The definition of an etheric implant varies a lot from psychic to psychic but essentially they are perceived devices and/or entities within your auric field, that are believed to limit you physically, emotionally, mentally and beyond. The “etheric” part means more “of the ether” – what is beyond the physical, rather than meaning that they are only found in the etheric body.
I get a lot of questions about etheric implants and this healing service so I have provided a commonly asked questions page for this here.

What Can This Service Help You With?
You can use this Etheric Implant Removal service to remove implants, parasites and/or entities you may sense in your energy field/body. This is a good starting point for many people.
For a list of many of the implants I have come across and removed since I started offering this service in 2014, scroll down to the bottom of the Etheric Implant Removal – Commonly asked questions page.
However this service also, and ultimately aims, to help you to have more ease with your reality by helping you slowly let go of the beliefs/perspectives you have of it that cause you suffering. This includes ultimately letting go of the reality of implants, parasites, attachments, entities, black magic and any other subject that many people over the years have made and maintained as so serious and significant! At the same time helping to give you a different model with how to work with your reality, or at least the tools to help you find a model that suits you.
A big part of the letting go process is working on the underlying beliefs and any experiences that created them or made them stronger. These may include beliefs in not being able to protect yourself, the need to protect yourself and the belief that you can be harmed by other people/beings/things in the first place. Heirachy, power, control, influence, suppression, others being more important/powerful/knowledgeable, your ability to create what you wish and what gets in the way, how supported you feel etc are all good examples of what can be behind the implant belief scenario.
Being in a state of awareness of implants/parasites/entities, the thoughts and emotions that come up about them, whilst realising that you can still choose to do what you wish to do despite them, is a good way of starting to work on both the beliefs about implants themselves AND the underlying beliefs mentioned above.

If you wish to stay working within the reality of etheric implants, then I can help you remove them but the belief that they are serious and significant can often result in people coming across implants again sooner or later. So my main aim is to help people experience implants not being as significant as they first thought, then slowly coming to the realisation that implants cannot harm them unless they believe they can and eventually moving into a vibration where implants/parasites cannot even interact with them. This can take time and many sessions and “homework” for some people depending on how resistant to change they may be.
If you wish to explore creating your own reality and letting go of old spiritual concepts like this, that are not bringing you the life you truly wish then this service can be of great benefit for you.
For those who are ready and only require help with the energetic side of releasing the beliefs of etheric implants and other such limiting subjects, absent healing sessions can be useful. However it is strongly recommended that you have Skype sessions such that concepts, questions and guidance can be clearer.
Remember the 3rd law of this universe we have chosen to be a part of – “You get out what you put in” 😉
My Changing Views on Etheric Implants & Parasites
I have become well know over the years as one of the many healers who aid in removing them. If you have seen the various incarnations of my website over the years, you will be aware of how my writings have changed regarding etheric implants. This is because I am awakening more and more to the truth of us being creator beings in a holographic universe. Etheric implants, just like everything else we perceive in this reality, are not inherently real. Our experiences of them are real but they do not exist as such, until we choose to believe they exist.
So as you can see, much like quantum science suggests, things manifest according to the beliefs/perspectives/choices of your consciousness. It is therefore your own consciousness that decides whether you perceive source energy to be an implant, an entity or just stuck energy that seemingly causes you suffering.
Update Jan 2023: This video PERFECTLY explains my viewpoints on implants, parasites, entities and so on, as essentially they are aggregors:
If you would like to delve deeper into the experiences and reasoning that formed my perspective on etheric implants, astral parasites & entities over the years, you might like to read my blog article “Etheric Implants & Parasites – a healer’s review after 10 years.”
If you’d like to see how my views about etheric implants have changed, here is an old article of mine:
You can also find a lot of information about implants on my Etheric Implant Removal – Commonly asked questions page.
Booking And Paying For An Appointment
If you would like an appointment, then please go to the Booking page and follow the instructions there.