you are a creator being and that they cannot exist without you maintaining their existence. This is why mastering your mind such that you don’t think of and thus create what you don’t wish, is the ultimate solution.

Any truly positive beings such as ETs, angels etc will obviously stop simply by you asking them to stop communicating telepathically with you. Just remember that just by thinking of someone or a particular being, even if it seems at random, is a bit like ringing someone on a telephone. Just like telephones, they may not choose to answer but don’t be surprised if they do!

Learning to master your mind i.e. “tune your radio”

With practice, you can tune what thoughts you wish to receive much like turning the dials on an old-style radio to choose what radio frequencies you wish to receive.

This is ultimately what is needed so solve the issue of unwanted thoughts and once you understand that everything around you is a creation, mastering mind will solve all sorts of other issues you have too.

It is not an easy task, especially on this planet where there is a dominance of people letting their minds wander endlessly, lots of limiting beliefs even in the spiritual communities about demons and other dark things that is often said can harm us and in addition technologies making it harder to think clearly. BUT even if you only catch your thoughts a few times a day and question whether they serve you or not, you will have much more ease than the vast majority of people on this planet.

Formal meditation essentially helps you to learn to not allow thoughts, emotions and other forms of information control your life. And of course it helps you to tune into whatever information you truly wish to tune into rather than allowing the mind to wander all over the place at the whim of whatever frequencies are around you.

If you practice meditation and especially if you extend this practice into your everyday life i.e. practice mindfulness, then it becomes easier to only tune into thoughts that are useful to you and to stay focused on thoughts that help take you in the direction of life you truly wish to move towards.

Remember that some uncomfortable thoughts, images, voices might be needed to help steer you into a more positive life path or even might help you save yours or another’s life. For example the thought of a tiger eating you, may help you save your life if their was actually a tiger near you without a leash!

So as you can see, it is not about pushing away or ignoring “negative” thoughts. Some of them might be useful. It is always worth at least being aware of “negative” thoughts such that you can act on those that actually have relevance to your real life and to learn to not react or be controlled by those that are not useful.

There will always be new challenges in life as we continue to grow and as such there will always be thoughts, emotions and other forms of information coming up about those challenges. Mindfulness helps us to have a better relationship with our thoughts and emotions such that we can see them as information that we can act on if they are useful.

Without being aware of what is coming up in your mind and stepping back and asking “is this useful/relevant to me?” you will always be pulled along in life by that which is dominant around you. Being mindful helps give you choice and it helps you to continue to be who and what you wish, no matter what is going on within you or outside of you.

Over time, due to the law of attraction, you will see that the more you practice mindfulness and thus learn to invest more of your creative energy into what you wish to think and do, rather than get caught up in the thoughts that don’t serve you, that less and less “negative” thoughts will come to your mind.

It gets easier to tune into what you wish versus not wish and the outside world, and even easier, the astral world will start to reflect what you are steering your thoughts towards. You get out what you put in – the third law of this reality we live.

It does not ultimately matter what the source of a thought is

The above advice holds true no matter what the source of unwanted thought is. Whether a demon, an astral entity, another human, an ET or from EMFs it is important to let whatever is coming from them pass and to steer your thoughts and actions to what you truly wish to.

In the case of a negative entity, ET, reptilian, person or other form of demon, they will eventually give up, move out of your life or even cease to exist for you if you don’t invest your energies into their mental projections. If your vibration doesn’t continue to match theirs to some degree or another, then they cannot continue to interact with you – it would be a bit like trying to put two opposing sides of a magnet together. Their different frequencies or direction of energy if you like, repel each other.

Always remember that if you fight, resist, react or of course conversely agree with negative beings and their mental projections, you are maintaining them as real either way because both ways involves you giving your creative energy to them. This is why governments love good AND bad news about them. Both forms of news keeps you thinking about them and thus maintaining their existence. This is an important point I make when people have entity and other thought issues.

Letting pass without fight/resistance/reaction/judgement thoughts that don’t serve you and putting more energy into thoughts you do wish to think is the best way to learn to tune your radio.

For sources of thought that may not go away such as the craziness of the human collective consciousness and telecommunications towers (at least in this reality!), it becomes even more important to practice mindfulness and choice of what thought serves you or not.

Always remember to ask each time a thought or emotion comes up “Is this useful for me and the direction of life I wish to go in?” If it isn’t warning you about a real risk that you need to resolve nor helping you grow or experience what you wish in some way, let it pass. Generate a thought you wish to think of instead or continue to act or make physical choices that keep you stepping closer and closer to the reality you truly wish for.

Many people do not have to awareness of where a thought is truly coming from and can blame the wrong thing. Even if they are aware of the source, their belief filter can misinterpret the thought information coming to them and create a problem that really wasn’t there. I’ve lost count of the amount of people that blame another person for their troublesome thoughts yet when I tune into them they are simply going about their everyday life without even paying any attention to my client! This is why it is always important to follow the simple advice in the paragraph above lest you get caught up in making something more of a problem than it is.

Being able to make positive choices or choices that help you make little steps closer and closer to who and what you wish to be or experience in life, helps you to realise that those thoughts and sources of thought don’t have power over you. They help you realise that you do have power over your own life.

Even if it is simply choosing to start the day by getting out of bed early to meditate, make a healthy breakfast, get washed and dressed for the day ahead despite you having thoughts and emotions of not wanting to get out of bed or go to work and your life being crap in some way, you have proven that those thoughts had no power over you in doing what’s best for you and your body.

Exercise your mind muscle

Mindfulness takes time and practice for the vast majority of us. Don’t expect for things to change straight away (but always be open to sudden change as miracles do happen!).

It’s a bit like going to the gym. The gym is a very good place to learn mindfulness as you continue to work-out despite the complaints of the mind or from demons etc trying to see you fail for example.

You will have all sorts of thoughts about it being hard, how out of breath you are, how long you have till you finish the session, why you aren’t as fit as someone else, are they judging the way you look etc etc And even between gym sessions you’ll have thoughts about not wanting to go back verses going back, watching TV eating junk etc instead then you’ll have judgments about whether you do that or not.

If you continually ask whether those thoughts serve you or not in your path towards greater health and well-being for example, you’ll let those thoughts pass and go to the gym anyway and continue every exercise with intent even with complaining thoughts coming up all over the place.

Even after weeks of going to the gym and letting pass the negative thoughts, you may still look at yourself and feel in yourself that you haven’t made much progress both in your physical fitness and appearance. But if you keep going you will eventually see progress and progress will continue to improve as you make it a lifestyle change. There will be ups and downs and plateaus too that might make you rethink whether to carry on with the gym as the body just as with life, doesn’t improve linearly like we would like it to.

The same is true of the mind. The negative ego will fight you all the way through various methods as each one starts to fail. Demons are just the same as the negative ego. As you keep practicing mindfulness however, much like with the gym, you will see that no thought, no demon, no entity, no EMF signal etc really has power over you as you are proving that you can make positive choices for you and your life no matter what is coming from those sources.

I hope this is useful to some of you out there. I cannot go through every possible scenario in a blog article like this but this should help people understand at least logically the majority of unwanted thought situations and what can be done.

For those that are struggling or who feel that there is something going on not covered by this article, you are more than welcome to book a session with me. With over 11 years of helping people with these sorts of issues, I’d be surprised if I hadn’t come across something I hadn’t heard of before.

Possible use of a fake alien invasion against star seeds

alien invasion picture
Alien invasion films, books and computer games are everywhere. They have been around for a long time – as long as the cabal have had plans about it maybe as they like to plan far ahead.

A couple of posts ago I talked about how the cabal might use a fake alien invasion or even a fake peaceful ET landing in order to bring about their plans of global domination ( If you haven’t read this first then please do as I will not repeat what I have said there.

In this blog I will talk about how it might be used to target star seeds in particular.

How a fake alien invasion may be used against “star seeds”

From one perspective, all humans are star seeds as humanity descended from the Lyran race that is not from here. However the term “star seed” in the context I usually use it, simply means those points of consciousness-awareness, often called souls, that have recently come directly from source or via the immersion pod technology of ET races.

Especially in the latter case, many star seeds have varying degrees of knowledge about the existence of ETs. Most of us don’t remember much due to the veil of forgetfulness we agreed to, in order to experience being human, yet the memory wipe is never complete and people usually have some sort of knowing that there is a lot of intelligent life beyond this planet. Others may have more memory if they agreed to not have their memory of their other life/lives wiped though these are far fewer in number.

The cabal through their 3-letter agencies and secret societies etc have influenced and controlled spiritual subjects and the existence of ETs from the very start – it is important for you understand what I term the “mainstream-alternative media” I wrote about in a previous blog if you are unaware of this. Basically they have promoted certain people knowingly or not, willingly or not, to be prominent figures in the alternative communities to mix in lies with truths to sow confusion, whilst ridiculing those that hold the truth, among other such tricks, to make it hard for people to see the truth about ETs and spiritual subjects in general.

Sorry people but like it or not and despite the seemingly great things promised, Steven Greer is controlled opposition as part of this cabal plan!- you’ll never get anything true about ETs by going through governments who never have and never will give us the whole truth about something that will highlight how corrupt they are!

Currently, even though the cabal play these games, star seeds can still write about ETs and spiritual subjects fairly freely. Yes, a lot of things on the bigger platforms do get censored, and it can be hard to sift through and work out what is true or not and whether someone is unknowingly or intentionally misleading people, but at least we can get hold of information to work things out for ourselves.

But, what will likely happen after a fake ET invasion, or fake peaceful ET landing?

Once ETs are officially recognised by religious and government figures then information about ETs will become true for the masses, through the mainstream media. The governments, like they do for everything, will bring in new laws to control information about ETs. In other words it’ll be a regulated subject and anyone who says different to their spin on the subject of ETs will be targeted as criminals.

And why would they want to shut-up star seeds? It would simply not help their plans of gaining more control of the population.

They would like to use an ET invasion to bring in new laws to control people for their “safety” and to unite people under one banner “the new world order” that they keep rabbiting on about. Or of course they could try a fake peaceful ET landing where the ETs will advise the governments to make new laws for people stay indoors, not travel, eat crappy food etc in order to “save the planet” not realising that it is a fake story to yet again gain more control over people.

Any star seed that has true knowledge of ETs would of course thwart these plans, because as many of you already know, ETs are here already and have been for the entire history of this planet. Many races are watching over us right now and if they really wanted to invade they would have done so already. Likewise, if we really were destroying the planet to the degree we are told in our media, they would have intervened already.

Of course, that is a broad statement and there is more to the subject of what ETs are or are not doing. You could also say from another perspective that Earth had already been invaded long ago and that the cabal groups are created and encouraged by those invaders. That is a story for another time. however.

Regardless, a fake invasion/landing for the cabal will kill two birds with one stone. They will be able to control information coming from star seeds via new laws, even to the extent of locking some of us up and at the same time bring in new laws to control the population further.

Their plans will not work if enough people become aware of them

There is no guarantee that a fake invasion will happen.

In fact part of the reason why I am writing about a possible fake invasion is to prevent it from happening.

It is a bit like knowing that companies put product placements in the background of films. It goes into the subconscious because our conscious minds do not compute enough data for us to spot it usually. Then when a thought about that product comes up from our subconscious to our conscious mind, we have a habit as humans to think it must be our thought and even for some, that we really do want that product.

However, if you are aware that that sort of thing is done in the background of movies, then the “spell” (as weaved by the wand, made of holy wood – why hollywood is called what it is!) doesn’t have the intended effect on you.

In other words once you know the plan, the plan cannot work through you because you are conscious of it and thus can choose not to manifest it.

I know some people might say that by me writing about such things, that I am bringing this idea into people’s minds and thus bringing people’s creative attention to it and making it more likely to become true. This is not correct in my opinion.

That possibility of a fake alien invasion is already there in the human energy field as put there by the cabal (even though from a higher perspective we have all contributed to its existence). Hiding your head in the sand simply allows such a future to continue to exist and grow in the sub or unconsciousness or humanity, including within ourselves.

Spiritual practices are not there to shy away from the dark things (or even good things) in our shadow selves. Through formal meditation and mindfulness practices we become more aware of what we previously were not, and when such things come to the surface of our minds, through those practices, we learn to not allow those thoughts to dictate us and our actions. Unless they are in alignment with what we wish of course!

This is why it is a powerful thing to become aware of what is going on with humanity. We can literally stop such ridiculous future events from happening. Once we know the plans, the cabal’s spell weakens and if enough of us awaken to it, the spell fails all together.

You can find more information and opinions on this subject on the following youtube channels and part of why I have written this blog is to support these channels efforts about this subject:



A message to Con-vid vaccinated people and those healing them

Vindeln, Sweden. Right next to where I do my weekly shop when I’m in Sweden. Much nicer than a picture of vaccine subjects!

This article was spurred on by a few of my clients who unfortunately had taken one or more of the con-vid vaccinations. Mostly due to the ridiculous travel restrictions in their own countries thus getting vaccinated for work purposes. It was mean’t to be a short article but as always lots of other information flooded my head so bear with me as I feel it is important to get this across…

Perhaps this article should have been written earlier to help more people but having now worked on many vaccinated people, I have some more experience to back what I’m saying.

I have noticed that a large amount of energy/spiritual healers and other therapists that work closely with people, have refused to to treat vaccinated people in-person or at all, in response to the scary information out there about what is in these con-vid vaccines and what they potentially do to the body. Some healers have even stopped healing altogether! So, this article aims to help not only those vaccinated have more peace of mind but also help healers not separate themselves from their clients.

Why the fear from healers and other physical therapists?

There is a lot of information out there about how dangerous these new vaccines are. To save a lot of time, I have already covered a lot of this information in a previous blog article: “Can you detoxify from graphene-oxide nano-tech?”

Essentially this article says:

  1. There are a lot of toxins (called “surfactants” by the pharmaceutical industry) found in these con-vid vaccines that have been present in other vaccines too, such as formaldehyde, aluminium, genetics from diseased cells etc etc.
  2. These common toxins in vaccines while very toxic and causative of many diseases including autism and cancer, generally can be slowly removed from the body over a prolonged period of time with healthy diets and other detoxifying practices.
  3. The con-vid vaccines also contain graphene-oxide based nano-technology particles that can be formed into various compounds that can act as antennae, bind to and interact with DNA and also inflame the body.
  4. Graphene-oxide nano-tech is also in the con-vid test kits – which is why they want people to constantly test themselves, put it up their noses and rub it there for some time!
  5. Graphene-oxide compounds are incredibly tough to destroy.
  6. People fear the graphene oxide due to it being able to read and also re-write/destroy DNA which many people refer to as destroying people’s link to the spiritual world.
  7. Some graphene-oxide particles can act as antennae for locating and identifying people, thus people have linked referred to it as “the mark of the devil.”
  8. It is unknown whether or not the graphene-oxide nano-tech can be drawn out of the body like the other common vaccine toxins because, some of them at least, are designed to bind to cell structures like DNA.
  9. People fear being around con-vid vaccinated people due to the possibility of being exposed to these graphene particles and other toxins. This based on the science of what is called “viral shedding” where people give off a lot of toxins through their skin, sweat and breath soon after being vaccinated. This is why in the past at least, you were not allowed to give blood nor visit a cancer or intensive care unit within 1 month of being vaccinated with ANY vaccine! This time frame varies between countries and many countries recently have become more relaxed about this rule…

Obviously, people who work in close proximity to their customers and especially those who physically touch them would have a lot to fear from vaccinated people, based on the information above.

To reiterate, it is the graphene-oxide particles people fear more due to what they say it does and how unlikely they are at being removed from the body.

To start easing people’s fears, let’s start with why it might not be a problem being around vaccinated people as is suggested. Why it might be very possible to remove this rubbish from our bodies. Then I’ll get into why our DNA may not be permanently affected and then cover some other considerations…

Why it might not be as bad as people think being around vaccinated people – at least in terms of graphene-oxide nano-tech

If you look at the last two points in the numbered list above, there’s a bit of a contradiction isn’t there?

Why would the graphene-oxide nano-tech designed to bind to things within our bodies be a “viral shedding” problem?!

I’m sure some of it may come out of vaccinated people’s bodies via the methods I mention below but the concentrations of it are likely to be very minimal, and if it did come into contact with you, it will get stopped by your skin. Most at risk would be any you breathe in or that makes contact with the eyes but again it would be minimal if you actually get any at all.

Any toxins that do get to you via this route will most likely be the other toxins the vaccines contain that do not bind permanently to the body and thus come out of the body more easily.

Again the quantities would be very low in terms of what you are exposed to being around them, less so than drinking from an aluminium can for example, I would hazard a guess! And even if those particular toxins come into your body those tiny amounts wouldn’t be enough to harm a healthy body and would fairly easily come out of your body so long as you support your body through good diet and other practices.

Obviously, the closer you are to a vaccinated person’s vaccination date, the more likely they are to be “shedding” toxins from their body. So if the above info doesn’t help you have more ease around them, then the further away from the vaccinated date you meet them, the less risk there will be to you. Typically intensive care units in the past would ask people to wait 1 month after a vaccination date as they deemed it safer after that time period.

Quickly on the aura and illness

The only obvious thing that may affect you being around a vaccinated person is the vibrations they hold in their aura. We are constantly passing through and interacting with each other’s auras.

I personally after a lot of investigation believe germ theory and especially the subject of viruses to be false. So if germ theory is false, why might people get ill? Toxins of various kinds in our food, vaccines, cleaning products, beauty products, toothpaste etc is a more obvious cause but why would someone get ill from being around someone else suddenly rather than being exposed to more of these? It is due to matching the vibration of their aura with someone who is ill.

People do this unconsciously all the time – taking on a vibration of illness as they interact with an ill person. Obviously practicing mindfulness so that you maintain the frequency of your aura, no matter what is going on in your life and who you meet is the best solution to not getting ill and becoming better after “catching” an illness if it happens, is the gold standard to aim for. If difficult, any typical energy healing techniques, affirmations, positive thinking etc etc can raise the vibration of your aura and get your physical body back to health.

The aura is in a constant state of flux according to how we choose to act, feel, think etc and as long as you are willing to let go of an energy, vibrations in your aura can be very easy to clear.

A lot can be said on this subject but I thought at least a reminder of this is important in the middle of this article!

Why it might still be possible to cleanse the body of graphene-oxide – via immune system and blood donation

While it is still unknown whether traditional detox methods may help pull graphene oxide out of the body, there are still some processes I know of that could work to release them from the body.

I’m going to get a bit technical here. I’ll try and put it into layman’s terms as much as I can so bear with me…

Traditional methods rely both on the body’s innate pathways and on compounds that can bind to strongly or weakly to toxins and/or chelate them out of the body, via the urine, faeces or sweat for example.

If graphene-oxide compounds are designed to bind to structures like DNA in the body, then you cannot pull them out as you are not going to get the DNA out of the cells.

HOWEVER, cells that have damaged DNA as a result of the graphene will do one of three things, depending on how much DNA damage there is and which genes were affected.

  1. With minimal and non-essential gene damaged, cells package the damaged material into membrane-bound vesicles, called exosomes (that are often called “viruses” by people who believe in germ theory!) that are excreted from the cells so that the immune system can destroy it or for it to be removed from the body by excretory systems.
  2. With a lot of DNA damage, making cells unable to function correctly, cells initiate programmed cell death, known as apoptosis. i.e. they destory themselves and the debris is then gobbled up by immune cells.
  3. Or if DNA damage affects the genes responsible for apoptosis, they can become tumor cells instead, hence why cancer happens so quickly after people have been vaccinated by the way!

I know cells destroying themselves and the possibility of some of them becoming tumors doesn’t sound great, but this sort of thing happens all the time in our bodies. The established medical profession has made us fear tumors/cancer as they have made us believe that it is random and cannot be cured and yet lots of us develop tumor cells in our bodies and heal them without even knowing it throughout our lives. The key is to help the body heal itself. This is a whole other article in itself, well-many articles!

So why might exosomes, apoptosis or even tumor cells be a good thing with regards to this graphene-oxide nano-tech? The body’s own immune system will target all three of these. The immune system is incredibly complex in how it works because it is very adaptive and many different types of immune cells coordinate together to learn and combat different threats to the body.

Essentially, damaged cells, tumor cells and debris from cells or exosomes eventually get eaten up by phagocytes of various kinds. These immune cells literally ingest this material and try to break it down in lysosomes, which are a bit like mini stomachs.

As some people point out here, graphene oxide is very tough and durable and so very hard to break down. Therefore some people say that it’ll end up harming the immune cell that has gobbled it up. (As a side note, this sounds a bit like the theory of that made-up virus called HIV doesn’t it?! It could explain a lot, and may add to the validity of many people claiming that graphene-oxide nano-tech has been in vaccines for longer than we have thought. Perhaps an investigation for another day!)

Generally speaking, the body aims to be as efficient as possible and will recycle as much of cell components as possible meaning that the graphene-oxide compounds will likely continue to get pushed around the body.

HOWEVER, the fact that graphene-oxide nano-tech will tend to harm cells and thus get attacked by and so get concentrated into phagocytic immune cells, gives us an opportunity to remove them…

That’s right, by draining blood out of vaccinated people’s bodies on regular occasions (not too much !), we can help take the immune cells that have phagocytosed graphene-oxide affected cells out of the body.

This is why many people have opted to donate blood. There are other benefits of removing blood as I have detailed in my articles about iron toxicity in these two articles: “Iron toxicity in relation to parasites, viruses & disease in general” and “Iron copper and retinol in relation to parasites and disease in general and what you can do about it”

For those that understand how your blood holds your vibration and that donating blood can connect you to the person who receives your blood (as per this Cosmic Agency video), might want instead to find a phlebotomist or other specialist who will help take blood from the body without it being donated to someone else. However, due to the like-attracts-like rule of this reality, it is likely that any blood donation you give will go to someone of at least partly similar vibration to you.

Other routes graphene oxide may get out the body

Anyone who has studied the body will know that we are continually turning over cells throughout our life. Many dead cells do not enter the recycling processes of the body because they fall away from the body.

The most obvious of the cells that fall away from the body are from the skin and from the inner surfaces of the urinary tract and digestive tract. In this way many cells are removed from the body via urinating, pooping and even just falling off our body as dead skin.

If you get pimples, though some are obviously caused by things contacting your skin and entering your pores, some are due to toxins on the inside of the body trying to get out. So popping spots, though sounding a bit silly to some, will help release toxins. Puss afterall is mainly dead cells, dying cells, cell debris, immune cells and often bacteria who are opportunists to the situation.

Though these maybe slow processes, over time many toxins including graphene-oxide, may leave the body that way.

Obviously supporting good gut function would be of benefit, as is supporting the body with good nutrients. Anything you can do to sweat lots can help as a lot of toxins have been shown to come out in people’s sweat including heavy metals, microplastics and likely exosomes from damaged cells.

Why any DNA damage may not be as permanent as you think

This is an important point to get across!

We are told at school, by the media and even at degree level (as in my biochemistry degree) that DNA only changes via damage, mutations or mistakes. The theory we are told therefore is that we cannot change our DNA. This often leads people to blame their DNA and ancestry for their particular disease or health issue.

DNA like the aura does change unlike what we are told. It may not change as much or as quickly as we would like but it does. The mechanisms of this are way beyond the scope of this article but I’ll get some points across to help you understand.

DNA is the physical representation of that which exists on a higher vibrational level of ourselves – our aura. DNA is like memory. If we change our beliefs, our thoughts, emotional skills and actions we make in life, we start to change our DNA little by little. What was previously called “junk DNA” (why would the body invest so much energy to maintain “junk” is ridiculous!) is actually what contains the mechanisms to alter other genes.

The fact that our DNA blueprint exists in our energetic field, beyond the physical, means that changing the physical DNA via chemicals, EMFs, graphene oxide nano-tech etc will not be permanent unless you either change the aura too and/or continually bombard the physical body with things that affect the DNA.

Though there is no record of this I can find, I know that human’s DNA has been altered in our ancient past. Those doing it, the cabal, noticed that the DNA would revert back to it’s original state in 1 or 2 generations in people who weren’t so aware of their consciousness and energetic field. In people who were more conscious of themselves, they were able to revert their DNA back to their original blueprint within their lifetime!

The only way they were able to make permanent changes was to either continually use toxins on us and/or bombard the population with propaganda to change people’s beliefs such that their beliefs matched and therefore maintained the DNA change. This is why us humans are constantly being bombarded with false information through the media, why our sciences are constantly being warped, why school subjects are influenced by the cabal, why we are increasingly being exposed to more and more EMFs, more and more toxins in our foods, beauty products, cleaning products, engines oils, why we are asked and convinced to have more and more vaccinations and so on and so on.

Armed with this information, you can therefore learn to avoid sources of toxins, graphene-oxide nano-tech, EMFs, propaganda & false teachings etc that aim to lower your vibration and thus alter your DNA to a less beneficial state. You can also aim to become more conscious of your emotions, thoughts, beliefs, habits etc and choose to act and be who you wish to be, thus altering your DNA over time to match that vibration.

It may also be useful to know that on a biological level, cells have very good mechanisms for repairing DNA. Also that in order to make a big genetic change within us, these scary graphene nano-tech molecules would have to affect a great many of our cells, especially of stem cells. So if you are aiming to clear these toxins from your body, you can trust that so long as your body is supported with a good diet and other healthy habits like sleep, exercise, filtered/distilled water for drinking etc that it will be working in your favor.

Other considerations

Graphene-oxide nano-tech has likely been with us for a longer time than we are told, as has been suggested above due to the effects of other vaccines and fake virus scares of the past.

I am told by those I trust that graphene nano-tech has been found in things such as synthetic engine oils (car mechanics often suffer from being exposed to chemicals every day from their work), in various sprays such as underarm deodorants and of course in the chemical trails left by those mysterious aircraft that don’t follow typical flight paths and blanket the skies in chemicals. You can find some scientific research on chem trails by searching for “cloud seeding” though they don’t admit certain chemicals in what they spry in the air that way.

So, basically we have been likely exposed to a lot of this nano-tech over the course of our lives already. Some countries/areas more than others for sure. For example, I have only seen 1 chem trail in the skies over this part of Sweden this month, compared to hundreds I have spotted over a month’s period in England!

Though it sounds scary, we are still here and functioning well enough to continue to grow spiritual and improve ourselves in other ways. This is especially the case for people who have made efforts to look after themselves.

It is also worth mentioning that even if graphene oxide nano-tech doesn’t get out of the body, much like other diseases/infection that can occur in the body that are too much for the immune system to handle, the body has the ability to create a boundary around an infected area. I.e. the body creates a cyst. The troublesome toxins/bacteria etc are contained within the cyst and thus are unable to affect the rest of the body.

A message to healers on why it is still important to work on con-vid vaccinated people

I hope that the above information has given more ease both to people who have been vaccinated and to healers and other hands-on therapists.

I know that it’s still a scary subject and if you still feel that avoiding con-vid vaccinated people is best for you, then you must go with what you wish. As a distance healer of nearly 10 years now, I am not in the same room as the people I treat but on occasion, I do treat people in-person, including vaccinated people and I have not gotten ill or noticed even changes in my energy field as a result.

As another note for healers and therapists, I would say that just because a con-vid vaccinated person has graphene-oxide compounds in them doesn’t mean that they cannot be helped.

Having worked on a number of people like that so far, I have found that they can still benefit from my energy healing. It does make things harder to maintain the benefits of healing but with regular sessions and/or giving them homework to follow, to help them work on their own vibration, they have still managed to heal themselves from several issues and even grown spiritually as a result.

Some people as you know, have to go through a traumatic event before they start to question things and wake up spiritually. In that respect, many people who I have come across have woken up because of the con-vid vaccine! Do not leave them clueless and fumbling around their new reality alone 😉

Always remember too that the cabal WANTS people to separate themselves from each other. Separated, and especially if we fight each other, we are easier to control by them.


Possible fake alien invasion?

Isn’t it interesting how many films portray ETs as hostile? Coincidence? I think not!

This is a subject I wanted to cover again seeing as the UFO reports from the world’s media are increasing, religions groups are suggesting more and more about the “possibility” of ETs and that there are projects such as Steven Greer’s (fake) disclosure going on. Also because a previous blog I wrote in the past about this subject, was one of the few that didn’t survive the recent hack of my website.

ETs do exist!

I want to clarify this because I’m not saying ETs don’t exist.

It doesn’t take long to realise that they do exist. Just start asking questions and you’ll start going down all sorts of trails that provide evidence of their existence, whether it be evidence of high technology in our past due to unexplainable skill in ancient building constructions, ancient and recent writings about them, videos of craft, confessions of people from secret projects, abductions etc.

Even the terrible quality “flying saucer” videos and other phenomena that the media are happy to put out (because they don’t really show much detail nor what people/beings may be in them) can be a useful path to go down to start with. Think about it, even if only 0.000001% of those stories, videos and documents are true about them being ET craft, then ETs exist.

Personally I believe, in fact  would say that I know ETs exist. They have always been there because we came from them originally – the “Lyran race”. They have been following, watching and even helping us at different times in our history. There are many thousands of ships at any one time in orbit of Earth from many different species.

The reasons why we generally don’t know about them are many but basically the cabal who control this planet don’t want us to know about them. It would highlight how corrupt they are, all the lies about our history, our place in the galaxy and how much advanced technology they hide from us.

The galactic federation already knows about Earth’s issues and allow it to happen!

The story goes much deeper and more complicated than that simple explanation above, because the cabal answer to factions that operate in the galactic federation itself! Many ETs agree and many don’t agree with the allowance of the cabal continuing to control Earth.

Mainly it is allowed because a great many souls WANT to experience a human life of suppression, suffering and lies for their spiritual growth. The federation thus cannot interfere as that would be against the free will of those souls coming here.

This is a very complex subject that our 3D minds find hard to comprehend. If you would like to know more about this, I recommend watching Cosmic Agency on youtube that have produced many videos covering this subject.

“UFOs” in the media could be from many different sources

This is an important point to make… A lot of people assume that anything unidentified in our skies and in orbit around Earth are from one group of people or beings. That is not the case!

Objects/craft we cannot identify in our skies can be:

  1. From one of many ET races that exist out there.
  2. From one of many intra-terrestrial races that exist inside of the Earth (some of which pretend to be ET when meeting people so that people don’t go looking for them and interfere!).
  3. Probes rather than piloted craft, from any number of races.
  4. Objects/beings from other densities of reality such as the astral realm, that humans can sometimes glimpse into when their frequency becomes a closer match to that other realm.
  5. From secret cabal organisations that have had advanced technology for a long time, partly from reverse engineering crashed or more likely shot-down ET or intra-terrestrial craft.
  6. From covert military groups on Earth that have had anti-gravity craft since WWII
  7. Hologram technology i.e “project bluebeam”. If you’ve not come across hologram technology before, the twin tower disaster in the USA is a good example of how real hologram projected aircraft can look!
  8. Civilian objects of various kinds mistaken for ET craft – yes that can include weather balloons!

So as you can see, there are many possible sources. Of course the governments and cabal groups around the world don’t want us to know about how much advanced technology they have and have had for a long time. Otherwise they would have to explain a lot of their lies and people would demand those technologies to benefit the people of the world, leading to their power being diminished. So it suits the cabal either having people not believe in advanced craft at all or that they come from elsewhere and of course they play both stories.

All sources of info about objects in our skies is twisted into the same story

Instead of acknowledging all the possible sources as mentioned above, all objects in our skies whether ET, human or not, can and definitely are manipulated into the story the cabal would like us to believe.

Seeing as the cabal have an agenda to tighten their grip on humanity (a lot in response to there being more and more “star-seeds” incarnating here, by the way!), they have plans to use all information people provide to create a story in the media (both mainstream and mainstream-alternative media) about ETs invading earth, in an effort to create excuses to “unite” humanity and give away yet more of our powers and freedom to them.

They might alternatively choose a friendly ET encounter instead

It IS possible that they may choose a fake friendly ET encounter and introduce what at first seems to be better societal rules, but are actually more restrictive in the long-run, based on what the fake ETs advise.

If you have come across information about the “Galactic Federation of Light” and other such similar stories that talk about the reincarnation of Jesus, now named Sunanda, this is fake information coming from cabal groups associated with the Vatican. This is not information about the true galactic federation.

Whether a fake invasion or fake friendly landing, holographic technology and some the cabal’s  and military’s own craft would be used along with CGI to convince people via the media.

If you nor anyone you know get to meet an ET yet others, especially celebrities, scientists and governments seem to be meeting them plenty of times, then that is a clear indication that it is a staged event.

True ETs in the past have chosen to meet with governments purely because they understand how our pyramidal system works but because they have holographic/holistic societies that don’t consider one person to be more important than another, they have met with plenty of people our society wouldn’t deem important.

The cabal plan far ahead and with plenty of “plan B’s”

The cabal plan very far ahead. Those at the top that we never get to hear about or see, live longer than us and have a great advantage over humans that live such a short life. They have plans within plans and alternate plans in case one plan doesn’t work out. This is why they are quite happy if either country/group wins a conflict because they back both sides and “win” either way.

Their plans are also cumulative. For example, they would not have gotten away with the con-vid scenario in the 1800’s because people would have not believed the information among other reasons. They first had to get science (their science rather than true science) more respected, then develop germ theory, then develop virus theory (viruses are conveniently hard to distinguish from exosomes aren’t they!), then gradually over the years increase the amount of and severity of virus outbreaks to get people worried about them and more compliant to take vaccines and follow outbreak rules etc

The same goes for control of the population. There has been a gradual introduction of films, books, media broadcasts, scientists talking about the possibilities of ETs etc, to warm people up and build on the story they wish.

Notice too how they have plenty of people saying the opposite – that ETs do not exist for various reasons. The cabal will always keep several options open at the same time until they see that one or the other would work better or that neither is feasible, in which case they would have a plan for that too.

One world government

I consider it important to cover this subject because the cabal could very much use a fake alien invasion or possibly even a fake friendly landing of ETs as yet another stimulus to force the world into a one-world government.

While it sounds nice to have the people of the world united under one banner, having a single government formed from the same people that  all current governments around the world are typically like, would be disastrous for the people. Not only would you have the same scenario where you have the illusion of choice in choosing who rules because all opposing parties work for the same shadow controllers, but you won’t get to vote on matters or even be told about matters that affect you and everyone else.

If you think this is nonsense, look at how many politicians around the world have mentioned something along the lines of “Imagine how unified the world would be and how we would drop our issues with each other if humanity faced an extraterrestrial threat.”

There is no set date!

They might have dates in mind behind the scenes for when it appears a plan might work. Bill Gates for example “predicted” a viral outbreak in presentations that he said would be in about 10 years time – that would coincide with the whole con-vid scenario.

Generally though, I would suggest that you ignore anyone how gives dates about any sort of event helping or hindering humanity, whether mainstream or alternative media. Like military generals would say, you never give you enemy the date or time of a planned attack. They would also not give clear signs of how they would attack!

It might happen soon or not at all dependent on how the general public chooses to live their lives. If enough people wake up then they cannot get away with it and may shelve these plans. This is one of the reasons I am choosing to write about this subject yet again!

Knowing their plans can help us to not choose that reality

It’s a bit like knowing about how products are placed in a film to subconsciously get you to buy those products. Once you know about it, the spell on you doesn’t work anymore. You know that a thought that comes up during or after the film about that product is in your mind because of the product placement, rather than be a thought of your own. Thus you can more easily choose whether to agree with and act on that thought or not.

Similarly, I am highlighting their plans here so that more people can be more aware of the spell being cast on them through their Tell-a-vision sets that are being broad-casted as a program-me to the people. The English language is very interesting as it has many double meanings that become more obvious if you break the words down into smaller words – maybe a blog article for another time!

The more you know about this plan of theirs, the easier it will be to not give your creative powers to it. If you have trouble with not giving your creative powers away, or wonder if or how you might be, I can explain that one-to-one in an appointment and/or I can write about it in future.

In short, you get out what you put in. So, treating the thoughts that come up much like thoughts that come up in meditation, as something to let pass, as well as not acting against nor with them is the key here. This is not the same as ignorance – you are choosing to think and act to create an alternative to their plans!